Prince Consort Philip

Birth Chart: Prince Consort Philip (Gemini)

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (Philip Mountbatten; born Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark, 10 June 1921)[fn 1] is the husband of Queen Elizabeth II.

Hint: Ever asked yourself What Zodiac sign am I? Then take this quiz to check what is your Zodiac personality!

Astrological Natal Chart
Prince Consort Philip

Born at Corfu, Greece
Friday, June 10, 1921
21:46 (time zone = GMT 2 hours)
19e42, 39n40

Fact: Gemini dates are between May 21 and June 20. Check the Gemini dates to find out.


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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Those with a Capricorn rising are typically reasonable, realistic, dutiful, practical, dedicated, cool and collected, quiet, and sensitive though they are prone to expressing criticism. You are likely to have a good head for business. Communication difficulties may have been present in your early development. Deep down you may feel as though you are not good enough and these insecurities spur you forward to work harder, pushing you to dedicate yourself even more fiercely to your ambitions. Perseverance comes naturally to you and you will not step down until you have accomplished your goals. Status and wealth are valuable to you. Often others will see you as cold when it is more that you are reserved. In your mind, you believe that you are merely being responsible. This placement implies susceptibility towards physical ailments regarding the knee joints and surrounding areas; when trouble occurs, it may be a sign of being inflexible in your person. A life lesson that may need to be learned is to curb a tendency of behaving in a sombre, serious manner and foster a more social, cheerful demeanour and outlook. Capricorn in ruled by the planet Saturn and therefore it’s placement in your chart will be significant in your life.

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Shhh! To Gemini, sex is like playing. It has to be fun, a tickle and a laugh. Nothing to be taken too seriously. Read all about Gemini sexuality here.


If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Mercury blending with Pluto

(power = 9.40 and this aspect is neutral)

Mentally you are prone to both curiosity and suspicion, probing depths to discover whatever is buried beneath. The more you sense someone trying to hide something, the stronger you insist on figuring it out. All of life’s mysteries appeal to you and you are fascinated with death, sexuality, birth, rebirth, the mystical realm, and curing ailments. Despite your insistence that others keep nothing from you, you yourself will not divulge your own secrets or intentions, clutching at the information as though it were a formidable weapon people will use against you if you were to let out the smallest morsel of data. Your probing mind will do well in the psychological fields where you can spend your days unearthing people’s secrets, analysing them, and providing suggestions for healing processes. With keen observational skills, you easily and accurately interpret other people’s true motives and objectives, almost as if you have a spider sense working within you. You are drawn to the supernatural and enjoy reading books or watching films that are mysterious or that contain elements of the paranormal. You certainly have a dark side to you and can become secretly involved in unwholesome situations or circumstances where you need to uncover a shady mystery. However, you do not view these inclinations in this way, rather you just want to discover and understand something new that most others would not be interested in. You are highly influential when you express your viewpoints and can have tunnel vision when you find something you are interested in. Try not to be close-minded when you are in that zone, as allowing an opposing viewpoint into your consideration will teach you more in the end. In addition, you can be a bit high-strung and your nerves are easily affected, causing you to feel frustrated and impatient. Sometimes you push yourself too far and you need to be aware of your limitations and when it is time to take a break and recuperate.

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Sun discordant to Saturn

(power = 9.00 and this aspect is discordant = -13.49)

You have a tendency towards being self-centred, emotionally reserved, unconcerned with the feelings of others, afraid, worrying, and self-doubting. You are ambitious, willing to do anything to achieve your aims. Exhibiting caution, you carefully, dutifully wade through life, never skirting your responsibilities. Life is a serious business to you and you work yourself harder than you should at times; attempt a less sombre approach and it might surprise you. Rather than trying something new, you enjoy engaging in what you are accustomed to. You often feel as though you are inadequate, causing you to be lonely and insecure. Anything you attempt to succeed at must be bought with due diligence; you will spend a long while working towards your goals before they are achieved. Interruptions may postpone your plans often, unfortunately. You may also have trouble with the paternal parental figure in your life or people who are in charge. This placement can create considerable challenges for you, however it does bestow you with perseverance and the ability to wait as long as is needed to achieve your goals. It would be beneficial for you to learn how to be giving to others without looking for something in return. Past life karma insists that you act in kindness and generosity in this lifetime, as you had been too self-interested and uncaring in the past. Fate is forcing you to develop ways to work with others in a caring manner.
In addition to the above, you must find a way to conquer your critical nature. You expect nothing less than perfect from yourself and other people, causing you to criticise yourself sternly when you fall short in any way. Try to be a little more realistic in your expectations as they are often not possible to achieve. Your high expectations create a lot of tension and irritability for you. Sometimes you believe that other people are trying to limit you, when the truth is that you are subconsciously drawing in these negative situations to teach you that you must practice tolerance and ease up on yourself and other people. The intent of your tribulations is to show you that you do not need to take life so seriously.

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Jupiter discordant to Uranus

(power = 8.85 and this aspect is discordant = -4.42)

There is a tendency towards enjoying variety to such a degree that you move from one endeavour to another, without spending enough time on anything to master it. You become easily interested and want to know a little bit about everything, but in order to truly be successful, you will need to discipline yourself. You may also need to watch out for becoming so engrossed and inflexible in your own views and beliefs that you demand others believe the same. Challenging situations will continue to surround you until you learn to be accepting and tolerant of others viewpoints. It is alright to hold a strong belief system, as long as you do not punish people for being of a different mind-set. Be careful that you do not become involved in extreme demonstrations to prove your beliefs are correct, and rather develop a respect for individuality.
You are self-reliant, inventive, and unrestrained with strong resolve and drive to get things done. These traits aid you greatly in your journey towards success. Be sure that you keep to realistic goals rather than taking risks on long-shots. Not everyone can be as mentally quick as you are; therefore you need to practice patience with others who think at a slower speed. You are able to provide a substantial amount of knowledge to benefit others, though you must yield to working at their pace. You have a strongly held belief that you are entitled to your own opinions and viewpoints; it is only logical that the same privilege be bestowed to others.

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Mercury harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 8.11 and this aspect is harmonious = 8.11)

You are highly responsive, both physically and mentally, to the environment that you find yourself in. Naturally you are full of energy and feel a need to be always active. Quickly disinterested, you require a good deal of mental stimulation to keep your mind busy, lending to your preference towards being a part of many endeavours all at once. You are self-sufficient, unique, inventive, and a revolutionary thinker who is always open to new ideas. In fact, finding fresh ways of doing things or progressive philosophies are a valuable part of life for you and you strive to inspire others to engage in these with you. Your gut intuition is unusually strong and accurate. However, you require complete freedom to be able to use this intuition in whatever way feels right to you, reacting to situations without being hindered by other obligations. Careers that entail the same, monotonous work day in and day out are not for you and you would do best with work that uses your superb ability to adapt to changing circumstances and allows you some room for creativity. You would never abide by others demanding that you do something and telling you in what way you must execute your task. It is important to you to discover things for yourself, in your own time. Your thinking does not follow the typical step-by-step process that most others adhere to. Instead, your thinking is more abstract and conclusions tend to just find their way into your mind seemingly from thin air, though this is just your intuition working its magic and providing you with unparalleled insight. Scientific and technological subject appeal to you and you are usually one of the first to try out new gadgets or concepts. Astrological topics and anything related to supernatural phenomena will also hold your attention. You are an articulate communicator, in both the written and spoken word, which readily exchanges fresh and unconventional information with other people.

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Sun blending with Mars

(power = 7.75 and this aspect is discordant = -1.94)

You are driven, lively, and energetic. You have an incredible will-power and rarely ever give up once you’ve decided on a course of action. You are brave and have no problem asserting yourself. You dislike being idle, instead preferring to passionately throw yourself into things. This immense energy of yours may manifest itself sexually or artistically. Challenges do not deter you and you enjoy competing with others; you can fight until your last breath if something moves you. People are pulled towards your charismatic character. Be mindful of the tendency to put more on your plate than you are realistically able to handle as you take on more and more until you eventually crash. A steady approach with allotted time to breathe a little will get you much further in the end. There is a strong urge to craft or produce something and this may come out either personally or professionally. You have the soul of a champion, striving to conquer at any cost, with your vitality, swiftness, passion, and spontaneity. However, if you do not regulate this energy it can become destructive. It would be most beneficial for you to find ways to direct this intensity in positive ways. At times you may be touchy and quarrelsome. It is important for you to remain physically active as your energy and inner tension needs to be released. This placement is especially good for circumstances requiring a powerful will or physical prowess. This aspect also adds to a tendency towards self-centredness, where you will think of only your own necessities and desires. Make sure to pay attention to what others need as well. Pride and an over-inflated self-esteem need to be controlled here.

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Uranus harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 6.30 and this aspect is harmonious = 6.30)

There is a possibility with this placement to benefit humanity by using your imagination and ingenuity. Frequent fluctuations and transformations are likely to be part of your life and aid you in improving yourself and the lives of others. Intuitively you are aware that these fluctuations are good for you and are therefore welcoming of them. You find yourself striving to better the world, and you are able to do this peacefully and lawfully, without causing strife or disharmony.

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Moon harmonizing with Mars

(power = 5.66 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.25)

You full of get-up-and-go! This placement contributes to a healthy body and mind. You know how to assert yourself when needed and you confront your troubles head-on, in a clear manner. Rather than sulking about the difficulties you encounter, you concentrate on eradicating them. You are unsympathetic when you hear people complaining about their challenges without putting in the necessary effort to fix them. Through the obstacles in your life, you have discovered how to channel your emotional energy and cravings into productive endeavours instead of letting them tear you apart. You are rarely sick and when you do happen to catch something, you recover rapidly. People gravitate towards your enthusiastic nature and the vitality you exude. You are brave and capable, allowing you to feel confident participating in strategic risk-taking. You easily attract potential romantic partners because of your gregarious demeanour.

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Mercury harmonizing with Jupiter

(power = 5.26 and this aspect is harmonious = 7.88)

You are generally positive and full of hope. Acquiring knowledge throughout your life is very valuable to you. You have a good head on your shoulders and are skilled at long-term thinking and strategy. Travelling is particularly beneficial for you as it will open your mind and teach you how to understand yourself, others, and the world more thoroughly. Usually prone to seeing things on a grand scale, you may tend to overlook details, preferring to pass those tasks onto others who are more interested in them. You are likely to be good at public speaking and people tend to believe in and support you as they intuitively feel that you are an honourable person who will do them no harm. Genuine and ethical, you would never purposefully betray or mislead others. However, you are prone to embellish or amplify your tales slightly in order to make a good impression on others. You are full of good humour and find social interactions with others easy and enjoyable. Philosophical or religious theories are likely to be on your mind throughout your life. You have no trouble swiftly learning whatever you are interested in. You have an amazing way of viewing every aspect of a situation without bias and finding a solution that suits all parties involved. Very accepting of others quirks and shortcomings, you are never vengeful or resentful as you believe life is better lived without harbouring negative emotions. You readily take part in debates because they allow you an opportunity to express your opinions and learn new perspectives. You would do well in a field that either entails public speaking or is related to finding justice in some way. Business and selling to the public can also be good avenues for you to explore in your career. This placement bestows luck upon your undertakings and you are likely to be successful due to your optimism and ability to endure through whatever difficulties come your way; your never-ending hope keeps you afloat.

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Sun harmonizing with Moon

(power = 5.09 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.09)

Creativity comes easily to you and you are most successful at reaching your aims when those you care for are there to encourage you. You are able to find a perfect balance between independence and connecting with others. You are self-sufficient, doing just fine alone whenever needed. Previous lives were used to master your emotional reactions and they are now harmonious. Good karma draws good fortune to you in all aspects: status, home-life, friendship, respect, healthiness, and monetary assets. Naturally capable and talented, you soar to the top either by gaining the respect and admiration of those in high places who will aid you on your journey, or you yourself find an area of expertise where you create your own success. Both the external and internal forces at work for you are blended harmoniously, making your life a bit easier than it could otherwise be. All of your challenges are aided by this aspect and despite the obstacles, you will find tranquillity.

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Venus discordant to Neptune

(power = 4.11 and this aspect is discordant = -3.08)

You are romantically idealistic and often will fall in love with the idea of someone rather than for who they actually are. Your tendency is to believe someone is your perfect soulmate, incapable of doing wrong, which leads you into becoming disillusioned when they inevitably disappoint you. It is very difficult for you to recover when this occurs. It would be most beneficial for you to take time to get to know someone with both of your eyes wide open, before coming to any conclusions about them; the same is true about the world at large. Your idealism in regards to what relationships should be like tends to create conflict for your real-life partnerships.
Another possibility in this placement is having dreamt up some perfect imaginary partner and searching for this person your whole life, not realising that no one could ever measure up as this person could never realistically exist. Your spirit is wrecked when the day comes that you finally understand that your fantasy is unattainable. Rather than seeking someone that fits in with your fantasy, look instead for someone that, while flawed as all humans are, can still be a great partner for you. Idealism is great as long as it is tempered with realism. Strangely enough, while you can be very romantic and daydream about the adventures you may have with your soulmate, you find it difficult to actually commit to any relationship. You are often elusive in regards to romantic endeavours and insincere to both the person involved, and yourself.
Caution must be taken not to be drawn into an unhealthy partnership where one person is far more dependent on the other or where one gives too much of themselves or sacrifices their well-being just to appease the other. Equality in a partnership is crucial and you should not feel like you need to save the other person or that they must consistently aid you.
You are particularly reactive to your environment and prefer being in a beautiful, harmonious place where you can foster your creative talents in some way. You are naturally drawn to artistic things or people. You possess an otherworldly allure that people find captivating. Sensuality in all forms attracts you, as does anything out of the norm or which requires you to use your keen intuition. Love situations do not exactly fill you with security. Your delicate nature may be difficult to handle sometimes but you must do your best to push forward. Try to be understanding that everyone has their shortcomings but it does not always make them unworthy of pursuing. Do not expect your mate to know what you are thinking at all times, but rather explain to them the inner workings of you. It is not a sign that they do not care for you when they are unable to read your thoughts; express yourself directly.
A lesson for you to learn in this life is how to change your worldly beliefs into spiritual wisdom. You may find material assets falling away unexpectedly without explanation to show you that the material things you own are unimportant; the experiences you have during your life, and the wisdom you gain from them, are the only things that will matter when you are leaving this life. Develop your ability to care for others without expectations, forgive them their foibles, and let go of any resentment you have built up. Do not be bothered by small issues, though take care not to be stepped on by going to the other extreme and becoming far too accommodating. You are prone to escapism through substance abuse when life becomes hard for you to handle. Rather than avoiding your troubles, roll up your sleeves and face them. Only then will you find the inner strength you had within yourself all along. The more you tackle things directly, the easier it will all become.

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Mercury harmonizing with Saturn

(power = 3.18 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.59)

You are able to focus yourself exceptionally well and are capable of great self-control. Your mind can attain amazing feats due to these talents and your organisational abilities also aid in providing structure for your plans. It may take you longer than it would take others to think through a situation but once you do, you understand it completely and deeply. You prefer to take a more sombre attitude in life, working hard instead of playing around light-heartedly with others. Mentally you are detail-oriented and do not mind completing tasks that are too dull and monotonous for others. You do not beat around the bush when it comes to business and are a clear, direct communicator that portrays themselves as reasonable and practical; you would make a fine administrator. Others know they can depend on you to come through on your promises as doing things the right way is important to you. You do best focusing on one area and specialising in it, versus trying to learn a little bit about many fields. Solitary learning is likely more effective for you than traditional methods, as you require time to fully absorb and think through the information. You may be good at critical thinking due to your excellent ability to find loop-holes in peoples reasoning. Careers that require a systematic way of thinking are right up your alley. Mentally you are disciplined, reasonable, dutiful, exacting, and precise. Physically you are healthy and heal quickly from any ailment you encounter.

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Jupiter harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 3.15 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.72)

You possess a talent for leadership in aiding others to improve their situation, whether this be their living situation or their spiritual one. You are highly moral by nature and this draws people to you. Coordinating others comes easily to you as does strategy. It is likely that you will transform any group that you lead. Your past life bestowed you with acceptance towards others beliefs and values, you are humble in your approach. You quickly decipher what is morally correct and what is not, lending to an ability to thoroughly comprehend when a transformation is in order. You find pleasure assisting in the task of attaining important aspirations, yours or someone else’s. Insightful and giving, you have a gift for seeing to the truth of the matter and read people and circumstances accurately and swiftly. You are also particularly empathetic towards others and the troubles they encounter.

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Venus harmonizing with Jupiter

(power = 2.94 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.14)

You are giving, caring, charitable, and would readily share whatever assets you might have. For the people you care for, you would quickly extend both yourself and the material items in your possession, however you will usually only do so if it isn’t too much trouble for you. A luxurious, stylish, relaxing environment is essential to you and you refuse to do any manual labour. Your charismatic, pleasant, polite demeanour is perfect for hosting company. Good karma from a past life assures you luck with your finances and acquiring assets. There is an inclination towards indulging yourself extravagantly and behaving in a lazy manner; try to curb these habits. At times, life fulfils your needs and desires with so little effort on your part that you may not value what you are given. With regards to your health, you are susceptible to putting on weight due to your liking of tasty food and drink. You are a tender-hearted, out-going, friendly type who avoids conflict and enjoys exploring beautiful, distance lands. It would be most beneficial for you to learn to appreciate what you have and to stick things out even when they are difficult sometimes.

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Venus harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 2.79 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.49)

You are emotionally intense and when you love someone, you love them with your all. Your powerful passions will either magnetically draw others to you or frighten them away. You have a great deal of charm and a way of attracting others to you almost without effort. This influence you have over others can cause you to easily use manipulation tactics, even if these actions are often subconscious. This placement allows you to either change your beliefs into something more beneficial to you, or to aid other people in changing their beliefs. You are likely to be creative and strive to promote a beautiful, peaceful, and comfortable environment. Your perception and compassion for others causes you to reach out and help people in whatever way you can.

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Venus harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 2.09 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.61)

You are artistically inventive, unique, open-minded, emotionally expressive, and tend to speak your thoughts without reserve. Others are drawn to your charming personality and sexual magnetism. Doing the same thing day in and day out is not for you, instead you are always ready for the next exciting adventure to begin and are enthused when someone is able to surprise you! Self-sufficient, you require much room to breathe in any partnership. Your views on relationships are anything but conventional, and you are open to alternative arrangements. For friendship, you usually seek out those that are different in some way; eccentricity only adds to the appeal. People walk in and out of your life spontaneously and are usually presented to you as a way to test your belief system and willingness to adapt. These people, as well as your friends, come around to satisfy inner necessities and will leave when they are of no more use. You have a fantastic way of looking outside the box and arriving at genius ways to solve challenges. Most of the time, whatever happens in your life is seemingly random and unexpected. You are unable to plan for these things, the only thing you can do is allow them to happen and act upon the present situation. This is especially the case in regards to your romantic endeavours. There will always seem to be something exhilarating, uncommon, and random occurring in your life that will aid you in gaining wisdom and growing spiritually.

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Sun harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 0.00 and this aspect is neutral)

You have an excellent imagination and your environment can have a large impact on you. In your world, beauty and magic are everywhere! You are drawn to the metaphysical realm and strive to comprehend the meaning of all that you come across. There is a strong bond between you and the world at large; you are at one with humans, animals, and the forces at work. You have a great amount of empathy and care deeply for others, always willing to come to the aid of those who need you. Expressing yourself creatively, whether this is through artistic, musical, or acting pursuits, is essential to your happiness in life. Although, your strong idealism and romanticism can do well with some practicality. You are full of hopes and dreams that you are able to attain if only you can apply yourself. Karmic endeavours in past lives have set you up to build on your psychic abilities and turn them into reality by aiding those you come across in this life. You are able to remove yourself from your earthly self and connect spiritually when in need of advice. You have a particular fondness for the arts, higher principles, and sophistication. Premonitions or guidance may come to you in odd forms. Delicate emotionally, you will avoid conflict if possible. You possess a magnetic quality and an almost magical allure.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Gemini

Geminis are out-going, adaptable, inquisitive, perceptive, rational, witty, instinctive, communicative, and articulate. On the other hand, they may be fidgety, contrary, insincere, fault-finding, and hurried. These creatures must be engaged in a career that allows for a great deal of diversity as they detest doing the same thing day in and day out; Geminis can become easily bored. They will often try to do too many things at once and time management isn’t one of their greatest skills.
Like a butterfly, Geminis will fly from one thing to another, sampling this and learning about that, never staying long enough to thoroughly absorb the matter at hand. They prefer breadth over depth. It is also unlikely that they will see their many projects through to the end, as they lose interest quickly and move on to the next exciting endeavour. One thing they will always be fascinated with is acquiring knowledge and new information; this lends them to an aptitude in teaching if they can discipline themselves long enough to gather their teaching credentials. Any career in which they will need to persuade another is also appealing to them as they can be quite convincing, even if the tale is only halfway factual; they can be brilliant story tellers.
Geminis crave and require a great deal of mental stimulation. To achieve this, they will tend to read whatever they can get their hands on and socialise readily and extensively. The urgency they feel to obtain this mental activity will either drive them to achieve success or cause them to endlessly move about from one situation to another, seeking ever more interesting conquests but accomplishing little.
Having a gift for gab, Geminis amuse others with their charming persona, lively banter, and robust humour. They are always aware of just which words to use to elicit the response they are looking for, though at times they will so quickly alter the topics of conversation that many cannot follow them.
Due to their lightning quick mental reflexes, they may become impatient when waiting on others to finish articulating their thoughts, so much so that the Gemini will often jump in and speak for them. They must develop patience and tolerance for those who may not be as quick as they are.
Geminis can be indecisive as they are very objective and can understand the value in each side of contradicting perspectives. Though they may at times play favourites and back up the opinion of the person they are most interested in that particular minute. Nevertheless they are fickle and can convincingly argue for the exact opposite side when the situation changes.
Geminis tend to intellectualise their emotions and keep a cool head. They prefer to rely on logic rather than sentiment when evaluating situations and making their decisions. It is likely that they will comprehend other people’s behaviours, though be unable to empathise with them.
Unfortunately, Geminis are often insincere, unrealistic, inconsistent, unreliable, unable to focus their attention, and complain endlessly when in a negative place (learn about compatibility with Gemini here).
Stress is a particular problem for Geminis as they are usually high strung. They must learn to relax and quiet their mind or they will become sick from anxiety. It may be helpful to focus on someone other than themselves and direct their tensions towards something beneficial.

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Moon in Leo

You are caring, giving, and affectionate when expressing your love and you inspire those close to you to act in a dedicated and faithful manner towards you. Deep down, you may feel like you are a kind of royalty and you expect to be treated as such. You are unable to stand by a partner that you are not proud of; you need to be able to hold them in high regard. Appreciation, and being seen by others, is necessary for you. Being ignored is one of the most difficult things for you to handle and you can find yourself nursing heavy wounds when you are treated in this fashion. You prefer to be direct and honest with others, and vice versa. You are well-liked, giving, distinguished, faithful, motivated and diligent, with a probing mind. The situations that occur in your life, as well as your emotions, tend to be exaggerated to an extent. Unfortunately, at times you are capable of being arrogant, prideful, and flashy, as well as being rather too open and sensitive with your feelings.

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Mercury in Cancer

Your mind is connected with your memories, feelings, and emotions from the past. You tend to hold on to the memories of things because they give you security. You are highly interested in inner, subjective, and personal issues, and your thinking is based more on feelings, intuition, personal experiences, and prejudices rather than reason or logic. Intellectual abilities and accomplishments without heart or soul mean little to you. You are a sensitive listener and deeply interested in a person’s feelings and inner life. In addition to psychology, you are probably drawn to education, art, poetry, music, or mythology. You are shy and somewhat reticent about speaking in public, but you will open yourself up and share your thoughts in small, intimate, little family-type circles of people you know and trust. You perhaps enjoy keeping a diary or chronicle of your thoughts and feelings regarding your day-to-day happenings. Your mind retains and absorbs knowledge easily. You are intuitive, psychic, and sympathetic, yet may become depressed over your own problems and the problems of the world. You may have difficulty in getting to the root of the problem because you so easily become involved emotionally with the people instead of the problem. You may have difficulty in making decisions or you may simply change your mind constantly. Mental focus and control must be developed.

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Venus in Taurus

Romantic relationships bring out your trustworthy, faithful side and you flourish with a partner that is particularly warm and expressive with their feelings. Your senses are highly attuned and this causes you to indulge a bit more than you should, resulting in possible weight gain. Aesthetically pleasing items and environments strongly appeal to you and you find it important that your partner is visually striking. You must be mindful not to place too much significance in material possessions and curb your sensual appetites. You value luxury and prefer not to do any sort of manual labour. It may be that you assume others will do this sort of work for you, even when it is your responsibility. You are creative, loving, charismatic, and empathetic though you will need to learn how to restrain yourself at times. In your romantic partnerships you can easily fall into being envious and trying to own your partner, as well as being unwilling to do the extra work required in a relationship when things get rough. However, you enjoy putting in effort to show your appreciation in useful, concrete means.

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Mars in Gemini

You hold a large amount of both mental and physical energy. Always on the go, buzzing from one place to another, engaged in your many interests, sometimes you are involved in more than one activity at the same moment! With your lively mentality and curiosity, you require a large amount of stimulation to keep you from getting bored. You seek out new data and love to learn about anything you can get your hands on. It is also of great fun to you to engage yourself in challenging, competitive conversations with others where you can show off your wit and intelligence. You may find yourself suffering from nervous tensions due to your overly active mind, and it would be beneficial for you to establish some sort of exercise routine to relieve the pressure. You are likely to be animated and expressive, often communicating using your hands. You probably enjoy working with the hands somehow and it is possible that you do not have a dominant hand preference. At times you can become so excited about an opportunity that you will venture forward without thinking things through; try to slow down long enough to obtain a clear picture of the situation before entering into it. You dislike standing still and may engage yourself in activities that are not necessarily wholesome or beneficial, just for the thrill of having something to do. Exploring distant lands and cultures is enjoyable to you as you can acquire knowledge from each new situation. There is a tendency towards being prone to accidents involving your arms or shoulders, particularly accidents involving excessive heat. Many times these misfortunes could have been prevented had you been more patient rather than rushing to get things done. It would be best for you to stick to shorter assignments as you work well for brief, intense amounts of time but encounter difficulty if you must sustain your energy and interest for extended periods. Often you will try to multitask, though end up taking on more than you can realistically complete. You dislike routine and require diversity in your projects and in your life in general. You are mentally quick and bright and are interested in playing games or somehow testing your mental agility. Mental competition with others tickles your fancy and you have more stamina for mental activities than you do for the physical sort. On your journey to success, you prefer to utilise your excellent social skills, intellect, quick-wit, astute observations, and ability to articulate yourself. You have a robust sense of humour that tends towards the dark side. Try to pace yourself as you may throw yourself into things with full concentration, only to find you cannot sustain the energy and are unable to continue; working a bit more slowly and steadily will allow you to better keep your word.

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Jupiter in Virgo

You are quickly able to decipher what is necessary and what is not. You have a careful, investigative, cerebral, and realistic nature with good decision-making abilities that attribute to high achievements in your career life. You possess a strong technical aptitude and a thirst for acquiring new information. However, you can be exacting, demanding, pessimistic, and suspicious of people. Also, try to be mindful not to lose the forest when you are focusing on the trees. Physical exertion may not be something you enjoy, but it is important for your health nonetheless.

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Saturn in Virgo

Your nature is best described as diligent, hard-working, precise, effective, methodical, orderly, timid, frugal, prompt, and academically inclined. Your reasonable mind and administrative talents allow you to become a leader, however you are often too exacting and demanding of others. You are able to do routine, monotonous projects without complaint as you enjoy details and have no trouble focusing on your tasks. You enjoy investigating and probing for answers as to why things work the way they do; you may also be suited to mathematics. You have a tendency to worry about your health to an extreme and may easily fall into gloominess and despair. Cleanliness and organisation are paramount to you and this extends to your work environment. You may find that you isolate yourself from others as you often prefer to be on your own. Mentally alert, you require a good deal of mental stimulation so as to keep you from becoming disinterested in life; boredom may cause anxiety for you. Try to be more accepting of others rather than expecting that they display your perfectionistic standards.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 5th house

It is important for you to demonstrate your artistic abilities to others, whether this is done beneficially or disharmoniously. You hold a wide variety of interests and look to express your creative abilities in all of them as you find much personal happiness through these endeavours. Although you find your life to be pleasant and are appreciated by others for being a joy to be around, you much be mindful not to become domineering or careless in your activities.

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Moon in 7th house

You are drawn to romantic partners that are nurturing or want to be nurtured by you, those who are often more delicate with their feelings. Relationships may come and go until you find a partner that will provide you with the deep sense of security you crave; however, you are unlikely to find this perfect mate as you need to develop a sense of security within yourself instead. You feel lonely when you are not in a relationship, therefore you will continue to jump in and out of partnerships.
The people closest to you have a great effect on your emotional state. It is important to you that you are well-liked by others. You will likely pursue those that inspire you to be more compassionate and who stimulate your feelings.
If you are male, you may search for a partner that will care for and shelter you as a mother might and you tend to inspire others to express these characteristics. You will entice a partner who is caring and enjoys creating a home environment.
Be mindful of a tendency towards inconsistent emotions and mood swings. You may entire into a marriage union for the sole purpose of building a home life with the partner, and it is probable that you will marry more than once.
You feel a strong emotional pull to obtain a partner and establish a marriage. However, your fickle moods will need to be tempered if you are to succeed in any union; your emotions are over-sensitive and over-exposed. Do not create change in a relationship only for the sake of change itself; if it isn’t broken, do not fix it. Let it be. Emotional stimulation needs to come from within, not from pressuring an outside source to provide this for you.
Public relations or partnerships are likely to be involved in your career preference; you are considered a good public figurehead. It is possible that your marriage union will allow you clarity of thought when dealing with workplace safety, and you tend to rely on others to satisfy your necessities in the work environment. Partnerships are crucial to your career.

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Mercury in 7th house

When choosing a partner, you look for someone who is well-informed and displays a sharp intellect. Witty banter appeals to you as well and it is important to you to be able to communicate easily and readily with your partner. Your romantic interest needs to be quick, curious, and clever to hold your attention as you often engage them in debate.
Relationships in general, especially marriage, are always at the forefront of your thoughts. A partner to you, whether they are a romantic partner or a business associate, must provide you with a good deal of mental stimulation. If they can challenge you or help you enhance your communication skills, all the better. You desire someone who will bring forward an exchange of ideas and inspire you to share your thoughts; you want them to understand you on a mental level more than anything else.
It is likely that the person you choose will be very verbally expressive, analytical, and witty though may at times be critical, tense, anxious, and engage in arguments with you. They are probably interested in the written and spoken word in general, as well as languages or communication of all forms. Traveling may be important to them and they may work in an administrative or technological field.
It is advisable that you curb your critical analysis and tendency to argue with others, as this will help your chances to achieve a happy union.

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Venus in 3rd house

You are well able to articulate your creativity in both the written and spoken word. You tend to keep your immediate environment rather copacetic as you have distaste for conflict. Preferring to keep your surroundings harmonious, you can be evasive when confrontations are expected. Because of your amicable, pleasant nature, most will find it easy to be in your company. Being comfortable and tension-free is important to your well-being.

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Mars in 6th house

You are gifted with large stores of energy for whatever work you engage in. A diligent, driven, effective and vibrant worker, you may find yourself drawn towards mechanics. It is easy for you to bounce back from any physical challenge though you must try to be more patient with co-workers who are not as naturally gifted as yourself, as you can become easily annoyed. At times you can act rashly due to your frustration and find yourself in dangerous situations; you are prone to accidents in the work environment, especially involving heat of some sort. Trouble with heat is a common ailment for you as you are also more susceptible to high fevers.

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Jupiter in 8th house

A positive attitude and a strong belief in others, you can at times be prone to being rather emotive. However, this emotional surplus allows you to access a strong intuition that can be described as psychic and you often use this gift to help elevate others. It is also possible that others will fund your endeavours, permitting you many opportunities to succeed in whatever you desire.

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Saturn in 8th house

You are diligent in your work as well as frugal with your spending; you are willing to wait as long as is necessary for what is important to you. There is a tendency to suppress your sexuality or not allow yourself to fully engage with others due to your continuous search for monetary safety. However, it would be most beneficial for you to convert this energy into spiritual growth and insight that can best be achieved by learning to understand the people you form partnerships with on a deeper level. What good is having money when you have lost yourself? There may be a theme of abuse present in your life, some sort of challenge concerning sex, or possibly trouble with a desire to control others or them controlling you. It will be important for you to learn to temper your strong sensuality. In addition, you may feel as though you’ve been wounded somehow due to the karma of a previous life. There may be complications involving anything having to do with finances or their institutions.

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Uranus in 2nd house

You may have a unique career or way of acquiring an income. What matters most to you in this area is the ability to pursue your creative and innovative ideas at will. Often your material possessions, including finances, are unstable. There is an erratic and unpredictable energy regarding resources, which fluctuates continuously; you can never be sure what sort of situation you will find yourself in financially. Fortunately, you are usually able to escape being dragged down by these obstacles.

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Neptune in 7th house

There is an inclination to be unrealistic in regards to marriage or a romantic partner. The partner is likely to be a creative type who has a strong interest in spiritual matters or may act in an unclear, puzzling manner. You may need to sacrifice a good deal for this person or for the relationship to continue. Your values and goals may not align with your partner’s, leading to trouble communicating with one another. In addition, you are attracted to those you can save in some way, often from themselves; there may be issues with substance abuse for the partner.
The idealised version of your romantic partner is likely to have more weight in your mind than who this person actually is. You may be brought to accept the harsh reality of their actual character at some point during the union. This realisation can produce great unhappiness for you and you are likely to feel as though they have fooled you somehow and that the entire relationship was a sham. Be mindful to pay attention to the data that is actually in front of you rather than believing you are involved in a fairytale scenario.
You will probably be attracted to an individual that brings your kindness and consideration to the forefront, someone that motivates you to be more empathetic. You often view this person as a perfect mate incapable of doing any wrong, fantasising about your romantic rendezvous together. Your imagination is likely to get the best of you and this person is not alike the one you have fabricated in your mind.
Another possibility is for you to become involved in romantic partnerships with either those you have a high regard for or persons that are down on their luck. If your Neptune is negatively aspected, your strong appreciation of their character may have been due to you being dazzled by outward circumstances and this potential mate abusing your empathy by misleading you into believing they were worse off than they were.
There is a tendency for your romantic partner to be emotionally fragile and require you to baby them. They may be artists or musicians, possibly performers, disinterested in material concerns or being a provider. There is likely a high sense of spirituality in your partnership and you find yourselves less interested in the physical aspects of this relationship and more focused a deep, divine expression instead. Unfortunately, the flip side is that these types are fickle, undependable, and often only looking out for their own selfish needs or they may be disadvantaged somehow, anxious, phobic people or plagued with poor health.
You may stay in unhappy relationships due to your inability to face reality in regards to your relationship or who your partner really is, deceiving yourself into believing that this is an ideal union or that you can somehow make it so.
To achieve a happy and successful marriage partnership, it is imperative that you put aside your fantastical romantic notions and keep your feet on solid ground. Pay attention to the facts that are presented to you, keeping both eyes fully open early on. Make sure to analyse the person and the situation clearly before venturing forward.

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Pluto in 6th house

Your work environment may bring forth great personal change in you, transforming you in some vital way. Work related matters and employee labour relations may be something you engage in readily at your workplace. You have high expectations for both yourself and fellow employees and must be careful not to become too rigid, unconsciously critical, and commanding when leading others. There is a tendency for you to work yourself until you cannot physically withstand more, often from sheer determination. Talented in analysis and problem solving, you would be well suited as a detective or psychologist; you have an innate ability to bring to light peoples deepest concerns. This placement focuses on health and healing, whether this be positively expressed as a talent in healing others, or negatively expressed as becoming obsessed with your own well-being. Your body may be more susceptible to issues regarding the colon or deep rooted infections.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Gemini 20

Sabian Symbol: A modern cafeteria displays its inviting steam table and various food products.
Kozminsky Symbol: Holding a skull in both hands is a reveler who is drunk.

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Moon in 
Leo 23

Sabian Symbol: At a circus, a bareback rider on a horse displays great talent.
Kozminsky Symbol: A ram’s horn trumpet is glistening in the sunlight.

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Mercury in 
Cancer 14

Sabian Symbol: A dignified old man faces the vast darkness as he looks to the northeast.
Kozminsky Symbol: On an upright spear made of iron, a crab crawls. Seven stars are above in a circlet.

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Venus in 
Taurus 6

Sabian Symbol: A cantilever bridge is being built across a deep gorge.
Kozminsky Symbol: A judge in his robes is handing a book to the stretching hands of a student.

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Mars in 
Gemini 25

Sabian Symbol: A gardener trims a row of magnificent tropical palm trees.
Kozminsky Symbol: From the heavens, a shining pentagram is held by a hand holding a great scroll.

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Jupiter in 
Virgo 11

Sabian Symbol: A mother looks into her baby’s eyes and imagines the beautiful boy he will become.
Kozminsky Symbol: A chariot drawn carriage carries the king, throwing coins to his kingdom.

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Saturn in 
Virgo 19

Sabian Symbol: On a balmy summer day, a swim race is almost complete.
Kozminsky Symbol: Men work on the slopes of a fire mountain, smoke is rising.

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Uranus in 
Pisces 10

Sabian Symbol: A pilot flies across the sky, a master of his skill.
Kozminsky Symbol: Quicksilver spills from a dish and a man sweeps it up.

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Neptune in 
Leo 12

Sabian Symbol: A garden party is enhanced with Japanese lanterns and live classical music is playing.
Kozminsky Symbol: An assertive and distinguished man gives food and money to the poor and needy.

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Pluto in 
Cancer 8

Sabian Symbol: Imaginary rabbits dressed in fancy clothes walk in a parade.
Kozminsky Symbol: Sitting at his newspaper desk, an editor goes through mass proofs as another man averts his face.

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Ascendant in 
Capricorn 14

Sabian Symbol: Carved in the granite in Mayan ruins is a bas-relief.
Kozminsky Symbol: In a curtain store, nothing is pleasing to a woman.

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Midheaven in 
Scorpio 8

Sabian Symbol: A clear mountain lake is reflecting the silvery light of the moon.
Kozminsky Symbol: A dark and winding river flows down with papers floating.

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Gem 19° 20' 51"
57' 21"
01" S
23° 01' 09" N
Leo 22° 15' 17"
14° 28' 20"
4° 34' 22" S
9° 46' 05" N
Can 13° 31' 40"
59' 04"
1° 16' 32" N
24° 01' 42" N
Tau 05° 43' 23"
44' 04"
2° 34' 17" S
11° 00' 25" N
Gem 24° 35' 40"
40' 32"
42' 34" N
24° 02' 44" N
Vir 10° 47' 02"
5' 58"
1° 13' 50" N
8° 39' 49" N
Vir 18° 20' 37"
2' 07"
2° 11' 47" N
6° 37' 55" N
Pis 09° 38' 01"
46' 27" S
8° 40' 37" S
Leo 11° 36' 56"
1' 30"
4' 04" N
17° 22' 17" N
Can 07° 55' 50"
1' 26"
3° 15' 49" S
19° 57' 06" N
Ari 13° 24' 19"
1' 49"
2° 05' 45" N
7° 13' 24" N
Aqu 06° 49' 14"
6' 43"
5° 01' 38" N
13° 42' 15" S
True Node
Lib 25° 40' 33" R
- 3' 47"
00" N
9° 55' 39" S
P. of Fortune
Sco 10° 22' 40"
Leo 20° 42' 60"
Cap 13° 17' 06"
Aqu 25° 04' 41"
Ari 05° 57' 37"
Tau 07° 09' 47"
Gem 00° 58' 57"
Gem 21° 41' 01"
Can 13° 17' 06"
Leo 25° 04' 41"
Lib 05° 57' 37"
Sco 07° 09' 47"
Sag 00° 58' 57"
Sag 21° 41' 01"
True Node
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
True Node
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
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