Van Johnson

Birth Chart: Van Johnson (Virgo)

Charles Van Dell Johnson (August 25, 1916 – December 12, 2008) was an American film and television actor and dancer who was a major star at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer during and after World War II.

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Astrological Natal Chart
Van Johnson

Born at Newport, USA
Friday, August 25, 1916
05:10 (time zone = GMT -5 hours)
71w19, 41n29


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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VIRGO rising

Those with their rising in the sign of Virgo are typically realistic, critical, systematic, detail-oriented, selective, analytical, timid, fussy, thoughtful, and particular. You have a clever, resourceful mind and acquiring new information and using it in a practical way are significant to you. At times you can be a bit of a perfectionist, making it difficult for others to live up to your high expectations. However, you are excellent at discovering the flaw in every circumstance and this can be a useful skill if you know how to utilise it correctly. Be mindful that you do not become fault-finding in your personal relationships, as this can turn a pleasant pairing ugly fast. These high standards are not only directed at outer situations but you can be rather critical of yourself as well; keep an eye on the negativity you produce. Over-analysing can lead to excessive worrying over minute details that are insignificant. This sort of tension can lead to physical illness if not tempered. It would be beneficial to you to find a way to absorb what happens while not becoming bitter or spiteful, regretting your past decisions or resenting others for their actions. There may be deeper issues at work in regards to feeling as though you are somehow not good enough which leads to negative thinking. You are likely to age very well. Anxiety and a nervous tension can cause you to stay slim. Decisive action and certainty may elude you at times. You must learn to aid and serve others as this is your life lesson. Virgo is ruled by Mercury and therefore it’s placement in your chart will be significant.

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If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Moon blending with Saturn

(power = 12.93 and this aspect is discordant = -6.46)

Your general demeanour is no-nonsense and you keep your emotions to yourself. In your younger years, you were probably forced to assume adult responsibilities while most children were spending their days playing together. This did not lend to a cheerful childhood and you felt that your emotional expression was stifled. It is difficult for you to let people in emotionally and you will seclude yourself from others when necessary to maintain distance. Deep down loneliness eats away at you and being around others does not help this feeling. You have developed a liking to solitude and engage yourself in projects that you can do on your own so as to keep you inner feelings from overwhelming you. You have a good amount of ambition because of this and are always on the lookout for ways you can achieve something worthwhile. Very dutiful, you do not skirt your obligations but rather fully dive in and do not quit until you have completed the task you have set out for yourself. You are also a wonderful organiser and would do well in a leadership position, which inspires you to succeed. This craving to be in a high station is likely a way for you prove to people that you are respectable and worth caring for as this sort of expression from others was not evident in your early years. The affect Saturn has in this placement causes a cool, restrained energy which manifests in a doom-and-gloom, depressed manner in your psyche. Unfortunately, your negative attitude will often become a self-fulfilling prophecy. You do not possess much confidence in yourself and therefore always feel the need to demonstrate your capabilities outwardly. This constant doubting requires you to seek assurance from other people and this may distance others from you. Try to control the internal worry and insecurity that you feel or you may end up making things even harder for yourself. Despite your outwardly cold personality, you have a good deal of sensitivity in regards to how people see you. However, your insecurity and lack of confidence tend to balance you emotionally and allow for better focus. Find a way to create positive emotions within yourself. Attempt to let people in and try to aid them when needed rather than being overly concerned about the things going on in your own life that are largely unimportant in the end.

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Moon harmonizing with Mercury

(power = 7.28 and this aspect is harmonious = 7.28)

Your memory is superb and you can quickly recall previous moments in time and all of the details involved, including other people. There may be talent in teaching or speaking to the public as you put forth a great deal of emotional energy towards communicating your thoughts. You value education and try your best to gather as much data as you can, attempting to always be in the know when it comes to progressive advances. You would also make for a good therapist because of your excellent listening skills and your non-judgemental attitude towards people’s troubles. People feel nurtured by you and you inspire them to believe in their abilities. You pick up on the subtleties and the unspoken words others have trouble communicating outright, allowing you to convey outwardly the things that will truly help people. Try to make it a habit of writing down your experiences and responses, as this can allow for some personal growth when you look back on them in the future. There may be a skill in linguistics. Mentally you are logical and your thinking is not muddled by your feelings as your mind and emotional state work together harmoniously. Often times, it may seem as though you are speaking other people’s thoughts as they are thinking them, or sometimes even before they are made aware of them, as you are highly attune to other people’s emotional energy. People take comfort in this ability because they can be sure that you really do comprehend their situation. You are able to use the written or spoken word to express your thoughts and the concepts you have created in your mind. All forms of communication appeal to you, as does travelling. You prefer your life to be full of changes and various new experiences so that your mind has something to contemplate and there is always something new to express or feel. You may wish to try your hand as a writer due to this placement bestowing clarity of mind.

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Mercury harmonizing with Saturn

(power = 7.21 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.61)

You are able to focus yourself exceptionally well and are capable of great self-control. Your mind can attain amazing feats due to these talents and your organisational abilities also aid in providing structure for your plans. It may take you longer than it would take others to think through a situation but once you do, you understand it completely and deeply. You prefer to take a more sombre attitude in life, working hard instead of playing around light-heartedly with others. Mentally you are detail-oriented and do not mind completing tasks that are too dull and monotonous for others. You do not beat around the bush when it comes to business and are a clear, direct communicator that portrays themselves as reasonable and practical; you would make a fine administrator. Others know they can depend on you to come through on your promises as doing things the right way is important to you. You do best focusing on one area and specialising in it, versus trying to learn a little bit about many fields. Solitary learning is likely more effective for you than traditional methods, as you require time to fully absorb and think through the information. You may be good at critical thinking due to your excellent ability to find loop-holes in peoples reasoning. Careers that require a systematic way of thinking are right up your alley. Mentally you are disciplined, reasonable, dutiful, exacting, and precise. Physically you are healthy and heal quickly from any ailment you encounter.

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Jupiter discordant to Neptune

(power = 6.08 and this aspect is discordant = -3.04)

Your emotions may be extremely sensitive and you are prone to becoming engrossed in dreamy romantic fantasies. This illusion can sometimes affect your progress in real life, as you may avoid your less fanciful, everyday obligations in order to stay in your daydream. Be mindful that others do not abuse your kindness, as you can be naïve in your readiness to help someone who seems to be down on their luck; do not let people manipulate your warm nature. It is also possible that you go to the other end of things and play the victim yourself, feeding on the pity of others just to be noticed, or you may use dishonest tactics on others, often times on those in your family. There is likelihood that in one way or another you encounter trouble deciphering what is true and what is false, as you can twist reality into fascinating delusions. It is paramount to develop your more practical side, learning when to restrain yourself from your own wishful thinking.
There is a tendency towards negative consequences as a result of a scam; therefore it would be best to avoid becoming involved in arrangements in which you are promised wealth for little investment. Thinking positively is good, though you must also keep your feet on the ground and your head out of the clouds. Nothing worth having in life is without hard work and sacrifice; there is always a price to pay. Develop tolerance towards others and their foibles rather than expecting people to adhere to your idealistic standards. You will find yourself becoming disenchanted with others, and life in general, when those you had high hopes for cannot meet your expectations. Involvement in mystical endeavours can have a harmful influence on you; it would be best if you avoid these. Substance abuse may also become a problem for you and should be kept an eye on.

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Moon discordant to Mars

(power = 5.17 and this aspect is discordant = -6.46)

Emotionally you are fully charged and this intensity may have a negative impact on your health physically. Try to pace yourself and start to do one thing at time. It is not always easy to share living quarters with you as you often lack patience, become easily agitated with others, and behave in a grouchy manner. It is almost as though you go LOOKING for arguments. A bit like a spoiled child, if you do not get your way, you show your displeasure with fits of rebellious resistance. It would be beneficial for you to keep physically active and disperse the enormous amount of restlessness within you. You are naturally assertive and spirited, easily fighting for the things that you believe in or for others that are being taken advantage of. However, you must develop self-restraint if you are to reach your full potential. Competition spurs you on and you are driven to beat out all others in the game of your choosing or even just in general. Sometimes attracting with honey is far more conducive to accomplishing your goals than using brute force; be more diplomatic when interacting with people. You work diligently, bravely, and energetically. Try to be more lenient on yourself and others when something goes array as no one is perfect, not even you. Sometimes you have built up such a name for yourself that you do a complete turn-around and laze about, expecting your previous work will tide you over. Your anger may be explosive at times, especially when you are wounded on an emotional level, and you must find a way to restrain yourself. Try to think through your feelings before they take over. Your general lack of patience and constant rushing about makes you susceptible to accidental injuries, particularly involving heat or sharp objects. You can be reckless because you do not plan your actions ahead. You have a negative reaction to any sort of perceived restriction on you and can be a bit of a rule-breaker. As a leader, it is imperative that you curb your dominance or you will be seen as a tyrannical dictator rather than a leader. Vengeful thoughts are not healthy for you and you need to release your anger towards others for their offenses. It is likely that you will be wasteful with your financial resources and can be prone to dishonesty.

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Venus discordant to Mars

(power = 4.78 and this aspect is discordant = -4.78)

There are many different possibilities with this aspect and you may either provoke hostility in others due to selfishly putting your needs above the needs of others or create tension within yourself by desiring harmony with others while repressing your own needs. Your relationships may be challenging due to you going in full force one minute then holding back the next, or not being able to differentiate between love and lust, or possibly that you find yourself in partnerships where you and your partner both love and loathe each other. You may over-indulge in your sexuality instead of using your energy for creating something worthwhile. It is also possible that you will become enamoured with anyone that gives you the smallest amount of warmth.
Others are strongly drawn to your inner intensity and your powerful sexuality makes it virtually impossible for you to adhere to strictly non-physical friendships with the opposite sex. You create trouble in your relationships because you tend to care more for what you need than what your partner needs, as well as lacking patience when having to wait for something that you want. You are fickle in your feelings and when your partner is interested, you tend to withdraw but when you notice your partner acting disinterested, it only spurs you forward. You feel unable to hold back your frustrations with your partner and will often vent them either physically or verbally, possibly in a rather hostile manner. Once you have aired out these tensions, you will feel yourself in love once again. And while you have already forgotten anything had happened, your partner is left confused as to what occurred. At this point you are ready to go forward with them but now they are holding back and you are unsure as to the reason. You might feel disappointed in your relationships as you will be unable to comprehend what is wrong, often blaming the other person for their “issues”. When you are single, you wish to be in a relationship and when you are in a relationship, you wish to be single. It is difficult for you to handle your own emotions as they are unstable. Decisions do not come easily to you because of these erratic emotional patterns, causing you to be unsure of what you even believe. Try to control your quick temper by compromising with others instead. It might also be beneficial for you to invest in a gym membership so that you may work off whatever tensions are eating you up rather than taking them out on the people you most care for. In addition, your tendency to loathe the people you love needs to be transformed if you are to find happiness in your partnerships.

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Jupiter harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 4.71 and this aspect is harmonious = 7.06)

You possess a talent for leadership in aiding others to improve their situation, whether this be their living situation or their spiritual one. You are highly moral by nature and this draws people to you. Coordinating others comes easily to you as does strategy. It is likely that you will transform any group that you lead. Your past life bestowed you with acceptance towards others beliefs and values, you are humble in your approach. You quickly decipher what is morally correct and what is not, lending to an ability to thoroughly comprehend when a transformation is in order. You find pleasure assisting in the task of attaining important aspirations, yours or someone else’s. Insightful and giving, you have a gift for seeing to the truth of the matter and read people and circumstances accurately and swiftly. You are also particularly empathetic towards others and the troubles they encounter.

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Mars harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 4.52 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.39)

You are spontaneous, responsive, and innovative with an active vitality and ability to make confident decisions with ease. The mundane daily schedule of life is unappealing to you and if forced to endure this monotonous ordeal day in and day out, you are likely to feel trapped. You need something to be happening, something new and different, especially if it is a type of activity where you can express your agility and well-timed pace; relaxation may be a challenge for you as you require being constantly active. Much of your energy may come from the high-strung nerves you possess and the internal restlessness you feel regularly. You strive to be a part of projects that require reforming a system or changing tradition somehow. Highly self-sufficient, you dislike having to answer to anyone and need a great deal of space to get into whatever tickles your fancy at the moment. You are often the leader in whatever endeavours you start on, providing inspirational guidance to those working with you. However, you are not one to listen when others try to advise you; you feel you must go through the situation yourself to comprehend it fully and then come to your own conclusions and observations, even if this can be destructive at times. Previous life karma is good and you have been able to keep your temper and impulses relatively balanced. Continue on the path you have started in your past; your intuitive nature serves you well. You can be rebellious when given instruction, however you also sense when it is important for you follow without causing issue. Though you work to create change, you are keen to observe when the price of change may be too high. You have a magnetic personality that draws others to you and when you lead, you do not do so because you are power-hungry but rather because you have great insight into what is likely to happen and how best to maneuver the situation to succeed. Often your life is full of unexpected and rather strange circumstances, though you do not mind having to handle them as you are always up for enhancing your abilities.

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Sun harmonizing with Jupiter

(power = 4.44 and this aspect is harmonious = 6.66)

Your positive attitude and jovial personality attract others and aids you in your success. A confidant demeanour draws good fortune to you. You strive to grow in wisdom, using philosophical interest to guide you. This placement bestows protection, though it may not come until right in the nick of time. You are energetic, excitable, sociable, cheerful, and lucky. You are likely to acquire monetary comforts with this placement. You dream big, though do not need to fight hard to make your dreams a reality. You tend to be giving, warm, dependable, genuine, truthful, and full of idealism. Your moral values are particularly strong and you believe in being fair and acting honourably. Petty displays are not abided by and you would never disgrace yourself enough to reach that kind of low. You attempt to develop self-discipline and awareness through spiritual means, particularly religion or philosophical studies. Past life karma is strong for you and favours you in many ways due to your caring, generous deeds towards others in a previous life.

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Sun harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 3.74 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.74)

You believe in yourself and in your skills to achieve the things you set out for, feeling that you are capable of withstanding any challenge you should encounter in your life. You are ready and able to overcome whatever you need to in order to survive, even if this means changing your own tendencies to do so. A strong will coupled with great discipline promise that you will rise to great heights. You have an excellent ability to persevere against all odds and can be quite resourceful as well. These skills are put to good use when you make the necessary alterations to the outdated systems in your path. You will fight for justice, whether for yourself or when you see others being treated unfairly. You are a leader with a superb capacity for managerial duties. Others turn to you when they need guidance and you put them on the correct path. Very dedicated, you go after your objectives with complete focus, intensely moving forward in an almost obsessive fashion. Those who skirt away from their troubles tend to rub you the wrong way as you are inclined to see them as weak and find it difficult to give much weight to their views, concerns, or to them as a person. You firmly believe that your fate is what you make it and hold others to the same standard. Very perceptive, your intuition quickly picks up on the truth of a situation. You are aware of the destruction that pessimism can cause and therefore passionately and diligently work to unravel these thoughts, applying the same conviction and purpose that you would with everything you do. Those around you intuit your strength and capabilities, treating you as though you have already reached the top.

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Mars discordant to Saturn

(power = 3.10 and this aspect is discordant = -5.42)

Yours is a contradictory balancing act between a strong force towards action and cautious reserve. If this placement is expressed negatively, you can be merciless and act without heart. Inside yourself you store every slight that has ever been afflicted upon you. Feeling resentful and angry, you remember each hurt and refuse to bestow forgiveness. You are vengeful, plotting ways to repay those who have hurt you, though you may not actually act upon these musings. This placement will also bestow you with great ambitious and dedication. Challenges will not deter you as you can work very diligently, persevering beyond what most others would be capable of. However, the most common impact of this placement will make you emotionally fickle, going from warm to cool rather suddenly, or it will provide you constant trials so as to assess your character. The general feel of this placement is not necessarily pleasing, though it may bring to you advantageous abilities that allow you to survive extremely difficult situations, and that is worth quite a lot. If you are able to get through the tension that this placement provides, you will find yourself a very strong person indeed.
When you focus diligently towards one aspiration you are able to achieve a great deal. The path can be quite hard on you however, and you will feel as though you are left with the burden of the entire task on your own. You are able to call upon an impressive amount of self-restraint and discipline when needed although you may criticise yourself harshly, feeling that you are never quite good enough and heaven forbid it if you were to make a mistake. At times, the doubt you feel within can damage opportunities for success. If you are involved with a long term endeavour you may find yourself feeling defeated when the project does not advance quickly enough for your liking. When you attempt to assert yourself, you are often met with opposition. This can lead to you feeling as though you are inferior in comparison to others. You must develop a way to channel the inner feelings of aggravation you possess or they will lead to you feeling as though you may burst at any moment. Often when this burst does occur, it is directed at the people you feel most bonded to. Be careful not to generate resentment in your loved ones; they are not a doormat for you to wipe your dirty feet on. It might be best for you to labour alone. This placement is likely to produce many interruptions, postponements, and challenges regarding your plans; be patient.
You must find equilibrium between your wants or wishes, and the responsibilities that you are obliged to. Pursuing your longings is likely to cause others to view you as self-centred, foolish, and undependable. However, if you restrain yourself completely from pursuing your inner wants, you might not be able to keep yourself from ripping at the seams; both areas need to be catered to. Unfortunately, due to this tension, you feel angry and irritated because you believe that your decisions are somehow made for you and you are unable to engage in what is most pleasing for you. These resentments keep building and cause you to emote negatively, often in spite and mockery. It may help you to write down the things that you are obligated to do first and make sure you get them done. Next write down what you would most like to do for pleasure and start on those. This way you have a clearly defined path towards accomplishing both types of endeavours and are not fighting with yourself, causing delay due to frustration by indecision. Highly detail-oriented and organised, you make sure that the work you take on is done right.
In addition to the above, one of the lessons given in the placement is for you to be aware of and appreciate just how beautiful life can really be. Many times you are unable to see the positive things going on around you because you are so bogged down by the difficulties that you face on a regular basis. Life can be cold and harsh at times but, as with everything, there must be balance. Every yin has its yang and the harshness must be tempered by love and beauty, both of which can be found all around you if you only LOOK. You require warmth and care though these things may not be abundant in your life. If you want more love in your life you must be able to express your own feelings to other people, something that can be particularly difficult for you to do. Previous hurts are not easily forgotten by you and you may carry with you a deep emotional wound, creating a detached, reserved demeanour that others may find impenetrable. This sombre attitude can baffle others as they are unable to read you.
As mentioned previously, you have a tendency towards keeping any negative feelings secured within until they reach a boiling point and burst forth. Holding in your anger will only cause you harm, whether this be mentally, emotionally, or physically; you are susceptible to disorders affecting the organs that are responsible for cleaning your system and must be mindful of your kidneys and gallbladder. Furthermore, it would be beneficial for you to monitor your wants as they can become destructive and uncontrollable if left to their own devices. It is also possible that you will find it difficult to complete tasks that you have started as your determination wavers as time carries on. Another influence with this placement is an inclination towards adopting an unsympathetic, cold-hearted, self-centred approach where you will only help others if you are able to benefit from doing so.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Virgo

Virgos have a strong need to keep their lives orderly, pure, and flawless. They tend to be quiet, efficient, diligent, dutiful, trustworthy, selective, prompt, exacting, thoughtful, and shy with a great talent for analysing all they come across (learn about compatibility with Virgo here). Virgos are reasonable and grounded, superb workers with high attention to detail. However they can also be difficult, cold, overly particular, negative, self-focused, and cynical, with a darker sense of humour and may be prone to melancholic mood swings. Virgos are often at their best when they are involving themselves in work that allows them to use their analytical abilities in the field of technology, caretaking, or any work with detailed tasks. They do not mind others taking the leading roles, as they are more concerned with providing quality service to people.
Virgos have an active mind, always questioning and searching for answers to their many curiosities. They enjoy problem solving, studying people’s behaviour, and examining their environment carefully. Virgos are adept at remembering even the things others may find insignificant. They prefer to keep active either physically or mentally, as they require new stimulation; lack of interesting new data and experiences can cause tension for a Virgo and they are known for being rather anxious.
When a Virgo makes a commitment, they keep it; their word is their bond. They are excellent administrative coordinators and proficient in maintaining an orderly environment. Virgoans have an innate fondness for organisation and tranquillity. They are hard on themselves to keep things just right and this tendency extends to others as well. If they are unable to find this perfection, a Virgo will become irritable and pick people apart for lacking whatever quality they believe the person should possess.
Virgos may be fretful as they are often looking for the ideal and trying to improve things. Even when something has been completed, they will think back on how it could have been made better. Unfortunately, this sort of worrying can impact their physical state, sometimes affecting their digestive track; keeping themselves optimistic will have a positive effect on their health. They can be prone to creating problems where there are none, especially with their health. However, most of the time their health is just fine as they tend to be on the lookout for ways to improve it. It is important for a Virgo to have time during the day to reflect and relax from all of their mental activity, regardless their age, and they do tend to age well.
A Virgo may find it challenging to convey their innermost feelings to another. Though they can be independent creatures, they enjoy having someone to care for and someone to show small, thoughtful acts of kindness to.

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Moon in Cancer

You quickly pick up on the vibes and energy of those around you, absorbing either positive or negative emotions. This may be the reason your emotions fluctuate wildly and why you may be cheerful and happy one moment, and grumpy and brooding the next. It is imperative that you develop a way to either discipline these fluctuations or find a positive outlet for them. You feel a great desire to care for others. At times your emotions or thoughts may seem illogical to those around you due to your inability to articulate them rationally. Those closest to you must be understanding of your many moods and of your need to isolate yourself on occasion. You easily empathise with others and often know what they are feeling without them needing to say it outright. Any offense will be taken to heart and while you may let the person off the hook, you will always remember what has transpired. Feeling safe and secure is a necessity to you, particularly in your home environment and with those closest to you. It would be beneficial for you to trust your gut instincts as they are usually accurate; you may even have premonitions. When something is important to you, you are likely to hold tightly to it. Your maternal parental figure has probably had a significant impact on your life and this impact may continue through your entire life. You prefer keeping out of the limelight but will certainly stand up for the people you care for. The tendency towards sentimentality may be a problem as you dislike throwing anything away; each object has a memory attached to it that you do not wish to let go of. Try to remember that what has passed will always stay in your heart regardless of the possessions you keep. You have an excellent memory but may need to excuse other people’s mishaps and move past them.

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Mercury in Virgo

Detail-oriented with a quick, sharp mind, you are able to execute tasks in a painstakingly careful and thorough fashion. You are effective, investigative, sensible, and reasoned; you keep your feet on the ground. Your practical, rational nature gives way towards a possible career in mechanical or technical work, where you need to possess a set of specific abilities. Abstract reasoning is not particularly interesting to you if it cannot be applied in a handy, concrete manner. Though you are detail oriented and enjoy investigating everything that comes your way, there is a likelihood of being blind to subtleties; you need things to be expressed to you directly rather than having to assume or guess at hints. You excel in endeavours that require an exact, accurate thought process, precise technique, or effective, structured administration. There is a tendency towards being too hard on others to meet your perfectionistic requirements. Your strengths include dependability, flexibility, methodical approach, and attention to detail. However, you are also prone to getting bogged down with a negative attitude and cynical, prejudiced behaviour as well as having a tendency to grumble and gripe when things are not to your liking. Be mindful that you do not lose the big picture when focusing on the details.

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Venus in Cancer

You tend to be tender, nurturing, bashful, unobtrusive, romantic, and emotionally delicate. You tend to focus on the past and can be very sentimental about anyone whom you have ever been close to as well as homes or environments which you have spent time in previously. Personal traditions are significant to you and you will always make sure to remember those special days with those you care for; you expect the same care be bestowed upon you and would be quite hurt if a spouse or family member forgot a birthday or anniversary. You seek romantic partners that will nurture and take care of you, especially emotionally. You are typically moody and your feelings can change at a moment’s notice. Home is a retreat for you and it must be tranquil. It is likely that you will care so deeply about those closest to you that you may suffocate them by becoming possessive and co-dependent. You may also have trouble with weight gain as you will tend to use food as a means to mask feelings of inadequacy or insecurity from a lack of affection. Your views and self-confidence in regards to relationships was probably highly influenced by your mother, and may still be to this day. You often play the role as caregiver in a personal or group setting and others are drawn to your empathy, consideration, and charismatic personality.

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Mars in Libra

Mars in Libra is a challenging placement and you are often unsure whether you would like to be assertive and dominating, having things within your control or whether you will prefer to avoid conflict at all costs, compromising everything you hold dear in the process. If Mars is positively aspected, you will be well-liked by others and enjoy a pleasant social life, especially with the opposite sex. However, if Mars is negatively aspected, others may view you in an unpleasant way and you will find yourself having to defend yourself as well as enduring challenging, unbalanced, unreliable romantic relationships where you manipulate others just for the fun of it. Either way, you will be strongly drawn to the opposite sex. One moment you seek harmony with others, the next you are baiting them into a rivalry. You strive to find a way to be self-sufficient and speak your mind, while at the same time work with others in a cooperative fashion. Often you become tense due to having to bend to others requests, when you would rather be free to do as you wish. At times you may find yourself frozen when you are unsure whether or not others will approve of your actions. Regardless, you do not like to be alone. You need to acquire your objectives by connecting to and working with people. Despite your dislike of disharmony, if you believe someone is being taken advantage of, you will speak your mind; this trait may lead to an interest in justice. You will shy away from any sort of extreme behaviour, as you need to keep balance in your life. You will likely take a steady pace to achieving your goals, rather than over-exert yourself. You are usually diplomatic, observant, eager, and easy to get along with though at times you may be touchy and start debating with others. You may need to work on your tolerance and negotiation skills.

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Jupiter in Taurus

You strive to benefit humanity using hands-on, concrete methods and materials. As an appreciation for your efforts, you prefer to be compensated with possessions; just saying the words is not enough for you, you want something tangible. You can be quite giving if you believe sharing will bring about the circumstances you desire. With a tendency towards over-indulgence, you may need to take extra care to curb your cravings. The views you hold are not easily changed and you will usually need large amounts of hard facts before you will be convinced of anything. Disease and physical discomfort are likely to be worries for you. Material assets find their way to you, though you must be cautious about how you use them or they will prove to be troublesome for you. Weight gain may also be a challenge for you due to your appetite for tasty treats. It will be beneficial for you to learn to restrict your indulgence in sensual pleasures.

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Saturn in Cancer

You often fret about possible difficulties that those you care for may encounter; you will quickly come to their defence if you see any trouble. Your emotions tend to be unstable and you find yourself feeling doubtful and unworthy of being loved due to possible early childhood neglect by your parental figures. They may have been cold or unable to show you emotionally that you were cared for. There is a tendency towards high expectations for your own children and you can be an authoritarian. Be mindful of your moods as you easily plummet into dark places. Subconsciously you may be always worried that others are out to cause you pain and therefore you retreat from becoming too attached to people. You are considerate though may not always be sympathetic towards others. This is often due to the fact that you are so scared of what someone else might do to you that you are blind to the pain others are experiencing. This placement unfortunately causes problems with the digestive tract and you may wish to avoid drinking fluids while eating. Also it would be wise to keep an eye on the foods you choose and how much of them you ingest. Owning real estate may be something that helps you to feel safe and secure.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 12th house

You feel an urge to be of service to humanity. This may be particularly challenging for you, as you prefer to retreat and hope that others will somehow come to save you from yourself. There is karma from a previous life that forces you to look closely at yourself and the destructive tendencies you carry. You intuitively sense that everything in the universe is tied together. It is likely that you will need to learn to believe in yourself, as your confidence is often low. People with health issues, whether this be physical or mental, tend to draw you in as you seem to resonate with them somehow. You may have premonitions or be interested in new age topics or the metaphysical realm. There is a possibility that you will act as a victim, ready for sacrificing yourself at any moment.

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Moon in 11th house

This placement suggests being admired and valued by women and you will likely get along best with females in general. Your emotional security is tied to your position in a group setting; you need to feel like you are included, otherwise you will suffer with destructive emotions and insecurities. You may find yourself placing a large amount of effort into humanitarian endeavours as you enjoy nurturing others, especially in group situations. Your career is likely to involve social networking in some way. Perhaps you will acquire your professional position due to your acquaintances or they will be important to you during your career, often sticking around for a long time to come. You may wish to heed the counsel of your friends as they may be more valuable to you than that of a professional.

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Mercury in 1st house

Born with a natural thirst for knowledge, you are interested to know a little bit about everything. You are inquisitive and clever, having a talent for witty, eloquent communication in all forms and always enthusiastic to converse about your array of varied interests with others. A high-strung personality may help keep you slim, but you must watch out for nervous disorders as your nervous system is highly sensitive. Luckily, you are also very adaptable which may help reduce your anxiety.

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Venus in 11th house

You are out-going, diplomatic, and welcoming, with numerous supportive social contacts. You must be mindful that your social group is not a bad influence on you, enabling you to indulge in circumstances that are not good for your well-being. Having a way with making others comfortable in your presence, it is important for you to watch out for yourself, as you may be taken advantage of by doing too much to make sure others are pleased. You take great joy in social gatherings and long to unwind comfortably with your friends on a regular basis.

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Mars in 2nd house

This placement bestows you with a significant amount of initiative to obtain monetary and personal goods. Your actions, though driven, are often impulsive and you can easily squander that which you have acquired. Although conserving your funds has never been your strong suit, developing a savings plan would be in your best interest, as your financial assets will tend to fluctuate frequently. Try to focus instead on your many other abilities.

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Jupiter in 9th house

Happy-go-lucky, generous to others and possessing an open mind, you can be inspirational to others. Others often follow you as you easily predict how circumstances will turn out due to your strong intuition and accurate judgement; people want to support your new concepts and endeavours. Philosophy and religion are of particular interest to you, and you are likely to profit from travelling and foreign situations. You may also be drawn to law, justice, or political concerns. You are more apt to find success later in life, rather than in your youth. In addition, your beliefs may be rather fixed or you may find that you lack something to believe in.

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Saturn in 11th house

Though you are socially popular and enjoy engaging with others, there are only a handful of people you would actually call “friend”, and it is likely that you met these people long ago as your friendships typically go the distance. You are often drawn to social circles that are more sombre in nature or that have some sort of deeper reason for existing and generally feel extremely loyal and obligated to these groups. It may happen that you put a great deal of effort into these groups, with very little appreciation. It is important for you to practice patience and be diligent in your work in order to attain your ambitions. You will find yourself thriving in your later years, but only if you are able to learn from your early challenges. Feeling like the odd-man-out in social situations is probable in this placement; you see yourself distinctly unique.

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Uranus in 6th house

Clever and independent, you do well working for yourself. You are often unable to let your co-workers connect with you and can find yourself lacking patience with them. A typical nine to five job is not for you as you require your career be a bit unusual or at the least, set in an unusual environment; diverse conditions are appealing to you. You are a dutiful and inventive worker, though you can at times work yourself too hard which can result in undue stress and anxiety for you. Your nerves may cause you great deal of tension and you must find a way to sooth yourself. There will be continuous fluctuations to your health.

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Neptune in 11th house

You have high ideals and are concerned with the well-being of all people. You possess a strong intuition as far as your hopes and desires are concerned, however this placement may create challenges for you in regards to which path to take to attain your objectives. Fantasising will not help things, as hard-work will be needed to achieve them. You tend to be drawn to contacts that are quirky oddballs, often artistic or musically inclined in some way, though they may not always be dependable or honest. Keep an eye out for those that are not who you may believe they are; these connections may try to drag you into substance abuse so be sure to keep your wits about you. Your wishes can be attained if you can achieve decisive clarity for your aspirations and keep your feet on the ground.

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Pluto in 11th house

Devotion and dependability is crucial to you in your social contacts, you prefer that these connections heighten your emotions somehow. However, be mindful of a tendency to be domineering; either these contacts are domineering with you, or you are with them. You friends may feel you are rebellious or a nonconformist, often creating change of some sort; though they find you rather charming. Your friendships may or may not be long lasting, depending on where you are in your development; your connections tend to transform you, and your social relationships as well. It is likely that you will distance yourself from associations that are stagnant; you prefer things to always be moving forward, changing somehow. If you are able to properly dedicate yourself, you can be a catalyst for a revolution that will we be an advantage to humanity as a whole; you are likely to be a champion for the cause as well as possess an excellent ability to lead these endeavours.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Virgo 2

Sabian Symbol: A large white cross sits isolated on top of a mountain with significant presence.
Kozminsky Symbol: An approaching storm shows up in the clouds covering half of the moon.

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Moon in 
Cancer 26

Sabian Symbol: There are many guests reading in the library of a beautiful and luxurious home.
Kozminsky Symbol: A marksman continuing attempting to hit a bull’s eye on the target finally hits in on the ninth time.

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Mercury in 
Virgo 25

Sabian Symbol: A flag is at half-mast flowing in the breeze in front of a public building.
Kozminsky Symbol: From the forehead of a man streams brilliant white light, as he passes through a valley of fire to green lawns and colorful trees and flowers.

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Venus in 
Cancer 18

Sabian Symbol: Scratching in the ground to find food for her chicks, a hen is in the barnyard.
Kozminsky Symbol: Gold pieces are falling through the fingers of a hand.

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Mars in 
Libra 21

Sabian Symbol: On a Sunday afternoon in summer, the beach is crowded with activity.
Kozminsky Symbol: A woman sings, raising her glass of wine to the spirit of Mirth and the spirit of Sorrow.

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Jupiter in 
Taurus 6

Sabian Symbol: A cantilever bridge is being built across a deep gorge.
Kozminsky Symbol: A judge in his robes is handing a book to the stretching hands of a student.

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Saturn in 
Cancer 26

Sabian Symbol: There are many guests reading in the library of a beautiful and luxurious home.
Kozminsky Symbol: A marksman continuing attempting to hit a bull’s eye on the target finally hits in on the ninth time.

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Uranus in 
Aquarius 18

Sabian Symbol: Young ladies require the last man in a masquerade to unmask.
Kozminsky Symbol: A lion runs to escape hunters and runs to a V-shaped road. One side are hunters, the other side is a rocky entrance into a lawn.

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Neptune in 
Leo 4

Sabian Symbol: Dressed in formal attire, an elderly man stands next to a mounted moose head that he has obviously killed on a hunting expedition.
Kozminsky Symbol: A prince who is obviously happy stands with his chancellor as an ambassador leaves his presence.

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Pluto in 
Cancer 5

Sabian Symbol: At a railroad crossing, a man in a car has been racing with the fast train; he is killed trying to cross the tracks.
Kozminsky Symbol: Seated on a rock, a gold digger looks gloomily at a newspaper reporting rich gold finds in his area.

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Ascendant in 
Virgo 3

Sabian Symbol: Two guardian angels protect a struggling family in the forest.
Kozminsky Symbol: As bees fly amongst the brilliant flowers in her garden, a young woman spins yarn on her spinning wheel.

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Midheaven in 
Taurus 27

Sabian Symbol: A withered old Indian woman is selling trinkets of her tribe to others who pass by.
Kozminsky Symbol: An inventor looks admiringly at an engine that he just completed as he rises from his bench.

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Vir 01° 51' 02"
57' 55"
00" N
10° 49' 18" N
Can 25° 27' 24"
11° 48' 22"
18' 04" N
21° 21' 18" N
Vir 24° 44' 30"
1° 26' 18"
18' 56" S
1° 48' 02" N
Can 17° 24' 21"
46' 59"
4° 07' 45" S
18° 13' 21" N
Lib 20° 37' 29"
38' 43"
1' 42" S
8° 05' 05" S
Tau 05° 24' 32" R
- 00"
1° 24' 52" S
11° 59' 52" N
Can 25° 31' 44"
6' 48"
2' 58" S
20° 59' 50" N
Aqu 17° 08' 57" R
- 2' 17"
43' 55" S
16° 24' 03" S
Leo 03° 29' 33"
2' 01"
14' 56" S
19° 08' 29" N
Can 04° 06' 54"
4° 51' 11" S
18° 32' 11" N
Pis 25° 02' 54" R
- 2' 28"
4° 09' 09" N
1° 50' 36" N
Can 21° 47' 42"
6' 39"
29' 03" N
22° 09' 51" N
True Node
Cap 28° 45' 14"
00" N
20° 25' 12" S
P. of Fortune
Can 25° 46' 07"
Cap 27° 06' 08"
Vir 02° 09' 45"
Vir 25° 14' 53"
Lib 23° 33' 06"
Sco 26° 49' 27"
Cap 01° 52' 11"
Aqu 04° 10' 05"
Pis 02° 09' 45"
Pis 25° 14' 53"
Ari 23° 33' 06"
Tau 26° 49' 27"
Can 01° 52' 11"
Leo 04° 10' 05"
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
True Node
True Node
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
True Node
P. of Fortune
True Node
P. of Fortune
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