![George Chapman](https://www.helloastrology.com/wp-content/uploads/George-Chapman-445x600.jpg)
Birth Chart: George Chapman (Sagittarius)
George Chapman (14 December 1865 7 April 1903) was a Polish serial killer known as the Borough Poisoner. Born Seweryn Antonowicz K?osowski in Congress Poland, he moved as an adult to England, where he committed his crimes. He was convicted and executed after poisoning three women, but is remembered today mostly because some police officers suspected him of being the notorious serial killer Jack the Ripper.
Born at Kolo, Poland
Thursday, December 14, 1865
09:00 (time zone = GMT 1.4 hours)
18e38, 52n12
At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. Its the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. Its the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.
Those with a Capricorn rising are typically reasonable, realistic, dutiful, practical, dedicated, cool and collected, quiet, and sensitive though they are prone to expressing criticism. You are likely to have a good head for business. Communication difficulties may have been present in your early development. Deep down you may feel as though you are not good enough and these insecurities spur you forward to work harder, pushing you to dedicate yourself even more fiercely to your ambitions. Perseverance comes naturally to you and you will not step down until you have accomplished your goals. Status and wealth are valuable to you. Often others will see you as cold when it is more that you are reserved. In your mind, you believe that you are merely being responsible. This placement implies susceptibility towards physical ailments regarding the knee joints and surrounding areas; when trouble occurs, it may be a sign of being inflexible in your person. A life lesson that may need to be learned is to curb a tendency of behaving in a sombre, serious manner and foster a more social, cheerful demeanour and outlook. Capricorn in ruled by the planet Saturn and therefore its placement in your chart will be significant in your life.
If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.
Your general demeanour is no-nonsense and you keep your emotions to yourself. In your younger years, you were probably forced to assume adult responsibilities while most children were spending their days playing together. This did not lend to a cheerful childhood and you felt that your emotional expression was stifled. It is difficult for you to let people in emotionally and you will seclude yourself from others when necessary to maintain distance. Deep down loneliness eats away at you and being around others does not help this feeling. You have developed a liking to solitude and engage yourself in projects that you can do on your own so as to keep you inner feelings from overwhelming you. You have a good amount of ambition because of this and are always on the lookout for ways you can achieve something worthwhile. Very dutiful, you do not skirt your obligations but rather fully dive in and do not quit until you have completed the task you have set out for yourself. You are also a wonderful organiser and would do well in a leadership position, which inspires you to succeed. This craving to be in a high station is likely a way for you prove to people that you are respectable and worth caring for as this sort of expression from others was not evident in your early years. The affect Saturn has in this placement causes a cool, restrained energy which manifests in a doom-and-gloom, depressed manner in your psyche. Unfortunately, your negative attitude will often become a self-fulfilling prophecy. You do not possess much confidence in yourself and therefore always feel the need to demonstrate your capabilities outwardly. This constant doubting requires you to seek assurance from other people and this may distance others from you. Try to control the internal worry and insecurity that you feel or you may end up making things even harder for yourself. Despite your outwardly cold personality, you have a good deal of sensitivity in regards to how people see you. However, your insecurity and lack of confidence tend to balance you emotionally and allow for better focus. Find a way to create positive emotions within yourself. Attempt to let people in and try to aid them when needed rather than being overly concerned about the things going on in your own life that are largely unimportant in the end.
Less detail-oriented and more of a generalist, you prefer seeing things in their entirety. You prefer focusing on how everything will fit together in the end rather than getting stuck on the miniscule details that would never get you anywhere. Your tendency towards positive thinking can at times cause you to commit to more than you are able to supply in the end. You may over-estimate your own talents and capabilities and will express these inflated visions to others. Sometimes you seem to be unable to keep your mouth shut, even repeating yourself again and again during one conversation because you feel as though there is a possibility that you were misunderstood or that others did not hear you. In addition, you will compulsively do something and then go back to make sure you had actually done it, for instance turning off the stove or closing the back gate. You may lack practicality due to your inclination to dream big. Travelling is likely to appeal to you as it aids you in discovering new information. Philosophy and any subject that allows some sort of intangible speculation is going to be of interest. You do not need to be prompted to share your thoughts with others as you will do so readily of your own accord. You like to pull apart someones argument even though you may actually feel the exact same way as they do on the matter at hand; for you, debating is seen as a good time had.
Mentally you engage in pattern-oriented thinking where you put together things that others may feel are unrelated and have a preference towards viewing the entire puzzle instead of spending too much time on each individual piece. You crave learning new bits of information and it does not matter to you whether this is done through traditional methods or self-study. When you have discovered a new bit of data you excitedly express what you have learned to others and would make an excellent educator. If you do decide to go the route of educator, you will likely acquire knowledge from your pupils just as often as they do from your lessons, as you have a curious mind and are always searching. You may also have a flair for the written and spoken word as well as publications of all kinds. It can be almost too easy for you to sell items, due to others instinctively trusting you to act honourably in regards to what you are selling them.
It is probable that you will often conjure up some interesting endeavour yet never get the idea out of your head and into practical application. In fact, it would be best if you could team up with another person who wouldnt mind doing all of the grunt work required to implement these brilliant ideas of yours. You have a straight forward way of thinking and communicating and would never purposefully try to dupe anyone. The positive attitude and belief in yourself and your abilities will aid you in your success. However, there are moments when you will not budge mentally and these need to be watched. You dislike doing the same thing day in and day out and look for ways to diversify your activities. Be mindful not to spread yourself too thin and wind up knowing only a small bit about many subjects, yet never mastering one. Although this type of expertise may appeal to you and if that is something you are comfortable with, then by all means continue in this fashion.
There is intensity in every aspect of your life from your emotions and wants, to your romantic partnerships, with many of them being full of passion, instability, and heartbreak. You have a great personal magnetism that pulls others in. There is a tendency towards obsessing over people and partnerships. In your relationships, you may take turns trying to possess one another, each person controlling as much of the situation as they can until the other has had enough and tries to turn the tables. You can be jealous and also try to manipulate others, whether you do this behind the scenes or in a more overt manner. There is not much you will not do in order to maintain your power over people and the situation at hand. Your intense emotions can create such a strong pull within you that you find yourself acting in ways that are irrational. Evetually your emotions reach a peak and you need to remove yourself completely from the people in your life and the situations that you are in, and start anew. You are not the most open-minded person and can be very stubborn in your viewpoints, throwing them at others aggressively, often disregarding new concepts that others are trying to convey to you, and always insisting that your opinions are correct. You remember every slight, perceived or otherwise, that someone has done towards you. Work on your perception and you might find that people are different than you originally thought. Your feelings are so overwhelming sometimes that you are unable to reign them in. Finances can be an obsession for you as you need to feel secure. The biggest lesson for you in this placement is to temper the emotional chaos within. You have a deeply rooted sense of rejection and feeling as though you are somehow unworthy, and this makes it hard for you to believe that the people you care for are to be trusted. This aspect will test your romantic partnerships to help you grow as a person and show you how to truly have faith in the people you are bonded to.
You have a vivid imagination and can easily dream up interesting concepts, though transferring these concepts into something concrete can prove difficult for you. Others may view you as scatter-brained and stuck in the clouds. Visionary potential can be very powerful, but potential is meaningless if you cannot get the concepts off of the ground. Learn to control your mind in a way that allows you to move forward with implementation of the fantastical world youve created.
If reality seems too harsh, you will change the current situation in your head to resemble what you wish to be real and then replay this scenario mentally until you believe it as true. There is a tendency towards escapism that needs to be watched for, particularly in regards to substance abuse, as this will make your troubles worse instead of better. It is important for you to look your demons in the eye, as they will only grow stronger until you do.
You have trouble remembering things sometimes and can come across as a space-cadet. It is not your intelligence that is in question, only that you are often in your own world and it would do you well to visit us on this planet every so often. Clarity of thought is not easy for you to come by and communicating your thoughts or feelings proves even more difficult. Often when you try to explain yourself, you do so in a fashion that only confuses others further. Using art as a form of communication may actually help you convey what you cannot say verbally. If you focus yourself enough, you will find a way to express your message. It is also within your character to purposefully try to fool people. Focusing on anything beyond your own world up in the clouds can be challenging for you and will require discipline.
You tend to go from one extreme to another and are either completely gullible or refuse to give weight to anything that hasnt been extensively proven to you. Unfortunately, your perception is often muddled and therefore your deductions are inaccurate at best. You have a very vivid, action imagination and are often talented in various forms of art. Instinctively you are able to comprehend what others often miss and you have an uncanny sense of who people really are with very little to go on. The same is true of circumstances that you are involved with. Subjects that are mysterious hold your fascination though you need to be mindful of getting involved with destructive mystical situations, for instance calling forth on dark spirits or hypnosis. Scientific material is also likely to be of interest. It can be difficult for you to decipher what is real from what is not, though you must do your best in this regard as you can be easily tricked by what you think you see. If you are unable to do this, others may perceive you as dishonest when the truth is that you believe your own lies. Try to channel your active imagination into creative ventures and leave the fantasies to live in your projects instead of the real world. Traditional methods of education are unlikely to work for you as you need to gather your information through unconventional means, usually learning through soaking in what is around you. Having direct experience or coming into contact with someone who has direct experience in a subject is more likely to make an impact on you than trying to make sense of the words you see in books. You may have a gift in creative writing, particularly having to do with visualisations and telling stories. Your environment affects you deeply and therefore it would be best if you were careful in where you go and who you surround yourself with; you absorb whatever energy you come into contact with.
Mentally you are capable of delving into the most hidden of depths. Whether or not they are pleasant, you will uncover whatever secrets are buried beneath. You would make an excellent investigator as you are naturally gifted in the field. Psychological evaluation is another area that you are talented in and there is a strong interest in topics related to the afterlife and mystical studies. You are the sort that will learn one thing thoroughly rather than dabbling briefly all over the map. Despite your expectation that others be transparent with you, you are unwilling to provide the same disclosure to them. You feel most comfortable in situations where the attention is not focused on you and you can do as you please with little interference from others. You are capable of using your hands to heal others if you can properly channel your energies and may do well to try your efforts in massage therapy or chiropractic care. You find a kind of comfort in disassembling and reassembling things, as you have good technical skills and like to see how everything works together. You are drawn to situations, people, or subjects that project a mysterious quality and you are always up for the challenge of figuring them out. When you do come to a conclusion, you are able to clearly express what you have learned. You use your logical, analytical mind and intuitive ability to assess everything that you come across. Mentally you strive to transform and transcend whatever you find. Other people easily recognise your confident dedication to the things you do. If you are interested in a topic, you are able to focus yourself completely in order to absorb any and all information pertaining to it. Highly observant, nothing gets passed you and you are amazingly accurate in your evaluations of the circumstances you find yourself in and the people you come across.
Your emotions may be extremely sensitive and you are prone to becoming engrossed in dreamy romantic fantasies. This illusion can sometimes affect your progress in real life, as you may avoid your less fanciful, everyday obligations in order to stay in your daydream. Be mindful that others do not abuse your kindness, as you can be naïve in your readiness to help someone who seems to be down on their luck; do not let people manipulate your warm nature. It is also possible that you go to the other end of things and play the victim yourself, feeding on the pity of others just to be noticed, or you may use dishonest tactics on others, often times on those in your family. There is likelihood that in one way or another you encounter trouble deciphering what is true and what is false, as you can twist reality into fascinating delusions. It is paramount to develop your more practical side, learning when to restrain yourself from your own wishful thinking.
There is a tendency towards negative consequences as a result of a scam; therefore it would be best to avoid becoming involved in arrangements in which you are promised wealth for little investment. Thinking positively is good, though you must also keep your feet on the ground and your head out of the clouds. Nothing worth having in life is without hard work and sacrifice; there is always a price to pay. Develop tolerance towards others and their foibles rather than expecting people to adhere to your idealistic standards. You will find yourself becoming disenchanted with others, and life in general, when those you had high hopes for cannot meet your expectations. Involvement in mystical endeavours can have a harmful influence on you; it would be best if you avoid these. Substance abuse may also become a problem for you and should be kept an eye on.
The pathway towards achieving your goals may be obstructed and there is also issue with asserting power. It seems that something always stands in the way of what you are trying to accomplish. It would be wise to evaluate the reasoning behind your actions. Are these actions done for selfish reasons alone, or do they have a benefit for humanity as a whole? Competing with others allows you to learn how to better collaborate with people. Much wisdom can be attained with this placement, however it is imperative that you act selflessly.
Karma from a past life insists that you listen to the opposing views of others openly in this life, as you had acted in a controlling, commanding manner previously. If you insist on holding to your own opinions rigidly, your conditions will only worsen. Great power comes with great responsibilitythis responsibility is to ensure others well-being, not only your own. Those who need to learn this are often placed in powerful roles so that they may do so. Be humble, keep striving, and develop your patience.
You can be very innovative though you must develop a way to adapt. You prefer things to stay the same, with the same routine, and this desire prompts you to attempt controlling others in some way. This placement may create a great deal of tension for you emotionally, though you can use these challenges to better understand the meaning of life.
There is a tendency towards enjoying variety to such a degree that you move from one endeavour to another, without spending enough time on anything to master it. You become easily interested and want to know a little bit about everything, but in order to truly be successful, you will need to discipline yourself. You may also need to watch out for becoming so engrossed and inflexible in your own views and beliefs that you demand others believe the same. Challenging situations will continue to surround you until you learn to be accepting and tolerant of others viewpoints. It is alright to hold a strong belief system, as long as you do not punish people for being of a different mind-set. Be careful that you do not become involved in extreme demonstrations to prove your beliefs are correct, and rather develop a respect for individuality.
You are self-reliant, inventive, and unrestrained with strong resolve and drive to get things done. These traits aid you greatly in your journey towards success. Be sure that you keep to realistic goals rather than taking risks on long-shots. Not everyone can be as mentally quick as you are; therefore you need to practice patience with others who think at a slower speed. You are able to provide a substantial amount of knowledge to benefit others, though you must yield to working at their pace. You have a strongly held belief that you are entitled to your own opinions and viewpoints; it is only logical that the same privilege be bestowed to others.
Your memory is superb and you can quickly recall previous moments in time and all of the details involved, including other people. There may be talent in teaching or speaking to the public as you put forth a great deal of emotional energy towards communicating your thoughts. You value education and try your best to gather as much data as you can, attempting to always be in the know when it comes to progressive advances. You would also make for a good therapist because of your excellent listening skills and your non-judgemental attitude towards peoples troubles. People feel nurtured by you and you inspire them to believe in their abilities. You pick up on the subtleties and the unspoken words others have trouble communicating outright, allowing you to convey outwardly the things that will truly help people. Try to make it a habit of writing down your experiences and responses, as this can allow for some personal growth when you look back on them in the future. There may be a skill in linguistics. Mentally you are logical and your thinking is not muddled by your feelings as your mind and emotional state work together harmoniously. Often times, it may seem as though you are speaking other peoples thoughts as they are thinking them, or sometimes even before they are made aware of them, as you are highly attune to other peoples emotional energy. People take comfort in this ability because they can be sure that you really do comprehend their situation. You are able to use the written or spoken word to express your thoughts and the concepts you have created in your mind. All forms of communication appeal to you, as does travelling. You prefer your life to be full of changes and various new experiences so that your mind has something to contemplate and there is always something new to express or feel. You may wish to try your hand as a writer due to this placement bestowing clarity of mind.
You are able to focus yourself exceptionally well and are capable of great self-control. Your mind can attain amazing feats due to these talents and your organisational abilities also aid in providing structure for your plans. It may take you longer than it would take others to think through a situation but once you do, you understand it completely and deeply. You prefer to take a more sombre attitude in life, working hard instead of playing around light-heartedly with others. Mentally you are detail-oriented and do not mind completing tasks that are too dull and monotonous for others. You do not beat around the bush when it comes to business and are a clear, direct communicator that portrays themselves as reasonable and practical; you would make a fine administrator. Others know they can depend on you to come through on your promises as doing things the right way is important to you. You do best focusing on one area and specialising in it, versus trying to learn a little bit about many fields. Solitary learning is likely more effective for you than traditional methods, as you require time to fully absorb and think through the information. You may be good at critical thinking due to your excellent ability to find loop-holes in peoples reasoning. Careers that require a systematic way of thinking are right up your alley. Mentally you are disciplined, reasonable, dutiful, exacting, and precise. Physically you are healthy and heal quickly from any ailment you encounter.
You are generally happy, accepting, positive, laid-back, and generous. You want to spread some of the joy you feel to others, though at times you may give too much of yourself. In your mind, whatever you set out to accomplish will work out somehow and this can cause you to put in very little effort or concern. If something is difficult, you may exert only sluggish attempts of solving the issue. This is particularly true in regards to your emotions. You are also likely to indulge in tasty cuisine more than you should which causes you trouble in maintaining your figure and can lead to larger problems in the future. This placement bestows you with a pleasing personality, an idealistic viewpoint, an ethical nature, open-mindedness, good fortune, and monetary aid from friends and familial ties. You highly dislike dishonest behaviour and prefer to act honourably at all times; you have a very strong moral compass. You enjoy thinking about philosophy and can be rather devoted to your beliefs even if you do not belong to any specific religion. You are self-assured and do not suffer with the insecurities that many are plagued with; you know who you are and what you are capable of. When you do encounter trouble, it does not keep you down for long but rather you are likely to find your problems quite humorous. In fact, you try to insert a good deal of laughter and joy into your life in general. You hope to see others improving themselves and their situations and you are happy to aid them in doing so if it fosters their advancement. The main concern with this placement is to be mindful of your tendency towards laziness and over-indulgence. You are well-loved by others due to your upstanding nature.
Mentally you are responsive, unique, perceptive, imaginative, and think on your feet. You can do well to channel your energies into inventing something progressive or unusual and you are drawn to mystical subjects. Astrology or technological topics fascinate you. Your sense of humour is a bit eccentric at times and you may behave in a surprising manner or poke fun at yourself just to get others to react. You feel a strong pull towards intensely emotive circumstances or anything thrilling and different. You demand your independence and hate to be tied down to anything that will limit it. However, you are often forced to adapt quickly to a variety of different circumstances that can pop up at random for you. Your notions are usually fresh and innovative, and usually can be applied in a way that would strongly benefit humanity. You are also able to view every aspect of a situation fairly. Although, you are often impatient, get bored easily, and do not finish what you have started. Others find you amusing and unique, and you are usually very lucky. Whatever is a deviation from the norm will tend to draw you in, for you seek the exhilaration of trying something you have not experienced before. You are able to see the benefit in monitoring your temper and feelings.
You are rather receptive of your environment with a creative talent that you use to produce aesthetically pleasing objects or surroundings. Musical pieces will stimulate a fantastical world inside of your mind that you will happily enjoy for hours on end, peacefully tuning the world out. You are idealistic in your romances and hold to the belief that there is only one true mate for you with whom you can live happily ever after. Luckily, you are able to entertain these dreams while at the same time staying realistic in your day-to-day life without being swept up by it all. You have a strong sympathy to those who are suffering and reach out to aid them when you are able. Naturally you are a generous person and helping others is satisfying to you on a deep level. You insist on doing what is right for mankind, keeping your personal ego at bay. It may be difficult for you to lead others or start a course of action due to your dislike of creating conflict. You will do a lot for the people you love and do not require repayment of your kindness. You feel that there is another world out there that we simply cannot see and enjoy being around other creative or sensitive people with whom you can delve further into the mystics. Gospel harmonies tend to affect you intensely when you listen to them, and you know that you have touched a piece of another life. You are likely to have musical talent, possibly vocally. Usually you will stand up for those that are considered lesser by societal standards, though you may need to be careful not to be swayed too much by a sad tale. Those who will aid you in the spiritual wisdom and evolution that you had begun in a past life are likely to be drawn to you in this one.
You achieve your aspirations by being dedicated, diligent, forward-thinking, persevering, structured, and on occasion through coincidental good fortune; you tend to get lucky in attaining your goals. People feel they can trust you to be counted on as you are a dependable sort. What you promise, you make sure to deliver. This constancy draws others to you. Whatever you require to accomplish your endeavours seems to come to you somehow, even if it is in the last moments. You are able to achieve equilibrium between what is possible and what is actual. You are able to work well on a team; however you usually feel more at ease when working on your own. You are patient in your work efforts and persist regardless the duration, as you know the effort will be rewarded in the end.
You are rather intuitive, possibly emotionally fragile, and may run into problems if you engage in the occult or mysticism in destructive ways. Because you are sensitive to your environment, you will need to be mindful towards a tendency to be easily affected by what others say, think, or do. It is also possibly that you may be able to pull out ideas from thin air and find a way to better yourself through them, whether this be an improvement on your will-power, your mentality, or your emotional well-being. Sometimes you are so set on being unlike the rest that you forget what the real truth is, try to stay aware of the actual situation. There is a tendency towards escaping through substance abuse, though this will not help you on your journey. Instead, you will discover who you are through aiding others. Use your intuition to guide you to where you are supposed to be. Creative endeavours will help you to unload any excess emotions.
You are very imaginative and visual, with a great ability to think outside of the box when an issue needs solving. However when you do look for resolutions, you tend to take the route that will avoid confrontations, instead opting for ways that will keep harmony. You are a humanitarian and enjoy aiding those who may not have been blessed with many opportunities; helping others in this way is deeply spiritually fulfilling for you. There is a talent here for dramatization, especially in the arts. In order to balance your mental and emotional states, it would help you to engage in this artistic talent and direct your energy productively. This outlet can also help you to keep your feet on the ground, rather than allowing your mind to run off into a land of fantasy. Turning fantasy into something tangible can happen for you due to your sensible nature; you couple idealism with practicality. Spiritual mysticism appeals to you and you may find yourself dabbling in the subject when opportunity presents itself. Others are drawn to your magnetic essence, particularly people who require aid of some sort. You can assert yourself when needed, though you do this in a tolerant, accepting, and caring way. Good past life karma bestows safety from secret adversaries who are intending to harm you. Innately you understand that if you continue working patiently and diligently, you will acquire what you are after. Sympathetic and sensitive to others suffering, you truly care for any living creature, human or otherwise, though you must be mindful not to allow others to take advantage of you by way of conjuring up a sad tale just to play on your sentiments. Being around water will soothe your mind and spirit, and therefore you should strive to be near water as often as possible.
The Planets in astrology symbolize what is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question how? How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.
Sagittarians are sociable, adaptable, positive, trustworthy, truthful, and prone to idealism (learn about compatibility with Sagittarius here). On the other hand they are also capable of being blunt, egotistical, smug, argumentative, obsessive, narrow-minded authoritarian show-offs who skirt their responsibilities. Working with details is not their forte and they prefer something which allows them to use their excellent forward thinking skills and fearlessness towards risk.
Sagittarians can convey their strong opinions forcefully and in a tactless manner at times, speaking their minds often without thinking things through first. This tendency is usually caused by their need to obtain the truth and gain knowledge. Sagittarians can come across a bit abrasive while they believe they are only stating the truth. It would do them well to develop more diplomatic tactics rather than bulldozing other peoples views or feelings in order to make their points. Luckily, most people are intuitively aware that the Sagittarius has good intentions at heart and only wishes to enlighten them.
Nature, in all aspects, appeals to the Sagittarius as they enjoy spending time outside. They have large amounts of energy that needs to be released and playing sports is a good way for them to do this. They are likely to enjoy sports even when they are not the ones playing in them and may need to watch out for a tendency to spend their savings frivolously on spontaneous bets. Traveling or walking may also be a favourite pastime due to their need for freedom and they relish time spent with animals, especially the larger variety.
Sagittarians are deep-thinking individuals who enjoy pondering the meaning of life and various philosophies. Despite whatever odds they may be facing, Sagittarians will bounce back to their positive selves quickly; they have a strong belief in the universe and that things will somehow work out as they are meant to. They strive to comprehend their existence and grow in wisdom. This need to develop themselves can manifest as the Sagittarian trying to do too much too quickly and possibly burning out instead. It would be best for them to learn to pace themselves and take time to relax before starting new assignments.
Sagittarians would benefit from developing a way to focus on their endeavours until they are complete as it is common for them to become bored and restless once the initial enthusiasm wears off. In the beginning, they are full of energy and excitement which spurs them forward, but the menial tasks drain them.
The health of a Sagittarius is usually good, though they may have issues with extravagant cuisine or beverages, and too much of them!
Sagittarians are regarded as out-going, are always ready to lend a helping hand, and though they can be very blunt in their communication, their jokes can be rather understated at times. They can keep a conversation going and may at times argue with others just to argue. This does not keep them from gathering acquaintances wherever they go. Sagittarians are likely interested in philanthropy in some way and will convey these interests practically. They are quick to come to the aid of others and they are loyal, truthful, and wont try to pull a fast one on someone; they are usually very honourable.
Sagittarians strongly need to have their own space and freedom to do what they please. They can easily feel caged in either emotionally or physically and this keeps them from completely committing to anything or anyone. Marriage may be a difficult pill for them to swallow, and though they can be very idealistic and starry-eyed about love, they must have a partner that is more of an intellectual and communicates openly with them. They may be a bit flirtatious at times as they have a naturally charming persona and they expect their partner to be secure enough to handle this; possessive or jealous displays only cause them to distance from their partner. However, it must be noted that a Sagittarius will likely enjoy the hunt more than the obtained victory as they often lose interest once the challenge is gone.
For their career, Sagittarians do not enjoy routine and may switch jobs frequently, dabbling a little bit here and a little bit there until they find something stimulating enough to hold their interest. Travelling is always welcome to them and they would do well in a position where they were not tied down to one location. Working with people face-to-face is also ideal and they would make excellent salespeople, promoters, businesspeople, and the like.
Though they may not be detail-oriented, they have a skill for making plans and they are great at remembering things. The main task is to find what can actually hold their interest; often they will be stimulated by doing something new and different and any sort of game-play can be very enjoyable to them as well.
You like to keep your thoughts and secrets to yourself and may quietly dwell on perceived hurts and betrayals. You are naturally distrustful of others intentions and therefore do not expose your true emotions until someone has been thoroughly vetted, if even then. Emotional intimacy in personal relationships is difficult for you as you prefer keeping your feelings under lock and key; vulnerability feels somehow unsafe to you. All of your actions are expressed in an intense fashion, you care intensely and loathe intensely. You are passionate to the core; nothing is done halfway. This passion can express itself as a tendency to dominate your significant others or treat them as though they were objects that only you hold rights to; be mindful of the green-eyed monster. It is possible that your maternal parental figure was also dominating towards you. You find it difficult to let go of any past hurts or disloyalty and may harbour feelings of spite, bitterness, or remorse. Often these strong inner demons are kept secret. It is imperative that you vent these frustrations somehow and find a way to move beyond previous occurrences; forgiving others will be far healthier for you. Still waters run deep with you, and you would be dissatisfied with shallow, insincere interactions; you attempt to delve as far as you can into anothers essence. You will achieve a great deal if you can only learn self-control and restraint. You are driven, enthusiastic, self-sufficient, assertive, passionate, dedicated, and willing to wait as long as it takes to accomplish your goals. You also possess a great deal of personal magnetism. Sexuality or death may be on-going themes in your psyche.
Mentally you are reasonable, logical, sombre, self-controlled, impartial, sensible, and clear-headed; fanciful assertions do not sway you. You need factual data before you can get behind a concept. You are naturally sceptical, though at times this makes you pessimistic. You will tend to tackle challenges in a practical way, keeping a cool head regardless of the situation. As long as you remain interested in a subject, you can put forth great levels of focus and to achieve the outcome you desire. Detail-oriented, you are unlikely to forget what most people would over-look or deem insignificant. Your serious approach to life may come across to others as humourless, dull, or unhappy and you usually have a good deal going on mentally. Your mind is meticulous, controlled, and well-organised which contributes to a good business sense as well as an ability for administrative tasks. Forward-thinking, you have an excellent talent for strategy and can easily devise a scheme for successfully reaching long-term goals. You require a certain amount of seclusion to consolidate your thoughts or engage in solitary activities; you make a great student. You understand that time is a valuable commodity and therefore do not waste yours when you can be achieving something more meaningful.
In a romantic partner, you are most interested by someone who can increase your personal development in some way, especially your perception or awareness. You prefer your love interest to be out-going, adventurous, full-of-life, and open-minded as you would like to experience all that life has to offer with them, especially if these adventures involve travel. You enjoy immersing yourself in new cultural experiences that can broaden your horizons. It is imperative that you are able to relate to your significant other on a mental or spiritual level and you like to convey your goals, wishes, and values to them. However, romanticism is not your style and your partner may find you a bit too laid-back or informal, which can instil doubt of your intentions towards them. Nevertheless, you are still apt to be idealistic about romantic feelings. There is a tendency towards feeling that the grass is always greener somewhere else and this may keep you from staying with a partner for the long haul; it will be helpful for your partner to keep up the excitement that is felt in the early stages of a relationship or to be able to help you expand your mind, as these will hold your interest. You are compassionate, caring, giving, and a positive thinker with an inclination towards religion which you choose to convey through humanitarian or philanthropic efforts, together with your loved one.
You are ambitious in your efforts to attain an idealistic dream where you are able to go on random new adventures while broadening your mind. Striving for the top, you would be quite dissatisfied living a life that is the same day in and day out. You need to feel that you are always reaching your potential, gambling with opportunities if need be. Optimism is inherent in your character and you have a strong belief in your abilities to achieve whatever you set out to do. Adaptable and confident, nothing can keep you down for long as you will swiftly recover and move on to the newest fascination with eager enthusiasm. Your positive attitude is infectious and draws in the very people who can help you succeed in your endeavours. It is important that you stay realistic to what you can actually accomplish as your belief in yourself to do it all, can at times be impractical. There is also a tendency towards piling too much on your plate and not being focused enough to finish your projects; your attention may wander easily at times. Follow through can be a challenge for you though it is important for you develop this trait to achieve your aims; you will likely need to go through many disappointments before learning to hone your patience and persevere. You do not take well to boredom. Friendly rivalry is fun for you and you are likely to spend a good deal of your time playing sports; your energy is high and you must find a physical release for this. You are out-going, spontaneous, motivated, self-sufficient, optimistic, and enjoy being involved in a lively debate as well as traveling abroad. You are prone to exaggerating details and may be blunt, aggressive, argumentative, smug, loquacious, bigoted, and deceitful. Religious and philanthropic endeavours highly interest you and you may pursue humanitarian efforts.
You are genuine, loyal, trustworthy, capable, and resourceful with an aptitude for technical or practical tasks. You may find that you encounter reservation, restraint, and a need to venture carefully when putting forth efforts to grow and better yourself. There is an innate need to acquire material assets, though in the end this will not attribute to your joy or contentment. You may be prone to depression or isolating yourself from life and from other people. Independent and disciplined, you prefer being in positions of authority. Wastefulness is not something you can abide by easily. Achieving success will be possible only if you are able to remain honourable during your dealings; karma has a way of punishing you for any dishonourable behaviour.
You have immense self-control and restraint when needed. You are able to understand people and intricate situations with remarkable accuracy and have no trouble manoeuvring any circumstance you find yourself in. A managerial or administrative ability is also present. Your intuition is exceptionally strong and you may experience premonitions. Outwardly you may keep your thoughts to yourself as you can be very private about your life and others may find you tough to read. Difficult situations do not faze you as you are capable of conquering almost anything you encounter or have the ability to figure it out. You are diligent and dedicated in your undertakings and are able to wait as long as need be to achieve your most cherished goals. Saturn bestows excellent perception while Mars adds a strong drive, creating an unbeatable force to be reckoned with. However, you may need to be mindful of a tendency towards unyielding, inflexible, vengeful, bitter, callous, or even cruel behaviour. There is also a possibility of becoming power-hungry or preoccupied with money or success. This placement denotes a necessity to reform your inner yearnings and it will be imperative that you allow situations to develop as they may, rather than holding on to a desired outcome, person, or object; surrender and release. Your body is affected by this tendency as well and you may experience health issues that revolve around your bowels, colon, or elimination processes such as your kidneys or gall bladder.
The Planets in astrology symbolize what is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question where? Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.
You feel an urge to be of service to humanity. This may be particularly challenging for you, as you prefer to retreat and hope that others will somehow come to save you from yourself. There is karma from a previous life that forces you to look closely at yourself and the destructive tendencies you carry. You intuitively sense that everything in the universe is tied together. It is likely that you will need to learn to believe in yourself, as your confidence is often low. People with health issues, whether this be physical or mental, tend to draw you in as you seem to resonate with them somehow. You may have premonitions or be interested in new age topics or the metaphysical realm. There is a possibility that you will act as a victim, ready for sacrificing yourself at any moment.
You place a high significance on your public image and your need to acquire success may be in the forefront for you emotionally. It is likely that you are somehow involved with the public or womens affairs, especially in a way that allows you to be visible to society; being of use to humanity is important to you. Career pursuits may alternate throughout your life. You are drawn to positions of leadership in your work life due to your strong insistence on expressing your unique authenticity; by mindful of becoming too emotionally dramatic.
Born with a natural thirst for knowledge, you are interested to know a little bit about everything. You are inquisitive and clever, having a talent for witty, eloquent communication in all forms and always enthusiastic to converse about your array of varied interests with others. A high-strung personality may help keep you slim, but you must watch out for nervous disorders as your nervous system is highly sensitive. Luckily, you are also very adaptable which may help reduce your anxiety.
You are out-going, diplomatic, and welcoming, with numerous supportive social contacts. You must be mindful that your social group is not a bad influence on you, enabling you to indulge in circumstances that are not good for your well-being. Having a way with making others comfortable in your presence, it is important for you to watch out for yourself, as you may be taken advantage of by doing too much to make sure others are pleased. You take great joy in social gatherings and long to unwind comfortably with your friends on a regular basis.
You have many acquaintances as well as a large group of enthusiastic friends, and you are often a leader in social gatherings. There is a tendency to give a lot of yourself to your companions; therefore it is imperative that the people you form strong bonds with do not have a bad influence on you. This placement denotes a probability that either you will try to use your friends, or they will try to use you. Either way, you are quite involved in group events. In addition, you possess strong wants, hopes, and aspirations.
A natural leader due to your confidence and ability to inspire faith in others, this placement brings many opportunities for expansion and personal growth. Due to the ease you have convincing others to follow you, you make a superb promoter. Generous in spirit with a cheerful and optimistic attitude, you have a zest for life that few others can rival. You are likely to be outdoorsy and excel in sports; this would be a great endeavour to participate in for you as it would counter the tendency towards weight gain that this placement poses. However, you must try to temper your extravagant ways as you can be rather self-indulgent, emotionally dramatic, and susceptible to trusting things you shouldnt.
You have a good head for business, are largely self-sufficient, and diligent in creating structure. It is likely that you will find yourself rising steadily to the top rather than a quick jump to success; be patient as your persistence and determination will pay off. Do not try to shrug off your duties as this will lead to disappointments. For you, what you put in is what you what you gain. Your tendency to take advantage of others on your quest for power will ruin your achievements; try to somewhat curb your strong desire to stand at the top of the mountain. Do not discard others, as you may need to rely on them in the future. Your childhood may have been repressed or challenging due to having strict, controlling parents; the tension with one or both of your parental guardians may continue into your adult life.
A traditional partner is not for you, as you prefer someone a bit more eccentric and unusual. Neither you nor your romantic partners want to walk on the same path as the general public, but rather create your own. It is likely that you or your partner enjoy surprising others with your unconventional preferences. Personal independence is an important factor in your relationship, and commitments may feel unnecessary to you. You may even seek out partners who are unavailable as these romantic involvements promise no commitment from the start.
Due to the unconventional nature characteristic to most of your relationships, your partnerships may baffle both yourself and others. Unique yet fascinating people tend to surround you.
It is unwise for you or your partner to attempt to dominate one another, as this will only cause problems. Try to find a balance between your independence and the time you and your partner spend with one another; you may both require much space for a relationship to work. Easily feeling trapped by any restrictions stemming from your partnership, you must be given a great deal of room to grow. Without this freedom, you may quickly and suddenly opt out of the partnership. Long-distance relationships may appeal to you, as this sort of partnership has a more relaxed feel to it and you may continue to live your life as you please.
Mental stimulation is an important quality that you desire from your partner, as you like a challenge. You also prefer that information is readily exchanged between you and your partner. You are most interested in an original individual who can be artistic, sociable, and not afraid to go against the crowd. An intelligent, eccentric wild child with a great deal of charm may be just your ticket.
It may be easier for you to engage in platonic relationships than something as involved as marriage, though when you do decide to settle down, you expect an idealistic partnership where you and your significant other are good friends. In fact, friendship is probably how you found your mate. However, this placement denotes an inclination towards frivolous affairs that provide a short-lived thrill but will cause conflict with your significant other.
One of the greatest challenges in your partnerships happens when personal growth occurs at a greater pace in one partner than in the other. This growth may be so extreme that the person that entered the marriage originally no longer exists.
In order to succeed in your relationship, both parties must allow one another to be independent beings and be supportive of each others need for space.
Your mind intuitively absorbs information instead of accessing it in a conscious, step-by-step method. You have an artistic way of thinking that you filter through your strong idealistic views. Your thoughts come to you in vivid flashes and are enhanced by your rich imagination. You may find you are intuitively aware of things before they happen and can often accurately predict the future. It is easy for you to sense what is happening in others minds before they do. Because most of your knowledge is acquired in an intuitive way that deviates from conventional methods, you can find yourself feeling insecure and anxious as you are unable to explain where it come from. Your mind can put you into a dream-like state that you indulge in to the point of avoiding your duties; you can be quite a procrastinator. Try to be more reliable and especially avoid further escapism through substance abuse. There may be unresolved issues with family and other relations from a past-life that will need to be addressed.
You have a strong intuition and ability to be mentally creative. You crave a warm home environment, though this will often elude you due to your struggle for being the one in control. There may also be a problem with anger issues in your home life that create conflict for those living with you. Home may be the place you feel most able to rejuvenate yourself, however you are likely to feel tension in the location you were born in. For better or worse, your parental figures have had a strong influence in your life though there is an indication that they may have acted domineering or manipulative.
The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.
Sabian Symbol: Immigrants land on shore after seeing the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
Kozminsky Symbol: A roaring Lion is stung by a bee.
Sabian Symbol: A reunion dinner is enjoyed by a group of men.
Kozminsky Symbol: A colorful revolving star.
Sabian Symbol: An albatross is being fed by sailors on a ship.
Kozminsky Symbol: Implements of war hang on the walls of an armory.
Sabian Symbol: An old owl is perched high in an ancient tree.
Kozminsky Symbol: Dark clouds pass in front of the sun, causing its shine to fade.
Sabian Symbol: A widow begins to feel companionship again and this surprises her.
Kozminsky Symbol: Dressed in a bloodstained dress, an archer shoots at a stag.
Sabian Symbol: A veiled prophet is participating in a magic ritual.
Kozminsky Symbol: The broken strings of a harp with a face of anger above it.
Sabian Symbol: A dentist works to prepare his patients teeth.
Kozminsky Symbol: Lying on the shore sits an ancient warship.
Sabian Symbol: A man is leading a shaggy reindeer through a canyon that is cold and dark.
Kozminsky Symbol: There are worms eating the roots of a climbing plant that is growing over a summer house.
Sabian Symbol:A large hat that has streamers, is owned by an old-fashioned woman and its blown away by an easterly wind.
Kozminsky Symbol: An axe made of silver is seen shattering an iron shield.
Sabian Symbol: A porter is carrying a mountain of baggage cheerfully.
Kozminsky Symbol: A man holds up a document to a judge frowning in court.
Sabian Symbol: In an old cathedral, three stained glass windows reside, the center one is broken from war.
Kozminsky Symbol: Surrounded by a rim of black is a disc of light with a red center.
Sabian Symbol: A clear mountain lake is reflecting the silvery light of the moon.
Kozminsky Symbol: A dark and winding river flows down with papers floating.