Astrological Meanings of the Star Sign

Here is a book completely devoted to the Zodiac sign Capricorn and what it means in astrology.

If the sun was in the Capricorn Zodiac sign at the time of your birth, this is your star sign. Astrology has a lot to say about what that means to your personality and the life you live.

It is far from the only thing in your horoscope birth chart, but then again far from the least important ingredient. The sun is the most splendid heavenly body in the sky surrounding us, so its astrological influence is just as remarkable.

In this book you find all you want to know about Capricorn, its personality traits, compatibility with other signs, symbolism, archetype, health, sexuality, profession of choice, family life, and on and on. You are also introduced to the complete horoscope and how you can continue to explore what astrology says about the human condition and personal characteristics.

About the Author

Stefan Stenudd is a Swedish author who has written several books about astrology since the 1970’s. He also writes about mythology, the Tarot, life energy concepts, ancient Greek cosmology, and Taoist philosophy. His fiction, too, deals with existential themes.

Table of Contents

Preface 7

Capricorn Zodiac Sign 9
Capricorn the Achiever 22
Three Different Capricorns 26
Capricorn Specifics 30
Capricorns Health 40
Capricorn Sex Horoscope 48
Capricorn Compatibility 56
Capricorn the Archetype 69
Capricorn Dates of Birth 73
The Capricorn Symbol 79
Famous Capricorns 85

Quiz: What Zodiac Sign Are You Most Like? 93

Astrology basics 107
The Zodiac 113
The Planets 121
The Houses 129
The Aspects 142

Your own horoscope 151

Preface of the Book

If the sun was in the Zodiac sign Capricorn, it is your sun sign (also called star sign) and this book is for you. Here, I present the typical traits and characteristics of the Capricorn sun sign, and what astrology has to say about its influence on your personality and life.
But astrology is much more than the sun sign. All the planets, all the twelve Zodiac signs, and many other things, are considered in the complete birth chart horoscope. The last part of this book goes through all that, albeit briefly.
But the sun is a mighty heavenly body with great influence on life on earth. So, astrology also considers it quite influential. Its position and aspects are considered very carefully in a birth chart reading. And it says a lot even on its own.
Although astrology has an origin hiding way back in antiquity, the comprised version of astrology based solely on the sun sign is quite new. It started in the 20th century, when daily newspapers wanted to entertain with horoscopes of sizes possible to handle on their pages. It was not always done very seriously, and still often isn’t. So, the reputation of sun sign astrology is somewhat tainted.
But treated seriously, in accordance with astrological principles, sun sign astrology can be a rewarding study. It does say fundamental things about character, albeit in a generalized way, and it gives excellent clues to what lies behind astrology: a systematic use of symbols in a pattern that has something fundamental to say about how we humans relate to the world.
So, welcome to a look at the symbolism of the Zodiac through one of its twelve signs: Capricorn. You will see the patterns and you will grow accustomed to the symbolism. Hopefully, you will also get some insights about your own personality and its intricacies.

Stefan Stenudd

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My Astrology Books

Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Astrological Meanings of the Star Sign.
In this book you find all you want to know about Capricorn, its personality traits, compatibility with other signs, symbolism, archetype, health, sexuality, profession of choice, family life, and on and on. You are also introduced to the complete horoscope and how you can continue to explore what astrology says about the human condition and personal characteristics. Click the image to see the book (and Kindle ebook) at Amazon.

Your Health in Your Horoscope

This book explains what your horoscope tells about your health, according to the old tradition of medical astrology. The Zodiac signs, the planets, and the other ingredients of the horoscope reveal many health issues and different types of illnesses. Celebrity horoscope charts are used to show how a health reading is made. Click the image to see the book (and Kindle ebook) at Amazon.

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