Virgo Horoscope for 27-May-2018


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“Hi, welcome to

So if you’re a star sign Virgo this week there’s gonna be a full moon, first off, starting at, ooh, excuse me, starting at the beginning of the week and on Tuesday specifically. And it’s gonna be sun in Gemini, moon in Sagittarius. Perhaps you’ll have this sense of aggravation or maybe things will come to a head.

Maybe there would be some conflicts that will show themselves. Or, it could be positive as well, you could’ve been working really hard trying to finish a project at work or trying to do something at home, you know, doing some home improvements or maybe instantiating a new habit.

And, full moon is, symbolically speaking, the time of harvest and it’s the time where you reap what you sow and bear the fruits of your labor. So anything you’ve been working on, whether positive or negative, it’s gonna come to fruition at the beginning of the week. And then as the moon returns slowly to its new moon phase, the ruler of your sign, Mercury, is gonna be in the other side it rules, Gemini and so you’re likely to feel very, maybe even mentally playful, maybe, you know, a little more witty than normal.

And you’re gonna be experiencing a lot of creative aspects to the ruler of your sign notably a semi-sextile from Uranus, a sextile from Kyron, a biquintile from Saturn, and a trine from Mars.

To take that all out of technical terms, basically, you’re probably gonna be feeling more mentally stimulated and, perhaps, creative but not in like an artistic, intuitive sense, but more like an organizational sense.

You know, new ways to make things more efficient, new ways to maximize achievement in a certain area of your life whether it’s harmony in your relationship, work, you know home, you know dealing with your children, and even dealing with inter, you know, conflicts.

And you’ll probably feel very mentally stimulated as the week goes on so just use that drive to, you know, push extra hard and also to think a lot and think, okay, where can I go in my life at this point? What are some new things that I’m gonna want to start in the next few weeks? So that’s what you can expect this week.

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