Horatio Nelson

Birth Chart: Horatio Nelson (Libra)

Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson, 1st Duke of Bronté KB (29 September 1758 – 21 October 1805) was a British flag officer in the Royal Navy. He was noted for his inspirational leadership, superb grasp of strategy, and unconventional tactics, all of which resulted in a number of decisive naval victories, particularly during the Napoleonic Wars. He was wounded several times in combat, losing most of one arm in the unsuccessful attempt to conquer Santa Cruz de Tenerife and the sight in one eye in Corsica. He was shot and killed during his final victory at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

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Astrological Natal Chart
Horatio Nelson

Born at Burnham Thorpe, United Kingdom
Friday, September 29, 1758
09:30 (time zone = GMT -0 hours)
0e46, 52n56


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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SCORPIO rising

Those with Scorpio rising are typically reserved on the outside while intense on the inside, they are private and full of mystery, have a strong will, can be quiet, though they are brave and dedicated, unyielding, creative, independent, disciplined (though not always with their desires), and may be difficult to read. The soul of the individual with the Scorpio rising is fighting a battle between their lowly physical desires and enlightenment. In the end, the lower self must yield and be reborn, rising up from the ashes to a higher understanding. You will be involved on all levels, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Outside you seem cool and unfazed, though inside there are intense emotions ever-present; you are a very deep person. You insist to be made aware of other people’s secrets though you will not disclose your own, preferring to remain quiet as to your intentions. You have a sharp mind and enjoy investigative endeavours. You insist on penetrating every hidden cavern, understanding the ins and outs, why and how. You are very determined when you apply yourself, strong-willed, and can conquer any obstacle, even if the obstacle is you. You must move past any possessive, resentful, or envious tendencies. You are drawn to subjects that incorporate mystical topics, sexuality, the healing arts, or death. When you are good, you are very very good, but when you are bad, you can be a complete scoundrel. You must develop a way to forgive others as this is an important life lesson for you. Scorpio is ruled by both Pluto and Mars and therefore their placement in your chart will be significant.

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If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Moon discordant to Saturn

(power = 8.89 and this aspect is discordant = -13.34)

You have a great deal of ambition and drive to succeed, but you often doubt yourself. You lack confidence in your abilities and are unsure whether others are going to respond to you positively. You have no faith in yourself to overcome life’s obstacles which is why you often work yourself to the bone trying to demonstrate that you are worthy. You are highly insecure and are scared that you will fail. Often you cling to the things you have because you feel that somehow they will be gone tomorrow. It is hard for you to bond with others as you tend to keep your emotions bottled up. Instead, you attempt to purchase peoples love and loyalty. However, that is not possible; you need to acquire this with a genuine connection. How can people see the wonderful things within you if you cannot see them yourself? Your insecurities are so pronounced that when you are close to someone, you require them to consistently reassure you that they care for you, leaving the relationship strained in the end. Perhaps re-think your idea of what it means to be emotionally secure. Deep down you believe that you need to be someone else so that people will accept you or care for you. Many times you feel as though you are the odd one out in a group situation and will act cold and reserved, when the truth is that it is actually very important to you that you are involved equally. Due to your sensitivity, you are likely to wall up and refuse to let anyone in instead of facing the possible hurts and vulnerability that may surface by opening up to someone deeply.
Being cautious and keeping yourself closed off emotionally makes it a challenge to form a bond with someone. Taking time for yourself to reflect and work on personal growth can help you become stronger emotionally as well as allow you to feel more secure, however you need to defeat the tendency to view isolation as rejection and the lonely feeling that comes along with that perspective. You are prone to feeling anxious, irritated, and depressed at times. It seems as though somehow life always throws a wrench in the works when you are trying to achieve something. You may feel like the universe is working in opposition to your best efforts and that you alone must do the heavy lifting for humanity. You are not living this life by yourself, there are others around willing to help you and care for you if only you would let them in. In a past life, you expressed your feelings in an open and loving manner and were cast off because of it. Now you are scared to try again, instinctively believing that somehow you will be disregarded and hurt once more. Your perspective on how to become emotionally secure is incorrect; it is not about others and what they do or don’t do, but about how you see things. Despite your cool, reserved demeanour, inwardly you are very caring and crave to love and be loved. Of course there is a chance that your feelings may be harmed, but that is part of life and each painful experience can help you grow if you allow it to.
This placement stands out amongst the others as it has a particularly strong influence. At your best, you gain wisdom by going through something yourself, as even when you do something wrong the information you have gained will carry you. During the most emotionally difficult times in your life, you find a way to rise back up; nothing can keep you down for long and you persevere through your challenges. You are greatly aided by the mental drive this placement bestows.

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Moon blending with Venus

(power = 8.85 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.21)

You are a kind, caring, empathetic spirit that will aid anyone who is in need of it. You are openly demonstrative of your affections without discrimination and enjoy nurturing others in a motherly fashion. Romantically, you prefer someone that has a high regard for partnership, home-life, and familial ties. All forms of inconsiderate behaviour by other people are extremely offensive to you. Your charming, polished demeanour is welcome in any social situation. You excel at entertaining others in your home due to your gracious manner and strong desire to take care of people; others know their company will not be taken for granted. You truly listen to other people and do not judge them for their mistakes or different views, so your counsel is often highly sought after. You are likely to be gifted in vocal ability, the arts, or to be musically inclined. The way you look matters to you and you will take great pride in making sure you appear well-kept. However, be mindful of laziness setting in and keeping you from engaging in tasks that are laborious though necessary. Over-indulgence in tasty foods is another problem area for you and you need to make sure you get enough physical activity to counter this. You are susceptible to eating your troubles away when you become emotionally compromised. Keep an eye on this tendency or it will create issues for your health. Motivation for physical activity can be difficult for you to muster up as you do not enjoy it much. Despite being prone to shyness deep down, your pleasant and approachable persona gives you much popularity. You have a knack for creating beautiful things in harmonious patterns whether this is art, design, floral mixes, fashion, or music. This placement bestows luck in your partnerships, finances, and physical well-being however you must curb your desire to spend more than you have trying to achieve a more comfortable, luxurious life-style. You crave pleasurable experiences and this craving needs to be moderated.

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Venus discordant to Jupiter

(power = 6.51 and this aspect is discordant = -1.63)

This placement allows for range of different outcomes. It is possible that you will have a partnership with a person that is interested in subjects that you either are disinterested in or have never experienced. Another option is that you are devoted to a project or foundation that irks those closest to you. It is also possible that you will waste your resources or appear pompous. A tendency to over-indulge in sensuous pleasures, especially fine food and drink, can create challenges in your health. Be mindful of your weight and of any issues with your circulatory system. Life will easily bestow you with the things you need and this causes you to be unappreciative of them, as well as lazy. This placement attempts to teach you to find equilibrium between the possessions you desire and spiritual idealism. The beliefs you hold will likely be challenged and you may need to rethink your values. Emotionally dramatic, you can be prone to leaping into love without looking carefully first. Your amorous emotions may be drawn in by material assets or prestige.
However, despite the troubles you encounter, you are generally a warm, giving individual that will always be there to lend a helping a hand to those that require it. You withhold judgement when helping others and people are instinctively aware of this. A harmonious environment is important to you and therefore you would prefer to be accepting of the flaws found in others rather than create tension. Nonetheless, you must be careful not to skirt important issues just to evade conflict or keep from hurting others emotionally; some things need to be said. Work on your assertiveness in order to make sure you are taken care of and respected. Out-going and social, you strongly prefer the company of others to being alone, as spending too much time on your own makes you feel uneasy. You are able to be diplomatic while remaining popular. Developing self-discipline will be beneficial for you.

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Mercury harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 6.26 and this aspect is harmonious = 6.26)

Mentally you are capable of delving into the most hidden of depths. Whether or not they are pleasant, you will uncover whatever secrets are buried beneath. You would make an excellent investigator as you are naturally gifted in the field. Psychological evaluation is another area that you are talented in and there is a strong interest in topics related to the afterlife and mystical studies. You are the sort that will learn one thing thoroughly rather than dabbling briefly all over the map. Despite your expectation that others be transparent with you, you are unwilling to provide the same disclosure to them. You feel most comfortable in situations where the attention is not focused on you and you can do as you please with little interference from others. You are capable of using your hands to heal others if you can properly channel your energies and may do well to try your efforts in massage therapy or chiropractic care. You find a kind of comfort in disassembling and reassembling things, as you have good technical skills and like to see how everything works together. You are drawn to situations, people, or subjects that project a mysterious quality and you are always up for the challenge of figuring them out. When you do come to a conclusion, you are able to clearly express what you have learned. You use your logical, analytical mind and intuitive ability to assess everything that you come across. Mentally you strive to transform and transcend whatever you find. Other people easily recognise your confident dedication to the things you do. If you are interested in a topic, you are able to focus yourself completely in order to absorb any and all information pertaining to it. Highly observant, nothing gets passed you and you are amazingly accurate in your evaluations of the circumstances you find yourself in and the people you come across.

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Uranus discordant to Pluto

(power = 5.83 and this aspect is discordant = -5.83)

Independence is a challenge for you. You are likely to become dependent on others to provide for you and carry your load, even when you are fully aware that it would be best for you to learn to rely on yourself instead. This is especially true in regards to those you have deep feelings for. You feel uncomfortable and unsafe with the many fluctuations you encounter in your life and this is a large reason as to why you depend on others to assist you.

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Venus harmonizing with Mars

(power = 5.35 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.35)

Very affectionate, you enjoy engaging in romance and are a sensitive, appreciative pursuer. Others are drawn to you even if you are not stereotypically good-looking, though you often are. Your personality is vibrant and you are easy to be with, gaining you much popularity. You keep your emotions fairly steady and low-key, which can be very attractive to the opposite sex. There is a part of you that likes to play match-maker and you could easily put others together in a fantastic way, creating harmonious pairings that last.
You are driven by an amorous nature with a fondness for all things beautiful, yearning to channel your passion into creativity of any form. This placement denotes a charismatic magnetism that others respond to. Being alone for too long does not do you well and you prefer to be socially active, happily engaging with other people. You have a strong craving to express yourself affectionately and for this warmth to be reciprocated. Your vitality is apparent to others and people find you alluring. Romantic relationships are likely to flourish as you are aware of what you desire in a mate and are able to convey these feelings clearly. You do not hide your intentions, but rather take a direct, honest approach in these matters. However, you will avoid conflict if you can do so as you dislike disharmony. You invest much effort to understanding your feelings.

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Jupiter harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 5.12 and this aspect is harmonious = 7.68)

You are capable of aiding others by using your artistic imagination. Emotionally, you may express yourself by creating in some form, whether this be writing, dancing, art, or music. You are drawn to theoretical concepts and new age topics, as well as subjects having to do with the spiritual realm. Religious choirs tend to sooth you and inspire you and you try to help others to achieve the same experience. You possess a highly spiritual consciousness and should trust your gut instincts. People generally have faith in you to be a moral person and seek your counsel, as you are sympathetic and emotionally in tune. You may have accurate premonitions or visions that aid you in realising your dreams. Look for the true meaning in all of your endeavours.

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Neptune harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 4.28 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.28)

Those born in your generation have the ability to be of aid to humanity as a whole. Let your intuition guide you in assisting others.

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Mercury harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 4.02 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.02)

You are highly imaginative and can easily visualise whatever you can think up. You are able to make your fantasies come true by applying your excellent reasoning abilities. Topics that are related to metaphysics, the supernatural, or alternative medicine tend to appeal to you and you enthusiastically explore them. It is also possible that you are able to heal others by using your hands. You have an amazing awareness of what is going on in your mind on a subliminal level and ability to project it outwards. There is a large amount of artistic talent in this placement and when you feel properly motivated you can create truly inspirational pieces. Science, and its systematic approach, feels foreign to you and you do best in the creative realm, learning by being exposed rather than by traditional methods. Make an effort to visit areas where you can spend time near lakes, the ocean, or other bodies of water as they are a calming effect on your spirit. Extremely sensitive, you have accurate intuition and are easily inspired. It is possible for you to communicate with the spiritual world through your subconscious while asleep.

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Mars discordant to Neptune

(power = 1.28 and this aspect is discordant = -1.60)

This placement can be difficult due to a tendency towards escapism from daily life and the responsibility that comes with it. Substance abuse may also be prevalent and must be watched for or it can destroy you. The mundane ins and outs of the daily routine bore you and you crave a way to be a part of a fantastical enterprise, where you can couple idealism with your imaginative mind. If you are not able to find an outlet for this, you will be unable to discipline yourself to perform the duties that you are responsible for. Others depend on you yet you often disappoint them. This causes people to view you negatively and disassociate themselves from you in the future. It might prove challenging for you to decipher what is real from what is not; living half-way in a dream-like state is typical for you. It is imperative that you find a way to keep your feet planted firmly on the ground or you will sink. Perhaps you do not feel at home here in the physical realm and are more comfortable in the spiritual one, but you are here now and must do your best to gain wisdom from the situations you encounter. All of us exist in this world for that very reason and you are no exception. Instead of being lost in the fantasy, pay attention and do what you need to.
If you are able to focus and discipline yourself, you just might be able to achieve the fantasy you so strive for. A pyramid was not built in a day, and neither is the kind of life that you dream of. Artistic and creative ventures will allow you to express the pent up feelings you harbour deep down from all of the responsibilities that drag you down in daily life. Your imaginative abilities can create something truly epic, if only you can keep yourself centred in reality and restrain yourself enough to work practically until your vision is realised.
Selfish endeavours are not appealing to you and you would rather devote your time to something that will be beneficial on a grand scale; this will give you a sense of purpose. Climbing the social or corporate ladder may not be for you as you do not possess the qualities competitive, confrontational qualities that often drive others to the top. There is also a habit of deeming yourself either far more capable than you are, or undervaluing yourself. Deceit and delusion are themes in your life, whether they come from other people, or from your own insecurities. People may try to take advantage of your helpful and caring nature, so be mindful that you do not fall prey to every John that tells you a sad tale. Keep in mind that although it would be amazing if you could protect the world from evil all on your own, it is highly unlikely; you can, however, look out for yourself, which will take a lot of effort as it is.
You tend to become overly dependent in your romantic involvements or your partner may be overly dependent on you, and there is a likelihood of either sacrificing too much of yourself to somehow save them or to go the other extreme and act as though they are victimising you. However, it is imperative that you comprehend that when a partnership is not equal, it is not a partnership at all and will not succeed in the end.
This placement can intensify abrasive, sensory, rash, irritable, demanding, and indulgent traits as well as verbal and physical dramaticism. You often follow whichever path your desires steer you towards. Spirituality for you may either go towards being very devoted to your religion, or the exact opposite route, Atheism. However, you seem to embody a bit of a chaotic nature and must learn self-restraint.
You are gifted but are not confident in your capabilities and question whether you are worthy. Your insecurities are masking reality and you need to start believing in yourself. Your lesson is to overcome whatever is keeping you from developing the self-confidence you need to succeed in the areas that you are most talented. Try not to let failing at something deter you from trying again; everyone makes mistakes and this does not make you any less worthy or capable. Keep Trying. When you are feeling insecure, you will start blaming others for your mistakes until you believe the lies yourself. However, what is true never stays hidden for long and in the end when it comes out, you will experience depression; best to be upfront. You should look at each failed attempt as a way to learn and grow, to become stronger and more capable in the future. Your disappointments will aid you in developing self-discipline and a higher spirituality, as will displaying selfless acts of kindness towards others.
Use caution with others as they may not be the person they project themselves as. It is possible that hidden adversaries from a previous life will turn up in this one to administer the karma you deserve. Though you may be tempted, try to keep from participating in unwholesome mystical practices, calling on dark spirits, and similar endeavours. Deep down you feel a strong pull towards being completely genuine and truthful towards other people and your own self.

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Mercury harmonizing with Jupiter

(power = 1.14 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.71)

You are generally positive and full of hope. Acquiring knowledge throughout your life is very valuable to you. You have a good head on your shoulders and are skilled at long-term thinking and strategy. Travelling is particularly beneficial for you as it will open your mind and teach you how to understand yourself, others, and the world more thoroughly. Usually prone to seeing things on a grand scale, you may tend to overlook details, preferring to pass those tasks onto others who are more interested in them. You are likely to be good at public speaking and people tend to believe in and support you as they intuitively feel that you are an honourable person who will do them no harm. Genuine and ethical, you would never purposefully betray or mislead others. However, you are prone to embellish or amplify your tales slightly in order to make a good impression on others. You are full of good humour and find social interactions with others easy and enjoyable. Philosophical or religious theories are likely to be on your mind throughout your life. You have no trouble swiftly learning whatever you are interested in. You have an amazing way of viewing every aspect of a situation without bias and finding a solution that suits all parties involved. Very accepting of others quirks and shortcomings, you are never vengeful or resentful as you believe life is better lived without harbouring negative emotions. You readily take part in debates because they allow you an opportunity to express your opinions and learn new perspectives. You would do well in a field that either entails public speaking or is related to finding justice in some way. Business and selling to the public can also be good avenues for you to explore in your career. This placement bestows luck upon your undertakings and you are likely to be successful due to your optimism and ability to endure through whatever difficulties come your way; your never-ending hope keeps you afloat.

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Moon harmonizing with Mars

(power = 0.20 and this aspect is harmonious = 0.15)

You full of get-up-and-go! This placement contributes to a healthy body and mind. You know how to assert yourself when needed and you confront your troubles head-on, in a clear manner. Rather than sulking about the difficulties you encounter, you concentrate on eradicating them. You are unsympathetic when you hear people complaining about their challenges without putting in the necessary effort to fix them. Through the obstacles in your life, you have discovered how to channel your emotional energy and cravings into productive endeavours instead of letting them tear you apart. You are rarely sick and when you do happen to catch something, you recover rapidly. People gravitate towards your enthusiastic nature and the vitality you exude. You are brave and capable, allowing you to feel confident participating in strategic risk-taking. You easily attract potential romantic partners because of your gregarious demeanour.

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Sun harmonizing with Jupiter

(power = 0.00 and this aspect is neutral)

Your positive attitude and jovial personality attract others and aids you in your success. A confidant demeanour draws good fortune to you. You strive to grow in wisdom, using philosophical interest to guide you. This placement bestows protection, though it may not come until right in the nick of time. You are energetic, excitable, sociable, cheerful, and lucky. You are likely to acquire monetary comforts with this placement. You dream big, though do not need to fight hard to make your dreams a reality. You tend to be giving, warm, dependable, genuine, truthful, and full of idealism. Your moral values are particularly strong and you believe in being fair and acting honourably. Petty displays are not abided by and you would never disgrace yourself enough to reach that kind of low. You attempt to develop self-discipline and awareness through spiritual means, particularly religion or philosophical studies. Past life karma is strong for you and favours you in many ways due to your caring, generous deeds towards others in a previous life.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Libra

Do not rush a Libra into a decision; it is important to them to have the proper time to look at every angle of a situation before they reach an outcome. At worst, they may be debating at such great length that they become stuck and are unable to decide one way or another. One moment they try one side, the next the other, assuming that if they try each one, a resolution will come to them. Libras are naturally just, fair, harmonious, amiable, pleasant, out-going, romantic, reliant on others, disingenuous, lazy, and pleasure-seeking (learn about compatibility with Libra here). They feel most complete when they are in a relationship or on a team of some sort. Their environment is important to them and they need this to be peaceful and comfortable.
Libras have a hard time keeping their own company, as they find interacting with others to be vital to their well-being. They prefer to have someone in their life they can truly share with. However, they must watch out for being in love with the idea of love, rather than the person themselves. They can be rather romantic and become caught up in the moment, running thoughtlessly into a commitment before truly knowing the other person.
Unfortunately, Libras are so sensitive to the vibes of those around them, that if there is disharmony, the Libra may allow others to get away with more than they should just to keep the peace. Libras are also so bent on keeping everyone happy that they may sacrifice their own well-being in the process.
Trouble with indecision can be a tough challenge for a Libra to rise above. It is likely that many beneficial chances may pass them up while they are considering their options. They find it difficult to decide on one option when they can see the merit in all of them. However, this allows them to be experts in counselling others because they can see the entire picture rather than being biased towards one side or the other. They must understand that they cannot be everything to everyone and learn when to stand their ground.
Another issue for Libras are their tendency to work as little as they are able to get away with. They are not likely to be seen as hard-working individuals. It is not that they are lazy per say, more so that they require inspiration.
It is imperative that a Libra develop a way to make decisions for themselves, otherwise they will be taken advantage of by more assertive characters, as it is easy for these people to influence a Libra’s thought process.
Librans are intellectuals with a creative mindset and outgoing personality. Often others will not be made aware of their mental activity due to their pleasing and sociable demeanour. This trait may instead come out in subdued methods of manipulation, which they are particularly gifted in.

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Moon in Virgo

Emotionally delicate, careful, and possibly reserved about opening up to others. You find it difficult to convey the way you feel to others, even those that you may have strong feelings for. On the outside, you prefer to show your cerebral side. You are more likely to show your affections by doing acts of kindness for the person, rather than directly stating them, and outward romanticism isn’t your style. Being the recipient of grand gestures of affection is also uncomfortable for you as you either feel unworthy or as if the person is not being genuine. Due to your discomfort with displays of warmth and affection, others will tend to view you as more cold and reserved than you may feel inside. It is also possible that your high standards push people away and it would be beneficial to you to develop tolerance and appreciation towards others even if they are not infallible; try to be lenient with your own mistakes as well. Your insistence that things be always perfect may be the cause of much unhappiness for you. You are often diligent, dependable, cautious, intuitive, realistic, and sensible; this is especially true in regards to your feelings. Practicality, precision, and intelligence are likely to play a large role in your life. You have a gift of being able to size up a situation and quickly determine the most effective way to get the job done. This ability allows you to do well in a caretaking or administrator role. Be mindful not to become too exacting and demanding over the little things. You enjoy aiding people, though you are often unable to comprehend their deeper emotional needs. It is important for you to learn to be more accepting as this will allow you to better assist others.

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Mercury in Libra

You are most gifted in being able to comprehend every angle of a situation and come to a diplomatic resolution to the problem. You are rational, harmonious, just, perceptive, and socially adept. You work well in a team environment. You are able to stay cool and focused on the issue at hand and remain impartial; this makes you well-suited to a career in mediation, politics, or consulting. You strive to keep justice in a harmonious fashion, regardless the circumstances. Highly artistic, you are able to work in creative endeavours or projects that deal with people of different cultures. Your mind is logical and balanced, and you easily convince others of your viewpoints. You are adaptable and prefer to hear every aspect of a story. However, this trait can make you indecisive as you too easily comprehend each angle and it can be difficult for you to decipher which story holds the most weight. Comparing and contrasting, analysing continuously while finding interesting ways to explain your discoveries; this is what you are most skilled in.

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Venus in Virgo

You are patiently loyal to those you love, giving and helpful whenever you are needed. You tend to express your affection through acts of kindness rather than through words or some sort of extravagant romantic gesture. Something about being too emotionally open makes you uncomfortable and you’d prefer to be more reserved in your expressions. There may be insecurity that you are unattractive or unlovable somehow. Your own doubt causes you to become fault-finding in your significant other and difficult to please. Beware that you do not wait so long for the elusive “perfect partner” that you waste your chances at happiness with someone real. You expect your environment to be neat and organised. Developing a way to aid others can help you to counter your tendency to complain and criticise. Despite these tendencies, you are gentle, compassionate, and kind which allows you to do well in professions where you are caring for others.

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Mars in Scorpio

With incredible will-power and ability to focus on a goal completely, when you set your mind to something, you can accomplish anything. You have immense resolve and self-control and it is difficult to deter you when you have decided on a direction. If you are interested in something or have an objective in mind, you can become rather stubborn and are fascinated with the idea to such an extent that you think of little else. However, these directives of yours are usually kept to yourself; you do not like to give away too much in regards to what schemes you may be thinking up. You are intuitive, observant, diligent, dedicated, focused, with a great magnetism and an iron will. No one could ever say that you are shallow, as still waters run deep with you and an animalistic nature dwells inside. It would be beneficial for you to develop self-control regarding your cravings in all forms, for when left unchecked these urgent yearnings can lead to destruction. In romantic endeavours, you must allow your partner freedom and space as you have a tendency towards treating your significant other as though they are an object that only you have rights to; when your possessive nature eventually surfaces, your partner may feel suffocated or frightened by the intensity. You have a knack for understanding the way people work, as well as an ability to accurately interpret how someone may respond to any given circumstance. This can make it easy for you to use subtle tactics to achieve the outcome you desire; be mindful that you do not abuse this gift for your own personal benefit. You can be rather set on the way you want something to manifest, with a powerful internal assertiveness that people may feel but cannot quite vocalise. You have mastered the art of subtlety, both in expression and in perception, and others may have difficulty deciphering your true intentions. You prefer it this way as you do not like to take action overtly, but rather choose to remain hidden until you see the perfect moment to strike. Nonetheless, you are a powerful adversary when challenged. Be mindful of health issues regarding your colon.

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Jupiter in Sagittarius

You are a warm, giving, open-minded, accepting, faithful, philosophical humanitarian who is largely interested in justice, theories, spirituality, or knowledge. Others are inspired by your vision for the world and instinctively have faith that you will do what’s best for them. People are drawn to your ethical and honourable nature. Aiding humanity in some way is important to you and you will go out of your way to support others. This unfaltering belief in human beings inspires people to believe in themselves. It is possible that you occupy a very respectable role in your workplace. You may tend to stick to traditional ways as having acceptance from others is valuable to you. Do not spend too much time trying to prove your actions by making justifications. You have many endearing qualities, unfortunately when afflicted you may also be prone to being arrogant, small-minded, bigoted, and inflexible as well as enjoying tacky representations and squandering your money on risky ventures.

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Saturn in Aquarius

You are disciplined, rational, and possess strong internal resilience and drive. You are able to understand the human race on a grand scale but have a difficult time with understanding the individual. It would be beneficial for you to develop patience for others and learn to let go of the past. You have an interesting way of combining uncommon methods while still keeping things in good order. Long-term planning can also be a strong suit of yours as you tend to intuitively see far into the future. You are able to easily view things outside the box, with a fresh new perspective. Often you can be cool, reserved, objective, and practical. However, you may also come across as unfeeling, spiteful, and overly-expressive of your views, possibly even aggressive, when your ideas are resisted.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 11th house

It is likely that your aspirations are quite high, though you either prefer for these aims to somehow be of use in a group setting or you swing to the other end and are unconcerned with what a group would desire, instead looking out for only your own wishes. It is easy for you to acquire friends in high stations. You tend to be dutiful, open-minded, and a bit of a philanthropist, preferring to achieve social acceptance than power. You have an affinity for working with groups and often take the position as leader for group events as you are an excellent coordinator.

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Moon in 10th house

You place a high significance on your public image and your need to acquire success may be in the forefront for you emotionally. It is likely that you are somehow involved with the public or women’s affairs, especially in a way that allows you to be visible to society; being of use to humanity is important to you. Career pursuits may alternate throughout your life. You are drawn to positions of leadership in your work life due to your strong insistence on expressing your unique authenticity; by mindful of becoming too emotionally dramatic.

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Mercury in 11th house

Your mind is very versatile, flexible, and innovative, with an excellent ability to understand anything that comes your way. You tend towards intellectual pursuits and your aspirations are often achieved through your mental prowess. The social contacts that you enjoy most are those that appeal to you on a cerebral level, providing much mental stimulation. You are also likely to socialise with those more youthful than yourself, as you find these interactions exciting. Contrasting opinions are seen as a pleasant challenge rather than a threat and you enjoy these exchanges. It is probable that you will be the frontman or representative to a group or society that you are fond of.

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Venus in 10th house

Good-natured and easy going, you find popularity bestowed upon you in both your professional life as well as your personal life; people are generally attracted to your pleasant personality. You have a welcoming and affectionate way of interacting with the world, tending to promote positive energy. You inspire others to want to help you, though you must be mindful not to take advantage of this and become idle when you should be putting in your fair share of the work. You are likely talented with your voice somehow, and may use this talent for singing, speaking in public, or perhaps being involved in a career where the quality of your voice is important. This placement suggests a favourable financial situation for you.

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Mars in 12th house

Your emotions tend to run high though you may suppress them or go to the other extreme and find yourself suffering from obsessive fear. Others are instinctively aware of this and create difficulties for you. There is a possibility of complications due to defamation or hidden adversaries. Buried grudges may be an issue that needs to be dealt with, and there is also a chance of false allegations from concealed sources. You feel as though you are on your own in this world. It would be wise for you to use your intense emotionality to better comprehend a deep sense of purpose and to become unified with mankind. You dislike being in the public eye and would do best working privately or in secret.

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Jupiter in 2nd house

Optimistic and self-assured, you are unusually prosperous financially. Material gains seem to just fall into your lap with little effort and most would consider you “lucky” in this area. It is unlikely that you have ever had to suffer from lack of having your material needs met. It would be wise for you to use your superb financial instincts to invest, as you easily inspire faith and confidence in others. It is likely that those in advantageous positions will reach out to assist you monetarily at one point or another to help you actualise your dreams. In addition, try to be mindful of a tendency towards over-indulgence with lavish cuisine, as you are prone to extravagance in this area.

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Saturn in 3rd house

You have an amazing ability to concentrate on the deeper things in life. You tend towards more serious thinking and can be very patient when you want to get things done right. You keep your mind well organised and can excel in strategy or mathematical concepts, which you may participate in as a hobby. You do not mind engaging in projects that you would need to be involved with for a long period of time. There is a tendency towards a pessimistic attitude, in addition to feeling lonely and possibly even depressed. You may find yourself having issues communicating with your family and your immediate community and this may cause you to isolate yourself from them. Instead, try to think positively and focus on moving ahead. Be mindful of oxygen issues as your lungs may be sensitive; try to keep air in your sleeping quarters circulating well.

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Uranus in 4th house

The situation in your home life tends to be unstable and unpredictable, often with random periods of tension. You may come from an alternative background or there may be buried secrets in your family’s past. You are likely to change residences often due to an inner tension of staying in the same place for too long; frequent changes in your life in general are also common. There is also a tendency for there to be an unusual way of relating to your parental figures that can have a large effect on your emotional well-being, for better or worse. You do not think much about the opinions of others and may feel happiest without having an obligation to either one residence or community. As you age, you may become interested in new age topics such as the metaphysical realm or astrology.

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Neptune in 9th house

Your philosophies in life tend to be rather idealistic and you entertain the idea that everything is connected, even in death. You may experience premonitions through your dreams, as your dreams are often intense. Some of your beliefs may be viewed as radical and understanding or explaining them is often difficult for you to do in a clear, logical manner; you may embellish a bit. There may be many misunderstandings between you and your partner’s parental figures, try to be more empathetic to their situation. Be mindful of those that seem genuine and helpful but are actually the opposite. Your travels are usually done in spontaneity rather than having every step planned out as you like to be free to adventure at random, though there is a tendency for unusual occurrences during long trips.

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Pluto in 2nd house

You are particularly talented in money matters with astute observations, tolerance, and perseverance in this area. Finding yourself with an unusual need for material gains, you must be careful not to treat those close to you as objects as well. It may be necessary for you to learn to remove yourself from the grasp your possessions have on you and try to readily share what you acquire instead. There is a tendency with this placement for your assets to be under tight control, whether this be of your own accord or from an outside source. Behaving honourably in your financial dealings will be crucial.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Libra 7

Sabian Symbol: An eccentric old woman feeds her chickens while imparting wisdom that they need not fear a hawk she has befriended.
Kozminsky Symbol: A dolphin is sporting a winged globe on its back.

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Moon in 
Virgo 5

Sabian Symbol: In Ireland a man is aware of nature spirits.
Kozminsky Symbol: An artistic tapestry is nearly completed by the artist.

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Mercury in 
Libra 20

Sabian Symbol: A Jewish rabbi performs his duties surrounded by manuscripts and books.
Kozminsky Symbol: A young girl weaves flower garlands as she sits in the sunlight.

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Venus in 
Virgo 11

Sabian Symbol: A mother looks into her baby’s eyes and imagines the beautiful boy he will become.
Kozminsky Symbol: A chariot drawn carriage carries the king, throwing coins to his kingdom.

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Mars in 
Scorpio 13

Sabian Symbol: An inventor is working his apparatus, on the verge of completing his unique work.
Kozminsky Symbol: A large river has water bubbling and flowing over river rocks.

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Jupiter in 
Sagittarius 14

Sabian Symbol: The sphinx and pyramids present themselves.
Kozminsky Symbol: Surrounded by a circle of fire, sits a human eye.

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Saturn in 
Aquarius 29

Sabian Symbol: With metamorphosis complete, a winged insect is born.
Kozminsky Symbol: Storm clouds with stars peeking out, and lightning all around.

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Uranus in 
Pisces 25

Sabian Symbol: A priesthood organization succeeds from corruption.
Kozminsky Symbol: On a lightning bolt sits an unfurled flag.

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Neptune in 
Leo 17

Sabian Symbol: A church choir is rehearsing and socializing for a performance.
Kozminsky Symbol: Planning a new building, an architect stands before his desk.

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Pluto in 
Sagittarius 21

Sabian Symbol: There are borrowed eyeglasses that a child and dog are using.
Kozminsky Symbol: A huge tidal wave.

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Ascendant in 
Scorpio 13

Sabian Symbol: An inventor is working his apparatus, on the verge of completing his unique work.
Kozminsky Symbol: A large river has water bubbling and flowing over river rocks.

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Midheaven in 
Leo 30

Sabian Symbol: An unsealed letter carries vital and confidential information.
Kozminsky Symbol: White lilies are carried by a ship’s steward.

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Lib 06° 08' 26"
59' 05"
00" N
2° 26' 30" S
Vir 04° 20' 23"
11° 48' 42"
3° 21' 37" N
13° 03' 28" N
Lib 19° 50' 32" R
- 41' 45"
3° 28' 32" S
10° 59' 04" S
Vir 10° 29' 40"
1° 13' 46"
1° 14' 43" N
8° 47' 39" N
Sco 12° 08' 36"
41' 36"
22' 55" S
15° 51' 47" S
Sag 13° 58' 51"
8' 40"
17' 53" N
22° 12' 41" S
Aqu 28° 13' 57" R
- 3' 04"
1° 45' 34" S
13° 45' 12" S
Pis 24° 44' 54" R
- 2' 21"
47' 35" S
2° 49' 01" S
Leo 16° 51' 41"
1' 35"
11' 32" N
15° 59' 09" N
Sag 20° 34' 47"
7° 17' 05" N
15° 52' 03" S
Cap 26° 56' 40" R
- 24"
7° 11' 36" N
13° 43' 56" S
Vir 16° 37' 31"
6' 42"
4° 14' 28" N
9° 11' 24" N
True Node
Can 22° 30' 53" R
- 8' 04"
00" N
21° 35' 13" N
P. of Fortune
Lib 10° 24' 30"
Gem 20° 58' 58"
Sco 12° 12' 33"
Sag 11° 09' 43"
Cap 18° 54' 02"
Aqu 29° 11' 58"
Ari 01° 12' 59"
Ari 24° 34' 53"
Tau 12° 12' 33"
Gem 11° 09' 43"
Can 18° 54' 02"
Leo 29° 11' 58"
Lib 01° 12' 59"
Lib 24° 34' 53"
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
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