Christina Aguilera

Birth Chart: Christina Aguilera (Sagittarius)

Christina María Aguilera (born December 18, 1980) is an American singer, songwriter, actress and television personality. Born in Staten Island, New York and raised in Rochester and Wexford, Pennsylvania, she appeared on the television series Star Search and The Mickey Mouse Club in her early years. After recording "Reflection", the theme for Disney's 1998 film Mulan, Aguilera signed with RCA Records. She rose to prominence with her 1999 self-titled debut album that spawned the Billboard Hot 100 number one singles; "Genie in a Bottle", "What a Girl Wants", and "Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You)". The following year, Aguilera released two studio albums; the Spanish-language album Mi Reflejo and the holiday album My Kind of Christmas. She assumed creative control for her fourth studio album, Stripped (2002), which produced "Dirrty", "Beautiful", and "Fighter". Aguilera's fifth studio album, Back to Basics (2006), debuted at number one on the album charts of ten countries and spawned the tracks "Ain't No Other Man" and "Hurt". In 2010, Aguilera released her sixth studio album Bionic and starred in the film Burlesque. The following year, she debuted as a coach on the reality competition television series The Voice; she has since appeared on six of its eleven seasons. Her seventh studio album, Lotus, was released in 2012. Aguilera has also been featured on several successful collaborations during her career, including "Lady Marmalade", "Moves like Jagger", and "Say Something".

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Astrological Natal Chart
Christina Aguilera

Born at Staten Island, USA
Thursday, December 18, 1980
10:46 (time zone = GMT -5 hours)
74w09, 40n35


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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Those with their rising in the sign of Aquarius are typically quirky, unconventional, self-sufficient, social yet removed, uninhibited, intellectually inclined, and can be a bit of a rebel. Your purpose in life is to apply humanitarian efforts that benefit people as whole and remove your ego and any selfish desires you may have for the good of mankind. You offer a fresh perspective and are unique and innovative, a free-thinking alternative to the traditional crowd. There is a tendency towards undecided spontaneous whims. You are mentally sound and possess excellent intuition. Able to coordinate well with a good sense of reason, you are a competent individual. It is likely that you will feel with your head rather than your heart, at times making you a bit cool while you evaluate emotional situations in a detached manner. You will not abide by envious or possessive displays and must be allowed your independence. If Saturn is more strongly aspected in your chart you may demonstrate a more careful, cold, self-interested persona while if Uranus is more strongly aspected, you will show humanitarian, independent, easy going, and open-minded characteristics more readily. Having Uranus weigh more heavily in your chart will bring about a greater focus on spiritual matters rather than material possessions. One of your lessons may be to allow your heart to open up rather than relying so heavily on your head; warm up to others. Aquarius is ruled by both Uranus and Saturn, and therefore the placements and aspects regarding both of these planets in your chart will be significant.

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If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Mercury blending with Neptune

(power = 12.20 and this aspect is neutral)

You are highly imaginative and spend a good deal of time with the fantasies swimming around in your mind. Precognitive visions are likely to show themselves in this placement and you will be prone to idealism. You may find it difficult to assert yourself and instead prefer to just go with the current rather than making your own waves. Artistic pursuits appeal to you since you are a natural artist, though there is particular interest in musical ventures or poetic writing, as you are gifted in these fields. You are drawn to the sounds of the guitar, violin, bass, cello and anything else featuring strings. Due to your sensitive nature, you are sometimes taken down the wrong path purely by subconscious influence from the environment you are in or the people you surround yourself with. Your mind is often muddled and it might be a challenge for you to alter your inner self in a beneficial manner as you as lack the clarity needed to do so. Escapism via substance abuse needs to be watched for and can ruin you if you are not careful; saying no can prove to be difficult for you in general. Stability does not come naturally. Do not dabble in unwholesome mystical practices such as the calling forth of spirits; you never know what trouble you may find yourself in spiritually for doing so. Mentally, you follow an abstract way of reasoning rather than the step-by-step pattern that others are prone to, and therefore you may find it difficult to communicate your own thoughts out loud. It is probably easier for you to convey your feelings in artistic pursuits or through the written word instead. Traditional education is probably not the best way for you to learn and you would do well having a teacher that can instruct you by example instead. You quickly pick up on hints and vibrations, although it can be tough for you to decipher what the actual meaning is behind them due to your inclination to let your imagination run away with you. There is likely to be trouble with focusing on daily life responsibilities or with figuring out the difference between fact and fantasy. You are prone to ponder the existence of other realms. Taking photographs may be an enjoyable hobby. Due to your high sensitivity, there is a nervousness and tension inside of you that make it necessary for you to retreat into seclusion for short periods on a daily basis to reset. Many authors, artists, and performers share this placement.

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Jupiter blending with Saturn

(power = 11.37 and this aspect is neutral)

You are highly moral with a good bit of integrity, principled and honest, and you are often found taking on the role of a leader. You enjoy being responsible for others and due to your strong managerial capabilities, you are usually the best one for the position. Your spiritual views are often reasonable and traditional. Strongly just, you appreciate higher learning and the judicial system. A step-by –step, tried and true approach to situation is just your style as you are well-structured and methodical; you lead your life by the same values. Being able to see the big picture, you can easily put an effective strategy in place for the long-term, and carry this out in a controlled, systematic manner. You tend to evade confrontation as it can make you tense and ill-tempered. Try instead to assert yourself more diplomatically rather than becoming abrasive during challenging interactions.

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Sun blending with Neptune

(power = 10.66 and this aspect is neutral)

You have a good imagination and heightened sensitivity. Art, creativity, acting, and mystical subjects draw you in. You tend to absorb the energy around you and are easily influenced by your circumstances, as well as other people, and therefore you must be mindful as to the situations you put yourself in. Even the mere hint of an idea may affect you. Odd and mystical sorts of acts tend to occur in your life that would be deemed irrational or impossible by others. Your many hopes and dreams are often left in the abstract as you are unable to bring them into the real world. You are tender, empathetic, and always willing to lend a helping hand. Unfortunately, your kind nature can be easily manipulated due to your soft heart. If someone is in need of aid, you are right there, selflessly doing your best, though you must be more careful that you are not being used. There is a strong urge towards creative endeavours as well as musical pursuits. Any sort of roughness or confrontation will turn you away; you will evade unpleasant circumstances. Your sensitivity in these matters may force you into escapism via substance abuse or other addictive means and self-restraint must be developed. Hiding from your problems will not solve them. Procrastinating is also likely to be an issue for you. Sometimes your fantasy world feels more real to you than what is actual and you can convince yourself of an false reality. Highly intuitive, your emotions run deep and you can be romantic as well as a bit physic at times. You are strongly interested in the occult and the mystical realm though may need to take care to use these means in positive ways. Try to keep your feet on the ground and not get too carried away with your inner fantasy world. Most people will have a difficult time truly knowing you, though this is not surprising as you confuse yourself much of the time.

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Sun blending with Mercury

(power = 7.86 and this aspect is neutral)

You can be unwilling to entertain another person’s point of view, preferring to hold tight to your own. Objectivity may also be difficult for you due to self-centredness. You enjoy communicating to others about all the things you love, think, or feel but are disinterested in hearing about other people. You are witty, with a sharp mind and a hunger for knowledge and new stimulation. If you are unable to experience novel situations, you become disinterested in your life; consistent mental stimulus is imperative for you. You are well able to convey your views and can be adept at persuading others, though you need to apply a greater focus while listening to people. Often you are trying to figure out what your next point in the conversation will be and miss out on what was said. You run on a high voltage and may develop little nervous habits. Finding an outlet for your anxiety by use of your hands may alleviate this nervous energy. In addition, try to focus more on what other people are contributing to the situation rather than being immersed in your own talents.

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Neptune harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 5.66 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.66)

Those born in your generation have the ability to be of aid to humanity as a whole. Let your intuition guide you in assisting others.

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Venus blending with Uranus

(power = 5.21 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.30)

You are impulsive and reactive in both your emotions and your sexuality. Romantically, your feelings often arise suddenly and can just as easily vanish. However, not much can hold you back when you’ve been stimulated. Unusual, quirky, and untraditional; you enjoy trying new things. Never one to lead a dull life, you crave for something fresh and different to spark your enthusiasm; this is particularly true emotionally. You are more likely to be attentive while hunting for something than you are once you have acquired it; you are not one to stick things out long-term. Partnerships need to give you room to breathe as you are very independent and dislike being restricted in any sense. This sort of attitude leads you into relationships that are unconventional. Traditional commitment may not be for you as you dislike being tied to one person. Your preferences may cause you to subconsciously seek those who would be unable to be bound to you, perhaps due to long distance or a marriage. Intimate involvements that require any sort of promise from you will scare you off quickly and you prefer to keep yourself unattached physically or emotionally.
You are extremely moody, feeling one way this moment, the exact opposite the next and not you nor anyone else can predict what can alter these states. However, because you are never sure exactly what causes these changes, you may try to place the fault of your emotional state onto whoever is near to you. Inside you may feel quite a bit of chaos and it would be most beneficial for you to channel this energy into creative pursuits of some kind. Creating can truly soothe your inner tensions and steady your volatile moods.
You have a magnetic personality and others tend to find you sexually attractive. People are drawn to your allure, enthusiasm, and originality. Eternally curious, travelling is likely to appeal to you as it can help please your ever adventurous and high-strung nature. You do not do well with things staying the same for very long, in all aspects of your life; you require variety or you start to feel uneasy. Other people’s opinion of who you are and what you do does not hold much weight to you and you insist on carving your own path. However, be mindful not to overindulge in your sensuality.

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Sun harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 5.00 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.00)

You believe in yourself and in your skills to achieve the things you set out for, feeling that you are capable of withstanding any challenge you should encounter in your life. You are ready and able to overcome whatever you need to in order to survive, even if this means changing your own tendencies to do so. A strong will coupled with great discipline promise that you will rise to great heights. You have an excellent ability to persevere against all odds and can be quite resourceful as well. These skills are put to good use when you make the necessary alterations to the outdated systems in your path. You will fight for justice, whether for yourself or when you see others being treated unfairly. You are a leader with a superb capacity for managerial duties. Others turn to you when they need guidance and you put them on the correct path. Very dedicated, you go after your objectives with complete focus, intensely moving forward in an almost obsessive fashion. Those who skirt away from their troubles tend to rub you the wrong way as you are inclined to see them as weak and find it difficult to give much weight to their views, concerns, or to them as a person. You firmly believe that your fate is what you make it and hold others to the same standard. Very perceptive, your intuition quickly picks up on the truth of a situation. You are aware of the destruction that pessimism can cause and therefore passionately and diligently work to unravel these thoughts, applying the same conviction and purpose that you would with everything you do. Those around you intuit your strength and capabilities, treating you as though you have already reached the top.

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Mars discordant to Pluto

(power = 4.51 and this aspect is discordant = -5.64)

You possess a strong will-power and an influential character. Others may believe you are a threat to them somehow and will attempt to harm you before you can do the same. Those in positions of power will come to you and show you how a true leader should behave. Your wants are particularly intense and once you set your sights on a goal, not much can keep you from achieving it. When this happens you can end up with an obsessive sort of tunnel vision until you are finished, often become highly subjective in regards to the matter at hand. Be careful not to become a fanatic. You can be quite demanding of others and attempt to dictate their path for them, though you yourself will not abide by others telling you what to do and should keep this in mind when leading others.
You insist on knowing others intentions and secrets, though will keep your own well-hidden unless you believe it will somehow further your advances. You prefer to be in the most informed position at all times. You crave to experience powerful emotions and are unconcerned whether these emotions are from something beneficial or something detrimental, as long as you can experience these strong feelings. Your romantic partnerships often suffer from inequality as you can be rather dominating and you need to learn to share power, rather than keeping it all for yourself.
You are extremely driven, dedicated, and preserving, though you must keep in mind that not everyone can conjure up these same traits. Try to be patient with others as they are not likely to be able to sustain the stressful working conditions that you are able to. Take the immense energy that you have and release it into something beneficial rather than dominating others, or you will be branded a tyrant.
Despite the above, it is important to emphasise that you are able to accomplish amazing feats if only you channel your energy correctly. The forces you project into the world will be powerful and it is up to you whether you want to generate something beneficial for all or mass destruction.
Strive for a more harmonious atmosphere when dealing with other people; diplomacy will go a long way farther than opposition. Do not burn the bridges you cross on your way up, as you never know who you will encounter in the future. Karma will limit you if you try to use unwholesome techniques when achieving your goals. It would also help you to pay attention to concepts suggested by others; you just might discover a perspective you have never considered. Allow others a chance to release their inner musings instead of answering for them. And finally, keep in mind that being consistently inflexible in your attitude, behaviour, and opinions can create adversaries for you, when you could have had partners.

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Moon harmonizing with Mars

(power = 4.33 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.24)

You full of get-up-and-go! This placement contributes to a healthy body and mind. You know how to assert yourself when needed and you confront your troubles head-on, in a clear manner. Rather than sulking about the difficulties you encounter, you concentrate on eradicating them. You are unsympathetic when you hear people complaining about their challenges without putting in the necessary effort to fix them. Through the obstacles in your life, you have discovered how to channel your emotional energy and cravings into productive endeavours instead of letting them tear you apart. You are rarely sick and when you do happen to catch something, you recover rapidly. People gravitate towards your enthusiastic nature and the vitality you exude. You are brave and capable, allowing you to feel confident participating in strategic risk-taking. You easily attract potential romantic partners because of your gregarious demeanour.

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Mercury harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 3.86 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.86)

Mentally you are capable of delving into the most hidden of depths. Whether or not they are pleasant, you will uncover whatever secrets are buried beneath. You would make an excellent investigator as you are naturally gifted in the field. Psychological evaluation is another area that you are talented in and there is a strong interest in topics related to the afterlife and mystical studies. You are the sort that will learn one thing thoroughly rather than dabbling briefly all over the map. Despite your expectation that others be transparent with you, you are unwilling to provide the same disclosure to them. You feel most comfortable in situations where the attention is not focused on you and you can do as you please with little interference from others. You are capable of using your hands to heal others if you can properly channel your energies and may do well to try your efforts in massage therapy or chiropractic care. You find a kind of comfort in disassembling and reassembling things, as you have good technical skills and like to see how everything works together. You are drawn to situations, people, or subjects that project a mysterious quality and you are always up for the challenge of figuring them out. When you do come to a conclusion, you are able to clearly express what you have learned. You use your logical, analytical mind and intuitive ability to assess everything that you come across. Mentally you strive to transform and transcend whatever you find. Other people easily recognise your confident dedication to the things you do. If you are interested in a topic, you are able to focus yourself completely in order to absorb any and all information pertaining to it. Highly observant, nothing gets passed you and you are amazingly accurate in your evaluations of the circumstances you find yourself in and the people you come across.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Sagittarius

Sagittarians are sociable, adaptable, positive, trustworthy, truthful, and prone to idealism (learn about compatibility with Sagittarius here). On the other hand they are also capable of being blunt, egotistical, smug, argumentative, obsessive, narrow-minded authoritarian show-offs who skirt their responsibilities. Working with details is not their forte and they prefer something which allows them to use their excellent forward thinking skills and fearlessness towards risk.
Sagittarians can convey their strong opinions forcefully and in a tactless manner at times, speaking their minds often without thinking things through first. This tendency is usually caused by their need to obtain the truth and gain knowledge. Sagittarians can come across a bit abrasive while they believe they are only stating the truth. It would do them well to develop more diplomatic tactics rather than bulldozing other people’s views or feelings in order to make their points. Luckily, most people are intuitively aware that the Sagittarius has good intentions at heart and only wishes to enlighten them.
Nature, in all aspects, appeals to the Sagittarius as they enjoy spending time outside. They have large amounts of energy that needs to be released and playing sports is a good way for them to do this. They are likely to enjoy sports even when they are not the ones playing in them and may need to watch out for a tendency to spend their savings frivolously on spontaneous bets. Traveling or walking may also be a favourite pastime due to their need for freedom and they relish time spent with animals, especially the larger variety.
Sagittarians are deep-thinking individuals who enjoy pondering the meaning of life and various philosophies. Despite whatever odds they may be facing, Sagittarians will bounce back to their positive selves quickly; they have a strong belief in the universe and that things will somehow work out as they are meant to. They strive to comprehend their existence and grow in wisdom. This need to develop themselves can manifest as the Sagittarian trying to do too much too quickly and possibly burning out instead. It would be best for them to learn to pace themselves and take time to relax before starting new assignments.
Sagittarians would benefit from developing a way to focus on their endeavours until they are complete as it is common for them to become bored and restless once the initial enthusiasm wears off. In the beginning, they are full of energy and excitement which spurs them forward, but the menial tasks drain them.
The health of a Sagittarius is usually good, though they may have issues with extravagant cuisine or beverages, and too much of them!
Sagittarians are regarded as out-going, are always ready to lend a helping hand, and though they can be very blunt in their communication, their jokes can be rather understated at times. They can keep a conversation going and may at times argue with others just to argue. This does not keep them from gathering acquaintances wherever they go. Sagittarians are likely interested in philanthropy in some way and will convey these interests practically. They are quick to come to the aid of others and they are loyal, truthful, and won’t try to pull a fast one on someone; they are usually very honourable.
Sagittarians strongly need to have their own space and freedom to do what they please. They can easily feel caged in either emotionally or physically and this keeps them from completely committing to anything or anyone. Marriage may be a difficult pill for them to swallow, and though they can be very idealistic and starry-eyed about love, they must have a partner that is more of an intellectual and communicates openly with them. They may be a bit flirtatious at times as they have a naturally charming persona and they expect their partner to be secure enough to handle this; possessive or jealous displays only cause them to distance from their partner. However, it must be noted that a Sagittarius will likely enjoy the hunt more than the obtained victory as they often lose interest once the challenge is gone.
For their career, Sagittarians do not enjoy routine and may switch jobs frequently, dabbling a little bit here and a little bit there until they find something stimulating enough to hold their interest. Travelling is always welcome to them and they would do well in a position where they were not tied down to one location. Working with people face-to-face is also ideal and they would make excellent salespeople, promoters, businesspeople, and the like.
Though they may not be detail-oriented, they have a skill for making plans and they are great at remembering things. The main task is to find what can actually hold their interest; often they will be stimulated by doing something new and different and any sort of game-play can be very enjoyable to them as well.

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Moon in Taurus

You can be a great comfort to others due to your stable emotional nature. Not many things will get under your skin; you are easy going and like to preserve harmony. It is unlikely that you will have many emotional outbursts. However, once you have become accustomed to something emotionally, it is difficult for you to alter your feelings. You desire to feel secure and this will usually stem from obtaining material assets. It is possible that you will hold on to situations from the past or be sentimental with your possessions. You crave warmth and affection, as this will help counter your insecure emotions. However, at times you may become clingy and suffocate those you are closest to. Trust and faithfulness is imperative to you in your relationships and you portray these to your loved ones. This placements denotes a tendency towards overindulgence in creature comforts and delicious foods, as this somehow sooths you deep down. Weight issues may become troublesome for you. You may use these sensual indulgences to mask a dissatisfaction or lack of affection. You are diligent, unwavering, and capable. You have a gift in nurturing and things seem to flourish around you. Practical work, possibly where you can be outdoors in nature involved in manual labour, is likely to suit you. You do not mind following others, as long as they lead with a soft hand. Disease and physical discomfort are worrisome for you, as both are things you actively detest. Do not become so comfortable that you refuse to alter a situation that needs to be altered; try to remain flexible.

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Mercury in Sagittarius

You are able to see possibilities in a fantastic way; grand schemes for the future, fuelled by enthusiasm for idealistic endeavours. Always looking forward, you are more concerned with possibilities than the tried and true; abstract ideas are your forte. You seek knowledge and are particularly fascinated with spirituality and political or religious topics. It may be challenging for you to complete your projects as you can be impractical and dislike attending to the mundane matters that are a necessary part of all developments; your focus tends to dwindle once you lose interest. Mentally you require a lot of independence to go your own way, though you often think along conventional paths. You are likely to take risks and gamble at opportunities. People do not need to guess what you are thinking or where they stand with you, as you are apt to tell them exactly what’s on your mind in no uncertain terms. You’re a straight shooter; for you, the fastest way to get from point A to point B is a straight line. Be mindful of speaking too quickly without thinking things through first, as this can cause you, and those you care for, undue stress. Developing a more diplomatic way of expressing yourself can be very beneficial to you as you can be tactless at times. You are likely to excel in business or any field where you are promoting due to your natural ability to influence others. You are sharp, spontaneous, and adaptable. It is likely that you will be involved in more than one assignment, job, or school course at one time. Standing still is not for you as you would much rather travel the world and experience as much as you can, learning and improving yourself continuously.

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Venus in Sagittarius

In a romantic partner, you are most interested by someone who can increase your personal development in some way, especially your perception or awareness. You prefer your love interest to be out-going, adventurous, full-of-life, and open-minded as you would like to experience all that life has to offer with them, especially if these adventures involve travel. You enjoy immersing yourself in new cultural experiences that can broaden your horizons. It is imperative that you are able to relate to your significant other on a mental or spiritual level and you like to convey your goals, wishes, and values to them. However, romanticism is not your style and your partner may find you a bit too laid-back or informal, which can instil doubt of your intentions towards them. Nevertheless, you are still apt to be idealistic about romantic feelings. There is a tendency towards feeling that the grass is always greener somewhere else and this may keep you from staying with a partner for the long haul; it will be helpful for your partner to keep up the excitement that is felt in the early stages of a relationship or to be able to help you expand your mind, as these will hold your interest. You are compassionate, caring, giving, and a positive thinker with an inclination towards religion which you choose to convey through humanitarian or philanthropic efforts, together with your loved one.

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Mars in Capricorn

You have an intense drive for respect, power, and success. Often taking the role of leader as you find it difficult to be controlled by others. Mars in Capricorn can create an individual who throws around their power, mercilessly trampling others to get ahead. You are effective, diligent, coordinated, determined, reasonable, persistent, and willing to do whatever it takes to reach your goals. You direct your efforts towards tangible achievements. You work hard and have a great deal of patience; you are able to sacrifice present luxuries for future success. Dutiful and meticulous in your projects, you may need to be mindful of your tendency to over-work yourself. However, you are more likely to stick to traditional tactics, working slow and steady, rather than taking a risk; you will only invest yourself in a sure thing so that all of your hard work will not go to waste. You do not count on karma to get to where you need to be, you like to make it on your own merit. Naturally astute with a good head on your shoulders, you have an excellent business sense. You are driven, self-sufficient, reliable, accountable, and persevering. It may take you a bit longer to acquire knowledge, but when you do grasp something, you comprehend it thoroughly. You utilise your energy in an efficient manner and accomplishing your goals is of extreme importance to you. However, there is an inner tension that may contribute to a frustration and bitterness towards perceived slights. It would be beneficial for you to develop a way to relieve these tensions in constructive ways and let go of the past.

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Jupiter in Libra

Sociable, compassionate, and philosophical, you prefer to enhance your knowledge by utilising your social connections as you are rather popular with others. You are able to inspire people to aspire to higher achievements. You have a great appreciation towards aesthetically pleasing things and may be interested in justice or artistic pursuits. However, you may need to be mindful for a tendency towards indulging yourself or exerting your energy on too many extravagances, as well as choosing a partner for what they can bring you rather than who they are; love the PERSON, not what their status. You may be more interested in showing society that your union is prosperous rather than blissful. A good deal of your resources will be applied to your marriage, possibly due to your spouse’s luxurious desires.

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Saturn in Libra

You are easy to talk to and know just how to negotiate a situation; your fairness encourages others to have faith in you. Be mindful of your kidneys and the health of your urinary tract as you are prone to having issues with them. The influence of Saturn in this placement hinders the kidneys, enabling the impurities in your system to fester rather than being expelled. Make sure to hydrate yourself as much as possible to counter this issue. You will find that you are required to be diplomatic and kind to others, showing acceptance, care and peace when interacting with people. Unfortunately, Saturn in Libra challenges your romantic partnerships in a way that forces you to develop self-control, diligence, and harmonious methods of conflict resolution. You tend to seek out partnerships as they help you to feel safe, though you may commit to a marriage for financial reasons or chose someone who is born in a different generation than yourself. The possibilities in this placement are many; you may pick a partner who is reserved and cool, or someone older than you, or perhaps you marry in your later years as you are unable to meet someone whose values coincide with your own. There is a chance that your high standards are unrealistic or too traditional make it difficult for you to find a match. If Saturn is negatively aspected, Marriage may seem like an idea that you’d prefer to keep at a distance.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 10th house

Your accomplishments are important to you, and you strive for others to notice and appreciate them. However, you may go one of two ways in regards to your achievements: either you are working hard to please others, or you swing the other direction and give little thought to what anyone else thinks; try to find a balance between the two extremes. You are driven to find some sort of niche you can excel in and exert a good deal of effort to succeed in whatever it is you choose. It is likely that you will encourage others to follow in your example. This placement bestows determination but also a tendency to flatter yourself in regards to your achievements, boosting about your successes. Depending on whether the Sun is negatively or positively aspected, those in positions of power can either greatly aid you in your success, or create limitations for you.

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Moon in 2nd house

You find emotional security through obtaining monetary and personal resources. Your financial position is largely dependent on your mood; one moment you are spontaneously fulfilling every whim, and the next pinching pennies. It is essential that you are somehow emotionally connected to the role you assume within your career, as this will directly correlate to your success in it. Establishing a true connection with your work allows you to feel a sense of purpose you cannot otherwise attain. You find it important to be noticed somehow, whether this be in the public’s eye or within your organization. You are especially suited for sociological efforts or working with women.

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Mercury in 10th house

Written or spoken communication may be part of your career path as you have an excellent talent for articulating your thoughts, and others are likely to take notice of it. You are very mentally active and physically agile, often being thrown into situations where you must make use of these skills. There is a tendency to be a Jack-of-all-trades and it would be difficult for you to choose only one type of career. Traveling or teaching may be part of your career path.

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Venus in 9th house

Highly interested in foreign cultures, you are likely to move away from where you were raised. Travelling in all forms is very appealing to you and you are likely to experience a gain from these situations. You are able to be a diplomatic presence between different cultures. There is a strong interest and enjoyment in religious ceremonies, philosophical studies, education, or law and you enjoy creative material brought to you from other cultures such as music, art, or items that are aesthetically pleasing. You are just and reasonable in legal transactions.

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Mars in 11th house

You have many acquaintances as well as a large group of enthusiastic friends, and you are often a leader in social gatherings. There is a tendency to give a lot of yourself to your companions; therefore it is imperative that the people you form strong bonds with do not have a bad influence on you. This placement denotes a probability that either you will try to use your friends, or they will try to use you. Either way, you are quite involved in group events. In addition, you possess strong wants, hopes, and aspirations.

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Jupiter in 7th house

Marriage or romantic partnerships are likely to bring you prosperity or help you in some way. You seek a partner who will open your mind to possibilities and inspire personal growth. They may be rather philosophical and broaden your knowledge in this subject, or possibly in religion or spiritual matters. It is likely that you have an inherent need to expand your mind or become a more moral, conscientious individual and you are drawn to a partner that will help you on your journey to do so.
The person you choose is likely to be successful professionally. If Jupiter is negatively aspected in your chart, this partner may not be morally sound and can be careless, selfish, unmotivated, narrow-minded, excessive, and deceitful.
You have a talent for inspiring others to be giving and helpful to you, though in order to succeed in your partnerships, you must curb any inclinations towards dishonestly prideful behaviour and over-indulgence.

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Saturn in 7th house

You are often drawn to a more mature partner, someone who takes life seriously. Your relationships require you to be dutiful and put in a good deal of work to keep them. There is some sort of repressive element present in your partnerships, as you may have unresolved karma from your past. Your perseverance tends to pay off as your relationships usually go the distance.
This placement warrants you to enhance your consideration and compassion in relationships. Though you are likely to be tentative to enter into a commitment, once you do so, you may find yourself unable to leave it regardless if the circumstances are positive or negative. Love is important to you but you are more inclined to marry for security. Your partnerships force you to learn to monitor and control yourself.
Spontaneity is difficult for you in regards to relationships, as you find yourself taking relationships rather seriously and decisively. You want a partner that will further inspire you to become more responsible and driven to achieve your goals. There may be a preoccupation with the male parental figure in your life if you are a woman, and this will play into your choice of partner as they may take to organising your life for you.
Often afraid of the weight that a marriage can put upon your shoulders, you may prolong entering into the union. If Saturn in your chart is positively aspected, you are likely to find a partner that is loyal, honourable, stable, motivated, dependable, determined, and reasonable, though perhaps not very verbally affectionate as they may believe actions speak louder than words.
However, if Saturn is negatively aspected, there is a likelihood of suffering through discontentment in your marriage. Whatever mistreatment you inflict upon your partner, will equally affect your happiness. This placement also denotes a tendency towards getting married more than once, often withstanding through discontentment or an absence of love the second time around. There is a possibility that you preferred a different partner but decided to settle. The person you stay with may be rather reserved in affection, may be hyper-critical, close-minded, and withdraw from communication with you. They may also be a heavy weight on your shoulders or perhaps they are a good mate but often suffer from trouble with their health. Another possibility is marrying someone who lost their previous spouse in death.

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Uranus in 9th house

Your life philosophy tends to be rather unconventional or ahead of its time. Your ideas are original; you come to them on your own accord rather than simply listening to what others tell you. You may choose to educate yourself in religious studies, cultural studies, or the metaphysical realm. Mentally you prefer to keep an open mind, gather information and knowledge, and ponder ideas others would never venture into. You are likely to encounter abrupt, unanticipated adventures and many of them on a mental plane as your intuition is strong and you can experience prophetic visions or dreams. Find ways to relax your mind and your thinking, as your intense mental activity can cause anxiety and possibly a mental collapse.

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Neptune in 10th house

Your career does not tend to follow the usual path; instead you will encounter odd shifts and circumstances revolving your journey towards success. Be careful to stay practical in your endeavours as you are easily swayed into an unrealistic mind-set, daydreaming with rose-coloured glasses on, instead of seeing things for what they truly are. Creativity in one form or another is likely to be part of your profession and you may find yourself involved with art, photography, pharmaceuticals, entertainment, advertising, humanitarian or charitable efforts, or metaphysics. Publicly, your reputation may swing from one end to another, often without a foreseeable cause. It is possible that you felt unwanted or excluded by either of your parents.

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Pluto in 8th house

Intuitive and brave, you excel in analysis. Being rather psychic yourself, you are particularly interested in metaphysics. Your perceptive abilities carry through in the field of business, though this placement denotes some financial trouble in your marriage or business relationships. However, it is also possible to inherit funds from your family or partnerships. You may find yourself personally transformed by the financial challenges you face. The subject of death, or what comes after, may appeal to you in a way you cannot quite explain; you are very curious to understand how these and similar matters work. Pluto in the 8th house heightens your awareness of yourself and the situations you find yourself in. In addition, you are bestowed with a fantastic ability to rise up from the ashes of your challenges and start anew, though you must be careful not to give into your desires for this transformation to emerge. Try to remain optimistic when you are combating an inclination to be possessive and overbearing with others.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Sagittarius 27

Sabian Symbol: A sculptor is forming another lovely statue.
Kozminsky Symbol: With his left hand, Mercury provides help to a man. In his right hand is his caduceus.

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Moon in 
Taurus 15

Sabian Symbol: Head covered with a top hat and muffled against the chilling cold, a man walks.
Kozminsky Symbol: Clouds of light rosy vapor come out of a cavern as a student stands holding a lamp.

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Mercury in 
Sagittarius 20

Sabian Symbol: A pond is frozen but men use machinery to cut out summer ice.
Kozminsky Symbol: On a beautiful river is a boat of pleasure.

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Venus in 
Sagittarius 1

Sabian Symbol: Retired military men relive old memories.
Kozminsky Symbol: With an anchor above her, a nun struggles to walk through a storm.

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Mars in 
Capricorn 21

Sabian Symbol: A relay race is exciting for the bystanders.
Kozminsky Symbol: Between its horns, a goat has a solar disc.

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Jupiter in 
Libra 9

Sabian Symbol: Three Masters hang on the wall of an art gallery with plenty of room.
Kozminsky Symbol: Quarreling behind a pair of scales are two men.

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Saturn in 
Libra 9

Sabian Symbol: Three Masters hang on the wall of an art gallery with plenty of room.
Kozminsky Symbol: Quarreling behind a pair of scales are two men.

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Uranus in 
Scorpio 28

Sabian Symbol: The king of the fairies is welcomed by his people.
Kozminsky Symbol: An anxious sailor steers the ship in rough waters.

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Neptune in 
Sagittarius 23

Sabian Symbol: Immigrants land on shore after seeing the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
Kozminsky Symbol: A roaring Lion is stung by a bee.

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Pluto in 
Libra 24

Sabian Symbol: A magnificent butterfly possesses a third wing on its left side.
Kozminsky Symbol: Papers are flying in the air as a whirlwind blows through.

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Ascendant in 
Aquarius 27

Sabian Symbol: An old pottery bowl in an art museum has fresh violets.
Kozminsky Symbol: A man locks possessions in a castle’s iron safe.

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Midheaven in 
Sagittarius 12

Sabian Symbol: A flag turns into an eagle and the eagle turns into Chanticleer.
Kozminsky Symbol: A skull grinning and below it is a coiled snake.

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Sag 26° 53' 48"
1° 01' 04"
01" S
23° 24' 13" S
Tau 14° 44' 16"
14° 41' 47"
5° 07' 48" S
11° 21' 05" N
Sag 19° 45' 26"
1° 33' 21"
38' 46" S
23° 41' 19" S
Sag 00° 29' 20"
1° 14' 45"
1° 21' 07" N
18° 55' 53" S
Cap 20° 24' 43"
46' 38"
1° 07' 27" S
23° 00' 02" S
Lib 08° 17' 42"
6' 29"
1° 15' 05" N
2° 08' 23" S
Lib 08° 55' 42"
3' 14"
2° 17' 34" N
1° 25' 53" S
Sco 27° 42' 02"
3' 22"
13' 30" N
19° 25' 42" S
Sag 22° 33' 22"
2' 16"
1° 17' 54" N
21° 56' 04" S
Lib 23° 53' 51"
1' 21"
16° 53' 05" N
6° 26' 49" N
Tau 14° 00' 40" R
- 2' 00"
2° 08' 48" S
13° 59' 38" N
Lib 28° 43' 20"
6' 43"
4° 58' 57" N
6° 21' 32" S
True Node
Leo 11° 50' 58" R
- 6' 31"
00" N
17° 14' 10" N
P. of Fortune
Can 14° 12' 12"
Vir 15° 21' 58"
Aqu 26° 21' 44"
Ari 14° 03' 15"
Tau 17° 16' 44"
Gem 11° 18' 21"
Can 02° 17' 25"
Can 24° 55' 07"
Leo 26° 21' 44"
Lib 14° 03' 15"
Sco 17° 16' 44"
Sag 11° 18' 21"
Cap 02° 17' 25"
Cap 24° 55' 07"
True Node
P. of Fortune
True Node
True Node
P. of Fortune
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
True Node
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