John Cena

Birth Chart: John Cena (Taurus)

John Felix Anthony Cena Jr. (/?si?n?/; born April 23, 1977) is an American professional wrestler, rapper, actor, and reality television show host. He is signed to WWE, where he performs on the SmackDown brand. Cena started his professional wrestling career in 1999 with Ultimate Pro Wrestling (UPW) and won the UPW Heavyweight Championship the following year. Cena signed a developmental contract with the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, later renamed to World Wrestling Entertainment, or simply WWE) in 2001, debuting on the WWE main roster in 2002.

Hint: Ever asked yourself What Zodiac sign am I? Then take this quiz to check what is your Zodiac personality!

Astrological Natal Chart
John Cena

Born at West Newbury, USA
Saturday, April 23, 1977
08:57 (time zone = GMT -5 hours)
70w59, 42n48

Fact: Taurus dates are between April 20 and May 21. Check the Taurus dates to find out.


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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CANCER rising

Those with Cancer rising are typically lower on energy than the average person, sensitive, caring, empathetic, timid, reactive, flexible, nurturing, romantic, clingy, shy, moody, emotional, protective, and can be a bit of a hoarder. Premonitions are also likely to be experienced. Cancers usually prefer to do things indirectly and you may avoid confrontations, choosing to direct your energies everywhere but to what is in front of you. The situations that you have encountered in your past tend to weigh heavily on you and you have a tendency to worry that somehow something that you have overlooked will come up to get you. Therefore, you will move ahead in a sideways fashion, evading possible threats. You are always ready to withdraw into yourself if you believe you may get hurt. Your emotions are easily triggered and you feel slighted by minor occurrences that were likely done without any ill-intent. Home is particularly important to you and though you can enjoy going off to see distant lands, you must be sure that you have a secure home base. There is a large streak of sentimentality in you and you find safety and comfort from the things you own as they remind you of the fond memories of your past or the people you love. Your emotional security is tied to your home and the things you possess, which is the main reason why you dislike throwing anything away—for you, it is like throwing away a precious memory. If you have decided to let someone in, you can become rather clingy, refusing to detach from them. All that you encounter in your life is reacted to on an emotional level, rather than a mental one. You are moody and changeable, similar to the sea. An important lesson for you may be to develop a way to comprehend boundary limitations. Cancer is ruled by the Moon and therefore it’s placement in your chart will be significant.

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Shhh! To Taurus, sex is hard work. It takes time and should do so. Taurus can still be kind of lazy in bed, wanting the partner to do most of the work. Read all about Taurus sexuality here.


If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Mercury discordant to Uranus

(power = 9.10 and this aspect is discordant = -9.10)

Your thinking is lightning fast. Extremely original with strong intuition, you have an inventive mind that is always concocting fresh methods. You are a progressive, alternative, non-conformist who insists on having the utmost independence to express yourself. You are endlessly excited by new concepts, experiments, and technology. Patience will need to be developed as you can be short-tempered with those who do not have as quick of a mind as you happen to be blessed with. Abstract theories are easy for you to understand and you would do well working in the field of science or mechanics. You are gifted with cleverness and ingenuity, perception and intelligence. You may find yourself drawn to the metaphysical realm or to mechanics. Astrological topics may be of interest as well. Naturally your spirit is a bit on edge, and you should try to find methods to calm your nerves. You prefer to have a variety of different things happening to you all at once or else boredom will quickly set in. Your mind needs to have something fresh and interesting to ponder and dissect. Often you will find new concepts coming to you seemingly out of thin air, and this is your intuition at work. Travelling will provide much of the stimulation you crave and you excel in situations that require you to think on your feet, where you must adapt, and where the outcomes are uncertain. You are self-sufficient and fiercely independent.
However, despite the above, you can reject any concept or manner of thinking that does not adhere to the conclusions you have come to previously. Be careful not to spread yourself too thin mentally, and try to concentrate on something long enough to complete it. This tendency to try to do too much at one time can cause you to act on impulse, recklessly jumping around from situation to situation. You can be very sceptical of the concepts that other people express to you. You are happy to entertain fresh ideas, though only if you do not feel pressured, in which case you are likely to rebel against them. The way someone approaches you is important. Try to keep in mind that many times people are not meaning to pressure you and that you are just highly sensitive to any sort of perceived demand on your mental freedom. Allow yourself to openly entertain notions that may differ from your own views. In addition, it would be beneficial for you to develop enough self-control to stick to an idea or project until you have completed it. At times you can behave as though the world or the people in it owe you something. They do not. Remove your ego and detach yourself from this way of thinking.

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Venus harmonizing with Saturn

(power = 8.45 and this aspect is harmonious = 6.34)

You are faithful and dedicated in your relationships. People’s emotions are treated with care, as you would never toy with their feelings. Loyalty is very important to you. You prefer to be secure and are usually confident in your abilities; insecure feelings do not seem to be an issue for you at all. However, you can hold back a bit when expressing your love for another because you wish to be certain that the person is trustworthy. You are modest, and while you enjoy beautiful and lavish surroundings, you do not require them for your happiness. Who someone is on the inside is more valuable to you than what they look like. You want a deep, meaningful relationship and shallow partnerships hold no interest for you. Innately, you comprehend that true love takes time to unfold and becomes stronger the longer you are involved with someone. Friendship is taken seriously as well and you are a loyal, steady friend. One of your best traits is that you are emotionally stable. You are naturally responsible with those you care for and can be very dutiful to them. Self-restraint is not a problem for you and no one would ever consider you a wild child by any means. However, people value the amazing abilities you bring to the table. Inside of you is a very strong individual capable of persevering through even the toughest of challenges.

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Venus discordant to Pluto

(power = 8.28 and this aspect is discordant = -6.21)

You feel a pull towards intensely emotional situations with others of the opposite sex. This pull is so strong that you feel as if it is almost uncontrollable. The craving you feel for intense experiences makes it difficult for you to reject these situations. You require a great deal of love and may over-indulge in your sexuality or become obsessed or difficult to satisfy. There is a double standard in your relationships as you are extremely envious and try to possess those you are interested in, while expecting that they give you freedom to do as you please. This can lead to inequality in your partnerships. Your attempts to control your partner will often lead them to pull away from you. A major challenge for you in your partnerships is that you insist on being the one in control of the relationship but always seem to be drawn to those who prefer to take the same role, leading to both of you constantly struggling for dominance. You would rather experience trouble if it means that you will also experience intense emotions, than to have a conflict-free, steady partnership that never reaches the high frequency you desire. You need to feel something powerful in order to feel as though you are truly living.
Your lesson is to take a good hard look at your beliefs and alter them accordingly. Your partnerships give you an opportunity to confront deep issues inside yourself and grow in wisdom. It is for this reason that you are drawn to those that are a challenge for you. The only way for you to grow is for you to experience the same behaviour you exhibited to others in a past life, back towards yourself in this one. You have an opportunity to remedy your past karma if you are able to react in kindness rather than vengeance. Learn to let things go. When you have cleansed your past karma and grown in wisdom, you will notice that you will no longer be attracting people who will create havoc for you. This placement denotes that you are able to move forward from previous malicious behaviours.
In regards to your health, you are likely to be susceptible to kidney trouble or issues with removing toxic material from your system. If the system is unable to remove toxic material, you may find yourself dealing with lung complications or trouble with the skin. Finding a way to let go of negative emotions that are toxic to your spiritually, and foster kindness and forgiveness towards others, can help your physical health.
If you are able to put other people’s needs above your own, you can create healing through the powerful emotions you possess.

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Saturn discordant to Uranus

(power = 7.96 and this aspect is discordant = -11.94)

This placement can create a few alternate possibilities as you will either be prone to breaking the law, be too afraid to take even sensible risks, come to be extremely co-dependent on others, incorporate severe power-hungry tendencies where you try to rise at all costs, have uncontrollable violent outburst, or be lazy, deceitful, disloyal, cruel, cold, intolerant, ruthless, spiteful, odd, or a threat to others safety. You are plagued with internal strain and are constantly fighting yourself as to whether you wish to act dutifully or be free to do as you may. There may be trouble with collaborating with others, as this causes you great tension. This tension may be a result of your desire to please others when you’d rather be doing things differently or from not wanting to do what you should be doing. It would be easier if you would get your duties out of the way as quickly as possible so that you may concentrate on the things you’d rather do. Anger is easily triggered in you and you can become quite difficult with little warning. It is imperative that you learn to accept others for the unique individuals that they are, as this is only fair. Try to foster forgiveness and let go of past slights. Find a way to release the pent up feelings you carry inside slowly rather than exploding uncontrollably when you cannot keep them in any longer.

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Moon discordant to Mars

(power = 7.58 and this aspect is discordant = -9.47)

Emotionally you are fully charged and this intensity may have a negative impact on your health physically. Try to pace yourself and start to do one thing at time. It is not always easy to share living quarters with you as you often lack patience, become easily agitated with others, and behave in a grouchy manner. It is almost as though you go LOOKING for arguments. A bit like a spoiled child, if you do not get your way, you show your displeasure with fits of rebellious resistance. It would be beneficial for you to keep physically active and disperse the enormous amount of restlessness within you. You are naturally assertive and spirited, easily fighting for the things that you believe in or for others that are being taken advantage of. However, you must develop self-restraint if you are to reach your full potential. Competition spurs you on and you are driven to beat out all others in the game of your choosing or even just in general. Sometimes attracting with honey is far more conducive to accomplishing your goals than using brute force; be more diplomatic when interacting with people. You work diligently, bravely, and energetically. Try to be more lenient on yourself and others when something goes array as no one is perfect, not even you. Sometimes you have built up such a name for yourself that you do a complete turn-around and laze about, expecting your previous work will tide you over. Your anger may be explosive at times, especially when you are wounded on an emotional level, and you must find a way to restrain yourself. Try to think through your feelings before they take over. Your general lack of patience and constant rushing about makes you susceptible to accidental injuries, particularly involving heat or sharp objects. You can be reckless because you do not plan your actions ahead. You have a negative reaction to any sort of perceived restriction on you and can be a bit of a rule-breaker. As a leader, it is imperative that you curb your dominance or you will be seen as a tyrannical dictator rather than a leader. Vengeful thoughts are not healthy for you and you need to release your anger towards others for their offenses. It is likely that you will be wasteful with your financial resources and can be prone to dishonesty.

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Sun discordant to Uranus

(power = 6.24 and this aspect is discordant = -6.24)

You are self-sufficient, unconventional, open-minded, unusual, and a bit of a rebel. This placement boosts your ego though may also create selfish behaviour and inability to discipline yourself. Your disposition can change quickly from one thing to another and you may feel as though you are an outsider. There is a difficulty in sticking to one project until completion, as you move rapidly between one task to another, unable to focus your energy. Unreliable at best, others feel as though they cannot trust you to keep your word. You tend to act on impulses, trying to channel your inner tension and nervousness. You may be accident-prone due to your careless actions and lack of patience. Changes in your life happen often and suddenly; the unpredictability tries to teach you spiritual wisdom. You may be interested in technology or mystical and astrological subjects, though are unable to stand by them for very long. Independence to live your life the way you please is of utmost importance to you and you strongly desire to venture out into new experiences and random adventures. There is something inside of you that urges you to challenge convention by behaving in eccentric, sometimes shocking ways. You strive to alter whatever you come across, regardless of whether or not you actually have a superior plan. Others find you strange and you may feel as though you are an alien living among a different species. However, this does not seem to faze you, rather it inspires you further. You can be selfish and must learn to consider other people’s needs and feelings. Try to pay attention to, and truly absorb, what other people are saying before you come to conclusions. Your mind is very active and you need constant new stimulation otherwise you lose interest quickly; challenges are always welcome as they keep your brain busy. Your intellect is well developed though you may wish to work on your emotional intelligence. In your mind, you are correct and others just aren’t. Develop a way to monitor your urges, rather than acting thoughtlessly.

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Mercury discordant to Saturn

(power = 6.15 and this aspect is discordant = -9.22)

Mentally you are systematic, methodical, focused, resourceful, and able to dive into the deepest of waters. You may not come to your conclusions quickly, but they are fully thought out once you do finally get to them. You prefer to study on your own where you can fully concentrate and go at your own pace. You definitely have your viewpoints, though you are unlikely to share them with others until you have turned every stone and thought through every angle of a situation. Naturally sceptical and careful, you are also prone to negative thinking and can become depressed more easily than others. Generally, you try to conserve your efforts as best you can. You are not usually open to new ideas unless they have been proven through methodical means and therefore tend to disbelieve most of the concepts you come across. You would do well in careers that require sorting through and gathering data in a systematic manner, as you possess excellent organisational skills. In social situations you tend to keep to yourself and are quiet, observant, and stern faced, preferring to stay out of the meaningless chit-chat that most would engage in. For you, if it does not produce something you can use or hold on to, it is not worth investing yourself in. Your communication style is confident and respectable. You are naturally organised and would do well in managerial positions. You keep your feet on the ground and know what you want, however showing your emotions does not come easily to you. Make sure you keep an eye on your teeth as they are susceptible to enamel issues.
There is a chance that you may develop cruel behaviour patterns. You will often worry about things that are unlikely to come to pass or things in which you have no control over. Rather than worrying over these things, you should concentrate on making plans. You do not trust whatever you are unfamiliar with or haven’t had a chance to fully think through in a slow, reasonable manner. Try to be more open-minded to what others are saying so as to counter your naturally pessimistic attitude. Conveying your thoughts is challenging for you and people are often confused by what you are expressing, though you are just as perplexed by their communication. Your approach to things tends to be very traditional and you prefer sticking to the tried-and-true instead of venturing out into something different and unexplored. However, it would be beneficial for you to give fresh ideas a chance every once in a while. At times you can convince yourself that your less-than-wholesome methods are correct because you believe so strongly in something that you are blind to the process and only see the end result. You can be a bit of an extremist when engrossed in your projects; every detail must be perfect. Cut yourself, and others, some slack sometimes as not every tiny fragment of each endeavour needs to be fussed over. You are susceptible to problems with your nerves due to your tendency to work yourself too hard. Do your best to limit stressors and take time to relax.

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Saturn harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 4.84 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.42)

There is potential for transformation and a rebirth of sorts if you are willing to put forth effort. Change is a large theme in your life and is there to help you develop and grow. You have excellent self-restraint and dedication during trying periods. Intuitively you are aware that these periods will not go on forever and that if you just allow things to flow where they may, in time the situation will improve naturally. You may be involved with the public somehow as your drive seems to seek this situation out; you feel that somehow this is position is fated. Emotionally you are able to restrict your feelings as well as mentally guide your thinking so as to not become wrapped up in overly intense displays. Others look to you as a leader for you are controlled, disciplined, truthful, sensible, and dependable, with a good head on your shoulders. There is an innate understanding that you must work hard for the merits you attain and this allows you to display a good deal of patience when rising in achievement. It may be important for you to take time for yourself to recover your energies, as you can sometimes feel communication with others is puzzling or frightening somehow. Traditional education methods may not suit you; you prefer to be able to absorb knowledge and wisdom through experience.

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Neptune harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 3.45 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.45)

Those born in your generation have the ability to be of aid to humanity as a whole. Let your intuition guide you in assisting others.

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Sun discordant to Saturn

(power = 3.20 and this aspect is discordant = -4.80)

You have a tendency towards being self-centred, emotionally reserved, unconcerned with the feelings of others, afraid, worrying, and self-doubting. You are ambitious, willing to do anything to achieve your aims. Exhibiting caution, you carefully, dutifully wade through life, never skirting your responsibilities. Life is a serious business to you and you work yourself harder than you should at times; attempt a less sombre approach and it might surprise you. Rather than trying something new, you enjoy engaging in what you are accustomed to. You often feel as though you are inadequate, causing you to be lonely and insecure. Anything you attempt to succeed at must be bought with due diligence; you will spend a long while working towards your goals before they are achieved. Interruptions may postpone your plans often, unfortunately. You may also have trouble with the paternal parental figure in your life or people who are in charge. This placement can create considerable challenges for you, however it does bestow you with perseverance and the ability to wait as long as is needed to achieve your goals. It would be beneficial for you to learn how to be giving to others without looking for something in return. Past life karma insists that you act in kindness and generosity in this lifetime, as you had been too self-interested and uncaring in the past. Fate is forcing you to develop ways to work with others in a caring manner.
In addition to the above, you must find a way to conquer your critical nature. You expect nothing less than perfect from yourself and other people, causing you to criticise yourself sternly when you fall short in any way. Try to be a little more realistic in your expectations as they are often not possible to achieve. Your high expectations create a lot of tension and irritability for you. Sometimes you believe that other people are trying to limit you, when the truth is that you are subconsciously drawing in these negative situations to teach you that you must practice tolerance and ease up on yourself and other people. The intent of your tribulations is to show you that you do not need to take life so seriously.

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Sun harmonizing with Moon

(power = 2.98 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.98)

Creativity comes easily to you and you are most successful at reaching your aims when those you care for are there to encourage you. You are able to find a perfect balance between independence and connecting with others. You are self-sufficient, doing just fine alone whenever needed. Previous lives were used to master your emotional reactions and they are now harmonious. Good karma draws good fortune to you in all aspects: status, home-life, friendship, respect, healthiness, and monetary assets. Naturally capable and talented, you soar to the top either by gaining the respect and admiration of those in high places who will aid you on your journey, or you yourself find an area of expertise where you create your own success. Both the external and internal forces at work for you are blended harmoniously, making your life a bit easier than it could otherwise be. All of your challenges are aided by this aspect and despite the obstacles, you will find tranquillity.

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Venus harmonizing with Jupiter

(power = 2.59 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.53)

You are giving, caring, charitable, and would readily share whatever assets you might have. For the people you care for, you would quickly extend both yourself and the material items in your possession, however you will usually only do so if it isn’t too much trouble for you. A luxurious, stylish, relaxing environment is essential to you and you refuse to do any manual labour. Your charismatic, pleasant, polite demeanour is perfect for hosting company. Good karma from a past life assures you luck with your finances and acquiring assets. There is an inclination towards indulging yourself extravagantly and behaving in a lazy manner; try to curb these habits. At times, life fulfils your needs and desires with so little effort on your part that you may not value what you are given. With regards to your health, you are susceptible to putting on weight due to your liking of tasty food and drink. You are a tender-hearted, out-going, friendly type who avoids conflict and enjoys exploring beautiful, distance lands. It would be most beneficial for you to learn to appreciate what you have and to stick things out even when they are difficult sometimes.

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Saturn harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 2.29 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.14)

This aspect presents you with a chance to attain a higher reasoning in spirituality by self-sacrifice and working diligently to aid others. You will be able to put your necessities on the back burner to do what needs to be done for those loyal to you and this kind of service is happily done by you. You can easily combine your idealistic views with realism in a fantastic way. You will often remove your emotions from a situation so that you may finish what you’ve started. Any dream you aspire to, you will put forth a great deal of effort to accomplish. You are able to get by on mere scraps when you feel it is needed to achieve your aim. Imaginative applied artistry is your specialty. This aspect implies that the native is protected spiritually by karma from a previous life where they had aided others.

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Jupiter harmonizing with Saturn

(power = 0.04 and this aspect is harmonious = 0.04)

You achieve your aspirations by being dedicated, diligent, forward-thinking, persevering, structured, and on occasion through coincidental good fortune; you tend to get lucky in attaining your goals. People feel they can trust you to be counted on as you are a dependable sort. What you promise, you make sure to deliver. This constancy draws others to you. Whatever you require to accomplish your endeavours seems to come to you somehow, even if it is in the last moments. You are able to achieve equilibrium between what is possible and what is actual. You are able to work well on a team; however you usually feel more at ease when working on your own. You are patient in your work efforts and persist regardless the duration, as you know the effort will be rewarded in the end.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Taurus

Taureans tend to be purposeful, diligent, resilient, tenacious, unrelenting, realistic, pragmatic, considerate, trustworthy, and faithful (learn about compatibility with Taurus here). They often enjoy manual labour as they prefer being able to see the concrete outcomes of their work. Doing the same thing, with the same schedule, day in and day out is perfectly okay with them as long as they feel they are providing something useful.
To a Taurus, material assets are exceptionally valuable as they feel somewhat unsafe and unsteady without owning something tangible. It is exactly this strong craving to own objects that spurs them forward towards productivity. However, they may project this desire to own onto their romantic relationships and treat others as objects, becoming possessive of their significant others.
Taureans are dependable, cautious, dedicated, persistent, and honourable; they may take longer to get going, but they are able to see a project through to completion. It is more likely that a Taurus will continue an endeavour that another has initiated, than to begin one on their own. You may be able to guide a Taurus but they can be quite stubborn if they feel forced into anything; they dig in their heels and refuse to budge.
A Taurus is difficult to anger, however once they are brought to that point, they can express an intense rage; they see red and charge! When angered, they are able to carelessly break all that they have spent precious time to build. Their anger will be slow-burning and they will require a period to sooth their temper until everything has passed out of their psyche. It would be beneficial to allow them the space they need to be on their own during this time as they must take a moment to process what has occurred. Do not force them to engage prematurely or you may trigger another episode and only wind up prolonging the process.
Taureans will hold stubbornly to their viewpoints and it will be challenging to alter them. If however one does manage to change the mind of a Taurus, be sure it is the desired direction as it will be even more difficult to revert their opinion to what it was previously. Taureans are known for remaining calm under pressure and provide realistic remedies to the trouble at hand; this causes others to feel as though they can trust a Taurus to handle the emergency and feel safe in their protection. Taureans become more frustrated than most when they are suffering physical discomforts, ailments, and the like.
A Taurus will prefer being in a peaceful, aesthetically pleasing environment and can be very warm and physically demonstrative. However, they are often worried that they will lose the things they have acquired. This insecurity brings out feelings of envy, indulgence, idleness, lethargy, inflexibility, and a desire to possess. It is crucial that a Taurus develop an appreciation for what is cerebral and non-physical, as this will free them from their tendency to clutch at others possessively as if they belonged to them. They must establish a strong set of principles and beliefs, and learn how to remove themselves so that they will be able to release their hold on both people and their material belongings.

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Moon in Gemini

It would be best said that you “think” your emotions, rather than feel them and you will verbalise these emotions as it helps you to better understand them. However, due to your excellent ability to intellectualise your own emotions, you can fall short when trying to empathise with other people’s feelings as you find it difficult to comprehend that others are unable to remove themselves and look at their reactions objectively. It is imperative to you that you are able to vocalise and verbally sort through your various emotional states. More than anything, you crave constant communication and sharing of ideas. You may at times come across as insincere as you tend to steer clear of deeply emotional interactions. Committing yourself to an idea or a person fills you with dread. A large amount of mental activity is crucial to your happiness and you feel most bonded to those that eagerly communicate their interests and exchange ideas with you. It would be fair to say that you are somewhat of a sapiosexual; intelligence and mental stimulation attract you more than physical attributes. Your mind is flexible and diverse, as well as reactive and you tend to soak up information. You are charismatic, quick-witted, and loving, though you must be mindful of allowing too much stress to affect your system, as this will bring about an anxious energy that creates trouble for you. You find it difficult to keep from communicating your thoughts at all times and you will prefer keeping conversations peaceful as unnecessary confrontations are not your style. In fact, there is a likelihood of saying the things you believe others want to hear instead of what is actually true. Try to discipline yourself mentally otherwise you may find yourself blowing with the wind, unable to make your mind up, never planting your feet on the ground.

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Mercury in Taurus

You communicate in a leisurely but purposeful manner. You are unlikely to alter your frame of thought once you have decided on it. You are diligent, reasonable, systematic, and conventional in your everyday endeavours, possessing much tolerance in seeing projects to their completion. It is possible that it takes you a lengthy amount of time to comprehend material, though this is only because you prefer to learn things thoroughly instead of rushing through them and once you have understood them, they stick in your mind forever. Persistence and determination are some of your greatest assets. You easily continue building on what others have initiated, particularly if there are concrete outcomes that you are able to observe. Your success is more reliant on your ability to focus and persevere, than it is on mental genius. It is likely that you are involved with some sort of creative endeavour; possibly you are musically or artistically inclined. Your voice is probably quite pleasing and you may use this significantly in your career somehow. Practicality is second nature to you.

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Venus in Aries

Venus naturally craves partnerships, socialising, warmth, and love, while Aries is direct, commanding, and a strong leader. These two combined will bestow you with a tendency towards pursuing your relationships with great fervour. Your emotions are quickly ignited and you enthusiastically take charge in social situations and romantic endeavours. You decide what you want and you go get it. However, be mindful not to pursue interests only for the sake of pursuing them and not because you truly desire them; you often discard the object of your desire once the chase has ended and you have completed your conquest. Therefore, it is likely that your romantic affairs begin in an intense burst of exhilaration and passion, only to temper off into a pale remnant of what they once were. You will always find new pursuits to master, and you will chase them as if going into battle; nothing will dissuade you. The most negative trait that Venus possesses is the tendency towards people pleasing and becoming overly accommodating for the sake of harmony. Therefore you may find that with this aspect you seek out partners that will insist you accommodate their needs and wishes, forcing you to put your own aside. An Aries Venus placement insists that you are a leader, though do not control, that you are accommodating, though not a doormat. You are self-sufficient and have a spontaneous style towards romantic involvements. You enjoy competition and may become quarrelsome only for the sake of having a short-lived thrill. You may need to be mindful of the consequences your actions have on others and develop consideration for their needs, instead of always looking out for yourself. Try also to cultivate patience, as your tendency towards haste can become a major obstacle for you.

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Mars in Pisces

You express your energy in a passive, cooperative fashion. You are likely to avoid confrontations in general, preferring to deal with issues indirectly. Being in the lime-light would only make you uncomfortable and therefore you prefer to work out of sight. Unfortunately, you will often rather lose something rather than compete for it. You are not particularly concerned with ambitious pursuits and will not engage in competition to get ahead and this can come across to others as cowardly. Being at the top is not something you would strive for and you are better suited to an assisting position, or aiding or benefiting others somehow. Realistic strategy is difficult for you and it may be a good idea to elicit help when planning ahead. Never certain what exactly it is that you want to do with your life, you wander about aimlessly in search of spiritual fulfilment. You can be quite a daydreamer with an idealistic view, possibly devoting yourself towards religion or spiritual matters. There are artistic inclinations here that can be fruitful if you are able to devote yourself to developing them. You may seem calm on the exterior, though there is a lot happening on the inside. You are also tactful and subtle with a great sense of humour and a strong intuition. However, indecision wreaks havoc in your life and you may be prone to escapism by substance abuse to avoid your duties. It is imperative that you develop self-discipline. Make an effort to create the changes you want to see in your life, do not expect life to hand them to you on a silver platter.

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Jupiter in Gemini

You are cunning, quick-witted, and jovial. Experiencing other cultures and new places appeals to you as you are able to learn much from these endeavours. You may have a gift for learning to communicate in a different language. However, internally you possess an anxious tension that you try to counter by nervous banter, communicating excessively, or making commitments that you are unable to follow through on. Working in literature may appeal to you. You are innovative and able to comprehend abstract concepts, as well as enjoy applying your mind to mathematical subjects. You seek out situations that will challenge you and alter your perception or help you grow in knowledge or wisdom. Justice or religious practices may also draw your attention.

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Saturn in Leo

A strong leader, with excellent administrative and managerial capabilities; you know when to be tactful. You are independent, traditional, well-organised, and proficient. You tend to be more reserved emotionally, seeming to others as aloof and uncaring. Affection is important to you, though you do not know how to go about acquiring or expressing it, instead you remove yourself from others. You feel a sense of obligation essential when love is present, and you find yourself preferring to “do” something for someone or present them with gifts, rather than giving them what they’d really like, yourself. However, there are times when you can be harsh, temperamental, and envious; you must be mindful not to use dishonest tactics when realising your goals. You prefer to be respected for being effective and proficient. In health matters, you are susceptible to diseases of the heart.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 11th house

It is likely that your aspirations are quite high, though you either prefer for these aims to somehow be of use in a group setting or you swing to the other end and are unconcerned with what a group would desire, instead looking out for only your own wishes. It is easy for you to acquire friends in high stations. You tend to be dutiful, open-minded, and a bit of a philanthropist, preferring to achieve social acceptance than power. You have an affinity for working with groups and often take the position as leader for group events as you are an excellent coordinator.

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Moon in 12th house

This placement denotes a tendency to be involved in careers that encompass serving the underprivileged public, or working in the medical field or prison system. Your sensitive feelings must be minded as they can subconsciously become problematic for you. It is likely that you feel as though you have been wounded by others somehow and this may prove a challenge. Hidden adversaries may try to abuse your kindness; however, distress leads you to become more dutiful. The maternal figure in your life may have created a miserable existence for you. Aiding others is the surest path to spiritual enlightenment. You have an ability to help others by communicating your own difficult experiences to them. In your career, you prefer keeping out of the limelight and would rather work alone. Seclusion is likely. This sort of work environment allows you to feel safe and secure.

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Mercury in 11th house

Your mind is very versatile, flexible, and innovative, with an excellent ability to understand anything that comes your way. You tend towards intellectual pursuits and your aspirations are often achieved through your mental prowess. The social contacts that you enjoy most are those that appeal to you on a cerebral level, providing much mental stimulation. You are also likely to socialise with those more youthful than yourself, as you find these interactions exciting. Contrasting opinions are seen as a pleasant challenge rather than a threat and you enjoy these exchanges. It is probable that you will be the frontman or representative to a group or society that you are fond of.

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Venus in 10th house

Good-natured and easy going, you find popularity bestowed upon you in both your professional life as well as your personal life; people are generally attracted to your pleasant personality. You have a welcoming and affectionate way of interacting with the world, tending to promote positive energy. You inspire others to want to help you, though you must be mindful not to take advantage of this and become idle when you should be putting in your fair share of the work. You are likely talented with your voice somehow, and may use this talent for singing, speaking in public, or perhaps being involved in a career where the quality of your voice is important. This placement suggests a favourable financial situation for you.

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Mars in 10th house

You are assertive and highly motivated to achieve in your career. You aspire to reaching the top and it is likely that you will, as you have great administrative and managerial capabilities. You prefer to be the reason for your own success, leading yourself rather than following others. Self-sufficient and goal oriented, you may encounter some tension with those in higher positions at work, your parents, or other authority figures. You are best suited for working in an environment where the challenges vary, rather than being stuck doing the same thing day in and day out.

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Jupiter in 11th house

You are blessed with a large group of friends and acquaintances that are willing to go the distance for you, and vice versa. Many of these contacts are likely to be from overseas or have a unique background. You enjoy the company of those that are well-informed and have high ideals. Engaging socially is sometimes too important to you and you may put forward more effort and energy into this than may be wise. You are a loyal friend and well-liked by others, especially those in powerful places. Coordinating group gatherings comes naturally to you and you are likely to be an advocate for humanitarian groups and organizations.

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Saturn in 2nd house

Having Saturn in this placement can make material possessions difficult for you to acquire. Knowing this instinctively, you are naturally more responsible, cautious, and frugal with your spending. At times you find yourself saving so much that you forget the purpose of it; we work to live and not the other way around. Give yourself a chance to live a little bit on occasion and try to share with others, as worrying over monetary matters only leads to feelings of unhappiness for you. There is a possibility of material scarcity with this placement as too great of an importance may have been placed on material concerns in a previous life. Likely, you will need to re-examine your beliefs in material matters. You can become tight-fisted with others at times and often harbour feelings that you are not valued, lovable, or required. You must find significance in your own self before others can see it.

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Uranus in 5th house

Your personal interests tend to be unconventional and divert from the norm. You are an original personality with a good ability to be inventive and imaginative. Due to a strongly independent nature, your romantic involvements tend to be difficult; you can be a bit of an unorthodox rebel when it comes to your romantic pursuits. Relationships with children may also be tense and you may find communication with them challenging; your children are often unusual in some way. You are more interested in your own pursuits than in what society may try to influence. Be careful of what others in your community may say about you as this can prove troublesome for you. This placement indicates spontaneous losses and gains. Try to be mindful about believing no wrong can come to you.

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Neptune in 6th house

The work environment you find yourself in can have a large impact on your health and well-being. You require work conditions to be free of conflict and generally enjoyable, as you are extremely sensitive to the energy around you. You can soak up negativity if it is present and this will impact your health a great deal, whether the ailments are real or imagined. Alternative medicine may prove more beneficial to you than conservative methods. Be careful about colleagues harbouring hidden intentions; they may not be as wholesome as they seem. It is likely that you will expend too much of yourself for your job; try not to become a victim.

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Pluto in 4th house

You have a strong intuition and ability to be mentally creative. You crave a warm home environment, though this will often elude you due to your struggle for being the one in control. There may also be a problem with anger issues in your home life that create conflict for those living with you. Home may be the place you feel most able to rejuvenate yourself, however you are likely to feel tension in the location you were born in. For better or worse, your parental figures have had a strong influence in your life though there is an indication that they may have acted domineering or manipulative.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Taurus 4

Sabian Symbol: The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is seen with showers of sparkling and flashing colors.
Kozminsky Symbol: A circus performance at night, the ringmaster and a lady gymnast on the back of a large white galloping horse.

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Moon in 
Gemini 30

Sabian Symbol: A bathing beauty parade walking before judges at a seaside resort.
Kozminsky Symbol: A young maiden is smiling as she is bound to a stake. Three dead bats lie near-by.

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Mercury in 
Taurus 14

Sabian Symbol: On the beach, children are playing at low tide while shellfish attempt to find shelter.
Kozminsky Symbol: A white clothed virgin surrounded by a bright star above her head, joins hands with two men about to argue.

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Venus in 
Aries 9

Sabian Symbol: A crystal ball is gazed at by a seer.
Kozminsky Symbol: An empress giving a wreath of flowers to a gaudily dressed Roman general.

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Mars in 
Pisces 27

Sabian Symbol: The translucent light of sunset, the harvest moon of autumn rising.
Kozminsky Symbol: Fire comes out of the horse’s nostrils as he freely runs.

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Jupiter in 
Gemini 5

Sabian Symbol: A magazine promoting revolutionary ideas has a cover for attention-compelling purpose.
Kozminsky Symbol: There are small children near an old ship-wreaked boat playing near the seashore.

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Saturn in 
Leo 11

Sabian Symbol: Children swing high from a hanging swing in the branches of a gigantic oak tree.
Kozminsky Symbol: Soldiers of questionable character are seen dragging off innocent women.

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Uranus in 
Scorpio 11

Sabian Symbol: There is a man drowning but he is rescued and brought to land.
Kozminsky Symbol: A wall covered with ancient moss grows little flowers.

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Neptune in 
Sagittarius 16

Sabian Symbol: Seagulls are flying around a ship in the calm ocean.
Kozminsky Symbol: On a starlit night, a woman stands with a white angel on her right and a dark angel on her left. The stars shine brightly.

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Pluto in 
Libra 13

Sabian Symbol: Children blow soap bubbles at a birthday party.
Kozminsky Symbol: A handsome man attempts to charm a woman in a dark blue outfit as she enters a convent, she does not allow this.

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Ascendant in 
Cancer 12

Sabian Symbol: There is a Chinese woman nursing a baby, whose aura reveals a glorious reincarnation of a wise teacher.
Kozminsky Symbol: In the fall, a street lined full of trees shows them bending in a wind storm, their autumn leaves are falling on the ground.

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Midheaven in 
Pisces 19

Sabian Symbol: A master and pupil are both content in their relationship.
Kozminsky Symbol: As a greyhound runs in the distance, a diseased man is lying on a cross of stones.

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Tau 03° 17' 33"
58' 29"
01" S
12° 36' 43" N
Gem 29° 16' 17"
11° 55' 16"
4° 47' 29" S
18° 38' 48" N
Tau 13° 56' 40" R
- 18' 52"
2° 24' 05" N
18° 18' 55" N
Ari 08° 32' 15" R
- 9' 12"
4° 01' 51" N
7° 05' 18" N
Pis 26° 50' 57"
46' 27"
1° 13' 03" S
2° 22' 13" S
Gem 04° 07' 30"
13' 01"
33' 50" S
20° 25' 03" N
Leo 10° 05' 23"
1' 20"
59' 08" N
18° 39' 60" N
Sco 10° 02' 54" R
- 2' 31"
27' 35" N
14° 23' 37" S
Sag 15° 48' 10" R
- 1' 05"
1° 31' 28" N
21° 10' 02" S
Lib 12° 15' 11" R
- 1' 32"
17° 33' 13" N
11° 18' 57" N
Tau 01° 33' 18"
3' 41"
16' 13" S
11° 45' 42" N
Tau 29° 56' 28"
6' 40"
3° 01' 52" S
17° 10' 31" N
True Node
Lib 24° 17' 18" R
- 1' 08"
00" N
9° 25' 02" S
P. of Fortune
Vir 07° 45' 49"
Sco 28° 56' 37"
Can 11° 47' 05"
Leo 00° 41' 18"
Leo 21° 54' 48"
Vir 18° 51' 54"
Lib 24° 33' 06"
Sag 05° 44' 47"
Cap 11° 47' 05"
Aqu 00° 41' 18"
Aqu 21° 54' 48"
Pis 18° 51' 54"
Ari 24° 33' 06"
Gem 05° 44' 47"
P. of Fortune
True Node
True Node
P. of Fortune
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