Aries Horoscope for 27-May-2018


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Video Transcript

“Hi, welcome to

So if you’re a star sign Aries this week, basically first of all there is a full moon happening on Tuesday in Gemini and Sagittarius sun and moon respectively, and so the full moon is a time for culmination.

It’s a time for harvest in a symbolic sense, reaping the fruits of your labor, and also, in a sense, a time of endings too.

You can look at it in that way, so perhaps if there’s anything that you want to strike out to do and to reap the fruits of your labor, as I mentioned, now would be a good time.

If you started anything in the new moon in Taurus a few weeks ago, then perhaps now would be a time to see some part of it come to fruition and maybe put it out there or put yourself out there in some way and see if the work you’ve done will culminate into something valuable.

Now, I would say that after the full moon, the ruler of your sign, Mars, is gonna be in a trine aspect with Mercury and its own sign, Gemini, ’cause Mars is in another air sign, Aquarius, and so you’re gonna have a lot of mental energy and you’re going to be thinking a lot after that full moon, after that culmination, and perhaps you’ll be thinking of a new direction to go or maybe you’ll be thinking, okay, well, this did work with what I’ve been doing recently at home, at work, in relationships and whatnot, my own attitudes and habits and this is what did, and so, that airy mental energy will help stimulate new ideas for you to go forward, so that’s what you can kind of expect this week.

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