Birth Chart: Telma Lip (Capricorn)

Hint: Ever asked yourself What Zodiac sign am I? Then take this quiz to check what is your Zodiac personality!

Astrological Natal Chart
Telma Lip

Born at São Paulo, Brazil
Wednesday, January 03, 1962
17:30 (time zone = GMT -3 hours)
46w59, 23s59

Fact: Capricorn dates are between December 22 and January 20. Check the Capricorn dates to find out.


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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GEMINI rising

Those with a Gemini rising are typically social, talkative, versatile, adaptable, uncertain, mentally quick, shallow, and unpredictable. You are full of wit and cleverness though you may have trouble with nervousness or anxiety as your energies tend to run on a high frequency. You are always on the lookout to engage in a novel experience and there may be two very different sides to your personality that may seem contradictory to others. For you, it is second nature to express to others the knowledge you have gained and you strive to continuously acquire new information. You are happy to travel and read a fair bit as both of these allow you to learn something fresh. New stimulation is crucial to your livelihood and you enjoy diversity to such an extent that you may never fully master any one subject, preferring to become mildly proficient in all sorts of things; shallow and wide rather than deep, is more your flavour. On the outside it may seem that you are sure of yourself, but deep down you do not feel very confident at all. You love to communicate! All forms of communication are enjoyed from verbal to written and you are even fond of using hand gestures. An important lesson for you to learn is to find a way to manage your energy rather than spreading your efforts about wastefully; focus yourself. Gemini is ruled by Mercury and therefore it’s placement in your chart will be significant.

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Shhh! Capricorn prefers to plan sexual encounters and then proceed according to plan. A seduction feels like cooperation, foreplay like a warm-up, and intercourse feels like work. Read all about Capricorn sexuality here.


If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Venus blending with Mars

(power = 11.72 and this aspect is neutral)

Ardent and passionate, your urges may get the best of you at times. Others are magnetically drawn to you whether you are good-looking or not, though you probably are. People delight in your enjoyable presence and therefore try to keep you around. If someone sparks an interest in you, you will try your absolute hardest to win them over. However, you may instead scare away the object of your affection by pursuing them a bit too intensely. You crave affection and appreciate beautiful surroundings. Engaging in creative pursuits is important to you as you need to focus your energies artistically to combat any internal tensions you may have.
This placement bestows a charming personality and the ability to attract others to you. Highly out-going, you need to spend time with others often; spending too much time on your own may prove difficult for you. You have a strong desire to express love and be shown love in return. However, be mindful of who you express this love to, as others may feel differently than you. You tend to take partnerships very seriously and can be completely crushed when something goes awry, making it particularly important that you are selective of whom you spend your efforts on. This placement can be challenging due to its tendency to create conflicts in your partnerships; you will both love and loathe each other. The emotions are both caring and antagonistic at the same time. Use these situations to inspire you creatively.

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Sun blending with Mars

(power = 9.64 and this aspect is discordant = -2.41)

You are driven, lively, and energetic. You have an incredible will-power and rarely ever give up once you’ve decided on a course of action. You are brave and have no problem asserting yourself. You dislike being idle, instead preferring to passionately throw yourself into things. This immense energy of yours may manifest itself sexually or artistically. Challenges do not deter you and you enjoy competing with others; you can fight until your last breath if something moves you. People are pulled towards your charismatic character. Be mindful of the tendency to put more on your plate than you are realistically able to handle as you take on more and more until you eventually crash. A steady approach with allotted time to breathe a little will get you much further in the end. There is a strong urge to craft or produce something and this may come out either personally or professionally. You have the soul of a champion, striving to conquer at any cost, with your vitality, swiftness, passion, and spontaneity. However, if you do not regulate this energy it can become destructive. It would be most beneficial for you to find ways to direct this intensity in positive ways. At times you may be touchy and quarrelsome. It is important for you to remain physically active as your energy and inner tension needs to be released. This placement is especially good for circumstances requiring a powerful will or physical prowess. This aspect also adds to a tendency towards self-centredness, where you will think of only your own necessities and desires. Make sure to pay attention to what others need as well. Pride and an over-inflated self-esteem need to be controlled here.

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Sun blending with Venus

(power = 9.36 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.34)

You have a warm demeanour and other people tend to think fondly of you. You are charismatic, tender, caring, compassionate, pleasant, and always willing to lend a helping hand. You try to be mindful of other people’s emotions. There is a gift for creativity of some form and you tend to avoid conflict or confrontations, preferring to keep things agreeable. A lovely atmosphere is essential to you and you take pride in the way you look personally as well. Luck seems to follow you as good experiences tend to be drawn to you and whatever you require just seem to come to you. You strive for a pleasant, relaxing, and lavish environment as you feel it is essential to your happiness. The place you live must be beautiful. You are not one for manual labour. There is a strong interest in artistic pursuits. You rarely feel lonely as it is easy for you to attract others due to your out-going and friendly nature. You enjoy expressing your affections but only feel comfortable doing so if the other person is demonstrative as well. Your words are like honey and you know exactly what to say to get on someone’s good side; be mindful that you do not use this gift selfishly as manipulation comes far too easily to you.

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Sun harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 9.00 and this aspect is harmonious = 9.00)

You believe in yourself and in your skills to achieve the things you set out for, feeling that you are capable of withstanding any challenge you should encounter in your life. You are ready and able to overcome whatever you need to in order to survive, even if this means changing your own tendencies to do so. A strong will coupled with great discipline promise that you will rise to great heights. You have an excellent ability to persevere against all odds and can be quite resourceful as well. These skills are put to good use when you make the necessary alterations to the outdated systems in your path. You will fight for justice, whether for yourself or when you see others being treated unfairly. You are a leader with a superb capacity for managerial duties. Others turn to you when they need guidance and you put them on the correct path. Very dedicated, you go after your objectives with complete focus, intensely moving forward in an almost obsessive fashion. Those who skirt away from their troubles tend to rub you the wrong way as you are inclined to see them as weak and find it difficult to give much weight to their views, concerns, or to them as a person. You firmly believe that your fate is what you make it and hold others to the same standard. Very perceptive, your intuition quickly picks up on the truth of a situation. You are aware of the destruction that pessimism can cause and therefore passionately and diligently work to unravel these thoughts, applying the same conviction and purpose that you would with everything you do. Those around you intuit your strength and capabilities, treating you as though you have already reached the top.

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Sun harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 7.98 and this aspect is harmonious = 7.98)

You have an excellent imagination and your environment can have a large impact on you. In your world, beauty and magic are everywhere! You are drawn to the metaphysical realm and strive to comprehend the meaning of all that you come across. There is a strong bond between you and the world at large; you are at one with humans, animals, and the forces at work. You have a great amount of empathy and care deeply for others, always willing to come to the aid of those who need you. Expressing yourself creatively, whether this is through artistic, musical, or acting pursuits, is essential to your happiness in life. Although, your strong idealism and romanticism can do well with some practicality. You are full of hopes and dreams that you are able to attain if only you can apply yourself. Karmic endeavours in past lives have set you up to build on your psychic abilities and turn them into reality by aiding those you come across in this life. You are able to remove yourself from your earthly self and connect spiritually when in need of advice. You have a particular fondness for the arts, higher principles, and sophistication. Premonitions or guidance may come to you in odd forms. Delicate emotionally, you will avoid conflict if possible. You possess a magnetic quality and an almost magical allure.

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Mars harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 7.64 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.73)

You have faith in who you are and what you are doing. Confident and driven, you have a tremendous amount of self-discipline and will do whatever it takes to succeed. You are aware of what it is that you wish to accomplish and the best way to go about it. Often the one leading a group, others rely on you to pave the path. You are opinionated and direct in communicating your viewpoints, always ready to fight for the things you value. When you see a way to improve something, you work hard towards reconstruction. You have the will-power, the perseverance, and the dedication to achieve whatever you set your mind to. At times, you may become so focused on your work that you continue forward even when you are completely exhausted; tunnel-vision is likely when you have taken on a project. This tendency is detrimental to your physical health and you must find a way to pace yourself and make time for relaxation. You have a strong character though you keep this low-key as you choose to keep out of the limelight. Preferring to be in the decision maker, you are often the one taking the lead in social situations and dislike anyone else trying to govern your life. However, it would do you well to develop tolerance for the way others do things and learn to be part of the team rather than acting director.
Mystery appeals to you and you enjoy delving into the depths to discover all things hidden. You insist on knowing the ins and outs of whatever situation you find yourself in, always asking “why”. There is a preoccupation around death as well, which is life’s ultimate mystery. If you channel your energies correctly, you may have an ability to heal others. Investigation comes naturally to you and you access individuals and circumstances effectively and correctly; not much gets passed your keen observation. Shallow interactions are of no interest to you and you prefer deeper, more meaningful ways to use your time. Verbal conflict and confrontation are not enjoyable to you though you will engage in them when you feel they are required. You are well able to keep yourself from projecting angry feelings outwardly, though when you happen to allow them to seep out, your emotions will burst forward intensely and others may need to stay out of your way until you cool down.

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Venus harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 7.36 and this aspect is harmonious = 9.20)

You are emotionally intense and when you love someone, you love them with your all. Your powerful passions will either magnetically draw others to you or frighten them away. You have a great deal of charm and a way of attracting others to you almost without effort. This influence you have over others can cause you to easily use manipulation tactics, even if these actions are often subconscious. This placement allows you to either change your beliefs into something more beneficial to you, or to aid other people in changing their beliefs. You are likely to be creative and strive to promote a beautiful, peaceful, and comfortable environment. Your perception and compassion for others causes you to reach out and help people in whatever way you can.

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Jupiter discordant to Neptune

(power = 6.07 and this aspect is discordant = -3.04)

Your emotions may be extremely sensitive and you are prone to becoming engrossed in dreamy romantic fantasies. This illusion can sometimes affect your progress in real life, as you may avoid your less fanciful, everyday obligations in order to stay in your daydream. Be mindful that others do not abuse your kindness, as you can be naïve in your readiness to help someone who seems to be down on their luck; do not let people manipulate your warm nature. It is also possible that you go to the other end of things and play the victim yourself, feeding on the pity of others just to be noticed, or you may use dishonest tactics on others, often times on those in your family. There is likelihood that in one way or another you encounter trouble deciphering what is true and what is false, as you can twist reality into fascinating delusions. It is paramount to develop your more practical side, learning when to restrain yourself from your own wishful thinking.
There is a tendency towards negative consequences as a result of a scam; therefore it would be best to avoid becoming involved in arrangements in which you are promised wealth for little investment. Thinking positively is good, though you must also keep your feet on the ground and your head out of the clouds. Nothing worth having in life is without hard work and sacrifice; there is always a price to pay. Develop tolerance towards others and their foibles rather than expecting people to adhere to your idealistic standards. You will find yourself becoming disenchanted with others, and life in general, when those you had high hopes for cannot meet your expectations. Involvement in mystical endeavours can have a harmful influence on you; it would be best if you avoid these. Substance abuse may also become a problem for you and should be kept an eye on.

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Moon discordant to Pluto

(power = 5.95 and this aspect is discordant = -5.95)

There is intensity in every aspect of your life from your emotions and wants, to your romantic partnerships, with many of them being full of passion, instability, and heartbreak. You have a great personal magnetism that pulls others in. There is a tendency towards obsessing over people and partnerships. In your relationships, you may take turns trying to possess one another, each person controlling as much of the situation as they can until the other has had enough and tries to turn the tables. You can be jealous and also try to manipulate others, whether you do this behind the scenes or in a more overt manner. There is not much you will not do in order to maintain your power over people and the situation at hand. Your intense emotions can create such a strong pull within you that you find yourself acting in ways that are irrational. Evetually your emotions reach a peak and you need to remove yourself completely from the people in your life and the situations that you are in, and start anew. You are not the most open-minded person and can be very stubborn in your viewpoints, throwing them at others aggressively, often disregarding new concepts that others are trying to convey to you, and always insisting that your opinions are correct. You remember every slight, perceived or otherwise, that someone has done towards you. Work on your perception and you might find that people are different than you originally thought. Your feelings are so overwhelming sometimes that you are unable to reign them in. Finances can be an obsession for you as you need to feel secure. The biggest lesson for you in this placement is to temper the emotional chaos within. You have a deeply rooted sense of rejection and feeling as though you are somehow unworthy, and this makes it hard for you to believe that the people you care for are to be trusted. This aspect will test your romantic partnerships to help you grow as a person and show you how to truly have faith in the people you are bonded to.

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Neptune harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 2.98 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.98)

Those born in your generation have the ability to be of aid to humanity as a whole. Let your intuition guide you in assisting others.

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Moon harmonizing with Jupiter

(power = 2.86 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.29)

You are generally happy, accepting, positive, laid-back, and generous. You want to spread some of the joy you feel to others, though at times you may give too much of yourself. In your mind, whatever you set out to accomplish will work out somehow and this can cause you to put in very little effort or concern. If something is difficult, you may exert only sluggish attempts of solving the issue. This is particularly true in regards to your emotions. You are also likely to indulge in tasty cuisine more than you should which causes you trouble in maintaining your figure and can lead to larger problems in the future. This placement bestows you with a pleasing personality, an idealistic viewpoint, an ethical nature, open-mindedness, good fortune, and monetary aid from friends and familial ties. You highly dislike dishonest behaviour and prefer to act honourably at all times; you have a very strong moral compass. You enjoy thinking about philosophy and can be rather devoted to your beliefs even if you do not belong to any specific religion. You are self-assured and do not suffer with the insecurities that many are plagued with; you know who you are and what you are capable of. When you do encounter trouble, it does not keep you down for long but rather you are likely to find your problems quite humorous. In fact, you try to insert a good deal of laughter and joy into your life in general. You hope to see others improving themselves and their situations and you are happy to aid them in doing so if it fosters their advancement. The main concern with this placement is to be mindful of your tendency towards laziness and over-indulgence. You are well-loved by others due to your upstanding nature.

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Mars harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 1.62 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.21)

You are very imaginative and visual, with a great ability to think outside of the box when an issue needs solving. However when you do look for resolutions, you tend to take the route that will avoid confrontations, instead opting for ways that will keep harmony. You are a humanitarian and enjoy aiding those who may not have been blessed with many opportunities; helping others in this way is deeply spiritually fulfilling for you. There is a talent here for dramatization, especially in the arts. In order to balance your mental and emotional states, it would help you to engage in this artistic talent and direct your energy productively. This outlet can also help you to keep your feet on the ground, rather than allowing your mind to run off into a land of fantasy. Turning fantasy into something tangible can happen for you due to your sensible nature; you couple idealism with practicality. Spiritual mysticism appeals to you and you may find yourself dabbling in the subject when opportunity presents itself. Others are drawn to your magnetic essence, particularly people who require aid of some sort. You can assert yourself when needed, though you do this in a tolerant, accepting, and caring way. Good past life karma bestows safety from secret adversaries who are intending to harm you. Innately you understand that if you continue working patiently and diligently, you will acquire what you are after. Sympathetic and sensitive to others suffering, you truly care for any living creature, human or otherwise, though you must be mindful not to allow others to take advantage of you by way of conjuring up a sad tale just to play on your sentiments. Being around water will soothe your mind and spirit, and therefore you should strive to be near water as often as possible.

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Venus harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 1.34 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.67)

You are rather receptive of your environment with a creative talent that you use to produce aesthetically pleasing objects or surroundings. Musical pieces will stimulate a fantastical world inside of your mind that you will happily enjoy for hours on end, peacefully tuning the world out. You are idealistic in your romances and hold to the belief that there is only one true mate for you with whom you can live happily ever after. Luckily, you are able to entertain these dreams while at the same time staying realistic in your day-to-day life without being swept up by it all. You have a strong sympathy to those who are suffering and reach out to aid them when you are able. Naturally you are a generous person and helping others is satisfying to you on a deep level. You insist on doing what is right for mankind, keeping your personal ego at bay. It may be difficult for you to lead others or start a course of action due to your dislike of creating conflict. You will do a lot for the people you love and do not require repayment of your kindness. You feel that there is another world out there that we simply cannot see and enjoy being around other creative or sensitive people with whom you can delve further into the mystics. Gospel harmonies tend to affect you intensely when you listen to them, and you know that you have touched a piece of another life. You are likely to have musical talent, possibly vocally. Usually you will stand up for those that are considered “lesser” by societal standards, though you may need to be careful not to be swayed too much by a sad tale. Those who will aid you in the spiritual wisdom and evolution that you had begun in a past life are likely to be drawn to you in this one.

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Moon discordant to Uranus

(power = 0.22 and this aspect is discordant = -0.22)

Your emotions vary wildly and it is anyone’s guess as to when or why they will alter. Very self-sufficient, you abhor being restricted for any reason. You are drawn to everything that is unique, strange, or shocking, though you tend to jump from one thing to the next without allowing yourself to master any of it. You are unable to restrain yourself yet it is often the best thing for you. You seek out thrills, variety, exciting adventures, and feel like a zombie if forced to do the same thing day in and day out. Fresh concepts and ideas are like air to you and you are enthused to involve yourself in them. Sometimes you can rush in too quickly, and perhaps carelessly, particularly in regards to your romantic partnerships. You rebel when you perceive your freedom will be curtailed somehow. It is difficult for you to stand by your word as you never know if your emotions about the matter will change tomorrow, 5 years from now, or not at all. Everything is done spontaneously. There is a tendency towards acting selfishly and putting yourself first above all. The situation at home can be volatile and the bonds you form with females are as well. Try to think about your feelings before expressing them without warning. People are often confused about where they stand with you because one moment you are cold and the next sociable. Sometimes you will consciously keep yourself at a distance as you are worried that getting close to people may somehow limit your independence. Your spirit needs to be allowed room to roam as it may. For personal growth, you must find a way to subdue the emotional chaos that lives within and surfaces at random. If your feelings are negatively triggered, you can react irrationally or recklessly. This careless activity causes you to be prone to accidental injury. You feel tense when you are inactive as your nervousness needs an outlet. At times you will do something odd just for the shock-value. Your need to be unrestrained can make it challenging to settle down in one location or with a partner. As you are prone to angry bursts, it would be best if you developed a way to hone your patience.

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Moon harmonizing with Saturn

(power = 0.00 and this aspect is neutral)

You like to keep your feelings under a tight reign. This placement helps to balance your feelings even when circumstances are difficult. Others may be frantic during these times, yet you remain calm and collected. You are reasonable and unbiased during stressful situations which help you to solve the underlying issue amidst emotional chaos. This placement allows you to concentrate more effectively. You do not skirt your duties and people know they can rely on you to do what you have committed to doing. You are loyal to those in your circle and to the people you feel close to, supporting them behind the scenes. You dislike being idle and enjoy watching the fruit of your labour. Mentally you tend to stick to the conservative route, letting tradition guide you. Frivolous thoughts for the sake of fun are not really your cup of tea; you take a more sombre approach. However, you are not always able to show your feelings towards those you care for. It would be beneficial if you could develop a more open manner and convey these inner emotions outwardly to them somehow. You are independent and methodical, as well as having a good ability to organise, handle money and business, and behave diplomatically when interacting with people. You are very patient and willing to persevere until you have reached your goal. You are ethical, dutiful, faithful, and fair.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Capricorn

In nature, a goat will strive to climb to the top of the hill and a Capricorn, being half goat, is no different. They will try to achieve great heights on their own merit. Capricorns are conventional, coordinated, systematic, dutiful, trustworthy, sincere, effective, reasonable, controlled, commanding, driven, serious, and willing to wait as long as is necessary to attain their goals. However, they can also be anxious, negative, penalising, doubtful, inflexible, and close-minded (learn about compatibility with Capricorn here). They do well in positions where they must utilise their excellent coordinating talents alongside their diligent nature and honourable work ethic. Coming up short on their responsibilities worries them.
Due to their reserved demeanour, they may seem the lone-wolf type. Capricorns can put up impenetrable walls in order to maintain their safety from harsh realities. You cannot keep them from pursuing their dreams. They will cling to their obligations and take work very seriously. Capricorns feel inadequate somehow and this compels them to work harder to achieve. They desire the respect of others and wish to be looked up to.
Capricorns enjoy strategising; they will make sure to analyse a situation thoroughly before deciding on a course of action. You can depend on them to come through during an emergency situation. They are also sound counsel, when needed. Capricorns are not usually hostile, though they can be intimidating if they feel threatened somehow.
Often times a Capricorn will feel lonely and misunderstood, highly attuned to any slights directed their way. If Capricorns are in a bad place mentally or emotionally, they may become punishing or vengeful towards those who have wronged them. Capricorns need a great deal of warmth and affection, though may keep others at arm’s length, believing they may be wounded otherwise. However, they are exceptionally faithful to those they are closest to. Being esteemed, admired, and appreciated are vital to them.
They feel most secure with a steady cash flow, as they are anxious to lose their material assets. Capricorns are unlikely to take risks in order to gain fortune, they would prefer to take the slow and steady course, investing in a sure bet. Not much will deter a Capricorn from their goal and they can muster enormous fortitude when they have decided on a course of action. Instant gratification is not their style; they are aware that what is truly worth having will require many sacrifices. Working diligently and steadily can revitalise them. Capricorns are also likely to be frugal and enjoy forming collections of items precious or interesting to them. Wastefulness is not something they can abide by. Wasting of their time is part of this; they prefer to spend time in conversation only when they have something they wish to convey.
Capricorns will need to curb their insecurities in order to tap into their artistic potential; self-doubt will limit them. It is imperative that they develop confidence in their abilities and combat negative thinking patterns. Capricorns can accomplish anything if they only put their minds to it; where there is a will, there is a way and Capricorns definitely have a strong will!
Capricorns are able to endure a great many challenges and delays in order to attain their objectives, which is important, as their road will be laden with them unfortunately. Going through these challenges causes them to learn discipline, fostering growth in enlightenment by releasing their focus on material aims. Working may prove to be relaxing to a Capricorn; often they will use this as a form of escape from daily life. However, they can become workaholics if they are not careful. They do not really know how to unwind and are usually at their best when their lives are full of activities for them to do.
Capricorns are considerate and independent. They may not possess the grand charisma that some of the other signs do but they are kind, diplomatic, and caring individuals. They are easily able to empathise with others due to their own difficult emotions. Romantically, Capricorns can be just as enamoured and affected as the rest of them, though they are usually unable to express those feelings outwardly. They will take the time to get to know someone thoroughly before committing to them, preferring to take into consideration long-term goals and values. However, once they are committed they tend to remain so, as they feel they can work through any difficulty if they give it their all.

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Moon in Sagittarius

You are self-sufficient, opinionated, giving, eager, open-minded, positive, and enthused with an idealism that draws social contacts to you. You can be rather out-going, enjoying comradeship and traveling to distant lands inspires you. Independent and spontaneous with a child-like enthusiasm for adventure, you are always prepared to dive right in to something fun. Regardless of past trials and tribulations, you never stay down very long and will quickly move passed whatever challenges you face, keeping your optimistic attitude that everything will turn out alright. Truth be told, other people’s dilemmas and hurt feelings make you feel uneasy and are difficult for you to handle. Your attempts at trying to make others feel better often make them feel as though you have made light of their concerns or dismissed them altogether due to your extreme optimism. Your platonic relationships may be more important to you than your romantic ones; for you cannot be content in a relationship that does not incorporate a strong friendship. Your mate must be able to help you grow as a person and support your quest towards achieving your goals and desires. It is imperative that you are given a large amount of emotional space. Unfortunately, when you are afflicted you can be self-righteous, narrow-minded, bigoted, biased, self-important, and smug in addition to taking too many unnecessary risks.

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Mercury in Capricorn

Mentally you are reasonable, logical, sombre, self-controlled, impartial, sensible, and clear-headed; fanciful assertions do not sway you. You need factual data before you can get behind a concept. You are naturally sceptical, though at times this makes you pessimistic. You will tend to tackle challenges in a practical way, keeping a cool head regardless of the situation. As long as you remain interested in a subject, you can put forth great levels of focus and to achieve the outcome you desire. Detail-oriented, you are unlikely to forget what most people would over-look or deem insignificant. Your serious approach to life may come across to others as humourless, dull, or unhappy and you usually have a good deal going on mentally. Your mind is meticulous, controlled, and well-organised which contributes to a good business sense as well as an ability for administrative tasks. Forward-thinking, you have an excellent talent for strategy and can easily devise a scheme for successfully reaching long-term goals. You require a certain amount of seclusion to consolidate your thoughts or engage in solitary activities; you make a great student. You understand that time is a valuable commodity and therefore do not waste yours when you can be achieving something more meaningful.

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Venus in Capricorn

You are unlikely to be demonstrate of the romantic feelings you hold for your significant other, preferring a more careful and guarded approach. Love is a serious business for you and frivolous, insincere relationships are not appealing. However, you strongly value other people’s opinions of you and desperately need warmth and recognition, despite seeming disconnected. You desire a partnership that will be authentic and stand the test of time. Your views towards love and relationships are conventional and you appreciate traditions. You are likely to stick with your partner through thick and thin, remaining loyal even during trying times. It is probable that the person of your choosing will be more mature than you as you seek out those that will be dependable and supply the security you crave; there may be a significant difference in age. You are faithful, patient, reliable, dedicated, and unwavering. It is possible that you will judge the value of your relationship on material matters, possibly committing only when you believe the partnership will provide you with monetary means or raise your social station. There is a self-protective streak that can limit you when you would like to move forward in your relationships. If Venus is negatively aspected, you may be overly afraid, envious, detached, scheming, or prone to thinking only of yourself. You may feel overwhelmed with a need to succeed or raise your social status.

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Mars in Capricorn

You have an intense drive for respect, power, and success. Often taking the role of leader as you find it difficult to be controlled by others. Mars in Capricorn can create an individual who throws around their power, mercilessly trampling others to get ahead. You are effective, diligent, coordinated, determined, reasonable, persistent, and willing to do whatever it takes to reach your goals. You direct your efforts towards tangible achievements. You work hard and have a great deal of patience; you are able to sacrifice present luxuries for future success. Dutiful and meticulous in your projects, you may need to be mindful of your tendency to over-work yourself. However, you are more likely to stick to traditional tactics, working slow and steady, rather than taking a risk; you will only invest yourself in a sure thing so that all of your hard work will not go to waste. You do not count on karma to get to where you need to be, you like to make it on your own merit. Naturally astute with a good head on your shoulders, you have an excellent business sense. You are driven, self-sufficient, reliable, accountable, and persevering. It may take you a bit longer to acquire knowledge, but when you do grasp something, you comprehend it thoroughly. You utilise your energy in an efficient manner and accomplishing your goals is of extreme importance to you. However, there is an inner tension that may contribute to a frustration and bitterness towards perceived slights. It would be beneficial for you to develop a way to relieve these tensions in constructive ways and let go of the past.

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Jupiter in Aquarius

The current state of human affairs is likely to mean a great deal to you. You feel we are all tied together and should collaborate for a better future. It is likely that you will become involved in many projects where you are working with a large team of people, as you believe this will help you to grow as a person. Due to your innovative ideas, great common sense, sociability, and intellectual pursuits you are able to coordinate with almost anyone. You are friendly and accepting with strong intuition. You are easily able to manage large groups of people harmoniously due to your diplomatic talents; human relations in business may be appealing to you.

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Saturn in Aquarius

You are disciplined, rational, and possess strong internal resilience and drive. You are able to understand the human race on a grand scale but have a difficult time with understanding the individual. It would be beneficial for you to develop patience for others and learn to let go of the past. You have an interesting way of combining uncommon methods while still keeping things in good order. Long-term planning can also be a strong suit of yours as you tend to intuitively see far into the future. You are able to easily view things outside the box, with a fresh new perspective. Often you can be cool, reserved, objective, and practical. However, you may also come across as unfeeling, spiteful, and overly-expressive of your views, possibly even aggressive, when your ideas are resisted.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 7th house

When choosing a partner, you are likely to prefer someone who is highly respectable and high up on the social scale. You want your relationship to somehow boost your social status, as pride is important to you; you need to be able to admire your partner.
It is important to you that your partner inspires you to be yourself and helps bring forward your strong willpower and artistic capabilities. Feeling a strong need for security in your relationships, you are often drawn to someone assertive who works in a reputable position. This sort of person helps you to become more self-assured and allows you to increase your own sense of authority.
Equality is a key theme in your relationships, as any sort of imbalance of power will resort in conflict for you. Both parties must make sure to be fair when collaborating with one another. Feeling as though you belong together as a team and as family are important to you.
Marriage and relationships play a significant role in your life. You are likely to expect your partner be the assertive element in your partnership as you are more reactive than proactive. You may have a preoccupation with finding a substitute for the male parental figure in your life and at times insist your significant other fill these shoes.
The way your Sun is aspected will determine the sort of partners you will attract. With a well aspected Sun, you will attract those that are considerate, honest, confident, strong-willed, honourable, and motivated to succeed. However, if your Sun is negatively aspected, you will instead attract selfish, pretentious, and controlling partners.
The greatest obstacles you face in a successful relationship are your insistence that things are done your way, as well as being arrogantly prideful.

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Moon in 6th house

You are often rather nurturing to your co-workers, always mindful of their needs. It is easy for you to become fully immersed in your career and you may over-work yourself at times. There is a desire to be of service to others, especially working with women or the general public. You are very sensitive and moody; frequent career changes are likely. Your health is fickle and linked to your emotional state; when you are unhappy or stressed you will tend to eat in an unhealthy fashion. Try to relax and maintain a proper diet, worrying will only make things worse for you.

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Mercury in 7th house

When choosing a partner, you look for someone who is well-informed and displays a sharp intellect. Witty banter appeals to you as well and it is important to you to be able to communicate easily and readily with your partner. Your romantic interest needs to be quick, curious, and clever to hold your attention as you often engage them in debate.
Relationships in general, especially marriage, are always at the forefront of your thoughts. A partner to you, whether they are a romantic partner or a business associate, must provide you with a good deal of mental stimulation. If they can challenge you or help you enhance your communication skills, all the better. You desire someone who will bring forward an exchange of ideas and inspire you to share your thoughts; you want them to understand you on a mental level more than anything else.
It is likely that the person you choose will be very verbally expressive, analytical, and witty though may at times be critical, tense, anxious, and engage in arguments with you. They are probably interested in the written and spoken word in general, as well as languages or communication of all forms. Traveling may be important to them and they may work in an administrative or technological field.
It is advisable that you curb your critical analysis and tendency to argue with others, as this will help your chances to achieve a happy union.

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Venus in 7th house

Friendly, outgoing, and full of charm; you thrive in social situations. Others generally enjoy your company and relationships in general tend to be pleasant and easy for you. You may need to be mindful that you are not being taken advantage of, as you may not stand up for yourself due to an aversion to any sort of conflict. You are probably drawn to someone who is financially successful and physically attractive. You want to be able to spend time together enjoying all of the luxury life has to offer. Make sure to keep your expectations of others realistic.
You truly value partnerships, although acquiring affection may be a little too important to you. Imbalance is something that you need to look out for, as you may expect too much from your partner and relationship. Try not to make a mountain out of a molehill.
You strive to find a romantic partner that will provide you with all of the luxuries life has to offer. You are looking to indulge and are seeking someone who will supply you with the opportunity. Marriage often raises your social status. Be mindful not to become too engrossed in sensualities as they may lead you to trouble. You despise conflict much preferring your partner to be less aggressive and more accommodating. If Venus is negatively aspected, you may need to be careful that your partner’s moral values are as honourable as they seem.

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Mars in 7th house

Self-sufficient, you are often stubborn in your desire to have things done the way you want them done. It is important that you learn how to negotiate in a harmonious fashion, as you can seem abrasive to others. Try to better collaborate in your interactions.
Partnerships stimulate and invigorate your energy and drive. You prefer a lively partner that will join you on life’s great adventures. This person may be competitive, aggressive, or combative as you enjoy someone who will dare you to defy your limitations. The competitive vibe between your partner and yourself runs high; it would be best for you to direct this energy into positive outlets or the high voltage may destroy you or your partnership.
There is a tendency to poke and prod others as a way to test their reactions. You enjoy a friendly opposition or contest with another. The thrill of pursuing something often intrigues and stimulates you more than what you achieve in the end. What you desire most is to engage in combat with your partner, who wins the battle is of no consequence to you. The person you marry will need to be feisty, optimistic, energetic, adept, brave, and bold.
This placement suggests the native will enter into a passionate, romantic love early in life as a result of being suddenly “love struck” by another. The partner may be some sort of victor or defender of the people. If Mars is negatively aspected, you are likely to make a rash decision in regards to your marriage union, rushing in head first without reservations, only to regret your actions.
There may be difficulties and tension in the partnerships due to the partners’ intolerant, demanding temperament, often expressing elements of over-indulgence, recklessness, and violent behaviour.
To best succeed in your marriage partnership, it is essential that you practice using harmonious, diplomatic means when striving towards an objective, rather than using excessive force, aggressive tactics, and one-upmanship as you are prone to do.

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Jupiter in 8th house

A positive attitude and a strong belief in others, you can at times be prone to being rather emotive. However, this emotional surplus allows you to access a strong intuition that can be described as psychic and you often use this gift to help elevate others. It is also possible that others will fund your endeavours, permitting you many opportunities to succeed in whatever you desire.

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Saturn in 8th house

You are diligent in your work as well as frugal with your spending; you are willing to wait as long as is necessary for what is important to you. There is a tendency to suppress your sexuality or not allow yourself to fully engage with others due to your continuous search for monetary safety. However, it would be most beneficial for you to convert this energy into spiritual growth and insight that can best be achieved by learning to understand the people you form partnerships with on a deeper level. What good is having money when you have lost yourself? There may be a theme of abuse present in your life, some sort of challenge concerning sex, or possibly trouble with a desire to control others or them controlling you. It will be important for you to learn to temper your strong sensuality. In addition, you may feel as though you’ve been wounded somehow due to the karma of a previous life. There may be complications involving anything having to do with finances or their institutions.

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Uranus in 3rd house

Quite the original thinker, your ideas are inventive, fresh, and imaginative, though they are not usually conventional. You tend to communicate in ways that can sometimes baffle others as your thought patterns may be rather eccentric. You are rarely bored as you thirst for information and enjoy learning new bits of data. Your mind is restless and it is important for you to find intellectual stimulation. Traveling seems to temper this craving; therefore you may find yourself away from home often. Relationships with family and your immediate community tend to be afflicted with an underlying tension that can be somewhat strained and stressful.

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Neptune in 5th house

You are a natural performer and have a charming stage presence as you have a great artistic ability. Idealistic and imaginative, you may sometimes be impractical. You are often seeking romantic situations that are unrealistic and your attachments tend to end suddenly with little known cause. Wearing rose-coloured glasses in regards to love relationships, you can be quite the romantic. This placement indicates that you will encounter many challenges with your offspring and your love life, sacrificing much for both, yet with little reward. Your children may necessitate special attention.

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Pluto in 3rd house

Always searching for answers and you usually find them as you have the flexible, penetrating mind of a detective. You quickly comprehend the nuances in any given situation and accurately detect people’s hidden intentions. You particularly enjoy solving problems and may do research or puzzles on your free time as a hobby. You are often probing for deeper meaning and it is important to you to decipher truth. On occasion, you will find yourself feeling rather frustrated or anxious when solutions do not come to you as quickly as they usually do. Writing down your thoughts may help you come to an understanding and release some mental anxiety; you can find this regenerating to your entire system. You may use this method to cleanse your mind as you can put the past behind you and start anew.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Capricorn 13

Sabian Symbol: A fire-worshipper meditates against the mountains in the East.
Kozminsky Symbol: A female spirit form holds the hand of a poor child, from darkness into mist into the light.

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Moon in 
Sagittarius 8

Sabian Symbol: Within the Universe, new worlds are formed.
Kozminsky Symbol: Horses pull a load up a hill made of chains to a revolving wheel.

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Mercury in 
Capricorn 24

Sabian Symbol: A woman enters a convent to have a safe haven.
Kozminsky Symbol: A hand from the heavens saves a girl from three arrows aimed toward her.

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Venus in 
Capricorn 8

Sabian Symbol: In a mansion canaries loudly sing.
Kozminsky Symbol: A woman mourns the death of her child while the spirit of the child is surrounded by white light.

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Mars in 
Capricorn 8

Sabian Symbol: In a mansion canaries loudly sing.
Kozminsky Symbol: A woman mourns the death of her child while the spirit of the child is surrounded by white light.

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Jupiter in 
Aquarius 12

Sabian Symbol: An allegorical painting portrays different staircases that graduate upward.
Kozminsky Symbol: A table with letters, a book and a manuscript near a woman who nurses an injured dove.

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Saturn in 
Aquarius 1

Sabian Symbol: An ancient adobe mission sits near the California hills.
Kozminsky Symbol: In rose-tinted clouds, a human head sits.

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Uranus in 
Virgo 1

Sabian Symbol: An artist paints a portrait of a man’s head, to show his best features.
Kozminsky Symbol: Addressing a group of travelers, a pilgrim leans on his staff, held with his left hand.

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Neptune in 
Scorpio 14

Sabian Symbol: Telephone linemen bring installations to a mountainous country.
Kozminsky Symbol: While two people fight, a young lad pours water into a sieve.

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Pluto in 
Virgo 11

Sabian Symbol: A mother looks into her baby’s eyes and imagines the beautiful boy he will become.
Kozminsky Symbol: A chariot drawn carriage carries the king, throwing coins to his kingdom.

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Ascendant in 
Gemini 24

Sabian Symbol: Carefree children in skating outfits glide over a frozen pond.
Kozminsky Symbol: A woman of intense beauty feeds bread to starving people as high intelligent beings place a crown of bright and shiny metal on to her head from behind.

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Midheaven in 
Aries 4

Sabian Symbol: Strolling through a secluded park are two lovers together.
Kozminsky Symbol: A dagger with a bent point is held by a mailed hand.

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Cap 12° 59' 59"
1° 01' 11"
00" N
22° 48' 24" S
Sag 07° 57' 19"
13° 38' 57"
4° 53' 58" N
16° 48' 01" S
Cap 23° 51' 44"
1° 37' 47"
2° 08' 32" S
23° 26' 40" S
Cap 07° 21' 39"
1° 15' 30"
20' 12" S
23° 34' 25" S
Cap 07° 38' 20"
45' 34"
46' 39" S
23° 59' 52" S
Aqu 11° 05' 49"
13' 28"
39' 44" S
18° 04' 56" S
Aqu 00° 00' 26"
6' 56"
19' 46" S
20° 28' 24" S
Vir 00° 10' 34" R
- 1' 31"
46' 18" N
12° 08' 01" N
Sco 13° 01' 23"
1' 20"
1° 44' 44" N
14° 05' 06" S
Vir 10° 00' 04" R
- 41"
13° 16' 18" N
20° 03' 45" N
Pis 03° 12' 34"
2' 51"
5° 21' 44" N
5° 19' 26" S
Vir 07° 22' 30"
6' 39"
1° 33' 08" N
10° 14' 37" N
True Node
Leo 18° 32' 04" R
- 6' 04"
00" N
15° 16' 24" N
P. of Fortune
Tau 18° 02' 27"
Aqu 13° 35' 21"
Gem 23° 05' 07"
Can 24° 57' 04"
Leo 29° 38' 35"
Lib 03° 48' 31"
Sco 03° 48' 21"
Sco 29° 28' 20"
Sag 23° 05' 07"
Cap 24° 57' 04"
Aqu 29° 38' 35"
Ari 03° 48' 31"
Tau 03° 48' 21"
Tau 29° 28' 20"
True Node
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
True Node
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