Libra Horoscope for 27-May-2018


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Video Transcript

“Hi, welcome to

So if you’re a star sign Libra this week, there’s gonna be a full moon on Tuesday and it’s gonna be the moon in Sagittarius, sun in Gemini, and so this is a time for everyone as well as for you for a culmination of things that have been building up over the past two weeks or since the beginning of the new moon in Taurus two weeks ago and so anything that you’ve been working on in your relationships, at work, at home, with your family, intimate partnerships, within yourself, within your physical daily habits and mental patterns, that’s all gonna come to fruition, whether good or bad, so anything that, perhaps there’s been a conflict that’s been building, it’s gonna show itself at the beginning of this week, or perhaps if there’s been something, a project at work that you’ve been working really hard on, likely you’re gonna see some results, so that’s something to look forward to this week.

In addition, the ruler of your sign, Venus, is having a quintile aspect which is a 72 degree aspect or 1/5 of a circle or one arm of a pentagon which is five-sided, from Uranus, and that’s, especially with Uranus, that’s gonna be highly creative and it’s gonna be creative in, more than likely, a physical, maybe domestic, but definitely in an emotional, maybe, perhaps, artistic sense because Venus is in Cancer and that’s a very emotional, intuitive sign and Uranus is very, very intuitive and it can be very shocking, so perhaps it’ll just kind of come as a flash of inspiration and that’ll come right after the full moon, so perhaps you can use that to think, oh, that’s why that conflict happened yesterday or that’s, oh, here’s something that I can plan for as the new moon cycle approaches.

In addition to that, you’re also gonna have supportive trine aspects from Jupiter and Neptune, so you’re gonna feel very emotionally balanced and flowing and so you can use that to perhaps mend any relationships or to strengthen relationships in any area of your life, and also to feel more at peace and perhaps you’re gonna need more time alone, and that’s totally fine.

I would use that time to think of some new ways you can go when the new moon phase starts, so that’s what you can look forward to.

If you’d like to learn more, just click on the button below and I’ll be here waiting for you, thanks.”

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