Birth Chart: Mick Jagger (Leo)
Sir Michael Philip "Mick" Jagger (born 26 July 1943) is an English singer, songwriter and actor, the lead singer and a co-founder of the Rolling Stones.
Born at Dartford, United Kingdom
Monday, July 26, 1943
02:30 (time zone = GMT 2 hours)
0e14, 51n27
At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. Its the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. Its the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.
Those with a Gemini rising are typically social, talkative, versatile, adaptable, uncertain, mentally quick, shallow, and unpredictable. You are full of wit and cleverness though you may have trouble with nervousness or anxiety as your energies tend to run on a high frequency. You are always on the lookout to engage in a novel experience and there may be two very different sides to your personality that may seem contradictory to others. For you, it is second nature to express to others the knowledge you have gained and you strive to continuously acquire new information. You are happy to travel and read a fair bit as both of these allow you to learn something fresh. New stimulation is crucial to your livelihood and you enjoy diversity to such an extent that you may never fully master any one subject, preferring to become mildly proficient in all sorts of things; shallow and wide rather than deep, is more your flavour. On the outside it may seem that you are sure of yourself, but deep down you do not feel very confident at all. You love to communicate! All forms of communication are enjoyed from verbal to written and you are even fond of using hand gestures. An important lesson for you to learn is to find a way to manage your energy rather than spreading your efforts about wastefully; focus yourself. Gemini is ruled by Mercury and therefore its placement in your chart will be significant.
If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.
Mentally you are prone to both curiosity and suspicion, probing depths to discover whatever is buried beneath. The more you sense someone trying to hide something, the stronger you insist on figuring it out. All of lifes mysteries appeal to you and you are fascinated with death, sexuality, birth, rebirth, the mystical realm, and curing ailments. Despite your insistence that others keep nothing from you, you yourself will not divulge your own secrets or intentions, clutching at the information as though it were a formidable weapon people will use against you if you were to let out the smallest morsel of data. Your probing mind will do well in the psychological fields where you can spend your days unearthing peoples secrets, analysing them, and providing suggestions for healing processes. With keen observational skills, you easily and accurately interpret other peoples true motives and objectives, almost as if you have a spider sense working within you. You are drawn to the supernatural and enjoy reading books or watching films that are mysterious or that contain elements of the paranormal. You certainly have a dark side to you and can become secretly involved in unwholesome situations or circumstances where you need to uncover a shady mystery. However, you do not view these inclinations in this way, rather you just want to discover and understand something new that most others would not be interested in. You are highly influential when you express your viewpoints and can have tunnel vision when you find something you are interested in. Try not to be close-minded when you are in that zone, as allowing an opposing viewpoint into your consideration will teach you more in the end. In addition, you can be a bit high-strung and your nerves are easily affected, causing you to feel frustrated and impatient. Sometimes you push yourself too far and you need to be aware of your limitations and when it is time to take a break and recuperate.
You combine cleverness and craftiness in order to get the most you can out of others so as to benefit yourself. You are mentally attentive, sharp, and enjoy a good verbal sparring match. At times you can speak too quickly or bluntly, and would do well to slow down a bit. You also tend to take out revenge on others by verbally cutting them down. When you become angry these attacks can become particularly explosive, involving insults and intense rants. Your assertive communication insists that others come around to share your viewpoints, though you are unlikely to be open theirs. It is important for you to develop self-control and a way to express your desires in a reasonable fashion, rather than letting them run away with you. If you are able to redirect the tension you feel inside into creative endeavours, you will save yourself lots of trouble with other people as you are prone to starting fights when tension builds up within you. You often criticise those closest to you when you are in a bad mood and this habit may burn many bridges. Most conversations quickly turn into arguments with you and it would be a good idea to go into a career where this personality trait is an asset rather than a hindrance, for instance as a human/animal rights activist, upholding the law, or possibly where a no-holds-barred critique is required. Reading appeals to you and it is likely that you are skilled in written communication or creative writing.
It is difficult for you to contain your high energy long enough for you to calmly stay in one place and you will instead fidget around until you are actively engaged in something. This lends to you preferring to work on a variety of different endeavours at once as you lose interest quickly otherwise, though you rarely see any of these projects through to completion. However, it is important that you allow yourself a chance to relax and unwind or you will wear yourself out mentally. When pressure within you reaches a pique you will explode outwardly, often without reason. Logic is difficult for you to find when you are angry, your thoughts tend to be muddled during this time, and you are not able to rationally convey why you are feeling such rage. Your nervousness can make you susceptible to physical ailments that are usually associated with stress; make a conscious effort to relax every day and try not to take on more work than you can realistically handle. Your volatile temper can also create trouble with your heart. Often you go about each day in a busy manner, speeding about though getting very little done. Learn to pace yourself.
Less detail-oriented and more of a generalist, you prefer seeing things in their entirety. You prefer focusing on how everything will fit together in the end rather than getting stuck on the miniscule details that would never get you anywhere. Your tendency towards positive thinking can at times cause you to commit to more than you are able to supply in the end. You may over-estimate your own talents and capabilities and will express these inflated visions to others. Sometimes you seem to be unable to keep your mouth shut, even repeating yourself again and again during one conversation because you feel as though there is a possibility that you were misunderstood or that others did not hear you. In addition, you will compulsively do something and then go back to make sure you had actually done it, for instance turning off the stove or closing the back gate. You may lack practicality due to your inclination to dream big. Travelling is likely to appeal to you as it aids you in discovering new information. Philosophy and any subject that allows some sort of intangible speculation is going to be of interest. You do not need to be prompted to share your thoughts with others as you will do so readily of your own accord. You like to pull apart someones argument even though you may actually feel the exact same way as they do on the matter at hand; for you, debating is seen as a good time had.
Mentally you engage in pattern-oriented thinking where you put together things that others may feel are unrelated and have a preference towards viewing the entire puzzle instead of spending too much time on each individual piece. You crave learning new bits of information and it does not matter to you whether this is done through traditional methods or self-study. When you have discovered a new bit of data you excitedly express what you have learned to others and would make an excellent educator. If you do decide to go the route of educator, you will likely acquire knowledge from your pupils just as often as they do from your lessons, as you have a curious mind and are always searching. You may also have a flair for the written and spoken word as well as publications of all kinds. It can be almost too easy for you to sell items, due to others instinctively trusting you to act honourably in regards to what you are selling them.
It is probable that you will often conjure up some interesting endeavour yet never get the idea out of your head and into practical application. In fact, it would be best if you could team up with another person who wouldnt mind doing all of the grunt work required to implement these brilliant ideas of yours. You have a straight forward way of thinking and communicating and would never purposefully try to dupe anyone. The positive attitude and belief in yourself and your abilities will aid you in your success. However, there are moments when you will not budge mentally and these need to be watched. You dislike doing the same thing day in and day out and look for ways to diversify your activities. Be mindful not to spread yourself too thin and wind up knowing only a small bit about many subjects, yet never mastering one. Although this type of expertise may appeal to you and if that is something you are comfortable with, then by all means continue in this fashion.
You radiate positive energy and have a confident, joyous demeanour. Your warmth and kindness is enjoyed by all around you. You are an innovative leader, devising magnificent ideas and coordinating them. You strive to achieve great heights in your life. You have high standards and assume that they will be met, and they usually are due to the considerate aid of others or through your own dedication. This placement bestows the recipient with luck, monetary prizes, eagerness, and self-assurance. The one thing you must be mindful of with this aspect is a tendency towards indulging yourself too much or engaging in wasteful behaviour. You may also need to curb your pride as you can get carried away with your own good qualities. Saving money may be difficult for as you are carefree in this regard, spending abundantly whenever the mood strikes. Deep down you crave to better understand yourself and to find your lifes purpose. Traveling is particularly enjoyable to you and your work may involve travel of some form. At times it may feel as though you are being watched over by a supernatural force as you seem to barely escape without injury at times, but always somehow do; you are protected. Good karma from a previous life, due to your kind heart and giving nature, has earned you these blessings and many would agree that you are indeed blessed. Utilise these gifts carefully and in a positive way.
You feel that all creatures on this earth are somehow connected to one another. Self-improvement and the betterment of the world in general, are important to you. You feel easily inspired in ways to bring about advancement and improvement of both yourself and humanity as a whole; you want to change the world. It is likely that you possess a good deal of motivation to accomplish some sort of permanence. Learning and keeping yourself well-formed is imperative to you and you are always searching for truth. You often share this passion for knowledge with others and may become an instructor. Striving to alter the environment for the better, you prefer holding high status as this will help you achieve this goal. Try to pay more attention to other peoples ideas and beliefs, rather than closing your mind to them right from the start. You are not always correct, nor should you try to be.
Very affectionate, you enjoy engaging in romance and are a sensitive, appreciative pursuer. Others are drawn to you even if you are not stereotypically good-looking, though you often are. Your personality is vibrant and you are easy to be with, gaining you much popularity. You keep your emotions fairly steady and low-key, which can be very attractive to the opposite sex. There is a part of you that likes to play match-maker and you could easily put others together in a fantastic way, creating harmonious pairings that last.
You are driven by an amorous nature with a fondness for all things beautiful, yearning to channel your passion into creativity of any form. This placement denotes a charismatic magnetism that others respond to. Being alone for too long does not do you well and you prefer to be socially active, happily engaging with other people. You have a strong craving to express yourself affectionately and for this warmth to be reciprocated. Your vitality is apparent to others and people find you alluring. Romantic relationships are likely to flourish as you are aware of what you desire in a mate and are able to convey these feelings clearly. You do not hide your intentions, but rather take a direct, honest approach in these matters. However, you will avoid conflict if you can do so as you dislike disharmony. You invest much effort to understanding your feelings.
You have a strong will and can be rather passionate. Nothing is impossible for you if you truly desire it. In your mind, you are undefeatable and are not ruffled in the slightest by statistics or challenging circumstances. Inwardly you may be a bit obsessive but you are able to mask your wishes and purpose, as well as the strength of your emotions. Something in your core compels you towards what you consider to be your fate and you strive for acknowledgement of your skills and efforts. You may thirst for control and respect, leading you full steam ahead regardless of the consequences. It is important to you that you are a master in at least one thing. You invoke strong reactions in others as they either adore you or despise you, though either way they will feel something powerful drawing them towards you like a magnet, almost as if hypnotised. It is possible that you may create many adversaries on your rise to success. Be mindful that karma will always come back to you so make sure to put in what you would like to receive. You have immense energy inside and can use this for either beneficial aims or destructive ones, regardless the impact will be great. There is a desire to change things somehow, to reform them perhaps into something that is more in line with your person. You have a powerful personality and may demand that things be the way you want them, though it would be best if you would develop a way to listen to and be fair to other peoples wants as well. You tend to excel in leading roles and assume them almost without trying.
You are highly responsive, both physically and mentally, to the environment that you find yourself in. Naturally you are full of energy and feel a need to be always active. Quickly disinterested, you require a good deal of mental stimulation to keep your mind busy, lending to your preference towards being a part of many endeavours all at once. You are self-sufficient, unique, inventive, and a revolutionary thinker who is always open to new ideas. In fact, finding fresh ways of doing things or progressive philosophies are a valuable part of life for you and you strive to inspire others to engage in these with you. Your gut intuition is unusually strong and accurate. However, you require complete freedom to be able to use this intuition in whatever way feels right to you, reacting to situations without being hindered by other obligations. Careers that entail the same, monotonous work day in and day out are not for you and you would do best with work that uses your superb ability to adapt to changing circumstances and allows you some room for creativity. You would never abide by others demanding that you do something and telling you in what way you must execute your task. It is important to you to discover things for yourself, in your own time. Your thinking does not follow the typical step-by-step process that most others adhere to. Instead, your thinking is more abstract and conclusions tend to just find their way into your mind seemingly from thin air, though this is just your intuition working its magic and providing you with unparalleled insight. Scientific and technological subject appeal to you and you are usually one of the first to try out new gadgets or concepts. Astrological topics and anything related to supernatural phenomena will also hold your attention. You are an articulate communicator, in both the written and spoken word, which readily exchanges fresh and unconventional information with other people.
There is a possibility with this placement to benefit humanity by using your imagination and ingenuity. Frequent fluctuations and transformations are likely to be part of your life and aid you in improving yourself and the lives of others. Intuitively you are aware that these fluctuations are good for you and are therefore welcoming of them. You find yourself striving to better the world, and you are able to do this peacefully and lawfully, without causing strife or disharmony.
You have an excellent imagination and your environment can have a large impact on you. In your world, beauty and magic are everywhere! You are drawn to the metaphysical realm and strive to comprehend the meaning of all that you come across. There is a strong bond between you and the world at large; you are at one with humans, animals, and the forces at work. You have a great amount of empathy and care deeply for others, always willing to come to the aid of those who need you. Expressing yourself creatively, whether this is through artistic, musical, or acting pursuits, is essential to your happiness in life. Although, your strong idealism and romanticism can do well with some practicality. You are full of hopes and dreams that you are able to attain if only you can apply yourself. Karmic endeavours in past lives have set you up to build on your psychic abilities and turn them into reality by aiding those you come across in this life. You are able to remove yourself from your earthly self and connect spiritually when in need of advice. You have a particular fondness for the arts, higher principles, and sophistication. Premonitions or guidance may come to you in odd forms. Delicate emotionally, you will avoid conflict if possible. You possess a magnetic quality and an almost magical allure.
Chances to succeed tend to appear in your life unexpectedly and can be of an uncommon variety. You have many interesting ambitions and are rather unusual yourself. People often perceive you as advanced in your thinking. Others enjoy your pleasant demeanour as you tend to keep positive and have a hearty sense of humour. Mentally you are innovative and unique, portraying an open-minded, accepting, kind, charitable character. You may be interested in mystical studies or scientific endeavours. Always willing to lend a helping hand when needed, you are friendly, outgoing, welcoming, caring, and tender. You are not greedy with what belongs to you, rather you share readily when need be. Learning and experiencing new things is important to you, therefore you surround yourself with eccentric individuals that will often teach you what you would have never encountered otherwise. Curiosity keeps you asking about the ins and outs of everything you come across, producing many fresh concepts for you to dissect. It is unlikely that you will stay in one place for very long as you prefer to be discovering new places instead of settling into them. You despise doing the same monotonous duties day in and day out and you require variety in your life; being obligated to perform these sorts of tasks can have a negative impact on you. It is pertinent that you are free of restrictions as commitments tend to scare you; you are uncertain if you will be able to abide by them and do not wish to let others down, so you usually steer clear. You may inherit finances in unusual and spontaneous ways. There is a positive past life karma that signifies you will be blessed spiritually and watched over.
You are enthusiastic, spur-of-the-moment, and reactive in both your emotions and your sexuality. You can lose control when your emotions are stimulated, especially in regards to love where you seek out exhilarating situations and can become enamoured rapidly, though just as swiftly fall out of love. Love partnerships start off in the heights of excitement only to conclude spontaneously, shortly after they began. Your likes and interests tend to be made up of the unusual, untraditional, and quirky, and you love to experiment with something new and different. You are particularly adventurous with your emotions. More likely to pay attention to what you are pursuing, you often discard what you have already obtained. Sticking things out long-term is not something you can usually do in your relationships and you are much happier in unconventional situations that do not tie you down, allowing you to roam free. You want to experience as much as possible, with as many people as possible, and a monogamous partnership might be too restrictive for you. This need for independence may cause you to either consciously or subconsciously seek out individuals who are not entirely available to you, as this keeps the situation from becoming too serious; a detached approach is more your style. Secret relationships are also a possibility here.
Your feelings are apt to be unpredictable and volatile. You are emotionally fickle and it is anyones guess what you will be feeling from one moment to the next. These erratic moods frustrate you as you cannot comprehend why they occur. The tension you feel forces you to take your negative emotions out on whatever unfortunate soul is nearby. Much of this tension can be tempered by channelling your energies creatively, as you are talented in the creative fields. If you are able to make use of these emotions to create, you will find them much easier to handle.
Naturally magnetic, others are drawn to your sexual allure and exhilarating personality. You find it difficult to stay in one place or situation for very long and would do well with a career that allows you opportunity to travel often, as this will appease your curious heart. Circumstances must be always moving somehow, never standing still. Usually you are unconcerned about the opinions of society and will do what you feel is best for yourself and your own life. However, try to develop self-restraint in regards to your sensuality as you can be prone to taking things a bit farther than you should. Discover ways to balance your unconventional interests with the needs of those around you, or you will find yourself more of an outcast than even you are comfortable with.
You are imaginative with a good deal of idealism and an excellent intuition due to your heightened sensitivity. You are caring, warm, kind, empathetic, and enjoy a bit of romance. You are a great listener and others know you will be open-minded and accepting when they reveal their troubles to you. You are able to inspire through your artistic endeavours and talents, and these projects are deeply emotionally satisfying for you. Large bodies of water tend to fascinate you, especially if you can couple this love with a creative venture such as photographing the ocean. You do not mind having to give something up if it means you can aid someone else. In order to remain stable and secure in your emotions, you must find an outlet for the creativity within. You are interested in subjects pertaining to the mystical realm and may even have a knack for this field if you can properly focus your energies. You are very sensitive to the energy around you and can easily be influenced by negative people or circumstances. It would be beneficial for you to stay in beautiful environments with limited tension as much as possible. In fact, you probably go to a great length of trouble to keep tensions out of the interactions you have with others, preferring to always keep your dealings harmonious. You are very giving with your efforts to come to the aid of people who may need you; serving people is part of your path and you value it highly. It is possible that you may have visions of the future while you sleep.
You possess a strong will-power and an influential character. Others may believe you are a threat to them somehow and will attempt to harm you before you can do the same. Those in positions of power will come to you and show you how a true leader should behave. Your wants are particularly intense and once you set your sights on a goal, not much can keep you from achieving it. When this happens you can end up with an obsessive sort of tunnel vision until you are finished, often become highly subjective in regards to the matter at hand. Be careful not to become a fanatic. You can be quite demanding of others and attempt to dictate their path for them, though you yourself will not abide by others telling you what to do and should keep this in mind when leading others.
You insist on knowing others intentions and secrets, though will keep your own well-hidden unless you believe it will somehow further your advances. You prefer to be in the most informed position at all times. You crave to experience powerful emotions and are unconcerned whether these emotions are from something beneficial or something detrimental, as long as you can experience these strong feelings. Your romantic partnerships often suffer from inequality as you can be rather dominating and you need to learn to share power, rather than keeping it all for yourself.
You are extremely driven, dedicated, and preserving, though you must keep in mind that not everyone can conjure up these same traits. Try to be patient with others as they are not likely to be able to sustain the stressful working conditions that you are able to. Take the immense energy that you have and release it into something beneficial rather than dominating others, or you will be branded a tyrant.
Despite the above, it is important to emphasise that you are able to accomplish amazing feats if only you channel your energy correctly. The forces you project into the world will be powerful and it is up to you whether you want to generate something beneficial for all or mass destruction.
Strive for a more harmonious atmosphere when dealing with other people; diplomacy will go a long way farther than opposition. Do not burn the bridges you cross on your way up, as you never know who you will encounter in the future. Karma will limit you if you try to use unwholesome techniques when achieving your goals. It would also help you to pay attention to concepts suggested by others; you just might discover a perspective you have never considered. Allow others a chance to release their inner musings instead of answering for them. And finally, keep in mind that being consistently inflexible in your attitude, behaviour, and opinions can create adversaries for you, when you could have had partners.
You are drawn to all things unconventional, untraditional, eccentric, or just plain odd. The old-fashioned way of doing things is not for you and you will not pay old traditions any mind when you are making your decisions. Searching for new experiences, you are always ready and willing to go off on a random adventure. You enjoy keeping up to date with all of the newest technology and often are the first to have the latest gadgets and gizmos. You are very independent and need a great deal of space to venture forward into the world. Progressive and innovative, you strive for change and reform of some sort. You think outside the box and can be madly brilliant with finding creative answers to whatever problem you are presented with. Artistic and highly intuitive, you must find an outlet to express these gifts. You are able to remove yourself from the lower impulses of human nature and call on your more enlightened self for guidance and purpose. Many times situations sort of just happen to you, spontaneously and seemingly at random; you can never quite know what to expect in your life. Some unseen force seems to be protecting you as you can get big breaks just when you felt time were running out.
You are capable of aiding others by using your artistic imagination. Emotionally, you may express yourself by creating in some form, whether this be writing, dancing, art, or music. You are drawn to theoretical concepts and new age topics, as well as subjects having to do with the spiritual realm. Religious choirs tend to sooth you and inspire you and you try to help others to achieve the same experience. You possess a highly spiritual consciousness and should trust your gut instincts. People generally have faith in you to be a moral person and seek your counsel, as you are sympathetic and emotionally in tune. You may have accurate premonitions or visions that aid you in realising your dreams. Look for the true meaning in all of your endeavours.
The Planets in astrology symbolize what is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question how? How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.
Leos are typically regal, brave, loving, influential, giving, fun-loving, positive, motivated, faithful, and jovial (learn about compatibility with Leo here). Unfortunately, they can also be egotistical, narrow-minded, controlling, sluggish, demanding, and unaccepting of others. They prefer being engaged in activities that allow them to use their excellent organisational skills, artistic innovation, and managerial abilities. Leos can sometimes put on a tough façade, when deep down they are rather sensitive and vulnerable. If their significant other hurts them in a vulnerable state, they may suddenly shun the partner and behave in an ill fashion towards them.
Leos are often found with all eyes on them. They enjoy sharing tales and add a bit of pizzazz to their show; having fun is important to them. Though they would prefer to be kind-hearted, if they feel it is necessary to be heavy-handed, they will do so without hesitating. If they ever do behave in a mean manner, they will feel that it is only because they have the other persons best interest at heart.
Do not anger a Leo, as he will suddenly act as though he is the royal ruler of the land and you are his subject. They will need to show you their strength and bravado, but once the storm has passed, the lion will happily forget that there was ever an infraction.
When Leos are in optimal condition, they are caring, fun-loving, positive, and bring great joy to others. They can be very giving, though financial resources may be difficult for them to hang on to without them realising where the money has gone to.
Leos are usually healthy and can bounce back easily from physical setbacks. Be mindful towards fevers, as they can be prone to particularly high temperatures when sick. Usually optimistic, when sadness does hit them, it can hit hard. Luckily, they are quickly able to revert back to their cheerful selves. However, if they are suffering from a lost love, they can suffer deeply as heartbreak is the most difficult thing for a Leo to conquer. Heartbreak may lead to physical ailments of the heart.
A Leo must have a high regard for the person they marry, as otherwise the relationship with falter rather quickly. What matters most is that Leos know they are valued.
You can be a great comfort to others due to your stable emotional nature. Not many things will get under your skin; you are easy going and like to preserve harmony. It is unlikely that you will have many emotional outbursts. However, once you have become accustomed to something emotionally, it is difficult for you to alter your feelings. You desire to feel secure and this will usually stem from obtaining material assets. It is possible that you will hold on to situations from the past or be sentimental with your possessions. You crave warmth and affection, as this will help counter your insecure emotions. However, at times you may become clingy and suffocate those you are closest to. Trust and faithfulness is imperative to you in your relationships and you portray these to your loved ones. This placements denotes a tendency towards overindulgence in creature comforts and delicious foods, as this somehow sooths you deep down. Weight issues may become troublesome for you. You may use these sensual indulgences to mask a dissatisfaction or lack of affection. You are diligent, unwavering, and capable. You have a gift in nurturing and things seem to flourish around you. Practical work, possibly where you can be outdoors in nature involved in manual labour, is likely to suit you. You do not mind following others, as long as they lead with a soft hand. Disease and physical discomfort are worrisome for you, as both are things you actively detest. Do not become so comfortable that you refuse to alter a situation that needs to be altered; try to remain flexible.
Your views are strongly held and you convey them with enthusiasm and flare. The things you believe in are important to your self-identity. You enjoy telling stories and communicate in a caring, engaging, charming, and capable manner; you are a great entertainer. Much of your showmanship is laced with dramaticism and you have signature flair when conveying your talents. You are decisive and artistically innovative; teaching may be an option for you. Confident in your cognitive abilities, others may find you arrogant at times. Try to be mindful of presenting yourself as more than you are, as well as being too fixed in your own exaggerated opinion of yourself; not every act of amusement needs to be praised. It would be best for you to try to be respected for your mental capabilities, rather than your purely entertaining, though perhaps shallow, endeavours. You would do well in politics, leading a team, public representative, or instructing others in some way.
You are patiently loyal to those you love, giving and helpful whenever you are needed. You tend to express your affection through acts of kindness rather than through words or some sort of extravagant romantic gesture. Something about being too emotionally open makes you uncomfortable and youd prefer to be more reserved in your expressions. There may be insecurity that you are unattractive or unlovable somehow. Your own doubt causes you to become fault-finding in your significant other and difficult to please. Beware that you do not wait so long for the elusive perfect partner that you waste your chances at happiness with someone real. You expect your environment to be neat and organised. Developing a way to aid others can help you to counter your tendency to complain and criticise. Despite these tendencies, you are gentle, compassionate, and kind which allows you to do well in professions where you are caring for others.
When you put your mind to something, you will persevere at all costs. You are unlikely to alter your course once you have decided on it and can be quite stubborn. If you have started on a journey, you will continue until you get to where you need to be. Incredibly faithful, you will not betray another unless they have done so first, in which case anything goes. You are even-tempered and easy-going, and it takes a lot to push you over the edge. However, if you do manage to get to that point, your blood is boiling, and you see red and charge! You are dependable, steady, and able to work harder than others. A consistent schedule with no guess work is likely to suit you well as you flourish in this sort of environment. Seeing the fruit of your labour is important to you. Practical applications are also appreciated. Abstract concepts are not for you, you need something down to earth and realistic. At times it may be difficult for you to motivate yourself to move as you enjoy lounging around in creature comforts. However, when you do manage to start, you are able to endure; difficult to light the candle but slow burning once it is lit. You are less likely to start a project than you are to continue it. Material possessions are important to everything you do and you keep an eye on being safe and protected. It is possible that you will miss many opportunities due to your inability to change course once you have started, however this makes you incredibly reliable and dependable. Try to be mindful of your tendency to treat your romantic partners as possessions and curb your jealous inclinations. You find peace of mind in material assets though it may be beneficial to you to acquire this from more significant avenues. Caution is prevalent in all of your dealings and you fear a situation altering. Developing some sort of health issue or having to endure physical discomfort also worries you. Sometimes you can be so stuck on your chosen path that nothing and no one can deter you. You may suffer from foot-in-mouth issues; try to be diplomatic when expressing yourself. Also, it would do you well to be more giving of your possessions.
You are giving, warm-hearted, sympathetic, and self-sacrificing. With your excellent administrative capabilities, and your desire to be held accountable, you make a better leader than you do a follower. You tend to be enthusiastic and strong-willed. Things that are a benefit to humanity are of interest to you. However, at times you are able to be cold, indulgent, arrogant, flashy, and may have gambling problems. It would be best for you to be respected through your king and giving nature.
Mentally you are rather serious and intentional, with great ability to focus. You are an excellent coordinator and easily decipher complex situations while finding realistic resolutions to whatever difficultly is presented to you. Acquiring knowledge is something you thoroughly enjoy spending your time on. However, you must be mindful of a tendency towards pessimistic, overly sceptical, and gloomy thinking. Anxiety may become an issue for you and there seems to always be sensitivity with your lungs or trouble with oxygen in the system. Take care to keep the air circulating in your bedchamber. The influences of Saturn in this placement will stabilise the typical fickle behaviours of Gemini and allow you to be more mentally balanced. Saturn in Gemini can be very beneficial though you must try to stay positive about what may come to pass. To achieve success, it is necessary for you to cultivate a more systematic way of thinking and behaving.
The Planets in astrology symbolize what is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question where? Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.
Learning and acquiring information is important to you, though you may insist that each new piece of data be proven scientifically before accepting it as valid. Also, you will find yourself readily sharing the new information you have acquired with others. Your mental make-up includes a methodical approach to creating, something that you much enjoy doing. There may be a tendency to be impatient and domineering intellectually, as pride is something you need to keep an eye on. Your insistence on always being right may create conflict for you with your family or community and you will often embark on many short-lived intellectual adventures to obtain the constant stream of data you crave. You may also possess ability for the written and spoken word.
This placement denotes a tendency to be involved in careers that encompass serving the underprivileged public, or working in the medical field or prison system. Your sensitive feelings must be minded as they can subconsciously become problematic for you. It is likely that you feel as though you have been wounded by others somehow and this may prove a challenge. Hidden adversaries may try to abuse your kindness; however, distress leads you to become more dutiful. The maternal figure in your life may have created a miserable existence for you. Aiding others is the surest path to spiritual enlightenment. You have an ability to help others by communicating your own difficult experiences to them. In your career, you prefer keeping out of the limelight and would rather work alone. Seclusion is likely. This sort of work environment allows you to feel safe and secure.
You spend a great deal of your time at home absorbing various types of knowledge. With a wide variety of interests, learning about them gives you a sense of security. Highly charged with nervous energy, it is necessary that you find ways to unwind and sooth your mind. There may even be a cosy corner in your home where you enjoy conversing with guests. It is likely that you experience inner tension until you to find a place where you belong, causing you to engage in frequent changes of living quarters.
Attention from the opposite sex comes easily to you as you are attractive in a variety of ways. Demonstrative with affection and possessing a good artistic sense, you draw people to you. Be mindful not to be too wild and over-indulge during your nights out on the town. You enjoy engaging in activities that involve music, acting, or creativity of some sort and are likely to be a good performer, perhaps even on stage. You delight being around children and children adore your enchanting way of expressing yourself as well, therefore teaching may be a career option for you.
Your emotions tend to run high though you may suppress them or go to the other extreme and find yourself suffering from obsessive fear. Others are instinctively aware of this and create difficulties for you. There is a possibility of complications due to defamation or hidden adversaries. Buried grudges may be an issue that needs to be dealt with, and there is also a chance of false allegations from concealed sources. You feel as though you are on your own in this world. It would be wise for you to use your intense emotionality to better comprehend a deep sense of purpose and to become unified with mankind. You dislike being in the public eye and would do best working privately or in secret.
This placement opens the mind and allows you to better understand whatever comes your way. You easily see the big picture, though may at times be blind to specific details. Your mental makeup contributes to a positive, somewhat conservative, thoughtful person with a bend towards philosophy. You are generally well thought of by others but may find yourself focusing more on your own satisfaction. There is a tendency towards feeling restless, though this can be tempered by focusing on your career, as long as you are able to keep moving forward. Try to be mindful of an inclination towards impracticality.
Others see you as controlled with a good deal of discipline. You have a more serious nature and tend to be a bit reserved with others, preferring a cool demeanour. This may be due to a harsh or difficult childhood, possibly even an illness that held you back. You are plagued with insecurity and feelings of inadequacy, often believing you were never truly loved. Frequently things seem like a struggle to you and this gives way to a pessimistic view leading you to sometimes struggle with depression. Fortunately, you are very dutiful and a hard worker which allows you to power through whatever obstacle that comes your way. There is a tendency to greater luck in the later stages of life versus the earlier ones, therefore keep moving forward as your hard work will eventually pay off.
You are idealistic as far as humanity is concerned, have a strong intuition, and tend to prefer staying in the background. However, you may develop trouble with your nervous system and often suffer from feeling as though you are alone. It is likely that you experience premonitions, yet you keep these secret from the world due to a fear of criticism. In fact, psychic phenomenon and new age topics tend to fascinate you in general. It is easy for you to find flaws in the circumstances around you and you tend to question lifes purpose. Freedom is highly important to you. There may be buried trouble from your past that will need to come to the surface and be dealt with. You may at times experience a kind of paranoia that makes you feel as though you will be attacked at any moment by some unforeseen force. You tend to feel anxious over believing an imminent disaster is just around the corner; learn to control your fears.
You are a natural performer and have a charming stage presence as you have a great artistic ability. Idealistic and imaginative, you may sometimes be impractical. You are often seeking romantic situations that are unrealistic and your attachments tend to end suddenly with little known cause. Wearing rose-coloured glasses in regards to love relationships, you can be quite the romantic. This placement indicates that you will encounter many challenges with your offspring and your love life, sacrificing much for both, yet with little reward. Your children may necessitate special attention.
Always searching for answers and you usually find them as you have the flexible, penetrating mind of a detective. You quickly comprehend the nuances in any given situation and accurately detect peoples hidden intentions. You particularly enjoy solving problems and may do research or puzzles on your free time as a hobby. You are often probing for deeper meaning and it is important to you to decipher truth. On occasion, you will find yourself feeling rather frustrated or anxious when solutions do not come to you as quickly as they usually do. Writing down your thoughts may help you come to an understanding and release some mental anxiety; you can find this regenerating to your entire system. You may use this method to cleanse your mind as you can put the past behind you and start anew.
The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.
Sabian Symbol: A middle-aged woman cuts her long flowing hair into a bob for the very first time.
Kozminsky Symbol: On a human head, light flows from everywhere; from the left eye its black vapor, from the right eye its yellow and white light comes out of the forehead.
Sabian Symbol: An Indian warrior rides proudly carrying human scalps on his belt.
Kozminsky Symbol: An escaped prisoner tries to break his fetters with flinty stones.
Sabian Symbol: Children swing high from a hanging swing in the branches of a gigantic oak tree.
Kozminsky Symbol: Soldiers of questionable character are seen dragging off innocent women.
Sabian Symbol: On a sheet of parchment paper is drawn a family tree.
Kozminsky Symbol: There is a large black seal on an old and torn document thats crinkled up.
Sabian Symbol: A porter is carrying a mountain of baggage cheerfully.
Kozminsky Symbol: A man holds up a document to a judge frowning in court.
Sabian Symbol: An old-fashioned, conservative lady stands facing a modern and very attractive lady and they both are in envy of the others life.
Kozminsky Symbol: An eagle is in the mouth of a crouching jungle lion.
Sabian Symbol: Crowding the barn floor, dancing couples during a harvest festival are circling about.
Kozminsky Symbol: Ivy is growing over a stone pile.
Sabian Symbol: Strikers and a crowd of agitators surround a great factory that is closed down.
Kozminsky Symbol: With the sun above its head, a winged horse flies.
Sabian Symbol: He asks a neighbor to help complete some kind of home drudgery.
Kozminsky Symbol: The wind picks up and blows oranges off of the tree.
Sabian Symbol: All the constellations are at play as the night sky is dark and magical as seen on the desert.
Kozminsky Symbol: Resting on a golden throne sits a book with a crown on top.
Sabian Symbol: Two people who are physically at different parts of the globe are communicating telepathically.
Kozminsky Symbol: A jewelry thief is in the forest handing someone a box full of gems.
Sabian Symbol: While a student is in meditation, in his minds eye he sees a flag change into an eagle.
Kozminsky Symbol: Shafts of light emanate from a military shield up on a mountain.