Bryce Dallas Howard

Birth Chart: Bryce Dallas Howard (Pisces)

Bryce Dallas Howard (born March 2, 1981) is an American film actress, director, producer, and writer. Howard attended New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, but would ultimately leave before graduating to take on roles on Broadway. During a performance of As You Like It where Howard portrayed Rosalind, she caught the attention of director M. Night Shyamalan, and he cast her in what would be her breakout film, the psychological thriller The Village (2004) and then in the fantasy thriller Lady in the Water (2006). Her performance in Kenneth Branagh’s film adaptation of As You Like It (2006) earned her a Golden Globe Award nomination. In 2006, she co-wrote and directed the short film Orchids.

Hint: Ever asked yourself What Zodiac sign am I? Then take this quiz to check what is your Zodiac personality!

Astrological Natal Chart
Bryce Dallas Howard

Born at Los Angeles Cedars Sinai Hospital, USA
Monday, March 02, 1981
07:49 (time zone = GMT -8 hours)
118w59, 34n59

Fact: Pisces dates are between February 19 and March 20. Check the Pisces dates to find out.


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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ARIES rising

Those with Aries on the rising are typically driven, ground-breaking, impulsive, quarrelsome, self-centred, short-tempered, dominant, wilful, self-sufficient, watchful, good with your hands, and boastful, with a large amount of physical energy that must be expelled somehow. Your impulsiveness may lead to seemingly careless behaviour even if you have good intentions. Strongly independent, you rebel against anyone telling you what you should do. It would be beneficial for you to develop a more diplomatic way of communicating in addition to a bit of caution, as you may jump before thinking ahead and get yourself into sticky situations. Try to release your energy in a more positive way. Unfortunately, often when you are presented with a problem, you use force to try to mould it into the desired result, thinking that will-power alone will fix things. You must learn that brute force will not gain you the results you are hoping for, instead you will limit yourself, making matters worse and bulldozing over people’s feelings. You enjoy competitions of all sorts and can be a bit aggressive at times. Doing the same thing day in and day out bores you to bits but you must find a way to persevere in these circumstances as they are a necessary part of life. There is a tendency to dive into one thing only to leave it unfinished and start something fresh; complete the things you have begun rather than letting novelty temp you away from the hard work you have already put in. Your lesson may be to develop a more patient outlook. Aries is ruled by Mars and therefore it’s placement in your chart will be significant.

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Shhh! Pisces is very sensitive to the needs of the partner, to the point of forgetting about personal needs. In spite of this sensitivity, Pisces is often unsure about pleasing the partner, as if fearing to be inadequate. Read all about Pisces sexuality here.


If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Moon discordant to Pluto

(power = 11.39 and this aspect is discordant = -11.39)

There is intensity in every aspect of your life from your emotions and wants, to your romantic partnerships, with many of them being full of passion, instability, and heartbreak. You have a great personal magnetism that pulls others in. There is a tendency towards obsessing over people and partnerships. In your relationships, you may take turns trying to possess one another, each person controlling as much of the situation as they can until the other has had enough and tries to turn the tables. You can be jealous and also try to manipulate others, whether you do this behind the scenes or in a more overt manner. There is not much you will not do in order to maintain your power over people and the situation at hand. Your intense emotions can create such a strong pull within you that you find yourself acting in ways that are irrational. Evetually your emotions reach a peak and you need to remove yourself completely from the people in your life and the situations that you are in, and start anew. You are not the most open-minded person and can be very stubborn in your viewpoints, throwing them at others aggressively, often disregarding new concepts that others are trying to convey to you, and always insisting that your opinions are correct. You remember every slight, perceived or otherwise, that someone has done towards you. Work on your perception and you might find that people are different than you originally thought. Your feelings are so overwhelming sometimes that you are unable to reign them in. Finances can be an obsession for you as you need to feel secure. The biggest lesson for you in this placement is to temper the emotional chaos within. You have a deeply rooted sense of rejection and feeling as though you are somehow unworthy, and this makes it hard for you to believe that the people you care for are to be trusted. This aspect will test your romantic partnerships to help you grow as a person and show you how to truly have faith in the people you are bonded to.

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Jupiter blending with Saturn

(power = 7.92 and this aspect is neutral)

You are highly moral with a good bit of integrity, principled and honest, and you are often found taking on the role of a leader. You enjoy being responsible for others and due to your strong managerial capabilities, you are usually the best one for the position. Your spiritual views are often reasonable and traditional. Strongly just, you appreciate higher learning and the judicial system. A step-by –step, tried and true approach to situation is just your style as you are well-structured and methodical; you lead your life by the same values. Being able to see the big picture, you can easily put an effective strategy in place for the long-term, and carry this out in a controlled, systematic manner. You tend to evade confrontation as it can make you tense and ill-tempered. Try instead to assert yourself more diplomatically rather than becoming abrasive during challenging interactions.

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Neptune harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 6.31 and this aspect is harmonious = 6.31)

Those born in your generation have the ability to be of aid to humanity as a whole. Let your intuition guide you in assisting others.

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Mercury harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 5.86 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.86)

Mentally you are capable of delving into the most hidden of depths. Whether or not they are pleasant, you will uncover whatever secrets are buried beneath. You would make an excellent investigator as you are naturally gifted in the field. Psychological evaluation is another area that you are talented in and there is a strong interest in topics related to the afterlife and mystical studies. You are the sort that will learn one thing thoroughly rather than dabbling briefly all over the map. Despite your expectation that others be transparent with you, you are unwilling to provide the same disclosure to them. You feel most comfortable in situations where the attention is not focused on you and you can do as you please with little interference from others. You are capable of using your hands to heal others if you can properly channel your energies and may do well to try your efforts in massage therapy or chiropractic care. You find a kind of comfort in disassembling and reassembling things, as you have good technical skills and like to see how everything works together. You are drawn to situations, people, or subjects that project a mysterious quality and you are always up for the challenge of figuring them out. When you do come to a conclusion, you are able to clearly express what you have learned. You use your logical, analytical mind and intuitive ability to assess everything that you come across. Mentally you strive to transform and transcend whatever you find. Other people easily recognise your confident dedication to the things you do. If you are interested in a topic, you are able to focus yourself completely in order to absorb any and all information pertaining to it. Highly observant, nothing gets passed you and you are amazingly accurate in your evaluations of the circumstances you find yourself in and the people you come across.

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Venus discordant to Uranus

(power = 5.10 and this aspect is discordant = -3.83)

You are enthusiastic, spur-of-the-moment, and reactive in both your emotions and your sexuality. You can lose control when your emotions are stimulated, especially in regards to love where you seek out exhilarating situations and can become enamoured rapidly, though just as swiftly fall out of love. Love partnerships start off in the heights of excitement only to conclude spontaneously, shortly after they began. Your likes and interests tend to be made up of the unusual, untraditional, and quirky, and you love to experiment with something new and different. You are particularly adventurous with your emotions. More likely to pay attention to what you are pursuing, you often discard what you have already obtained. Sticking things out long-term is not something you can usually do in your relationships and you are much happier in unconventional situations that do not tie you down, allowing you to roam free. You want to experience as much as possible, with as many people as possible, and a monogamous partnership might be too restrictive for you. This need for independence may cause you to either consciously or subconsciously seek out individuals who are not entirely available to you, as this keeps the situation from becoming too serious; a detached approach is more your style. Secret relationships are also a possibility here.
Your feelings are apt to be unpredictable and volatile. You are emotionally fickle and it is anyone’s guess what you will be feeling from one moment to the next. These erratic moods frustrate you as you cannot comprehend why they occur. The tension you feel forces you to take your negative emotions out on whatever unfortunate soul is nearby. Much of this tension can be tempered by channelling your energies creatively, as you are talented in the creative fields. If you are able to make use of these emotions to create, you will find them much easier to handle.
Naturally magnetic, others are drawn to your sexual allure and exhilarating personality. You find it difficult to stay in one place or situation for very long and would do well with a career that allows you opportunity to travel often, as this will appease your curious heart. Circumstances must be always moving somehow, never standing still. Usually you are unconcerned about the opinions of society and will do what you feel is best for yourself and your own life. However, try to develop self-restraint in regards to your sensuality as you can be prone to taking things a bit farther than you should. Discover ways to balance your unconventional interests with the needs of those around you, or you will find yourself more of an outcast than even you are comfortable with.

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Sun blending with Mars

(power = 4.28 and this aspect is discordant = -1.07)

You are driven, lively, and energetic. You have an incredible will-power and rarely ever give up once you’ve decided on a course of action. You are brave and have no problem asserting yourself. You dislike being idle, instead preferring to passionately throw yourself into things. This immense energy of yours may manifest itself sexually or artistically. Challenges do not deter you and you enjoy competing with others; you can fight until your last breath if something moves you. People are pulled towards your charismatic character. Be mindful of the tendency to put more on your plate than you are realistically able to handle as you take on more and more until you eventually crash. A steady approach with allotted time to breathe a little will get you much further in the end. There is a strong urge to craft or produce something and this may come out either personally or professionally. You have the soul of a champion, striving to conquer at any cost, with your vitality, swiftness, passion, and spontaneity. However, if you do not regulate this energy it can become destructive. It would be most beneficial for you to find ways to direct this intensity in positive ways. At times you may be touchy and quarrelsome. It is important for you to remain physically active as your energy and inner tension needs to be released. This placement is especially good for circumstances requiring a powerful will or physical prowess. This aspect also adds to a tendency towards self-centredness, where you will think of only your own necessities and desires. Make sure to pay attention to what others need as well. Pride and an over-inflated self-esteem need to be controlled here.

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Moon harmonizing with Mars

(power = 3.31 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.48)

You full of get-up-and-go! This placement contributes to a healthy body and mind. You know how to assert yourself when needed and you confront your troubles head-on, in a clear manner. Rather than sulking about the difficulties you encounter, you concentrate on eradicating them. You are unsympathetic when you hear people complaining about their challenges without putting in the necessary effort to fix them. Through the obstacles in your life, you have discovered how to channel your emotional energy and cravings into productive endeavours instead of letting them tear you apart. You are rarely sick and when you do happen to catch something, you recover rapidly. People gravitate towards your enthusiastic nature and the vitality you exude. You are brave and capable, allowing you to feel confident participating in strategic risk-taking. You easily attract potential romantic partners because of your gregarious demeanour.

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Mercury harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 2.17 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.17)

You are highly imaginative and can easily visualise whatever you can think up. You are able to make your fantasies come true by applying your excellent reasoning abilities. Topics that are related to metaphysics, the supernatural, or alternative medicine tend to appeal to you and you enthusiastically explore them. It is also possible that you are able to heal others by using your hands. You have an amazing awareness of what is going on in your mind on a subliminal level and ability to project it outwards. There is a large amount of artistic talent in this placement and when you feel properly motivated you can create truly inspirational pieces. Science, and its systematic approach, feels foreign to you and you do best in the creative realm, learning by being exposed rather than by traditional methods. Make an effort to visit areas where you can spend time near lakes, the ocean, or other bodies of water as they are a calming effect on your spirit. Extremely sensitive, you have accurate intuition and are easily inspired. It is possible for you to communicate with the spiritual world through your subconscious while asleep.

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Moon harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 1.28 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.28)

Mentally you are responsive, unique, perceptive, imaginative, and think on your feet. You can do well to channel your energies into inventing something progressive or unusual and you are drawn to mystical subjects. Astrology or technological topics fascinate you. Your sense of humour is a bit eccentric at times and you may behave in a surprising manner or poke fun at yourself just to get others to react. You feel a strong pull towards intensely emotive circumstances or anything thrilling and different. You demand your independence and hate to be tied down to anything that will limit it. However, you are often forced to adapt quickly to a variety of different circumstances that can pop up at random for you. Your notions are usually fresh and innovative, and usually can be applied in a way that would strongly benefit humanity. You are also able to view every aspect of a situation fairly. Although, you are often impatient, get bored easily, and do not finish what you have started. Others find you amusing and unique, and you are usually very lucky. Whatever is a deviation from the norm will tend to draw you in, for you seek the exhilaration of trying something you have not experienced before. You are able to see the benefit in monitoring your temper and feelings.

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Mars discordant to Neptune

(power = 0.01 and this aspect is discordant = -0.01)

This placement can be difficult due to a tendency towards escapism from daily life and the responsibility that comes with it. Substance abuse may also be prevalent and must be watched for or it can destroy you. The mundane ins and outs of the daily routine bore you and you crave a way to be a part of a fantastical enterprise, where you can couple idealism with your imaginative mind. If you are not able to find an outlet for this, you will be unable to discipline yourself to perform the duties that you are responsible for. Others depend on you yet you often disappoint them. This causes people to view you negatively and disassociate themselves from you in the future. It might prove challenging for you to decipher what is real from what is not; living half-way in a dream-like state is typical for you. It is imperative that you find a way to keep your feet planted firmly on the ground or you will sink. Perhaps you do not feel at home here in the physical realm and are more comfortable in the spiritual one, but you are here now and must do your best to gain wisdom from the situations you encounter. All of us exist in this world for that very reason and you are no exception. Instead of being lost in the fantasy, pay attention and do what you need to.
If you are able to focus and discipline yourself, you just might be able to achieve the fantasy you so strive for. A pyramid was not built in a day, and neither is the kind of life that you dream of. Artistic and creative ventures will allow you to express the pent up feelings you harbour deep down from all of the responsibilities that drag you down in daily life. Your imaginative abilities can create something truly epic, if only you can keep yourself centred in reality and restrain yourself enough to work practically until your vision is realised.
Selfish endeavours are not appealing to you and you would rather devote your time to something that will be beneficial on a grand scale; this will give you a sense of purpose. Climbing the social or corporate ladder may not be for you as you do not possess the qualities competitive, confrontational qualities that often drive others to the top. There is also a habit of deeming yourself either far more capable than you are, or undervaluing yourself. Deceit and delusion are themes in your life, whether they come from other people, or from your own insecurities. People may try to take advantage of your helpful and caring nature, so be mindful that you do not fall prey to every John that tells you a sad tale. Keep in mind that although it would be amazing if you could protect the world from evil all on your own, it is highly unlikely; you can, however, look out for yourself, which will take a lot of effort as it is.
You tend to become overly dependent in your romantic involvements or your partner may be overly dependent on you, and there is a likelihood of either sacrificing too much of yourself to somehow save them or to go the other extreme and act as though they are victimising you. However, it is imperative that you comprehend that when a partnership is not equal, it is not a partnership at all and will not succeed in the end.
This placement can intensify abrasive, sensory, rash, irritable, demanding, and indulgent traits as well as verbal and physical dramaticism. You often follow whichever path your desires steer you towards. Spirituality for you may either go towards being very devoted to your religion, or the exact opposite route, Atheism. However, you seem to embody a bit of a chaotic nature and must learn self-restraint.
You are gifted but are not confident in your capabilities and question whether you are worthy. Your insecurities are masking reality and you need to start believing in yourself. Your lesson is to overcome whatever is keeping you from developing the self-confidence you need to succeed in the areas that you are most talented. Try not to let failing at something deter you from trying again; everyone makes mistakes and this does not make you any less worthy or capable. Keep Trying. When you are feeling insecure, you will start blaming others for your mistakes until you believe the lies yourself. However, what is true never stays hidden for long and in the end when it comes out, you will experience depression; best to be upfront. You should look at each failed attempt as a way to learn and grow, to become stronger and more capable in the future. Your disappointments will aid you in developing self-discipline and a higher spirituality, as will displaying selfless acts of kindness towards others.
Use caution with others as they may not be the person they project themselves as. It is possible that hidden adversaries from a previous life will turn up in this one to administer the karma you deserve. Though you may be tempted, try to keep from participating in unwholesome mystical practices, calling on dark spirits, and similar endeavours. Deep down you feel a strong pull towards being completely genuine and truthful towards other people and your own self.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Pisces

Pisceans are sensitive, kind, caring, unobtrusive, amiable, flexible, prophetic, private, mysterious, and altruistic with excellent intuition and a bend towards idealism (learn about compatibility with Pisces here). However, when afflicted they are capable of being overly-emotional, fickle, gullible weaklings who wallow in their own despair and cannot make a decision. Aiding others helps them achieve balance within.
In regards to love, Pisceans care about the little things and can be rather romantic. They may place their partner on a pedestal, requiring their significant other to exhibit the traits that the Piscean has attributed to them and are often left wounded when their partner inevitably fails them. Disenchantment sets in when the Piscean learns that the partner was not necessarily who they originally thought they were.
Similar to the image used to represent Pisces, the Piscean soul is pulled in opposing ways. This constant struggle can wreak havoc for a Piscean internally as they are never quite sure which path is the correct one to take, forcing them to listen solely to their gut instincts. However, dealing with the internal chaos can cause so much tension for them that they turn to escapism via over-eating, substance abuse, or other indulgences. One part of the Piscean spirit drags them into the depths of despair while the other one is always striving to purify the soul, lifting the Piscean through the dirt by self-discipline, and allowing them to obtain a great deal of wisdom from their suffering.
Pisceans must be mindful of the environment in which they surround themselves as they absorb energy without meaning to. A negative environment will have a devastating impact on them and should be avoided as much as possible. If they are able to keep the vibes around them positive, they can focus their inner talent for creativity in beneficial ways. A Piscean may be so highly attuned to what is going on around them that they will pick up on sensations and observations that most are blind to.
Pisceans may at times seem to be set on a goal, but by nature they are not very sure of themselves and their determination may quickly falter if pressed. A strong drive to achieve is not usually part of their makeup and they require a good deal of support and encouragement. Deciphering the array of complex emotions they possess is important to them. They can be very insecure, doubting their decisions at every turn; it is imperative that they develop confidence in their own capabilities.
Pisceans can be very giving of themselves and aiding others in some way helps them to stay positive. They are highly emotional people and when they are able to channel this energy to benefit others, they feel rejuvenated.
Peaceful and sensitive, Piscean tend to avoid confrontations even when they are necessary. This unfortunately leads them to be part of sticky situations that they have a difficult time escaping from. No is not a word that is easy for a Pisces to say, instead they remain in negative situations believing that if they reform somehow, all will work itself out again. They are apt to play the victim or the hero, depending on the circumstances, in order to remedy a hardship. Pisceans will usually give more weight to their heart than they would their brain when making decisions, and this can be easily manipulated by those who may not have their best interests in mind; they may empathise too readily when being told a sad tale. Their intentions are honourable, though it would be best for them to develop their rational sensibilities and learn to keep a more level head in these matters.
Pisceans can be rather private, though they are able to make social connections easily and remain faithful to them. Though they are not aggressive types, they will come to the defence of those they care about when necessary, in their own way.
A Piscean can have trouble igniting that driving force that others may have more readily available to them. This does not mean that Pisces are all lazy folk; however they do often spend more time procrastinating than actually doing what they are supposed to. Having a bit of time to themselves each day to regroup can actually motivate them to achieve more.
Creative endeavours can help to curb a Piscean’s instinct to evade the physical realm. Art in general will draw them in, whether this be through music, acting, drawing, writing…the possibilities are endless! Pisceans intuitively sense what they can and cannot do. Regrettably, this innate understanding may keep them from trying something they feel they will unable to accomplish. The Fish can easily sink into despair over a negative comment from another, even if this comment was spoken with good intentions. At times the sensitive emotions of the Piscean will project slights where there were none.
Pisceans often attempt to explain their behaviours as they are seeking true understanding from others. Unfortunately, due to their inability to handle confrontations, they will seem as though they are not being truthful while they twist words around trying to elicit an understanding of their true intentions. When they do something wrong, they would rather find a way to express their good intentions then to admit fault, even if this means being somewhat dishonest.

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Moon in Capricorn

You are a dutiful and sombre individual, preferring to work first and play later. You are rather reserved with your feelings as overt emotional displays make you uncomfortable and accepting aid from others is difficult for you; you like to project an image of being emotionally strong. You may feel deep down that you are not lovable, not wanted, or not good enough somehow and this creates a strong desire to succeed at all costs. Achieving your goals allows you to feel as though you are significant and necessary. It is important that you learn how to feel secure within yourself, as you can become easily hurt through actions that may not have necessarily been done with negative intent. At times you may feel weighed down, like you alone carry the heavy burdens.
Co-dependency is not something you feel comfortable with and you will insist that both you and others toughen up. You may need to develop an understanding of human nature in regards to emotional needs as no one can or should do everything on their own, and sometimes it is okay to give in to emotions; do not be so hard on yourself. Generally you are likely to be viewed as strong and uncompromising, treating emotions with the same attitude you would a business transaction. Your emotions may indeed be strong and profound, though you will not usually express these feelings outwardly. It would do you well to let go a bit at times, to have fun and unwind. You can be conventional, dependable, and driven, with a talent for bringing your ambitious to fruition. However, this strong ambition may create a thirst for power that may cause you to become calculating and only looking out for your own best interests with little regard to others. You crave respect. Your feelings are usually stable, though may be icy at times.

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Mercury in Aquarius

Mentally, you are original, unconventional, quick, advanced, quirky, unpredictable, methodical, and perhaps a bit odd. You are not fond of tradition and prefer to be consistently engaged in finding new and different inventions in technology and science. Your view is that the human race would best settle their troubles if they trusted science and used their intellect. Inventing new theories and thinking outside of the box are so vital to you that you feel frustrated with people when they prefer the tried and true methods. You are usually one of the first to obtain the newest gadget or gizmo and are likely to be drawn to stories dealing with science and technology; these can be inspiring for you. You possess a strong drive to benefit humanity in some way, as well as a talent for keeping things in order, and you are an enthusiastic team player. You work best when you are truly fascinated with the subject at hand; for you, this means being involved with matters that are modern and inventive. Your mind is flexible, adaptable, controlled, resourceful, reasonable, and unique. It is easy for you to read others quickly and accurately, using your strong intuition you can see through their defences. You are a clear communicator and tend to think for yourself despite any challenges from others. However, at times you may come across as a tenacious, bizarre extremist.

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Venus in Pisces

You convey your affection with empathy, kindness, warmth, and consideration while adding a bit of old-fashioned romance. You are very giving by nature and wholeheartedly come to the aid of those who need it. However, be mindful not to trust others too easily as you can be easily moved by a sad tale and taken advantage of, enabling others to rely on you as their sole support. This tendency to come to another’s aid can manifest in your romantic relationships as taking on an extreme role such as the victim or the rescuer. Your romantic relationships may begin by you finding someone who is having a rough time and believing only your love can somehow save them. Those who exhibit a creative and emotionally sensitive nature are drawn to you, and you to them. You crave to be bonded with someone with whom you can have a truly meaningful union with. Shallow relationships do not appeal to you; you need something deeper, something you can put your soul into. Your views towards relationships are very idealistic and you prefer to see things through rose-tinted lenses. The beauty in a love relationship does not elude you though you must be mindful not to be in love with a vision rather than what is really there. You are a delicate soul, sensitive and at times emotionally intense, as well as creative and sympathetic. Your high sensitivity and receptivity may bring about premonitions. You avoid confrontation and therefore may agree to things you’d be better off avoiding; learn to stand up for yourself so that others do not walk all over your good intentions. You may somehow feel deep down that true love is not real unless it hurts, and so you readily sacrifice yourself.

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Mars in Pisces

You express your energy in a passive, cooperative fashion. You are likely to avoid confrontations in general, preferring to deal with issues indirectly. Being in the lime-light would only make you uncomfortable and therefore you prefer to work out of sight. Unfortunately, you will often rather lose something rather than compete for it. You are not particularly concerned with ambitious pursuits and will not engage in competition to get ahead and this can come across to others as cowardly. Being at the top is not something you would strive for and you are better suited to an assisting position, or aiding or benefiting others somehow. Realistic strategy is difficult for you and it may be a good idea to elicit help when planning ahead. Never certain what exactly it is that you want to do with your life, you wander about aimlessly in search of spiritual fulfilment. You can be quite a daydreamer with an idealistic view, possibly devoting yourself towards religion or spiritual matters. There are artistic inclinations here that can be fruitful if you are able to devote yourself to developing them. You may seem calm on the exterior, though there is a lot happening on the inside. You are also tactful and subtle with a great sense of humour and a strong intuition. However, indecision wreaks havoc in your life and you may be prone to escapism by substance abuse to avoid your duties. It is imperative that you develop self-discipline. Make an effort to create the changes you want to see in your life, do not expect life to hand them to you on a silver platter.

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Jupiter in Libra

Sociable, compassionate, and philosophical, you prefer to enhance your knowledge by utilising your social connections as you are rather popular with others. You are able to inspire people to aspire to higher achievements. You have a great appreciation towards aesthetically pleasing things and may be interested in justice or artistic pursuits. However, you may need to be mindful for a tendency towards indulging yourself or exerting your energy on too many extravagances, as well as choosing a partner for what they can bring you rather than who they are; love the PERSON, not what their status. You may be more interested in showing society that your union is prosperous rather than blissful. A good deal of your resources will be applied to your marriage, possibly due to your spouse’s luxurious desires.

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Saturn in Libra

You are easy to talk to and know just how to negotiate a situation; your fairness encourages others to have faith in you. Be mindful of your kidneys and the health of your urinary tract as you are prone to having issues with them. The influence of Saturn in this placement hinders the kidneys, enabling the impurities in your system to fester rather than being expelled. Make sure to hydrate yourself as much as possible to counter this issue. You will find that you are required to be diplomatic and kind to others, showing acceptance, care and peace when interacting with people. Unfortunately, Saturn in Libra challenges your romantic partnerships in a way that forces you to develop self-control, diligence, and harmonious methods of conflict resolution. You tend to seek out partnerships as they help you to feel safe, though you may commit to a marriage for financial reasons or chose someone who is born in a different generation than yourself. The possibilities in this placement are many; you may pick a partner who is reserved and cool, or someone older than you, or perhaps you marry in your later years as you are unable to meet someone whose values coincide with your own. There is a chance that your high standards are unrealistic or too traditional make it difficult for you to find a match. If Saturn is negatively aspected, Marriage may seem like an idea that you’d prefer to keep at a distance.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 12th house

You feel an urge to be of service to humanity. This may be particularly challenging for you, as you prefer to retreat and hope that others will somehow come to save you from yourself. There is karma from a previous life that forces you to look closely at yourself and the destructive tendencies you carry. You intuitively sense that everything in the universe is tied together. It is likely that you will need to learn to believe in yourself, as your confidence is often low. People with health issues, whether this be physical or mental, tend to draw you in as you seem to resonate with them somehow. You may have premonitions or be interested in new age topics or the metaphysical realm. There is a possibility that you will act as a victim, ready for sacrificing yourself at any moment.

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Moon in 10th house

You place a high significance on your public image and your need to acquire success may be in the forefront for you emotionally. It is likely that you are somehow involved with the public or women’s affairs, especially in a way that allows you to be visible to society; being of use to humanity is important to you. Career pursuits may alternate throughout your life. You are drawn to positions of leadership in your work life due to your strong insistence on expressing your unique authenticity; by mindful of becoming too emotionally dramatic.

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Mercury in 11th house

Your mind is very versatile, flexible, and innovative, with an excellent ability to understand anything that comes your way. You tend towards intellectual pursuits and your aspirations are often achieved through your mental prowess. The social contacts that you enjoy most are those that appeal to you on a cerebral level, providing much mental stimulation. You are also likely to socialise with those more youthful than yourself, as you find these interactions exciting. Contrasting opinions are seen as a pleasant challenge rather than a threat and you enjoy these exchanges. It is probable that you will be the frontman or representative to a group or society that you are fond of.

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Venus in 12th house

Rather independent, you prefer spending time alone and often withdraw from social contact. You enjoy doing what you love in private, and may be prone to secret love affairs. Be mindful not to get carried away with substance use or sensual pleasures, as this can destroy you. With an inherent empathy towards others, you are always happy to come to another’s aid. It is likely that you can be taken advantage of by those that pretend to be worse off than they actually are. You are disinterested in what society believes success should be. What you most desire is to comprehend a deeper sense of purpose in your life. Rarely do you express your true emotions to others. It is probable that you are interested in fortune-telling, premonitions, new age topics, and the like.

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Mars in 12th house

Your emotions tend to run high though you may suppress them or go to the other extreme and find yourself suffering from obsessive fear. Others are instinctively aware of this and create difficulties for you. There is a possibility of complications due to defamation or hidden adversaries. Buried grudges may be an issue that needs to be dealt with, and there is also a chance of false allegations from concealed sources. You feel as though you are on your own in this world. It would be wise for you to use your intense emotionality to better comprehend a deep sense of purpose and to become unified with mankind. You dislike being in the public eye and would do best working privately or in secret.

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Jupiter in 6th house

You are a loyal and responsible worker, always willing to lend a helping hand to those who need it. Work is satisfying to you and you tend to motivate your co-workers to better collaborate with one another. Enjoying your occupation too much sometimes can make you a workaholic; try to pace yourself. This placement bestows you with good health, though you need to be mindful about indulging too frequently in drink or rich foods. Your circulatory system may be more susceptible to trouble and you must be mindful of your liver.

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Saturn in 6th house

Work situations tend to be difficult and you may find yourself struggling to put your best foot forward. There is tension with co-workers due to your perfectionistic views about their performance; not everyone is gifted with the ability to comprehend detailed situations as quickly as you do. You must learn to work as a team somehow, otherwise work-mates can cause a great deal of friction for you. Deadlines are a challenge for you though you are generally hard-working, diligent, and reliable. Your health in general tends to be rather fragile and you may have issues absorbing necessary nutrients; a multivitamin may help in this regard. Be mindful to pace yourself with your work as you are more likely to become a workaholic than most. Prone to anxiety and depression, maybe even obsessive about your health at times, it would be valuable for you to incorporate an exercise routine as this will help to temper your worries.

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Uranus in 8th house

You have unusual notions in regards to topics such as life and death, the afterlife, and sexuality which you do not readily share with others. You are strongly intuitive and capable of profound psychic insights. Particularly interested in the metaphysical realm, you find yourself consistently searching for information. Anxiety and problems with your nerves are especially challenging for you, and you may have suffered with suicidal thoughts in your youth. There is a theme of unpredictability in regards to your finances and you are likely to go through many ups and downs, often suddenly gaining funds through unconventional means or losing them just as quickly and mysteriously. You may possess healing abilities through your hands or at least an interest in them.

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Neptune in 9th house

Your philosophies in life tend to be rather idealistic and you entertain the idea that everything is connected, even in death. You may experience premonitions through your dreams, as your dreams are often intense. Some of your beliefs may be viewed as radical and understanding or explaining them is often difficult for you to do in a clear, logical manner; you may embellish a bit. There may be many misunderstandings between you and your partner’s parental figures, try to be more empathetic to their situation. Be mindful of those that seem genuine and helpful but are actually the opposite. Your travels are usually done in spontaneity rather than having every step planned out as you like to be free to adventure at random, though there is a tendency for unusual occurrences during long trips.

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Pluto in 7th house

A romantic partner may be chosen due to their uncompromising nature. There is a dominating, possessive quality inherent in your significant other. This sort of partner may create an aggressive, confrontational environment where there is no even ground; you will need to develop a way to collaborate.
What you look for is someone that can inspire or force you to dig deep into yourself and transcend your previous patterns of behaviour as well as provide you with new found strength and will-power. This person will help you grow as a person and heighten your emotions. There is a preoccupation with others who are powerful, drawing you to those that would dominate and control you. Subconsciously, you may believe you need to tolerate this commanding presence in order to fully tap into your own potential.
Emotions tend to run high in your partnership, on both sides. You require complete loyalty and faithfulness in your relationships. Problems are likely to manifest when your partner does not share this same outlook.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Pisces 12

Sabian Symbol: In an occult brotherhood, members are being initiated.
Kozminsky Symbol: An author receives news that his manuscript has been rejected. A photo of a lady is on his table.

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Moon in 
Capricorn 24

Sabian Symbol: A woman enters a convent to have a safe haven.
Kozminsky Symbol: A hand from the heavens saves a girl from three arrows aimed toward her.

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Mercury in 
Aquarius 20

Sabian Symbol: A white dove brings a message.
Kozminsky Symbol: An ancient hope chest with a dog asleep on top, has pieces of amor and musical instruments surrounding it, with a key to it on the floor.

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Venus in 
Pisces 4

Sabian Symbol: Holiday traffic is safe while driving between two resorts on a isthmus.
Kozminsky Symbol: A rainbow sky and a lighthouse built on rock outcroppings.

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Mars in 
Pisces 19

Sabian Symbol: A master and pupil are both content in their relationship.
Kozminsky Symbol: As a greyhound runs in the distance, a diseased man is lying on a cross of stones.

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Jupiter in 
Libra 9

Sabian Symbol: Three Masters hang on the wall of an art gallery with plenty of room.
Kozminsky Symbol: Quarreling behind a pair of scales are two men.

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Saturn in 
Libra 9

Sabian Symbol: Three Masters hang on the wall of an art gallery with plenty of room.
Kozminsky Symbol: Quarreling behind a pair of scales are two men.

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Uranus in 
Sagittarius 1

Sabian Symbol: Retired military men relive old memories.
Kozminsky Symbol: With an anchor above her, a nun struggles to walk through a storm.

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Neptune in 
Sagittarius 25

Sabian Symbol: A little rich boy rides on his hobbyhorse.
Kozminsky Symbol: A castle of ruins near a waterfall sits a woman with no clothes, she offers grapes to a man who studies a document.

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Pluto in 
Libra 24

Sabian Symbol: A magnificent butterfly possesses a third wing on its left side.
Kozminsky Symbol: Papers are flying in the air as a whirlwind blows through.

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Ascendant in 
Aries 14

Sabian Symbol: A serpent is coiling near a man and woman who only notice each other.
Kozminsky Symbol: A man who is standing on top of a mountain, is looking down where men are fighting for a bag of gold. Meanwhile, a monkey eats their food without their knowledge. On his right side lives the spirit of Truth; on his left side lives the spirit of Love; and behind him the spirit of Hate is tugging on his clothes.

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Midheaven in 
Capricorn 8

Sabian Symbol: In a mansion canaries loudly sing.
Kozminsky Symbol: A woman mourns the death of her child while the spirit of the child is surrounded by white light.

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Pis 11° 58' 53"
1° 00' 11"
00" N
7° 04' 05" S
Cap 23° 23' 23"
13° 05' 17"
1° 32' 55" N
19° 53' 15" S
Aqu 19° 51' 19"
2' 21"
1° 45' 16" N
13° 11' 40" S
Pis 03° 00' 25"
1° 14' 55"
1° 19' 00" S
11° 37' 47" S
Pis 18° 41' 52"
47' 07"
53' 52" S
5° 17' 51" S
Lib 08° 20' 06" R
- 6' 15"
1° 33' 21" N
1° 52' 33" S
Lib 08° 15' 01" R
- 3' 56"
2° 36' 42" N
52' 19" S
Sag 00° 06' 33"
13' 35" N
19° 57' 11" S
Sag 24° 41' 25"
1° 19' 21" N
22° 00' 44" S
Lib 23° 59' 54" R
- 1' 08"
17° 32' 46" N
7° 01' 37" N
Tau 14° 10' 17"
2' 17"
2° 06' 01" S
14° 05' 09" N
Sco 07° 00' 47"
6' 43"
5° 08' 29" N
8° 59' 30" S
True Node
Leo 10° 36' 32"
1' 24"
00" N
17° 34' 38" N
P. of Fortune
Aqu 24° 48' 18"
Lib 05° 47' 42"
Ari 13° 23' 48"
Tau 19° 38' 06"
Gem 15° 30' 50"
Can 07° 54' 41"
Leo 01° 30' 06"
Vir 01° 23' 01"
Lib 13° 23' 48"
Sco 19° 38' 06"
Sag 15° 30' 50"
Cap 07° 54' 41"
Aqu 01° 30' 06"
Pis 01° 23' 01"
True Node
True Node
True Node
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
True Node
True Node
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