Capricorn Horoscope for 08-May-2018


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Video Transcript

“Hi, welcome to

If you’re a Capricorn this week, well, first of all, Mars is in your sign, so that’s giving you a bunch of drive. That’s giving you drive to work hard and get what you want, and it might also make you a little overly aggressive, but as long as you’re aware of that, just keep that in check and channel that energy, that aggressive energy, that Martian will to fight for what you want, and channel it into something constructive.

Now in your sign, there’s a larger trend going on, which is Saturn and Pluto, and they are going to come conjunct in the next year, year and a half I think, and so, likely this is a time that is really shaking you up, and perhaps it’s not as dramatic as I’m seeming to describe it now, it could be in very subtle ways. It could be completely on the inner side, inside yourself, in your psyche, in your soul, however you want to describe that.

So just keep on the lookout for that and see how that Martian energy is being influenced by the regenerative, and honestly destructive influence of Pluto, and the structuring influence of Saturn that you know so well because it rules your sign. So just watch out for that, and yup, there you go, that’s your report for this week.

Thanks for watching!”

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