Leo 2012
Horoscope Forecast

Leo 2012 Horoscope

Astrological predictions
based on your Zodiac sign

Your 2012 is not that very eventful. That’s because the Leo Zodiac sign is empty of planets in the 2012 New Year horoscope. Things happen elsewhere, but you seem to be mainly waiting, uninvolved.

The main reason for this is the opposition aspect to Aquarius with the planets Venus and Neptune, in the 2012 horoscope. They show that there are new things to learn and adapt to, but you lack the lust to do it and therefore also the imagination called for. You try to insist on remaining where you are, with what you’ve got. That won’t work at length. You should drop your pride and open your mind to the news.

You also have some trouble getting benefits and the material gain you had reason to expect. This is shown by the square aspect to Jupiter in Taurus. You get what you are entitled to, but you have to struggle more than usual for it.

But there are several things working to your advantage in 2012, the fruits of which will be felt now but also come in the future.

The trine to Aries, with Uranus and the moon, show that in spite of your pride you are learning new things and you are delighted by this process. It’s exciting and rewarding. You feel it mostly when you’re involved in all kinds of activities – the more active, the better.

The trine aspect to Sagittarius, containing Mercury and the Moon Node, indicates rewarding and liberating break-ups, changes that come very smoothly and seem just the thing to do. These are changes increasing your independence, so that’s probably how you manage to adapt – in your way – to unwanted tendencies and changes in society. You go your way.

Especially If you were born in mid-August, you have some serious duties to fulfill regarding your partners – in love, in business, and in other fields of life. You don’t mind and it’s not that difficult for you, so you don’t worry about it. But it cannot be neglected. This is shown by the sextile aspect to Saturn in Libra.

The changes you introduce in your life are most likely to be caused by your obligations to partners. And at length, your partners are the ones to teach you how to recognize and adapt to new things in life.

2012 Zodiac Signs Prediction

Your Zodiac sign, also called your star sign, is simply the position of the sun in your horoscope at the moment of your birth. The complete horoscope includes the planets, the astrological Houses, and the aspects between planets. That’s a whole lot more.

Therefore, 2012 predictions based only on your Zodiac star sign can’t be very precise. Still, they give some general clues, since the sun is almost as important in the horoscope as it is in the sky above us.

It shows your situation and sentiment when you’re not involved in other things, for example when you rest or are unoccupied by something special.

A 2012 astrological prediction based only on what Zodiac sign your sun occupies can only be vague and incomplete. It may also be completely wrong, if other ingredients in your horoscope contradict it.

For a full bodied and complete 2012 horoscope taking all horoscope ingredients into account, see my reading of the 2012 World horoscope here.

Anyway, for your amusement – above are a few words about what the year might hold for you who are Leo, based only on your star sign. Take it for what it is.

The Zodiac.

2012 Horoscopes

Here are the 2012 horoscope forecasts for each of the twelve Zodiac signs, based on sun sign astrology (your birth sign):

Aries 2012

Taurus 2012

Gemini 2012

Cancer 2012

Leo 2012

Virgo 2012

Libra 2012

Scorpio 2012

Sagittarius 2012

Capricorn 2012

Aquarius 2012

Pisces 2012

© Stefan Stenudd, January 3, 2012.


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