Christian Bale

Birth Chart: Christian Bale (Aquarius)

Christian Charles Philip Bale (born 30 January 1974) is an English actor. He has starred both in blockbuster films and smaller projects from independent producers and art houses.

Hint: Ever asked yourself What Zodiac sign am I? Then take this quiz to check what is your Zodiac personality!

Astrological Natal Chart
Christian Bale

Born at Haverfordwest, United Kingdom
Wednesday, January 30, 1974
12:00 (time zone = GMT 0 hours)
4w58, 51n49

Shhh! When it comes to sex, Aquarius is not much for routine, nor for making things simple. Read all about Aquarius sexuality here.


If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Mercury blending with Jupiter

(power = 9.72 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.86)

Less detail-oriented and more of a generalist, you prefer seeing things in their entirety. You prefer focusing on how everything will fit together in the end rather than getting stuck on the miniscule details that would never get you anywhere. Your tendency towards positive thinking can at times cause you to commit to more than you are able to supply in the end. You may over-estimate your own talents and capabilities and will express these inflated visions to others. Sometimes you seem to be unable to keep your mouth shut, even repeating yourself again and again during one conversation because you feel as though there is a possibility that you were misunderstood or that others did not hear you. In addition, you will compulsively do something and then go back to make sure you had actually done it, for instance turning off the stove or closing the back gate. You may lack practicality due to your inclination to dream big. Travelling is likely to appeal to you as it aids you in discovering new information. Philosophy and any subject that allows some sort of intangible speculation is going to be of interest. You do not need to be prompted to share your thoughts with others as you will do so readily of your own accord. You like to pull apart someone’s argument even though you may actually feel the exact same way as they do on the matter at hand; for you, debating is seen as a good time had.
Mentally you engage in pattern-oriented thinking where you put together things that others may feel are unrelated and have a preference towards viewing the entire puzzle instead of spending too much time on each individual piece. You crave learning new bits of information and it does not matter to you whether this is done through traditional methods or self-study. When you have discovered a new bit of data you excitedly express what you have learned to others and would make an excellent educator. If you do decide to go the route of educator, you will likely acquire knowledge from your pupils just as often as they do from your lessons, as you have a curious mind and are always searching. You may also have a flair for the written and spoken word as well as publications of all kinds. It can be almost too easy for you to sell items, due to others instinctively trusting you to act honourably in regards to what you are selling them.
It is probable that you will often conjure up some interesting endeavour yet never get the idea out of your head and into practical application. In fact, it would be best if you could team up with another person who wouldn’t mind doing all of the grunt work required to implement these brilliant ideas of yours. You have a straight forward way of thinking and communicating and would never purposefully try to dupe anyone. The positive attitude and belief in yourself and your abilities will aid you in your success. However, there are moments when you will not budge mentally and these need to be watched. You dislike doing the same thing day in and day out and look for ways to diversify your activities. Be mindful not to spread yourself too thin and wind up knowing only a small bit about many subjects, yet never mastering one. Although this type of expertise may appeal to you and if that is something you are comfortable with, then by all means continue in this fashion.

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Saturn harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 9.26 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.63)

Resilience, dedication, perseverance, and working hard allow you to achieve challenging feats. You are able to sync idealistic characteristics with realism. The challenges you encounter allow you to demonstrate your endurance when circumstances get particularly difficult; a great deal of spiritual development is likely to arise due to these difficulties. Different, unconventional, uncommon, and maybe even odd matters will attract your motivations. Rather unique individuals are thrust into your world in order to allow you opportunities to learn and expand your consciousness. You are capable of finding equilibrium between your need for independence and your obligations, enabling you to achieve incredible acts. You are detail-oriented and have a knack for organising which contribute to your success and allow you to aid others. There is an abundance of internal tension that may need to be minded as this can have a negative effect on your physical health; find a way to unwind and reduce your stress levels.

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Venus discordant to Uranus

(power = 8.14 and this aspect is discordant = -6.10)

You are enthusiastic, spur-of-the-moment, and reactive in both your emotions and your sexuality. You can lose control when your emotions are stimulated, especially in regards to love where you seek out exhilarating situations and can become enamoured rapidly, though just as swiftly fall out of love. Love partnerships start off in the heights of excitement only to conclude spontaneously, shortly after they began. Your likes and interests tend to be made up of the unusual, untraditional, and quirky, and you love to experiment with something new and different. You are particularly adventurous with your emotions. More likely to pay attention to what you are pursuing, you often discard what you have already obtained. Sticking things out long-term is not something you can usually do in your relationships and you are much happier in unconventional situations that do not tie you down, allowing you to roam free. You want to experience as much as possible, with as many people as possible, and a monogamous partnership might be too restrictive for you. This need for independence may cause you to either consciously or subconsciously seek out individuals who are not entirely available to you, as this keeps the situation from becoming too serious; a detached approach is more your style. Secret relationships are also a possibility here.
Your feelings are apt to be unpredictable and volatile. You are emotionally fickle and it is anyone’s guess what you will be feeling from one moment to the next. These erratic moods frustrate you as you cannot comprehend why they occur. The tension you feel forces you to take your negative emotions out on whatever unfortunate soul is nearby. Much of this tension can be tempered by channelling your energies creatively, as you are talented in the creative fields. If you are able to make use of these emotions to create, you will find them much easier to handle.
Naturally magnetic, others are drawn to your sexual allure and exhilarating personality. You find it difficult to stay in one place or situation for very long and would do well with a career that allows you opportunity to travel often, as this will appease your curious heart. Circumstances must be always moving somehow, never standing still. Usually you are unconcerned about the opinions of society and will do what you feel is best for yourself and your own life. However, try to develop self-restraint in regards to your sensuality as you can be prone to taking things a bit farther than you should. Discover ways to balance your unconventional interests with the needs of those around you, or you will find yourself more of an outcast than even you are comfortable with.

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Mercury harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 6.68 and this aspect is harmonious = 6.68)

You are highly responsive, both physically and mentally, to the environment that you find yourself in. Naturally you are full of energy and feel a need to be always active. Quickly disinterested, you require a good deal of mental stimulation to keep your mind busy, lending to your preference towards being a part of many endeavours all at once. You are self-sufficient, unique, inventive, and a revolutionary thinker who is always open to new ideas. In fact, finding fresh ways of doing things or progressive philosophies are a valuable part of life for you and you strive to inspire others to engage in these with you. Your gut intuition is unusually strong and accurate. However, you require complete freedom to be able to use this intuition in whatever way feels right to you, reacting to situations without being hindered by other obligations. Careers that entail the same, monotonous work day in and day out are not for you and you would do best with work that uses your superb ability to adapt to changing circumstances and allows you some room for creativity. You would never abide by others demanding that you do something and telling you in what way you must execute your task. It is important to you to discover things for yourself, in your own time. Your thinking does not follow the typical step-by-step process that most others adhere to. Instead, your thinking is more abstract and conclusions tend to just find their way into your mind seemingly from thin air, though this is just your intuition working its magic and providing you with unparalleled insight. Scientific and technological subject appeal to you and you are usually one of the first to try out new gadgets or concepts. Astrological topics and anything related to supernatural phenomena will also hold your attention. You are an articulate communicator, in both the written and spoken word, which readily exchanges fresh and unconventional information with other people.

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Sun harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 6.47 and this aspect is harmonious = 6.47)

You believe in yourself and in your skills to achieve the things you set out for, feeling that you are capable of withstanding any challenge you should encounter in your life. You are ready and able to overcome whatever you need to in order to survive, even if this means changing your own tendencies to do so. A strong will coupled with great discipline promise that you will rise to great heights. You have an excellent ability to persevere against all odds and can be quite resourceful as well. These skills are put to good use when you make the necessary alterations to the outdated systems in your path. You will fight for justice, whether for yourself or when you see others being treated unfairly. You are a leader with a superb capacity for managerial duties. Others turn to you when they need guidance and you put them on the correct path. Very dedicated, you go after your objectives with complete focus, intensely moving forward in an almost obsessive fashion. Those who skirt away from their troubles tend to rub you the wrong way as you are inclined to see them as weak and find it difficult to give much weight to their views, concerns, or to them as a person. You firmly believe that your fate is what you make it and hold others to the same standard. Very perceptive, your intuition quickly picks up on the truth of a situation. You are aware of the destruction that pessimism can cause and therefore passionately and diligently work to unravel these thoughts, applying the same conviction and purpose that you would with everything you do. Those around you intuit your strength and capabilities, treating you as though you have already reached the top.

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Mercury harmonizing with Saturn

(power = 5.94 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.97)

You are able to focus yourself exceptionally well and are capable of great self-control. Your mind can attain amazing feats due to these talents and your organisational abilities also aid in providing structure for your plans. It may take you longer than it would take others to think through a situation but once you do, you understand it completely and deeply. You prefer to take a more sombre attitude in life, working hard instead of playing around light-heartedly with others. Mentally you are detail-oriented and do not mind completing tasks that are too dull and monotonous for others. You do not beat around the bush when it comes to business and are a clear, direct communicator that portrays themselves as reasonable and practical; you would make a fine administrator. Others know they can depend on you to come through on your promises as doing things the right way is important to you. You do best focusing on one area and specialising in it, versus trying to learn a little bit about many fields. Solitary learning is likely more effective for you than traditional methods, as you require time to fully absorb and think through the information. You may be good at critical thinking due to your excellent ability to find loop-holes in peoples reasoning. Careers that require a systematic way of thinking are right up your alley. Mentally you are disciplined, reasonable, dutiful, exacting, and precise. Physically you are healthy and heal quickly from any ailment you encounter.

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Sun harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 5.94 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.94)

You have an excellent imagination and your environment can have a large impact on you. In your world, beauty and magic are everywhere! You are drawn to the metaphysical realm and strive to comprehend the meaning of all that you come across. There is a strong bond between you and the world at large; you are at one with humans, animals, and the forces at work. You have a great amount of empathy and care deeply for others, always willing to come to the aid of those who need you. Expressing yourself creatively, whether this is through artistic, musical, or acting pursuits, is essential to your happiness in life. Although, your strong idealism and romanticism can do well with some practicality. You are full of hopes and dreams that you are able to attain if only you can apply yourself. Karmic endeavours in past lives have set you up to build on your psychic abilities and turn them into reality by aiding those you come across in this life. You are able to remove yourself from your earthly self and connect spiritually when in need of advice. You have a particular fondness for the arts, higher principles, and sophistication. Premonitions or guidance may come to you in odd forms. Delicate emotionally, you will avoid conflict if possible. You possess a magnetic quality and an almost magical allure.

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Sun discordant to Mars

(power = 4.89 and this aspect is discordant = -6.11)

You are more interested in your needs and well-being than you are with that of other people’s. You readily compete with others and are considered a fighter in spirit. Developing some diplomacy would do you well; learn to work as a team. You can be confrontational and aggressive, starting arguments over the littlest of matters. Easily giving into your urges, you have difficulty with self-restraint. Many times you believe that in order to get what you desire you need to win a battle of sorts. You are always looking out for your own best interest and pushing yourself to the top of the line which can create hostility in others. You insist that you are correct even when you are not, do not foster forgiveness towards others, and have trouble apologising. Energetic and driven, be mindful not to release this in destructive ways by squandering it via meaningless endeavours or being at the whim of your sensual desires. You can be rash, careless, and lacking in patience; try to think things through before rushing full force into things. You dislike being held back in any way and will not abide by others trying to control you in any fashion which causes trouble with authority figures, affecting your advancement in your career. You are highly accident-prone and temperamental, volatile even. Pay attention to how much energy you are exerting as you typically go go go until you drop; find a way to release your energy steadily. Extreme internal tensions and an inability to handle them can cause you to erupt when things do not go as you wanted, especially at those you feel most comfortable with. You can be spontaneous though careless, leading you into trouble, especially financially.
The only thing limiting you from achieving great heights is yourself. Find a way to direct that amazing energy of yours in a beneficial way and success is yours! Though of course the path to glory will insist that you develop discipline, patience, diligence, perseverance, and a strong will. It may be necessary for you to come to terms with your spiritual needs versus what you think you need, as this is causing inner conflict for you. Let go of the lower, earthly ways of thinking and be open to wisdom and spiritual growth. You may find that these tensions cease to exist, allowing you to go forward in a more positive manner. You are brave and confident, now all you need is a bit of self-discipline to pull it all together.

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Neptune harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 4.53 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.53)

Those born in your generation have the ability to be of aid to humanity as a whole. Let your intuition guide you in assisting others.

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Mars discordant to Jupiter

(power = 2.15 and this aspect is discordant = -1.61)

There is a tendency towards selfish behaviour where you act in accordance to your own wishes without much thought to what other people may need. You can be arrogant in your wants and often will not assist people if it will be in any way inconvenient or costly to you. However, if you could learn to curb your selfish behaviour, you are able to use your dedication and drive to benefit anyone who may request your aid. If you are able to do this, you can go the opposite route and remove your own desire completely, passionately devoting yourself to a cause or another person. You must choose which journey is the right one for you.
You are driven, innovative, resourceful, and confident. Being successful is important to you though others may view you as demanding and overly assertive when you are working towards your ambitions. Opportunistic and unafraid, you regularly search for ways to learn and improve. Travelling can be a great opportunity for you to acquire what you search for. You are able to engage in risky ventures if you believe they will be profitable enough. This tendency may not do you well, as you can misjudge your abilities or the benefits of these endeavours; try to curb a desire to gamble as it can be your undoing.
Prone to exaggeration, you may express an ability to achieve more than is possible in actuality, causing you to fall short on the promises you have made. This happens due to your own misjudgement of what you can bring to fruition. As much as you are able to achieve, you will never be content with what you have done and strive to out-do yourself, convinced that you need to supplement your aim further. Instead, try looking inwardly for what is missing.
Rather than rushing around, take the time to create a plan and it will help you avoid accidents. Thinking ahead will also allow you time to pay attention to the way other people are feeling or the efforts they have made, as you can be blind to this and unintentionally hurt them. You are very competitive though you also likely to lose interest in whatever you have won once you have it in hand; you must understand that everything cannot always be a contest. If you are able to conduct your dealings in a more harmonious manner, you will find people much more responsive to you.
You possess a great deal of energy and have the skill required to succeed in athletics if only you can discipline yourself enough to make use of these talents. Your outlook is positive in general and this helps you succeed. Be careful not to spread yourself too thin due to indulging in extravagances; you must learn self-restraint. You may encounter problems legally if you are not cautious. When conducting business with people, find equilibrium between excitement and aggressive behaviour. Do not rush your projects; rather take time to make sure your work is done well instead of quickly. Your tendency to rush your work is often due to the restless tension you feel internally that insists you never stay in any situation for long.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Aquarius

Aquarians are typically social, unique, sensitive, open-minded, unconventional, unusual, self-sufficient, logical, ready to lend a helping hand, and they require a great deal of personal freedom to explore (learn about compatibility with Aquarius here). However, they may also be cold, detached, difficult to pin down, blunt, defiant, stiff, alternative, extreme, weird, fickle, and random. An Aquarius will enjoy working on projects that will incorporate innovation and require applying unbiased methodology.
Aquarians enjoy informing others of the many things they have learned in order to benefit humanity. Being a part of a group and involved in team work is where Aquarius feels most at home. They enjoy aiding others in a way where those they help can develop self-sufficiency.
Aquarians can be a bit contradictory; they are out-going though removed, they are caring though aloof. This detached manner does not necessarily indicate that the Aquarius is unconcerned though. It is more so that an Aquarius is likely to be interested in humanity on a grand scale, rather than just one person. Aquarians do not require much in the way of ego boosting, they are happy to keep out of the limelight, though they are undaunted if they happen to find themselves the centre of attention; they tend to be disconnected from their egos.
Transforming old-fashioned, conventional ideas into something fresh and different is exhilarating to an Aquarius. They can be excellent at seeing advancements that others may be blind to, and though they are idealistic, can hold great wisdom within. Their fondness regarding their social circle can inspire them to try to positively influence or change the lives of those around them for the better. However, at times the very people they try to aid do not see their intentions and rebel against their efforts. Often Aquarians are progressive, however at times they can simply be nonconformists.
Aquarians can be diligent workers though they may not always have the get-up-and-go required to complete their endeavours to the end and may tend to forfeit before truly getting off the ground. Mentally they are logical, methodical thinkers, analysing the data before them and easily arriving at the truth of the matter. Aquarians can be viewed as absent-minded professors, working with large sets of data to invent something profound, yet sometimes forgetting the essentials.
They are typically well-liked and popular and do not involve themselves with shallow chatter or become upset over trivial matters. Aquarians may prefer to keep the atmosphere harmonious, not likely to engage in disputes unless they are needed to support an important viewpoint or idea. They will also be the first to stick up for the weak, minority, or the underdog. Aquarians are often so open to new concepts that they will become frustrated with people who refuse to at least listen.
There is a built in desire to stand out from the usual crowd somehow, and this causes Aquarians to often say or do outrageous things just to get a rise out of others. Though Aquarians prefer to keep an open schedule, they can adhere to a routine if they feel it is truly necessary. However, time management is not a natural talent of theirs and they may not always show up at the designated time.
Aquarians do not enjoy being treated as objects to possess; because they typically give others a large amount of freedom, they would like theirs to be respected as well. Due to Aquarians being disinterested in how others see them, they are unlikely to judge others.
In romantic relationships, Aquarians tend to prefer a partner that will engage them in intelligent conversation and provide mental stimulation. Marriage is not something that a typical Aquarius takes lightly as they prefer to have their freedom and often shun commitments. However, once an Aquarius does commit, they will likely stick to their decision. Though they may be reserved in expressing their affection with the loved one, especially if not in a private place, they can be very devoted and trustworthy partners.

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Mercury in Aquarius

Mentally, you are original, unconventional, quick, advanced, quirky, unpredictable, methodical, and perhaps a bit odd. You are not fond of tradition and prefer to be consistently engaged in finding new and different inventions in technology and science. Your view is that the human race would best settle their troubles if they trusted science and used their intellect. Inventing new theories and thinking outside of the box are so vital to you that you feel frustrated with people when they prefer the tried and true methods. You are usually one of the first to obtain the newest gadget or gizmo and are likely to be drawn to stories dealing with science and technology; these can be inspiring for you. You possess a strong drive to benefit humanity in some way, as well as a talent for keeping things in order, and you are an enthusiastic team player. You work best when you are truly fascinated with the subject at hand; for you, this means being involved with matters that are modern and inventive. Your mind is flexible, adaptable, controlled, resourceful, reasonable, and unique. It is easy for you to read others quickly and accurately, using your strong intuition you can see through their defences. You are a clear communicator and tend to think for yourself despite any challenges from others. However, at times you may come across as a tenacious, bizarre extremist.

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Venus in Capricorn

You are unlikely to be demonstrate of the romantic feelings you hold for your significant other, preferring a more careful and guarded approach. Love is a serious business for you and frivolous, insincere relationships are not appealing. However, you strongly value other people’s opinions of you and desperately need warmth and recognition, despite seeming disconnected. You desire a partnership that will be authentic and stand the test of time. Your views towards love and relationships are conventional and you appreciate traditions. You are likely to stick with your partner through thick and thin, remaining loyal even during trying times. It is probable that the person of your choosing will be more mature than you as you seek out those that will be dependable and supply the security you crave; there may be a significant difference in age. You are faithful, patient, reliable, dedicated, and unwavering. It is possible that you will judge the value of your relationship on material matters, possibly committing only when you believe the partnership will provide you with monetary means or raise your social station. There is a self-protective streak that can limit you when you would like to move forward in your relationships. If Venus is negatively aspected, you may be overly afraid, envious, detached, scheming, or prone to thinking only of yourself. You may feel overwhelmed with a need to succeed or raise your social status.

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Mars in Taurus

When you put your mind to something, you will persevere at all costs. You are unlikely to alter your course once you have decided on it and can be quite stubborn. If you have started on a journey, you will continue until you get to where you need to be. Incredibly faithful, you will not betray another unless they have done so first, in which case anything goes. You are even-tempered and easy-going, and it takes a lot to push you over the edge. However, if you do manage to get to that point, your blood is boiling, and you see red and charge! You are dependable, steady, and able to work harder than others. A consistent schedule with no guess work is likely to suit you well as you flourish in this sort of environment. Seeing the fruit of your labour is important to you. Practical applications are also appreciated. Abstract concepts are not for you, you need something down to earth and realistic. At times it may be difficult for you to motivate yourself to move as you enjoy lounging around in creature comforts. However, when you do manage to start, you are able to endure; difficult to light the candle but slow burning once it is lit. You are less likely to start a project than you are to continue it. Material possessions are important to everything you do and you keep an eye on being safe and protected. It is possible that you will miss many opportunities due to your inability to change course once you have started, however this makes you incredibly reliable and dependable. Try to be mindful of your tendency to treat your romantic partners as possessions and curb your jealous inclinations. You find peace of mind in material assets though it may be beneficial to you to acquire this from more significant avenues. Caution is prevalent in all of your dealings and you fear a situation altering. Developing some sort of health issue or having to endure physical discomfort also worries you. Sometimes you can be so stuck on your chosen path that nothing and no one can deter you. You may suffer from foot-in-mouth issues; try to be diplomatic when expressing yourself. Also, it would do you well to be more giving of your possessions.

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Jupiter in Aquarius

The current state of human affairs is likely to mean a great deal to you. You feel we are all tied together and should collaborate for a better future. It is likely that you will become involved in many projects where you are working with a large team of people, as you believe this will help you to grow as a person. Due to your innovative ideas, great common sense, sociability, and intellectual pursuits you are able to coordinate with almost anyone. You are friendly and accepting with strong intuition. You are easily able to manage large groups of people harmoniously due to your diplomatic talents; human relations in business may be appealing to you.

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Saturn in Gemini

Mentally you are rather serious and intentional, with great ability to focus. You are an excellent coordinator and easily decipher complex situations while finding realistic resolutions to whatever difficultly is presented to you. Acquiring knowledge is something you thoroughly enjoy spending your time on. However, you must be mindful of a tendency towards pessimistic, overly sceptical, and gloomy thinking. Anxiety may become an issue for you and there seems to always be sensitivity with your lungs or trouble with oxygen in the system. Take care to keep the air circulating in your bedchamber. The influences of Saturn in this placement will stabilise the typical fickle behaviours of Gemini and allow you to be more mentally balanced. Saturn in Gemini can be very beneficial though you must try to stay positive about what may come to pass. To achieve success, it is necessary for you to cultivate a more systematic way of thinking and behaving.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Aquarius 11

Sabian Symbol: An artist removes himself from friends and family in order to receive his next great vision.
Kozminsky Symbol: Around a scepter are flowers.

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Mercury in 
Aquarius 25

Sabian Symbol: Emerging from its chrysalis, a butterfly’s right wing is more developed than its left wing.
Kozminsky Symbol: Even though the man is the victor of a duel, he is in agony and breaks his sword over his leg.

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Venus in 
Capricorn 30

Sabian Symbol: A secret business meeting has begun.
Kozminsky Symbol: On a mountain, falls a space meteorite.

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Mars in 
Taurus 16

Sabian Symbol: An old man fails to inspire a motley group with the mysteries of knowledge.
Kozminsky Symbol: There is a white dove standing on the right shoulder of a man, who drinks wine. The dove has a rose-colored ribbon on.

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Jupiter in 
Aquarius 22

Sabian Symbol: Nursery children play on a rug placed before them.
Kozminsky Symbol: A library is on fire and men attempt to save the books.

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Saturn in 
Gemini 29

Sabian Symbol: At the beginning of spring a mocking bird delivers its repertoire.
Kozminsky Symbol: From a cube of stone, a child blows a steel glove.

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Uranus in 
Libra 28

Sabian Symbol: A depressed man is helped by guardian angels that he cannot see.
Kozminsky Symbol: Quartz crystal rocks have veins of the finest gold.

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Neptune in 
Sagittarius 10

Sabian Symbol: In a theater performance a girl plays the part of a goddess.
Kozminsky Symbol: Reflecting many colors is a very large metallic ball.

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Pluto in 
Libra 7

Sabian Symbol: An eccentric old woman feeds her chickens while imparting wisdom that they need not fear a hawk she has befriended.
Kozminsky Symbol: A dolphin is sporting a winged globe on its back.

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Ascendant in 
Aries 1

Sabian Symbol: A woman rises out of the water and a seal appears. The seal is enveloping her.
Kozminsky Symbol: A fireball exploding over a rainbow.

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Midheaven in 
Capricorn 1

Sabian Symbol: Standing before the council, an Indian chief claims his power.
Kozminsky Symbol: Rising out of the earth is an armed man.

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Aqu 10° 13' 21"
Tau 00° 10' 15"
Aqu 24° 27' 46"
Cap 29° 38' 31" R
Tau 15° 19' 53"
Aqu 21° 10' 55"
Gem 28° 31' 21" R
Lib 27° 46' 45"
Sag 09° 09' 46"
Lib 06° 41' 48" R
Ari 16° 53' 41"
Cap 18° 37' 10"
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Sag 27° 37' 60" R
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