Ruud Lubbers

Birth Chart: Ruud Lubbers (Taurus)

Rudolphus Franciscus Marie "Ruud" Lubbers (Dutch pronunciation: [?ryt ?l?b?rs] ( listen); born 7 May 1939) is a retired Dutch politician and diplomat of the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA). He served as Prime Minister of the Netherlands from 4 November 1982 until 22 August 1994.

Hint: Ever asked yourself What Zodiac sign am I? Then take this quiz to check what is your Zodiac personality!

Astrological Natal Chart
Ruud Lubbers

Born at Rotterdam, Netherlands
Sunday, May 07, 1939
10:30 (time zone = GMT 0.3 hours)
4e29, 51n55

Fact: Taurus dates are between April 20 and May 21. Check the Taurus dates to find out.


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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LEO rising

Those with a Leo rising are typically giving, prideful, emotionally reactive, outgoing, loud, narcissistic, brave, confident, dramatic, romantic, and they are excellent showmen. They tend to go about like royalty, taking care of their “subjects” and expecting complete devotion from them. You have vitality and can be a bit of a risk taker, sometimes too much so. Extremely prideful, the biggest insult someone can throw at you would be to your ego. Appreciation is also something you require in order to feel satisfied. You can come off as loud and tough, but inside you are a big softie. When you care, you are easily wounded. In regards to a romantic partner, you would prefer that they are someone who will make you proud, and you in turn would like to foster this sort of reaction from them. You are very loyal to those you care for and would protect them fiercely if ever need be. Your anger can flare up suddenly but luckily this tends to resolve quickly and you are back to being your merry self again. Dramatic displays tickle your fancy and you can be somewhat of a drama queen or king yourself. Being in the limelight, all eyes focused on you is not only comfortable for you but you seek this attention out. At times you can be inflexible and unyielding, but you do this in a jovial way. It is unlikely that you will ever forget a slight, particularly if your ego is damaged, though you will usually forgive. You are rather sporty and enjoy being out in nature. You have an excellent drive and cheerful disposition, however if something goes wrong in your love relationship, it can zap the life out of you. Having warmth and love in your life is crucial to you. When discouraged, you may lose your willpower to live. A lesson you will need to learn during your lifetime is to be more humble. Leo is ruled by the Sun and therefore it’s placement in your chart will be significant.

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Shhh! To Taurus, sex is hard work. It takes time and should do so. Taurus can still be kind of lazy in bed, wanting the partner to do most of the work. Read all about Taurus sexuality here.


If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Sun blending with Uranus

(power = 13.24 and this aspect is neutral)

You are an inventive, progressive, mentally quick, artistic, untraditional, intuitive non-conformist who feels comfortable being an eccentric, rebellious activist for change. Highly self-sufficient, you resent others giving you orders in any form. You can be inflexible when it comes to taking other people’s desires into consideration. It is imperative that you are able to live your life in a way where you have complete freedom. Deep down you believe you are unlike the normal crowd, perhaps even as though you are of a different species or from the wrong time period. You will rebel when you feel as though someone is trying to control you, particularly in a romantic partnership. You tend to run on a high frequency and can suffer from anxiety and nervousness. Relaxation is essential, as is channelling your inner tension creatively, in order to remain centred. You easily pick up on things that others may miss—hints, vibrations, and the like; your intuition is excellent. You trust your gut instincts to guide you. You are talented in finding ways to progress outdated systems. The brilliant mastermind within can be best expressed through discipline, self-restraint, and persistence.

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Mars discordant to Saturn

(power = 9.41 and this aspect is discordant = -16.46)

Yours is a contradictory balancing act between a strong force towards action and cautious reserve. If this placement is expressed negatively, you can be merciless and act without heart. Inside yourself you store every slight that has ever been afflicted upon you. Feeling resentful and angry, you remember each hurt and refuse to bestow forgiveness. You are vengeful, plotting ways to repay those who have hurt you, though you may not actually act upon these musings. This placement will also bestow you with great ambitious and dedication. Challenges will not deter you as you can work very diligently, persevering beyond what most others would be capable of. However, the most common impact of this placement will make you emotionally fickle, going from warm to cool rather suddenly, or it will provide you constant trials so as to assess your character. The general feel of this placement is not necessarily pleasing, though it may bring to you advantageous abilities that allow you to survive extremely difficult situations, and that is worth quite a lot. If you are able to get through the tension that this placement provides, you will find yourself a very strong person indeed.
When you focus diligently towards one aspiration you are able to achieve a great deal. The path can be quite hard on you however, and you will feel as though you are left with the burden of the entire task on your own. You are able to call upon an impressive amount of self-restraint and discipline when needed although you may criticise yourself harshly, feeling that you are never quite good enough and heaven forbid it if you were to make a mistake. At times, the doubt you feel within can damage opportunities for success. If you are involved with a long term endeavour you may find yourself feeling defeated when the project does not advance quickly enough for your liking. When you attempt to assert yourself, you are often met with opposition. This can lead to you feeling as though you are inferior in comparison to others. You must develop a way to channel the inner feelings of aggravation you possess or they will lead to you feeling as though you may burst at any moment. Often when this burst does occur, it is directed at the people you feel most bonded to. Be careful not to generate resentment in your loved ones; they are not a doormat for you to wipe your dirty feet on. It might be best for you to labour alone. This placement is likely to produce many interruptions, postponements, and challenges regarding your plans; be patient.
You must find equilibrium between your wants or wishes, and the responsibilities that you are obliged to. Pursuing your longings is likely to cause others to view you as self-centred, foolish, and undependable. However, if you restrain yourself completely from pursuing your inner wants, you might not be able to keep yourself from ripping at the seams; both areas need to be catered to. Unfortunately, due to this tension, you feel angry and irritated because you believe that your decisions are somehow made for you and you are unable to engage in what is most pleasing for you. These resentments keep building and cause you to emote negatively, often in spite and mockery. It may help you to write down the things that you are obligated to do first and make sure you get them done. Next write down what you would most like to do for pleasure and start on those. This way you have a clearly defined path towards accomplishing both types of endeavours and are not fighting with yourself, causing delay due to frustration by indecision. Highly detail-oriented and organised, you make sure that the work you take on is done right.
In addition to the above, one of the lessons given in the placement is for you to be aware of and appreciate just how beautiful life can really be. Many times you are unable to see the positive things going on around you because you are so bogged down by the difficulties that you face on a regular basis. Life can be cold and harsh at times but, as with everything, there must be balance. Every yin has its yang and the harshness must be tempered by love and beauty, both of which can be found all around you if you only LOOK. You require warmth and care though these things may not be abundant in your life. If you want more love in your life you must be able to express your own feelings to other people, something that can be particularly difficult for you to do. Previous hurts are not easily forgotten by you and you may carry with you a deep emotional wound, creating a detached, reserved demeanour that others may find impenetrable. This sombre attitude can baffle others as they are unable to read you.
As mentioned previously, you have a tendency towards keeping any negative feelings secured within until they reach a boiling point and burst forth. Holding in your anger will only cause you harm, whether this be mentally, emotionally, or physically; you are susceptible to disorders affecting the organs that are responsible for cleaning your system and must be mindful of your kidneys and gallbladder. Furthermore, it would be beneficial for you to monitor your wants as they can become destructive and uncontrollable if left to their own devices. It is also possible that you will find it difficult to complete tasks that you have started as your determination wavers as time carries on. Another influence with this placement is an inclination towards adopting an unsympathetic, cold-hearted, self-centred approach where you will only help others if you are able to benefit from doing so.

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Mercury blending with Saturn

(power = 7.89 and this aspect is discordant = -3.94)

You are mentally focused and are prone to thinking deeply, seriously, and methodically. You may not process things quickly but when you do process them, you understand them completely. You prefer to study and process your thoughts on your own and will not express your views unless you have fully thought them through. You have a tendency towards feeling depressed and can be rather careful and emotionally cool. Traditional opinions are usually what you are most comfortable conveying and you can be sceptical towards anything too unconventional or progressive, particularly when you are unable to find confirmation of its rationality in science. You are skilled in working on projects that require detail-oriented, thorough, systematic thinking. In social situations, you are quiet, serious, and unlikely to engage in playful chit-chat, preferring to keep your thoughts to yourself. You are dutiful and responsible, often most comfortable when working. You feel as though you must be doing something industrious and useful in order to be spending your time appropriately; anything else is viewed as wasted effort. Your tone of voice conveys confidence and others are instinctively aware that you know what you are talking about when you make the effort to express yourself. Organised and practical, you would do well working in administrative or managerial positions. You are realistic and your actions are clear and direct, though you are not one to be openly affectionate with others. Physically, you are susceptible to dental problems, particularly the deterioration of the enamel surrounding your teeth.

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Moon discordant to Jupiter

(power = 7.81 and this aspect is discordant = -3.90)

You have a tendency to indulge too much in any way that you can. You are naturally joyful and happy-go-lucky with others, very sociable, and do not restrain yourself emotionally. People seek out your counsel and aid because they know that you have a giving spirit. You are not one to judge, instead you accept people for who they are, foibles and all. You are also not usually anxious, rather you go with the flow and take things as they come. However, sometimes you may give more of yourself than would be wise. Your generosity may enable people to continue in their bad habits instead of pushing them to make it on their own. You are prone to emotional intensity and this may need to be tempered, especially regarding romantic partnerships. Something inside of you pushes you to keep going full-force until you are unable to go any further due to sheer exhaustion. You may feel as though you are always rushing around from one thing to another. Because of your tendency to indulge in rich cuisine, you are susceptible to weight-gain as you age. It is possible that life may try to test your views. Do not be overly positive about your financial situation and keep from being too confident in general. There is a part of you that is scared to see that there could be something wrong with anything you do or think, keeping you from growing as a person. You can help this by understanding that no one is perfect and that making mistakes is part of being human. Your judgement may be faulty at times and legal difficulties may be a problem for you, as well as inability to think ahead, make decisions, or speak the complete truth. You enjoy dramatization and can stretch yourself beyond what you can realistically afford, carelessly taking risks you shouldn’t take on concepts that seem great in theory but fall short in practice.

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Sun harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 7.25 and this aspect is harmonious = 7.25)

You have an excellent imagination and your environment can have a large impact on you. In your world, beauty and magic are everywhere! You are drawn to the metaphysical realm and strive to comprehend the meaning of all that you come across. There is a strong bond between you and the world at large; you are at one with humans, animals, and the forces at work. You have a great amount of empathy and care deeply for others, always willing to come to the aid of those who need you. Expressing yourself creatively, whether this is through artistic, musical, or acting pursuits, is essential to your happiness in life. Although, your strong idealism and romanticism can do well with some practicality. You are full of hopes and dreams that you are able to attain if only you can apply yourself. Karmic endeavours in past lives have set you up to build on your psychic abilities and turn them into reality by aiding those you come across in this life. You are able to remove yourself from your earthly self and connect spiritually when in need of advice. You have a particular fondness for the arts, higher principles, and sophistication. Premonitions or guidance may come to you in odd forms. Delicate emotionally, you will avoid conflict if possible. You possess a magnetic quality and an almost magical allure.

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Uranus harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 7.00 and this aspect is harmonious = 7.00)

You have an ability to enlighten yourself through spirituality, whether this ability is conscious or subconscious. Philosophy and acquiring knowledge are important to you and you tend towards idealism. However, you are often accepting of others views, despite them differing from your own. You have keen intuition and a sensitive, creative mind that may lead to mystical abilities.

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Jupiter harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 5.82 and this aspect is harmonious = 8.73)

You possess a talent for leadership in aiding others to improve their situation, whether this be their living situation or their spiritual one. You are highly moral by nature and this draws people to you. Coordinating others comes easily to you as does strategy. It is likely that you will transform any group that you lead. Your past life bestowed you with acceptance towards others beliefs and values, you are humble in your approach. You quickly decipher what is morally correct and what is not, lending to an ability to thoroughly comprehend when a transformation is in order. You find pleasure assisting in the task of attaining important aspirations, yours or someone else’s. Insightful and giving, you have a gift for seeing to the truth of the matter and read people and circumstances accurately and swiftly. You are also particularly empathetic towards others and the troubles they encounter.

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Mars harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 5.11 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.83)

You are very imaginative and visual, with a great ability to think outside of the box when an issue needs solving. However when you do look for resolutions, you tend to take the route that will avoid confrontations, instead opting for ways that will keep harmony. You are a humanitarian and enjoy aiding those who may not have been blessed with many opportunities; helping others in this way is deeply spiritually fulfilling for you. There is a talent here for dramatization, especially in the arts. In order to balance your mental and emotional states, it would help you to engage in this artistic talent and direct your energy productively. This outlet can also help you to keep your feet on the ground, rather than allowing your mind to run off into a land of fantasy. Turning fantasy into something tangible can happen for you due to your sensible nature; you couple idealism with practicality. Spiritual mysticism appeals to you and you may find yourself dabbling in the subject when opportunity presents itself. Others are drawn to your magnetic essence, particularly people who require aid of some sort. You can assert yourself when needed, though you do this in a tolerant, accepting, and caring way. Good past life karma bestows safety from secret adversaries who are intending to harm you. Innately you understand that if you continue working patiently and diligently, you will acquire what you are after. Sympathetic and sensitive to others suffering, you truly care for any living creature, human or otherwise, though you must be mindful not to allow others to take advantage of you by way of conjuring up a sad tale just to play on your sentiments. Being around water will soothe your mind and spirit, and therefore you should strive to be near water as often as possible.

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Mercury blending with Venus

(power = 5.07 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.27)

You enjoy beautiful things of high-quality as your senses are particularly attuned to shape and texture. Your sensitivity towards spatial dimensions and skill in creating beauty lends to an artistic talent that can be expressed in many forms. You may find yourself working in fields of design, decorating, writing, music, or various craftworks. This placement also bestows attractive vocal abilities that you can use to diffuse difficult circumstances. Both your way of thinking and your way of speaking lead to harmonious outcomes. Diplomatic solutions in tense situations come naturally to you. You may also find yourself doing well as a salesperson of arts or of aesthetically pleasing items. You instinctively know what colours would work well together and what sorts of musical chords are most pleasing together. In the case that you are not artistically gifted, you will have a fondness for the arts and creative ventures in general. Your charming personality, subtle humour, and polite mannerisms make it easy for others to get along with you and people generally enjoy your company. You make an excellent mediator when someone has been slighted or can be a calming presence during challenging debates. When your emotions are triggered, you will analyse them before acting and it is likely that you “think” your emotions or “feel” your thoughts as you are unable to separate your mind from your feelings.

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Saturn discordant to Pluto

(power = 4.85 and this aspect is discordant = -7.28)

The pathway towards achieving your goals may be obstructed and there is also issue with asserting power. It seems that something always stands in the way of what you are trying to accomplish. It would be wise to evaluate the reasoning behind your actions. Are these actions done for selfish reasons alone, or do they have a benefit for humanity as a whole? Competing with others allows you to learn how to better collaborate with people. Much wisdom can be attained with this placement, however it is imperative that you act selflessly.
Karma from a past life insists that you listen to the opposing views of others openly in this life, as you had acted in a controlling, commanding manner previously. If you insist on holding to your own opinions rigidly, your conditions will only worsen. Great power comes with great responsibility—this responsibility is to ensure others well-being, not only your own. Those who need to learn this are often placed in powerful roles so that they may do so. Be humble, keep striving, and develop your patience.
You can be very innovative though you must develop a way to adapt. You prefer things to stay the same, with the same routine, and this desire prompts you to attempt controlling others in some way. This placement may create a great deal of tension for you emotionally, though you can use these challenges to better understand the meaning of life.

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Mercury discordant to Mars

(power = 4.48 and this aspect is discordant = -5.60)

You combine cleverness and craftiness in order to get the most you can out of others so as to benefit yourself. You are mentally attentive, sharp, and enjoy a good verbal sparring match. At times you can speak too quickly or bluntly, and would do well to slow down a bit. You also tend to take out revenge on others by verbally cutting them down. When you become angry these attacks can become particularly explosive, involving insults and intense rants. Your assertive communication insists that others come around to share your viewpoints, though you are unlikely to be open theirs. It is important for you to develop self-control and a way to express your desires in a reasonable fashion, rather than letting them run away with you. If you are able to redirect the tension you feel inside into creative endeavours, you will save yourself lots of trouble with other people as you are prone to starting fights when tension builds up within you. You often criticise those closest to you when you are in a bad mood and this habit may burn many bridges. Most conversations quickly turn into arguments with you and it would be a good idea to go into a career where this personality trait is an asset rather than a hindrance, for instance as a human/animal rights activist, upholding the law, or possibly where a no-holds-barred critique is required. Reading appeals to you and it is likely that you are skilled in written communication or creative writing.
It is difficult for you to contain your high energy long enough for you to calmly stay in one place and you will instead fidget around until you are actively engaged in something. This lends to you preferring to work on a variety of different endeavours at once as you lose interest quickly otherwise, though you rarely see any of these projects through to completion. However, it is important that you allow yourself a chance to relax and unwind or you will wear yourself out mentally. When pressure within you reaches a pique you will explode outwardly, often without reason. Logic is difficult for you to find when you are angry, your thoughts tend to be muddled during this time, and you are not able to rationally convey why you are feeling such rage. Your nervousness can make you susceptible to physical ailments that are usually associated with stress; make a conscious effort to relax every day and try not to take on more work than you can realistically handle. Your volatile temper can also create trouble with your heart. Often you go about each day in a busy manner, speeding about though getting very little done. Learn to pace yourself.

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Sun harmonizing with Mars

(power = 4.35 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.26)

You are brave, self-confident, full of energy, driven, and optimistic. Competing with others is enjoyable for you and you tend to win using your confidence and intuition. Your strong will has allowed you to learn self-discipline, creating a force that permits you to rise to truly powerful positions. Your physical health is amazing as you heal easily and have endless amounts of energy. However, it is important that you are able to keep active physically or this immense energy of yours will turn destructive. Every effort is made on your part to achieve success in an honourable fashion. You are likely to be a good leader and have a talent for administrating. Hard-working, courageous, and assertive, you gain the admiration of others and will champion for them if they are being unjustly treated.

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Mars harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 4.11 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.08)

You are spontaneous, responsive, and innovative with an active vitality and ability to make confident decisions with ease. The mundane daily schedule of life is unappealing to you and if forced to endure this monotonous ordeal day in and day out, you are likely to feel trapped. You need something to be happening, something new and different, especially if it is a type of activity where you can express your agility and well-timed pace; relaxation may be a challenge for you as you require being constantly active. Much of your energy may come from the high-strung nerves you possess and the internal restlessness you feel regularly. You strive to be a part of projects that require reforming a system or changing tradition somehow. Highly self-sufficient, you dislike having to answer to anyone and need a great deal of space to get into whatever tickles your fancy at the moment. You are often the leader in whatever endeavours you start on, providing inspirational guidance to those working with you. However, you are not one to listen when others try to advise you; you feel you must go through the situation yourself to comprehend it fully and then come to your own conclusions and observations, even if this can be destructive at times. Previous life karma is good and you have been able to keep your temper and impulses relatively balanced. Continue on the path you have started in your past; your intuitive nature serves you well. You can be rebellious when given instruction, however you also sense when it is important for you follow without causing issue. Though you work to create change, you are keen to observe when the price of change may be too high. You have a magnetic personality that draws others to you and when you lead, you do not do so because you are power-hungry but rather because you have great insight into what is likely to happen and how best to maneuver the situation to succeed. Often your life is full of unexpected and rather strange circumstances, though you do not mind having to handle them as you are always up for enhancing your abilities.

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Moon harmonizing with Saturn

(power = 2.84 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.42)

You like to keep your feelings under a tight reign. This placement helps to balance your feelings even when circumstances are difficult. Others may be frantic during these times, yet you remain calm and collected. You are reasonable and unbiased during stressful situations which help you to solve the underlying issue amidst emotional chaos. This placement allows you to concentrate more effectively. You do not skirt your duties and people know they can rely on you to do what you have committed to doing. You are loyal to those in your circle and to the people you feel close to, supporting them behind the scenes. You dislike being idle and enjoy watching the fruit of your labour. Mentally you tend to stick to the conservative route, letting tradition guide you. Frivolous thoughts for the sake of fun are not really your cup of tea; you take a more sombre approach. However, you are not always able to show your feelings towards those you care for. It would be beneficial if you could develop a more open manner and convey these inner emotions outwardly to them somehow. You are independent and methodical, as well as having a good ability to organise, handle money and business, and behave diplomatically when interacting with people. You are very patient and willing to persevere until you have reached your goal. You are ethical, dutiful, faithful, and fair.

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Mars discordant to Pluto

(power = 2.26 and this aspect is discordant = -2.82)

You possess a strong will-power and an influential character. Others may believe you are a threat to them somehow and will attempt to harm you before you can do the same. Those in positions of power will come to you and show you how a true leader should behave. Your wants are particularly intense and once you set your sights on a goal, not much can keep you from achieving it. When this happens you can end up with an obsessive sort of tunnel vision until you are finished, often become highly subjective in regards to the matter at hand. Be careful not to become a fanatic. You can be quite demanding of others and attempt to dictate their path for them, though you yourself will not abide by others telling you what to do and should keep this in mind when leading others.
You insist on knowing others intentions and secrets, though will keep your own well-hidden unless you believe it will somehow further your advances. You prefer to be in the most informed position at all times. You crave to experience powerful emotions and are unconcerned whether these emotions are from something beneficial or something detrimental, as long as you can experience these strong feelings. Your romantic partnerships often suffer from inequality as you can be rather dominating and you need to learn to share power, rather than keeping it all for yourself.
You are extremely driven, dedicated, and preserving, though you must keep in mind that not everyone can conjure up these same traits. Try to be patient with others as they are not likely to be able to sustain the stressful working conditions that you are able to. Take the immense energy that you have and release it into something beneficial rather than dominating others, or you will be branded a tyrant.
Despite the above, it is important to emphasise that you are able to accomplish amazing feats if only you channel your energy correctly. The forces you project into the world will be powerful and it is up to you whether you want to generate something beneficial for all or mass destruction.
Strive for a more harmonious atmosphere when dealing with other people; diplomacy will go a long way farther than opposition. Do not burn the bridges you cross on your way up, as you never know who you will encounter in the future. Karma will limit you if you try to use unwholesome techniques when achieving your goals. It would also help you to pay attention to concepts suggested by others; you just might discover a perspective you have never considered. Allow others a chance to release their inner musings instead of answering for them. And finally, keep in mind that being consistently inflexible in your attitude, behaviour, and opinions can create adversaries for you, when you could have had partners.

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Mars harmonizing with Jupiter

(power = 0.00 and this aspect is neutral)

You are confident, driven, and enthusiastic. You are of the mindset that if you try hard enough to achieve a goal, you will eventually do so. There is an awareness of when things should be done and an intuition regarding what methods would be effective, and which ones would not be. Competition can be fun for you and you remain cheerful throughout the challenge. However, this competition is mostly done on your own, as you like to push yourself farther than you have before. Revenge is not something that you usually engage in as you prefer to let go of whatever wrongs others have done you. What you find truly interesting are things that broaden your mind, such as higher learning, spiritual matters, philosophical concepts, or travel. Being active and out in nature appeals to your adventurous spirit. If you could develop self-discipline, you are likely to do well in sporty activities. You exude positivity and greet the world with enthusiasm. Money comes easily to you and therefore you are likely to waste it too readily. You give of yourself and your possessions freely. What happens in the future is not troubling to you as you trust in the universe to provide you with your necessities. Others see you as honourable and honest in your dealings. It is rare that you allow anger to dwell within you for very long; usually you are apt to let things go easily as you believe that staying upset would only be wasteful. When times are tough, you are still able to maintain your optimism and continue to be kind and considerate towards others.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Taurus

Taureans tend to be purposeful, diligent, resilient, tenacious, unrelenting, realistic, pragmatic, considerate, trustworthy, and faithful (learn about compatibility with Taurus here). They often enjoy manual labour as they prefer being able to see the concrete outcomes of their work. Doing the same thing, with the same schedule, day in and day out is perfectly okay with them as long as they feel they are providing something useful.
To a Taurus, material assets are exceptionally valuable as they feel somewhat unsafe and unsteady without owning something tangible. It is exactly this strong craving to own objects that spurs them forward towards productivity. However, they may project this desire to own onto their romantic relationships and treat others as objects, becoming possessive of their significant others.
Taureans are dependable, cautious, dedicated, persistent, and honourable; they may take longer to get going, but they are able to see a project through to completion. It is more likely that a Taurus will continue an endeavour that another has initiated, than to begin one on their own. You may be able to guide a Taurus but they can be quite stubborn if they feel forced into anything; they dig in their heels and refuse to budge.
A Taurus is difficult to anger, however once they are brought to that point, they can express an intense rage; they see red and charge! When angered, they are able to carelessly break all that they have spent precious time to build. Their anger will be slow-burning and they will require a period to sooth their temper until everything has passed out of their psyche. It would be beneficial to allow them the space they need to be on their own during this time as they must take a moment to process what has occurred. Do not force them to engage prematurely or you may trigger another episode and only wind up prolonging the process.
Taureans will hold stubbornly to their viewpoints and it will be challenging to alter them. If however one does manage to change the mind of a Taurus, be sure it is the desired direction as it will be even more difficult to revert their opinion to what it was previously. Taureans are known for remaining calm under pressure and provide realistic remedies to the trouble at hand; this causes others to feel as though they can trust a Taurus to handle the emergency and feel safe in their protection. Taureans become more frustrated than most when they are suffering physical discomforts, ailments, and the like.
A Taurus will prefer being in a peaceful, aesthetically pleasing environment and can be very warm and physically demonstrative. However, they are often worried that they will lose the things they have acquired. This insecurity brings out feelings of envy, indulgence, idleness, lethargy, inflexibility, and a desire to possess. It is crucial that a Taurus develop an appreciation for what is cerebral and non-physical, as this will free them from their tendency to clutch at others possessively as if they belonged to them. They must establish a strong set of principles and beliefs, and learn how to remove themselves so that they will be able to release their hold on both people and their material belongings.

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Moon in Capricorn

You are a dutiful and sombre individual, preferring to work first and play later. You are rather reserved with your feelings as overt emotional displays make you uncomfortable and accepting aid from others is difficult for you; you like to project an image of being emotionally strong. You may feel deep down that you are not lovable, not wanted, or not good enough somehow and this creates a strong desire to succeed at all costs. Achieving your goals allows you to feel as though you are significant and necessary. It is important that you learn how to feel secure within yourself, as you can become easily hurt through actions that may not have necessarily been done with negative intent. At times you may feel weighed down, like you alone carry the heavy burdens.
Co-dependency is not something you feel comfortable with and you will insist that both you and others toughen up. You may need to develop an understanding of human nature in regards to emotional needs as no one can or should do everything on their own, and sometimes it is okay to give in to emotions; do not be so hard on yourself. Generally you are likely to be viewed as strong and uncompromising, treating emotions with the same attitude you would a business transaction. Your emotions may indeed be strong and profound, though you will not usually express these feelings outwardly. It would do you well to let go a bit at times, to have fun and unwind. You can be conventional, dependable, and driven, with a talent for bringing your ambitious to fruition. However, this strong ambition may create a thirst for power that may cause you to become calculating and only looking out for your own best interests with little regard to others. You crave respect. Your feelings are usually stable, though may be icy at times.

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Mercury in Aries

You tend to speak your mind and like others to be clear about where you stand on an issue. There is a tendency towards being argumentative or competitive with others verbally, as you have a very innovative and active mind, at times perhaps too active. You express yourself in a direct fashion and never hold back. You enjoy sharing your viewpoints and will do so even when others may not necessarily wish to hear them. You may find yourself rebelling just for the sake of providing a different opinion, and you tend to deliver these opinions too bluntly; try to foster a more diplomatic approach. There is a lot of tension and anxiousness in your mental makeup, and it may be difficult for you to relax. You prefer being always on the go, particularly if you are able to engage yourself physically. You may have a skill in technical endeavours. Often times you do not think through the things you say and regret them immediately afterwards. You may need to develop greater focus and patience when engrossed in your projects. You tend to be well-liked by others due to your quick wit and engaging character. You detest others trying to control your actions in any way and require independence to follow whatever path YOU choose to. Your anger can flare up suddenly and intensely, though as soon as the blast is over you will quickly forget that anything was the matter in the first place. Hardly ever bored, instead you have the opposite problem where there is always more to do than you can ever have enough time for.

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Venus in Aries

Venus naturally craves partnerships, socialising, warmth, and love, while Aries is direct, commanding, and a strong leader. These two combined will bestow you with a tendency towards pursuing your relationships with great fervour. Your emotions are quickly ignited and you enthusiastically take charge in social situations and romantic endeavours. You decide what you want and you go get it. However, be mindful not to pursue interests only for the sake of pursuing them and not because you truly desire them; you often discard the object of your desire once the chase has ended and you have completed your conquest. Therefore, it is likely that your romantic affairs begin in an intense burst of exhilaration and passion, only to temper off into a pale remnant of what they once were. You will always find new pursuits to master, and you will chase them as if going into battle; nothing will dissuade you. The most negative trait that Venus possesses is the tendency towards people pleasing and becoming overly accommodating for the sake of harmony. Therefore you may find that with this aspect you seek out partners that will insist you accommodate their needs and wishes, forcing you to put your own aside. An Aries Venus placement insists that you are a leader, though do not control, that you are accommodating, though not a doormat. You are self-sufficient and have a spontaneous style towards romantic involvements. You enjoy competition and may become quarrelsome only for the sake of having a short-lived thrill. You may need to be mindful of the consequences your actions have on others and develop consideration for their needs, instead of always looking out for yourself. Try also to cultivate patience, as your tendency towards haste can become a major obstacle for you.

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Mars in Capricorn

You have an intense drive for respect, power, and success. Often taking the role of leader as you find it difficult to be controlled by others. Mars in Capricorn can create an individual who throws around their power, mercilessly trampling others to get ahead. You are effective, diligent, coordinated, determined, reasonable, persistent, and willing to do whatever it takes to reach your goals. You direct your efforts towards tangible achievements. You work hard and have a great deal of patience; you are able to sacrifice present luxuries for future success. Dutiful and meticulous in your projects, you may need to be mindful of your tendency to over-work yourself. However, you are more likely to stick to traditional tactics, working slow and steady, rather than taking a risk; you will only invest yourself in a sure thing so that all of your hard work will not go to waste. You do not count on karma to get to where you need to be, you like to make it on your own merit. Naturally astute with a good head on your shoulders, you have an excellent business sense. You are driven, self-sufficient, reliable, accountable, and persevering. It may take you a bit longer to acquire knowledge, but when you do grasp something, you comprehend it thoroughly. You utilise your energy in an efficient manner and accomplishing your goals is of extreme importance to you. However, there is an inner tension that may contribute to a frustration and bitterness towards perceived slights. It would be beneficial for you to develop a way to relieve these tensions in constructive ways and let go of the past.

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Jupiter in Pisces

The best way for you to grow is through benefiting humanity or enlightening others. You believe that everyone is connected and that what harms one of us, harms the rest. You are compassionate, giving, amiable, modest, unobtrusive, and prophetic with a quiet humour and excellent intuition. Spiritual matters are of particular significance to you though you must carve your own road to truth. Occasional seclusion from the world is healthy for you as you may need to sooth the tensions you feel internally. You feel a strong urge to aid those that are less fortunate than yourself and may be involved in humanitarian efforts; your presence allows others to have faith that somehow things will work out for the best. You can become effective in the healing arts, if interested. Being out in nature is a favourite pastime, and you have an affinity for animals, especially those of a larger breed. When afflicted, you can be too emotionally sensitive, embellish facts or stories, over-indulge, prone to excess in general, and become wrapped up with the long-gone joyful moments of the past.

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Saturn in Aries

Saturn’s most positive attribute is structure, while the most positive attribute of Aries is the ability to lead others. When you combine the two, you have a capable leader who is aware of what needs to be done and is going to go the distance, persevering as long as is needed to accomplish their goals. Challenging circumstances only inspire you to press forward even harder. You often find yourself taking over the work that others in your group were responsible for as you are rather independent and believe that you would do a better job at the task at hand; you may find yourself feeling frustrated with others for not living up to their potential. The most negative attribute of Saturn is the tendency to look out for one’s own best interests at all times, and the most negative attribute of an Aries is their inclination to involve themselves in other people’s preparations. These together create an individual who is predisposed to sticking their nose where it may not belong and trying to take control over other people’s concerns. You may become domineering, forcing people to do your bidding when they should be making decisions for themselves. Any sort of restriction will likely create a rebellious response in you, as you do not appreciate being told how to go about your affairs. It would do you well to keep this in mind when you are trying to lead others. You will encounter many restrictions, trials, and tribulations on your journey towards ground-breaking accomplishments; independence will only become attainable through upholding a sense of duty and developing self-control. Mind your tendency towards trying to do everything in haste, it will be your undoing; instead, cultivate tolerance towards a slower, more steady pace. You will also need to take extra care when putting your plans in place. You naturally develop a sense of consistency and safety while working on your goals. There may be a deep-rooted insecurity towards feeling as though you are never quite good enough, and you will make great efforts to remedy any doubts you may have about yourself by continuing to improve. You may find that you are susceptible to headaches due to the immense pressure you impose upon yourself to succeed. This placement also indicates a need for you to make sacrifices of yourself.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 10th house

Your accomplishments are important to you, and you strive for others to notice and appreciate them. However, you may go one of two ways in regards to your achievements: either you are working hard to please others, or you swing the other direction and give little thought to what anyone else thinks; try to find a balance between the two extremes. You are driven to find some sort of niche you can excel in and exert a good deal of effort to succeed in whatever it is you choose. It is likely that you will encourage others to follow in your example. This placement bestows determination but also a tendency to flatter yourself in regards to your achievements, boosting about your successes. Depending on whether the Sun is negatively or positively aspected, those in positions of power can either greatly aid you in your success, or create limitations for you.

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Moon in 5th house

You tend to be rather emotional in your romantic involvements, as well as your involvements with children. In fact, all situations where children are present are emphasised. Though quite charming, you can be moody and fickle in your romantic relationships. Your craving to be loved and needed by another person may need to be tempered. You are likely to place too high a significance on enjoying yourself and being showered with attention from others. It is important to you to be able to express your emotional state at all times and to find pleasing circumstances. Your constant mood swings may stifle your creative pursuits. In a career, you are often drawn to teaching positions involving children or some sort of theatrical endeavour where your creativity may come forward. In either case, situations in your life tend to be dramatic.

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Mercury in 9th house

You have an aptitude for articulating your views in both the written and spoken word and probably have a flair for languages in general; you might do well in the field of translation. You tend to be open-minded and easy-going with your ideas. Always interested in learning, especially in regards to philosophy or religious studies, you might find yourself teaching others or being a lifelong student. Due to your ability to express yourself, you may do well selling to the public, such as with advertising, though you are also likely to pursue law or justice in some way.

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Venus in 9th house

Highly interested in foreign cultures, you are likely to move away from where you were raised. Travelling in all forms is very appealing to you and you are likely to experience a gain from these situations. You are able to be a diplomatic presence between different cultures. There is a strong interest and enjoyment in religious ceremonies, philosophical studies, education, or law and you enjoy creative material brought to you from other cultures such as music, art, or items that are aesthetically pleasing. You are just and reasonable in legal transactions.

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Mars in 6th house

You are gifted with large stores of energy for whatever work you engage in. A diligent, driven, effective and vibrant worker, you may find yourself drawn towards mechanics. It is easy for you to bounce back from any physical challenge though you must try to be more patient with co-workers who are not as naturally gifted as yourself, as you can become easily annoyed. At times you can act rashly due to your frustration and find yourself in dangerous situations; you are prone to accidents in the work environment, especially involving heat of some sort. Trouble with heat is a common ailment for you as you are also more susceptible to high fevers.

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Jupiter in 9th house

Happy-go-lucky, generous to others and possessing an open mind, you can be inspirational to others. Others often follow you as you easily predict how circumstances will turn out due to your strong intuition and accurate judgement; people want to support your new concepts and endeavours. Philosophy and religion are of particular interest to you, and you are likely to profit from travelling and foreign situations. You may also be drawn to law, justice, or political concerns. You are more apt to find success later in life, rather than in your youth. In addition, your beliefs may be rather fixed or you may find that you lack something to believe in.

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Saturn in 10th house

You have a good head for business, are largely self-sufficient, and diligent in creating structure. It is likely that you will find yourself rising steadily to the top rather than a quick jump to success; be patient as your persistence and determination will pay off. Do not try to shrug off your duties as this will lead to disappointments. For you, what you put in is what you what you gain. Your tendency to take advantage of others on your quest for power will ruin your achievements; try to somewhat curb your strong desire to stand at the top of the mountain. Do not discard others, as you may need to rely on them in the future. Your childhood may have been repressed or challenging due to having strict, controlling parents; the tension with one or both of your parental guardians may continue into your adult life.

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Uranus in 10th house

You are likely to work freelance or be your own boss, as you are largely self-sufficient and dislike a traditional work environment. It is easy for you to cope with the instability involved with working for yourself; predictable, dull, monotonous work is not for you. You crave variety or doing something unusual. There may be some difficulty with authority figures in the work place as well, due to your tendency to rebel against any commands. Your inventive nature drives you to work in technology, mechanics, or theoretical concepts; whatever you choose will express your creativity and strong intuitive abilities. This placement indicates unexpected shifts in career success.

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Neptune in 2nd house

Very imaginative with sensitive cognitive abilities that are almost mystical; your intuition is highly accurate and helps you to explore what you are naturally gifted at doing. You appreciate beauty more than most and tend to dream with intensity. Money is not much of a concern for you and you may find the topic of funds to be puzzling. You tend towards certain extremes, either you show a great deal of generosity, or you find yourself behaving in a deceitful manner. Be mindful not to participate in risky financial endeavours. Karma seems to play a role for you, as you may find that if you do not have genuinely good intentions, you will experience material losses through deceptive actions from others. However, if you are honest in your dealings, your finances will steady. Try to always be upfront when handling these matters.

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Pluto in 12th house

Knowledge and quest for truth are important to you as you are trying to comprehend life’s purpose. There is a possibility that you feel trapped in your life and want to find a way to transcend your present reality. You may experience sudden disruptions and challenges in order to reset you and guide you back to the route you were supposed to be travelling. Seclusion from humanity to re-examine thyself is also likely. You may find yourself as defender of the underdog. Working alone, out of observation from the general public, and aiding others may appeal to you.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Taurus 16

Sabian Symbol: An old man fails to inspire a motley group with the mysteries of knowledge.
Kozminsky Symbol: There is a white dove standing on the right shoulder of a man, who drinks wine. The dove has a rose-colored ribbon on.

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Moon in 
Capricorn 2

Sabian Symbol: In an old cathedral, three stained glass windows reside, the center one is broken from war.
Kozminsky Symbol: Surrounded by a rim of black is a disc of light with a red center.

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Mercury in 
Aries 21

Sabian Symbol: A strong boxer enters the ring.
Kozminsky Symbol: A man struggles with a ferocious viper while others run to his aid with large knives.

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Venus in 
Aries 15

Sabian Symbol: An Indian is weaving a ceremonial basket in the light of the setting sun.
Kozminsky Symbol: A crusading knight is sinking in quicksand, his red cross on white corselet exposed. A mocking Arab is near him, on the only safe ground left.

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Mars in 
Capricorn 24

Sabian Symbol: A woman enters a convent to have a safe haven.
Kozminsky Symbol: A hand from the heavens saves a girl from three arrows aimed toward her.

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Jupiter in 
Pisces 30

Sabian Symbol: A mountain carving of greatness is seen on the Great Stone Face.
Kozminsky Symbol: As he passes a cart and horse, a man treads on a rough road dragging his heavy chains.

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Saturn in 
Aries 25

Sabian Symbol: Two promises are revealed through a suggestive event with sentimental significance.
Kozminsky Symbol: An old man uses his scythe to cut down a field of nettles.

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Uranus in 
Taurus 18

Sabian Symbol: A woman is airing a linen bag out her window to give it sunshine and fresh air.
Kozminsky Symbol: Two knights rush toward each other, one on a white horse, the other on a black horse while a gaudy herald blows a trumpet.

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Neptune in 
Virgo 21

Sabian Symbol: Two teams of girls’ basketball play together.
Kozminsky Symbol: A man triumphantly burns a will while someone else is lying on a table nearby.

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Pluto in 
Cancer 30

Sabian Symbol: When the women’s society meets, a daughter of the American Revolution walks proudly to the podium.
Kozminsky Symbol: Across a vibrant green field flies a winged wheel.

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Ascendant in 
Leo 13

Sabian Symbol: On his cottage patio, a retired sea-captain rocks in his rocking chair.
Kozminsky Symbol: At noon, the sun shines on an ancient oak tree.

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Midheaven in 
Aries 24

Sabian Symbol: Blown inward from the wind of an open window, the curtain is shaped like a cornucopia.
Kozminsky Symbol: As a juvenile is grasping a beautiful woman, she turns into a skeleton within his arms.

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Tau 15° 57' 42"
58' 03"
01" N
16° 37' 12" N
Cap 01° 22' 02"
12° 24' 53"
4° 13' 00" N
19° 13' 18" S
Ari 20° 05' 22"
1° 14' 53"
3° 01' 49" S
5° 02' 50" N
Ari 14° 09' 46"
1° 12' 02"
1° 43' 31" S
3° 59' 45" N
Cap 23° 36' 34"
24' 59"
1° 32' 18" S
22° 53' 47" S
Pis 29° 10' 27"
12' 04"
1° 05' 43" S
1° 20' 00" S
Ari 24° 12' 12"
7' 14"
2° 15' 43" S
7° 17' 01" N
Tau 17° 43' 02"
3' 29"
19' 18" S
16° 48' 37" N
Vir 20° 42' 59" R
- 47"
1° 11' 32" N
4° 46' 33" N
Can 29° 21' 08"
3° 25' 59" N
23° 38' 51" N
Can 06° 26' 20"
4' 30"
6° 14' 06" S
17° 03' 38" N
Aqu 15° 20' 19"
6' 43"
5° 06' 20" N
11° 21' 24" S
True Node
Sco 08° 23' 18" R
- 1' 00"
00" N
14° 18' 16" S
P. of Fortune
Pis 27° 51' 18"
Cap 01° 49' 21"
Leo 12° 26' 57"
Leo 29° 48' 42"
Vir 22° 29' 48"
Lib 23° 35' 56"
Sag 03° 33' 52"
Cap 12° 27' 34"
Aqu 12° 26' 57"
Aqu 29° 48' 42"
Pis 22° 29' 48"
Ari 23° 35' 56"
Gem 03° 33' 52"
Can 12° 27' 34"
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
True Node
True Node
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
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