Arthur Conan Doyle

Birth Chart: Arthur Conan Doyle (Gemini)

Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle KStJ, DL (22 May 1859 – 7 July 1930) was a British writer and physician, most noted for creating the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes and writing stories about him which are generally considered milestones in the field of crime fiction.

Hint: Ever asked yourself What Zodiac sign am I? Then take this quiz to check what is your Zodiac personality!

Astrological Natal Chart
Arthur Conan Doyle

Born at Edinburgh, Scotland
Sunday, May 22, 1859
04:55 (time zone = GMT 0 hours)
3w13, 55n57

Fact: Gemini dates are between May 21 and June 20. Check the Gemini dates to find out.


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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GEMINI rising

Those with a Gemini rising are typically social, talkative, versatile, adaptable, uncertain, mentally quick, shallow, and unpredictable. You are full of wit and cleverness though you may have trouble with nervousness or anxiety as your energies tend to run on a high frequency. You are always on the lookout to engage in a novel experience and there may be two very different sides to your personality that may seem contradictory to others. For you, it is second nature to express to others the knowledge you have gained and you strive to continuously acquire new information. You are happy to travel and read a fair bit as both of these allow you to learn something fresh. New stimulation is crucial to your livelihood and you enjoy diversity to such an extent that you may never fully master any one subject, preferring to become mildly proficient in all sorts of things; shallow and wide rather than deep, is more your flavour. On the outside it may seem that you are sure of yourself, but deep down you do not feel very confident at all. You love to communicate! All forms of communication are enjoyed from verbal to written and you are even fond of using hand gestures. An important lesson for you to learn is to find a way to manage your energy rather than spreading your efforts about wastefully; focus yourself. Gemini is ruled by Mercury and therefore it’s placement in your chart will be significant.

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Shhh! To Gemini, sex is like playing. It has to be fun, a tickle and a laugh. Nothing to be taken too seriously. Read all about Gemini sexuality here.


If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Jupiter discordant to Neptune

(power = 9.07 and this aspect is discordant = -4.53)

Your emotions may be extremely sensitive and you are prone to becoming engrossed in dreamy romantic fantasies. This illusion can sometimes affect your progress in real life, as you may avoid your less fanciful, everyday obligations in order to stay in your daydream. Be mindful that others do not abuse your kindness, as you can be naïve in your readiness to help someone who seems to be down on their luck; do not let people manipulate your warm nature. It is also possible that you go to the other end of things and play the victim yourself, feeding on the pity of others just to be noticed, or you may use dishonest tactics on others, often times on those in your family. There is likelihood that in one way or another you encounter trouble deciphering what is true and what is false, as you can twist reality into fascinating delusions. It is paramount to develop your more practical side, learning when to restrain yourself from your own wishful thinking.
There is a tendency towards negative consequences as a result of a scam; therefore it would be best to avoid becoming involved in arrangements in which you are promised wealth for little investment. Thinking positively is good, though you must also keep your feet on the ground and your head out of the clouds. Nothing worth having in life is without hard work and sacrifice; there is always a price to pay. Develop tolerance towards others and their foibles rather than expecting people to adhere to your idealistic standards. You will find yourself becoming disenchanted with others, and life in general, when those you had high hopes for cannot meet your expectations. Involvement in mystical endeavours can have a harmful influence on you; it would be best if you avoid these. Substance abuse may also become a problem for you and should be kept an eye on.

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Mercury blending with Pluto

(power = 8.81 and this aspect is neutral)

Mentally you are prone to both curiosity and suspicion, probing depths to discover whatever is buried beneath. The more you sense someone trying to hide something, the stronger you insist on figuring it out. All of life’s mysteries appeal to you and you are fascinated with death, sexuality, birth, rebirth, the mystical realm, and curing ailments. Despite your insistence that others keep nothing from you, you yourself will not divulge your own secrets or intentions, clutching at the information as though it were a formidable weapon people will use against you if you were to let out the smallest morsel of data. Your probing mind will do well in the psychological fields where you can spend your days unearthing people’s secrets, analysing them, and providing suggestions for healing processes. With keen observational skills, you easily and accurately interpret other people’s true motives and objectives, almost as if you have a spider sense working within you. You are drawn to the supernatural and enjoy reading books or watching films that are mysterious or that contain elements of the paranormal. You certainly have a dark side to you and can become secretly involved in unwholesome situations or circumstances where you need to uncover a shady mystery. However, you do not view these inclinations in this way, rather you just want to discover and understand something new that most others would not be interested in. You are highly influential when you express your viewpoints and can have tunnel vision when you find something you are interested in. Try not to be close-minded when you are in that zone, as allowing an opposing viewpoint into your consideration will teach you more in the end. In addition, you can be a bit high-strung and your nerves are easily affected, causing you to feel frustrated and impatient. Sometimes you push yourself too far and you need to be aware of your limitations and when it is time to take a break and recuperate.

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Sun blending with Uranus

(power = 8.19 and this aspect is neutral)

You are an inventive, progressive, mentally quick, artistic, untraditional, intuitive non-conformist who feels comfortable being an eccentric, rebellious activist for change. Highly self-sufficient, you resent others giving you orders in any form. You can be inflexible when it comes to taking other people’s desires into consideration. It is imperative that you are able to live your life in a way where you have complete freedom. Deep down you believe you are unlike the normal crowd, perhaps even as though you are of a different species or from the wrong time period. You will rebel when you feel as though someone is trying to control you, particularly in a romantic partnership. You tend to run on a high frequency and can suffer from anxiety and nervousness. Relaxation is essential, as is channelling your inner tension creatively, in order to remain centred. You easily pick up on things that others may miss—hints, vibrations, and the like; your intuition is excellent. You trust your gut instincts to guide you. You are talented in finding ways to progress outdated systems. The brilliant mastermind within can be best expressed through discipline, self-restraint, and persistence.

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Sun harmonizing with Moon

(power = 7.88 and this aspect is harmonious = 7.88)

Creativity comes easily to you and you are most successful at reaching your aims when those you care for are there to encourage you. You are able to find a perfect balance between independence and connecting with others. You are self-sufficient, doing just fine alone whenever needed. Previous lives were used to master your emotional reactions and they are now harmonious. Good karma draws good fortune to you in all aspects: status, home-life, friendship, respect, healthiness, and monetary assets. Naturally capable and talented, you soar to the top either by gaining the respect and admiration of those in high places who will aid you on your journey, or you yourself find an area of expertise where you create your own success. Both the external and internal forces at work for you are blended harmoniously, making your life a bit easier than it could otherwise be. All of your challenges are aided by this aspect and despite the obstacles, you will find tranquillity.

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Mercury discordant to Saturn

(power = 6.23 and this aspect is discordant = -9.35)

Mentally you are systematic, methodical, focused, resourceful, and able to dive into the deepest of waters. You may not come to your conclusions quickly, but they are fully thought out once you do finally get to them. You prefer to study on your own where you can fully concentrate and go at your own pace. You definitely have your viewpoints, though you are unlikely to share them with others until you have turned every stone and thought through every angle of a situation. Naturally sceptical and careful, you are also prone to negative thinking and can become depressed more easily than others. Generally, you try to conserve your efforts as best you can. You are not usually open to new ideas unless they have been proven through methodical means and therefore tend to disbelieve most of the concepts you come across. You would do well in careers that require sorting through and gathering data in a systematic manner, as you possess excellent organisational skills. In social situations you tend to keep to yourself and are quiet, observant, and stern faced, preferring to stay out of the meaningless chit-chat that most would engage in. For you, if it does not produce something you can use or hold on to, it is not worth investing yourself in. Your communication style is confident and respectable. You are naturally organised and would do well in managerial positions. You keep your feet on the ground and know what you want, however showing your emotions does not come easily to you. Make sure you keep an eye on your teeth as they are susceptible to enamel issues.
There is a chance that you may develop cruel behaviour patterns. You will often worry about things that are unlikely to come to pass or things in which you have no control over. Rather than worrying over these things, you should concentrate on making plans. You do not trust whatever you are unfamiliar with or haven’t had a chance to fully think through in a slow, reasonable manner. Try to be more open-minded to what others are saying so as to counter your naturally pessimistic attitude. Conveying your thoughts is challenging for you and people are often confused by what you are expressing, though you are just as perplexed by their communication. Your approach to things tends to be very traditional and you prefer sticking to the tried-and-true instead of venturing out into something different and unexplored. However, it would be beneficial for you to give fresh ideas a chance every once in a while. At times you can convince yourself that your less-than-wholesome methods are correct because you believe so strongly in something that you are blind to the process and only see the end result. You can be a bit of an extremist when engrossed in your projects; every detail must be perfect. Cut yourself, and others, some slack sometimes as not every tiny fragment of each endeavour needs to be fussed over. You are susceptible to problems with your nerves due to your tendency to work yourself too hard. Do your best to limit stressors and take time to relax.

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Venus harmonizing with Jupiter

(power = 5.71 and this aspect is harmonious = 9.99)

You are giving, caring, charitable, and would readily share whatever assets you might have. For the people you care for, you would quickly extend both yourself and the material items in your possession, however you will usually only do so if it isn’t too much trouble for you. A luxurious, stylish, relaxing environment is essential to you and you refuse to do any manual labour. Your charismatic, pleasant, polite demeanour is perfect for hosting company. Good karma from a past life assures you luck with your finances and acquiring assets. There is an inclination towards indulging yourself extravagantly and behaving in a lazy manner; try to curb these habits. At times, life fulfils your needs and desires with so little effort on your part that you may not value what you are given. With regards to your health, you are susceptible to putting on weight due to your liking of tasty food and drink. You are a tender-hearted, out-going, friendly type who avoids conflict and enjoys exploring beautiful, distance lands. It would be most beneficial for you to learn to appreciate what you have and to stick things out even when they are difficult sometimes.

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Saturn discordant to Pluto

(power = 5.58 and this aspect is discordant = -8.37)

The pathway towards achieving your goals may be obstructed and there is also issue with asserting power. It seems that something always stands in the way of what you are trying to accomplish. It would be wise to evaluate the reasoning behind your actions. Are these actions done for selfish reasons alone, or do they have a benefit for humanity as a whole? Competing with others allows you to learn how to better collaborate with people. Much wisdom can be attained with this placement, however it is imperative that you act selflessly.
Karma from a past life insists that you listen to the opposing views of others openly in this life, as you had acted in a controlling, commanding manner previously. If you insist on holding to your own opinions rigidly, your conditions will only worsen. Great power comes with great responsibility—this responsibility is to ensure others well-being, not only your own. Those who need to learn this are often placed in powerful roles so that they may do so. Be humble, keep striving, and develop your patience.
You can be very innovative though you must develop a way to adapt. You prefer things to stay the same, with the same routine, and this desire prompts you to attempt controlling others in some way. This placement may create a great deal of tension for you emotionally, though you can use these challenges to better understand the meaning of life.

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Moon harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 5.31 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.31)

Mentally you are responsive, unique, perceptive, imaginative, and think on your feet. You can do well to channel your energies into inventing something progressive or unusual and you are drawn to mystical subjects. Astrology or technological topics fascinate you. Your sense of humour is a bit eccentric at times and you may behave in a surprising manner or poke fun at yourself just to get others to react. You feel a strong pull towards intensely emotive circumstances or anything thrilling and different. You demand your independence and hate to be tied down to anything that will limit it. However, you are often forced to adapt quickly to a variety of different circumstances that can pop up at random for you. Your notions are usually fresh and innovative, and usually can be applied in a way that would strongly benefit humanity. You are also able to view every aspect of a situation fairly. Although, you are often impatient, get bored easily, and do not finish what you have started. Others find you amusing and unique, and you are usually very lucky. Whatever is a deviation from the norm will tend to draw you in, for you seek the exhilaration of trying something you have not experienced before. You are able to see the benefit in monitoring your temper and feelings.

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Moon discordant to Saturn

(power = 4.48 and this aspect is discordant = -6.73)

You have a great deal of ambition and drive to succeed, but you often doubt yourself. You lack confidence in your abilities and are unsure whether others are going to respond to you positively. You have no faith in yourself to overcome life’s obstacles which is why you often work yourself to the bone trying to demonstrate that you are worthy. You are highly insecure and are scared that you will fail. Often you cling to the things you have because you feel that somehow they will be gone tomorrow. It is hard for you to bond with others as you tend to keep your emotions bottled up. Instead, you attempt to purchase peoples love and loyalty. However, that is not possible; you need to acquire this with a genuine connection. How can people see the wonderful things within you if you cannot see them yourself? Your insecurities are so pronounced that when you are close to someone, you require them to consistently reassure you that they care for you, leaving the relationship strained in the end. Perhaps re-think your idea of what it means to be emotionally secure. Deep down you believe that you need to be someone else so that people will accept you or care for you. Many times you feel as though you are the odd one out in a group situation and will act cold and reserved, when the truth is that it is actually very important to you that you are involved equally. Due to your sensitivity, you are likely to wall up and refuse to let anyone in instead of facing the possible hurts and vulnerability that may surface by opening up to someone deeply.
Being cautious and keeping yourself closed off emotionally makes it a challenge to form a bond with someone. Taking time for yourself to reflect and work on personal growth can help you become stronger emotionally as well as allow you to feel more secure, however you need to defeat the tendency to view isolation as rejection and the lonely feeling that comes along with that perspective. You are prone to feeling anxious, irritated, and depressed at times. It seems as though somehow life always throws a wrench in the works when you are trying to achieve something. You may feel like the universe is working in opposition to your best efforts and that you alone must do the heavy lifting for humanity. You are not living this life by yourself, there are others around willing to help you and care for you if only you would let them in. In a past life, you expressed your feelings in an open and loving manner and were cast off because of it. Now you are scared to try again, instinctively believing that somehow you will be disregarded and hurt once more. Your perspective on how to become emotionally secure is incorrect; it is not about others and what they do or don’t do, but about how you see things. Despite your cool, reserved demeanour, inwardly you are very caring and crave to love and be loved. Of course there is a chance that your feelings may be harmed, but that is part of life and each painful experience can help you grow if you allow it to.
This placement stands out amongst the others as it has a particularly strong influence. At your best, you gain wisdom by going through something yourself, as even when you do something wrong the information you have gained will carry you. During the most emotionally difficult times in your life, you find a way to rise back up; nothing can keep you down for long and you persevere through your challenges. You are greatly aided by the mental drive this placement bestows.

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Moon discordant to Venus

(power = 4.45 and this aspect is discordant = -3.34)

The routines you have adopted can frustrate other people. You may be rude, ill-mannered, or personally unhygienic and these traits often aggravate others. There is a tendency towards laziness and a dislike of hard work. You believe that this sort of labour is meant for someone else, and you will watch others work while you relax, with a clear conscience. You are able to tell what people desire and sweet-talk them into doing what you want; being truthful is no concern of yours. You feel like there are two different people at war within you and this wreaks havoc for you personally. Sometimes you will become so accommodating with those you love that you become someone else and wind up feeling miserable in the end. You are unsure what exactly it is that you want out of a romantic partnership, someone to take care of you or someone to be on an equal level with. When you feel emotionally unsatisfied, you can over-indulge in rich foods. You are prone to over-eating sweets and richer cuisine in general, as you can be rather insecure. You may question your self-worth or attractiveness, despite people expressing otherwise. Try to develop a backbone and fight for the things that matter to you, or for yourself when necessary. You crave genuine care and affection for emotional security, and if you believe that this may be removed from your life, you start to fall apart. Your warmth stands on its own, though you must curb your possessive habits. Love transcends many lifetimes and we never fully say goodbye. Instead, we are brought back together in the next life.
Keep an eye on your finances as they can run away from you more rapidly than you can acquire them. You have a habit of indulging yourself too much as well as expecting your surroundings to be luxurious. Rather than do the work necessary to fix something, you will often sweep problems under the rug. You may feel as though you are not good enough just as yourself and you are constantly monitoring how popular you are. It is important for you to learn how to be brave and express your concerns when you have them. Sometimes you care so much about what people will think of you that you steer clear of any confrontation. However, your road to happiness involves building integrity and fighting for the things you believe in, as this will allow you to be truly who you are deep down.

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Moon discordant to Mercury

(power = 3.25 and this aspect is discordant = -3.25)

You may express yourself in an eloquent and clever manner, but you tend to keep to shallow waters, never venturing into the deeper emotions that some may be fond of. You are also not likely to stick with anything for very long, have trouble remembering things, and do not have a stable pattern of thought. You are indecisive, anxious, and prone to overthinking. Your high-strung nature can rub people the wrong way at times. You enjoy talking about people when they are not around and can spin a story to better suit your needs at the moment. You are interested in where others have been, how they feel, what they think, and why. You listen to them and people naturally divulge their private thoughts to you when they may not be so open with someone else. Previous experiences are particularly fascinating to you. Historical events in both your life and the lives of others are important to you and you readily share and listen to these tales. Archaeological or genealogical topics draw you in, as well as anything pertaining to myths. You feel almost as though you are reliving these experiences yourself.
You must find equilibrium between your mental state and your emotional state as you tend to swing wildly from one to the other. Your thinking is sharp but unfortunately so is your tongue, and this creates hurt where there did not need to be any. Try to think before you speak and form your words in a more diplomatic fashion. Use both your logical thinking with your sensitive emotions. Your nervousness and inner tension can create frustration for you internally that you often take out on others. You crave genuine care and understanding.

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Sun harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 2.21 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.21)

You have an excellent imagination and your environment can have a large impact on you. In your world, beauty and magic are everywhere! You are drawn to the metaphysical realm and strive to comprehend the meaning of all that you come across. There is a strong bond between you and the world at large; you are at one with humans, animals, and the forces at work. You have a great amount of empathy and care deeply for others, always willing to come to the aid of those who need you. Expressing yourself creatively, whether this is through artistic, musical, or acting pursuits, is essential to your happiness in life. Although, your strong idealism and romanticism can do well with some practicality. You are full of hopes and dreams that you are able to attain if only you can apply yourself. Karmic endeavours in past lives have set you up to build on your psychic abilities and turn them into reality by aiding those you come across in this life. You are able to remove yourself from your earthly self and connect spiritually when in need of advice. You have a particular fondness for the arts, higher principles, and sophistication. Premonitions or guidance may come to you in odd forms. Delicate emotionally, you will avoid conflict if possible. You possess a magnetic quality and an almost magical allure.

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Moon harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 2.10 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.10)

You are imaginative with a good deal of idealism and an excellent intuition due to your heightened sensitivity. You are caring, warm, kind, empathetic, and enjoy a bit of romance. You are a great listener and others know you will be open-minded and accepting when they reveal their troubles to you. You are able to inspire through your artistic endeavours and talents, and these projects are deeply emotionally satisfying for you. Large bodies of water tend to fascinate you, especially if you can couple this love with a creative venture such as photographing the ocean. You do not mind having to give something up if it means you can aid someone else. In order to remain stable and secure in your emotions, you must find an outlet for the creativity within. You are interested in subjects pertaining to the mystical realm and may even have a knack for this field if you can properly focus your energies. You are very sensitive to the energy around you and can easily be influenced by negative people or circumstances. It would be beneficial for you to stay in beautiful environments with limited tension as much as possible. In fact, you probably go to a great length of trouble to keep tensions out of the interactions you have with others, preferring to always keep your dealings harmonious. You are very giving with your efforts to come to the aid of people who may need you; serving people is part of your path and you value it highly. It is possible that you may have visions of the future while you sleep.

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Saturn harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 1.18 and this aspect is harmonious = 0.59)

Resilience, dedication, perseverance, and working hard allow you to achieve challenging feats. You are able to sync idealistic characteristics with realism. The challenges you encounter allow you to demonstrate your endurance when circumstances get particularly difficult; a great deal of spiritual development is likely to arise due to these difficulties. Different, unconventional, uncommon, and maybe even odd matters will attract your motivations. Rather unique individuals are thrust into your world in order to allow you opportunities to learn and expand your consciousness. You are capable of finding equilibrium between your need for independence and your obligations, enabling you to achieve incredible acts. You are detail-oriented and have a knack for organising which contribute to your success and allow you to aid others. There is an abundance of internal tension that may need to be minded as this can have a negative effect on your physical health; find a way to unwind and reduce your stress levels.

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Moon discordant to Pluto

(power = 1.06 and this aspect is discordant = -1.06)

There is intensity in every aspect of your life from your emotions and wants, to your romantic partnerships, with many of them being full of passion, instability, and heartbreak. You have a great personal magnetism that pulls others in. There is a tendency towards obsessing over people and partnerships. In your relationships, you may take turns trying to possess one another, each person controlling as much of the situation as they can until the other has had enough and tries to turn the tables. You can be jealous and also try to manipulate others, whether you do this behind the scenes or in a more overt manner. There is not much you will not do in order to maintain your power over people and the situation at hand. Your intense emotions can create such a strong pull within you that you find yourself acting in ways that are irrational. Evetually your emotions reach a peak and you need to remove yourself completely from the people in your life and the situations that you are in, and start anew. You are not the most open-minded person and can be very stubborn in your viewpoints, throwing them at others aggressively, often disregarding new concepts that others are trying to convey to you, and always insisting that your opinions are correct. You remember every slight, perceived or otherwise, that someone has done towards you. Work on your perception and you might find that people are different than you originally thought. Your feelings are so overwhelming sometimes that you are unable to reign them in. Finances can be an obsession for you as you need to feel secure. The biggest lesson for you in this placement is to temper the emotional chaos within. You have a deeply rooted sense of rejection and feeling as though you are somehow unworthy, and this makes it hard for you to believe that the people you care for are to be trusted. This aspect will test your romantic partnerships to help you grow as a person and show you how to truly have faith in the people you are bonded to.

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Sun harmonizing with Saturn

(power = 0.00 and this aspect is neutral)

You have a good head on your shoulders and keep your feet firmly planted on the ground, taking life seriously and applying self-control, patience, and hard effort to achieve your goals. You are aware that anything worth having may require some sacrifice and time. Effective, detail-oriented, and organised, your word is your bond as you have a realistic view on what can and cannot be achieved. Your ability to focus allows you to work diligently until you have completed your task and when you do something, you make sure to do it right. Highly capable, you succeed at whatever you decide to fully take on. You are dutiful and never skirt your responsibilities. However, many times you take certain actions only because you feel as though you are obligated to. You have a timid or quiet sort of demeanour, though this does not make others feel uneasy when in your presence. Being the centre of attention is not something you seek, as you are not interested in displaying yourself for others. At either home or your work environment, you prefer to have things be neat and orderly. There is a likelihood that you may prosper by those more advanced in their age. People in respectable positions tend to want to see you succeed as they are intuitively aware of your dedication to all that you undertake. Leadership comes naturally to you and you understand just what needs to be done to further your goals. Mentally you are realistic, thoughtful, and demanding. You do not take well to others telling you how to do something as you prefer to think through it yourself thoroughly, analyse it, and come to your own conclusions as to what needs doing and how.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Gemini

Geminis are out-going, adaptable, inquisitive, perceptive, rational, witty, instinctive, communicative, and articulate. On the other hand, they may be fidgety, contrary, insincere, fault-finding, and hurried. These creatures must be engaged in a career that allows for a great deal of diversity as they detest doing the same thing day in and day out; Geminis can become easily bored. They will often try to do too many things at once and time management isn’t one of their greatest skills.
Like a butterfly, Geminis will fly from one thing to another, sampling this and learning about that, never staying long enough to thoroughly absorb the matter at hand. They prefer breadth over depth. It is also unlikely that they will see their many projects through to the end, as they lose interest quickly and move on to the next exciting endeavour. One thing they will always be fascinated with is acquiring knowledge and new information; this lends them to an aptitude in teaching if they can discipline themselves long enough to gather their teaching credentials. Any career in which they will need to persuade another is also appealing to them as they can be quite convincing, even if the tale is only halfway factual; they can be brilliant story tellers.
Geminis crave and require a great deal of mental stimulation. To achieve this, they will tend to read whatever they can get their hands on and socialise readily and extensively. The urgency they feel to obtain this mental activity will either drive them to achieve success or cause them to endlessly move about from one situation to another, seeking ever more interesting conquests but accomplishing little.
Having a gift for gab, Geminis amuse others with their charming persona, lively banter, and robust humour. They are always aware of just which words to use to elicit the response they are looking for, though at times they will so quickly alter the topics of conversation that many cannot follow them.
Due to their lightning quick mental reflexes, they may become impatient when waiting on others to finish articulating their thoughts, so much so that the Gemini will often jump in and speak for them. They must develop patience and tolerance for those who may not be as quick as they are.
Geminis can be indecisive as they are very objective and can understand the value in each side of contradicting perspectives. Though they may at times play favourites and back up the opinion of the person they are most interested in that particular minute. Nevertheless they are fickle and can convincingly argue for the exact opposite side when the situation changes.
Geminis tend to intellectualise their emotions and keep a cool head. They prefer to rely on logic rather than sentiment when evaluating situations and making their decisions. It is likely that they will comprehend other people’s behaviours, though be unable to empathise with them.
Unfortunately, Geminis are often insincere, unrealistic, inconsistent, unreliable, unable to focus their attention, and complain endlessly when in a negative place (learn about compatibility with Gemini here).
Stress is a particular problem for Geminis as they are usually high strung. They must learn to relax and quiet their mind or they will become sick from anxiety. It may be helpful to focus on someone other than themselves and direct their tensions towards something beneficial.

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Moon in Aquarius

You prefer to filter your emotions through your mind and can come across as rather cool and emotionally reserved. Most people are unable to comprehend the way you handle your emotions and may come to believe that you are unfeeling. This placement bestows a stable emotional nature. You often feel secure when you are involved professionally with groups and engaging in team work. You are innovative, unique, and advanced in your thinking; you utilise these traits to benefit humanity. Your relationships with your relatives may be less significant to you than the ties you hold with your friends as it is likely that you feel more bonded to those in your life that you have CHOSEN. You require free reign in your connections with people and will take a step back from the relationship when others become too involved. A partner that is envious, domineering, and clingy will only push you away. You may find yourself involved with many partners as you tend to be curious. You have an aversion to the conservative and old-fashioned. You are naturally social and outgoing, advanced in your thinking, and self-sufficient. Your open-minded nature entices you to seek knowledge of all sorts. However, empathy and compassion is not a strong suit for you and you struggle to comprehend others on an emotional level. On occasion your inner tension will manifest as expressing unconventional or extreme viewpoints, only for their shock value. You may also be detached, unpredictable, unyielding, stiff, selfish, and defiant.

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Mercury in Taurus

You communicate in a leisurely but purposeful manner. You are unlikely to alter your frame of thought once you have decided on it. You are diligent, reasonable, systematic, and conventional in your everyday endeavours, possessing much tolerance in seeing projects to their completion. It is possible that it takes you a lengthy amount of time to comprehend material, though this is only because you prefer to learn things thoroughly instead of rushing through them and once you have understood them, they stick in your mind forever. Persistence and determination are some of your greatest assets. You easily continue building on what others have initiated, particularly if there are concrete outcomes that you are able to observe. Your success is more reliant on your ability to focus and persevere, than it is on mental genius. It is likely that you are involved with some sort of creative endeavour; possibly you are musically or artistically inclined. Your voice is probably quite pleasing and you may use this significantly in your career somehow. Practicality is second nature to you.

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Venus in Aries

Venus naturally craves partnerships, socialising, warmth, and love, while Aries is direct, commanding, and a strong leader. These two combined will bestow you with a tendency towards pursuing your relationships with great fervour. Your emotions are quickly ignited and you enthusiastically take charge in social situations and romantic endeavours. You decide what you want and you go get it. However, be mindful not to pursue interests only for the sake of pursuing them and not because you truly desire them; you often discard the object of your desire once the chase has ended and you have completed your conquest. Therefore, it is likely that your romantic affairs begin in an intense burst of exhilaration and passion, only to temper off into a pale remnant of what they once were. You will always find new pursuits to master, and you will chase them as if going into battle; nothing will dissuade you. The most negative trait that Venus possesses is the tendency towards people pleasing and becoming overly accommodating for the sake of harmony. Therefore you may find that with this aspect you seek out partners that will insist you accommodate their needs and wishes, forcing you to put your own aside. An Aries Venus placement insists that you are a leader, though do not control, that you are accommodating, though not a doormat. You are self-sufficient and have a spontaneous style towards romantic involvements. You enjoy competition and may become quarrelsome only for the sake of having a short-lived thrill. You may need to be mindful of the consequences your actions have on others and develop consideration for their needs, instead of always looking out for yourself. Try also to cultivate patience, as your tendency towards haste can become a major obstacle for you.

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Mars in Gemini

You hold a large amount of both mental and physical energy. Always on the go, buzzing from one place to another, engaged in your many interests, sometimes you are involved in more than one activity at the same moment! With your lively mentality and curiosity, you require a large amount of stimulation to keep you from getting bored. You seek out new data and love to learn about anything you can get your hands on. It is also of great fun to you to engage yourself in challenging, competitive conversations with others where you can show off your wit and intelligence. You may find yourself suffering from nervous tensions due to your overly active mind, and it would be beneficial for you to establish some sort of exercise routine to relieve the pressure. You are likely to be animated and expressive, often communicating using your hands. You probably enjoy working with the hands somehow and it is possible that you do not have a dominant hand preference. At times you can become so excited about an opportunity that you will venture forward without thinking things through; try to slow down long enough to obtain a clear picture of the situation before entering into it. You dislike standing still and may engage yourself in activities that are not necessarily wholesome or beneficial, just for the thrill of having something to do. Exploring distant lands and cultures is enjoyable to you as you can acquire knowledge from each new situation. There is a tendency towards being prone to accidents involving your arms or shoulders, particularly accidents involving excessive heat. Many times these misfortunes could have been prevented had you been more patient rather than rushing to get things done. It would be best for you to stick to shorter assignments as you work well for brief, intense amounts of time but encounter difficulty if you must sustain your energy and interest for extended periods. Often you will try to multitask, though end up taking on more than you can realistically complete. You dislike routine and require diversity in your projects and in your life in general. You are mentally quick and bright and are interested in playing games or somehow testing your mental agility. Mental competition with others tickles your fancy and you have more stamina for mental activities than you do for the physical sort. On your journey to success, you prefer to utilise your excellent social skills, intellect, quick-wit, astute observations, and ability to articulate yourself. You have a robust sense of humour that tends towards the dark side. Try to pace yourself as you may throw yourself into things with full concentration, only to find you cannot sustain the energy and are unable to continue; working a bit more slowly and steadily will allow you to better keep your word.

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Jupiter in Gemini

You are cunning, quick-witted, and jovial. Experiencing other cultures and new places appeals to you as you are able to learn much from these endeavours. You may have a gift for learning to communicate in a different language. However, internally you possess an anxious tension that you try to counter by nervous banter, communicating excessively, or making commitments that you are unable to follow through on. Working in literature may appeal to you. You are innovative and able to comprehend abstract concepts, as well as enjoy applying your mind to mathematical subjects. You seek out situations that will challenge you and alter your perception or help you grow in knowledge or wisdom. Justice or religious practices may also draw your attention.

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Saturn in Leo

A strong leader, with excellent administrative and managerial capabilities; you know when to be tactful. You are independent, traditional, well-organised, and proficient. You tend to be more reserved emotionally, seeming to others as aloof and uncaring. Affection is important to you, though you do not know how to go about acquiring or expressing it, instead you remove yourself from others. You feel a sense of obligation essential when love is present, and you find yourself preferring to “do” something for someone or present them with gifts, rather than giving them what they’d really like, yourself. However, there are times when you can be harsh, temperamental, and envious; you must be mindful not to use dishonest tactics when realising your goals. You prefer to be respected for being effective and proficient. In health matters, you are susceptible to diseases of the heart.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 12th house

You feel an urge to be of service to humanity. This may be particularly challenging for you, as you prefer to retreat and hope that others will somehow come to save you from yourself. There is karma from a previous life that forces you to look closely at yourself and the destructive tendencies you carry. You intuitively sense that everything in the universe is tied together. It is likely that you will need to learn to believe in yourself, as your confidence is often low. People with health issues, whether this be physical or mental, tend to draw you in as you seem to resonate with them somehow. You may have premonitions or be interested in new age topics or the metaphysical realm. There is a possibility that you will act as a victim, ready for sacrificing yourself at any moment.

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Moon in 9th house

You find security in your philosophies and beliefs. You tend to daydream about a life different from your own; the grass is always greener. Often thinking on the deeper meaning in life, you strive to find new ventures which propel you to go on prolonged adventures, whether these travels are mental or physical. Interested in a variety of topics and subjects, you would make an excellent educator as you can muster up heart-felt enthusiasm for the matter being discussed. It is possible that you have prophetic dreams. You are likely to be interested in a career that involves higher education, religious or philosophical studies, travelling, foreign affairs, moral values, or law. You may need to relocate to an area far from your birth place in order to succeed in your endeavours.

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Mercury in 12th house

Your mind is gentle though insightful, and you possess good instincts. You are likely interested in theoretical or supernatural matters. Information is effortlessly absorbed and you may comprehend more than you care to express. It is easy for you to read others and to sense what their true intentions are by noting their physical gestures and signals, though you tend to keep this to yourself. Hidden adversaries may negatively impact your life through their words. You must develop your self-confidence and curb your anxiety or you will run into trouble. Hearing and your ears may be particularly vulnerable to injury or you may not be able to hear as well as others.

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Venus in 12th house

Rather independent, you prefer spending time alone and often withdraw from social contact. You enjoy doing what you love in private, and may be prone to secret love affairs. Be mindful not to get carried away with substance use or sensual pleasures, as this can destroy you. With an inherent empathy towards others, you are always happy to come to another’s aid. It is likely that you can be taken advantage of by those that pretend to be worse off than they actually are. You are disinterested in what society believes success should be. What you most desire is to comprehend a deeper sense of purpose in your life. Rarely do you express your true emotions to others. It is probable that you are interested in fortune-telling, premonitions, new age topics, and the like.

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Mars in 12th house

Your emotions tend to run high though you may suppress them or go to the other extreme and find yourself suffering from obsessive fear. Others are instinctively aware of this and create difficulties for you. There is a possibility of complications due to defamation or hidden adversaries. Buried grudges may be an issue that needs to be dealt with, and there is also a chance of false allegations from concealed sources. You feel as though you are on your own in this world. It would be wise for you to use your intense emotionality to better comprehend a deep sense of purpose and to become unified with mankind. You dislike being in the public eye and would do best working privately or in secret.

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Jupiter in 1st house

A natural leader due to your confidence and ability to inspire faith in others, this placement brings many opportunities for expansion and personal growth. Due to the ease you have convincing others to follow you, you make a superb promoter. Generous in spirit with a cheerful and optimistic attitude, you have a zest for life that few others can rival. You are likely to be outdoorsy and excel in sports; this would be a great endeavour to participate in for you as it would counter the tendency towards weight gain that this placement poses. However, you must try to temper your extravagant ways as you can be rather self-indulgent, emotionally dramatic, and susceptible to trusting things you shouldn’t.

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Saturn in 3rd house

You have an amazing ability to concentrate on the deeper things in life. You tend towards more serious thinking and can be very patient when you want to get things done right. You keep your mind well organised and can excel in strategy or mathematical concepts, which you may participate in as a hobby. You do not mind engaging in projects that you would need to be involved with for a long period of time. There is a tendency towards a pessimistic attitude, in addition to feeling lonely and possibly even depressed. You may find yourself having issues communicating with your family and your immediate community and this may cause you to isolate yourself from them. Instead, try to think positively and focus on moving ahead. Be mindful of oxygen issues as your lungs may be sensitive; try to keep air in your sleeping quarters circulating well.

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Uranus in 12th house

You are idealistic as far as humanity is concerned, have a strong intuition, and tend to prefer staying in the background. However, you may develop trouble with your nervous system and often suffer from feeling as though you are alone. It is likely that you experience premonitions, yet you keep these secret from the world due to a fear of criticism. In fact, psychic phenomenon and new age topics tend to fascinate you in general. It is easy for you to find flaws in the circumstances around you and you tend to question life’s purpose. Freedom is highly important to you. There may be buried trouble from your past that will need to come to the surface and be dealt with. You may at times experience a kind of paranoia that makes you feel as though you will be attacked at any moment by some unforeseen force. You tend to feel anxious over believing an imminent disaster is just around the corner; learn to control your fears.

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Neptune in 11th house

You have high ideals and are concerned with the well-being of all people. You possess a strong intuition as far as your hopes and desires are concerned, however this placement may create challenges for you in regards to which path to take to attain your objectives. Fantasising will not help things, as hard-work will be needed to achieve them. You tend to be drawn to contacts that are quirky oddballs, often artistic or musically inclined in some way, though they may not always be dependable or honest. Keep an eye out for those that are not who you may believe they are; these connections may try to drag you into substance abuse so be sure to keep your wits about you. Your wishes can be attained if you can achieve decisive clarity for your aspirations and keep your feet on the ground.

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Pluto in 12th house

Knowledge and quest for truth are important to you as you are trying to comprehend life’s purpose. There is a possibility that you feel trapped in your life and want to find a way to transcend your present reality. You may experience sudden disruptions and challenges in order to reset you and guide you back to the route you were supposed to be travelling. Seclusion from humanity to re-examine thyself is also likely. You may find yourself as defender of the underdog. Working alone, out of observation from the general public, and aiding others may appeal to you.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Gemini 1

Sabian Symbol: As a glass-bottomed boat silently and slowly drifts on the water it reveals a panorama of marine life.
Kozminsky Symbol: A burst of flames appear out of clouds that are behind two ionic columns adorned with globes.

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Moon in 
Aquarius 1

Sabian Symbol: An ancient adobe mission sits near the California hills.
Kozminsky Symbol: In rose-tinted clouds, a human head sits.

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Mercury in 
Taurus 6

Sabian Symbol: A cantilever bridge is being built across a deep gorge.
Kozminsky Symbol: A judge in his robes is handing a book to the stretching hands of a student.

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Venus in 
Aries 28

Sabian Symbol: A large audience confronts the disillusionment that was disappointing.
Kozminsky Symbol: A jeweler is holding a magnificent amethyst in his hand which he deeply admires.

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Mars in 
Gemini 19

Sabian Symbol: In the archives of a museum, a large archaic volume reveals traditional wisdom.
Kozminsky Symbol: Climbing at night in a thunderous storm, a mountaineer loses his hat and coat, but is saved from falling in a crevice because lightening has shown the way.

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Jupiter in 
Gemini 26

Sabian Symbol: Frost covered trees throughout the forest imply cosmic tapestry.
Kozminsky Symbol: A broken blade is falling into the ocean.

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Saturn in 
Leo 8

Sabian Symbol: A revolutionary is spreading his ideas to the people.
Kozminsky Symbol: Walking in a forest are two lovers and they see before them a beautiful butterfly and two white doves.

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Uranus in 
Gemini 4

Sabian Symbol: Many rooms in a house are decorated with holly and mistletoe to awaken the beauty of Christmas.
Kozminsky Symbol: A silver triangle pointing upwards, a darkened square below and a calm and serene human face.

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Neptune in 
Pisces 27

Sabian Symbol: The translucent light of sunset, the harvest moon of autumn rising.
Kozminsky Symbol: Fire comes out of the horse’s nostrils as he freely runs.

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Pluto in 
Taurus 8

Sabian Symbol: A sleigh used for the winter season speeds over uncovered ground without snow.
Kozminsky Symbol: A leafless tree on treeless land, bends to a gale of wind and it can be heard whistling wildly throughout the branches.

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Ascendant in 
Gemini 20

Sabian Symbol: A modern cafeteria displays its inviting steam table and various food products.
Kozminsky Symbol: Holding a skull in both hands is a reveler who is drunk.

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Midheaven in 
Aquarius 8

Sabian Symbol: In window displays are mannequins with the latest fashion on display.
Kozminsky Symbol: From a prison cell, a soldier attempts to escape.

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Gem 00° 32' 22"
57' 39"
00" S
20° 16' 52" N
Aqu 00° 39' 17"
11° 49' 23"
1° 59' 56" S
21° 58' 43" S
Tau 05° 24' 04"
1° 03' 53"
3° 22' 30" S
10° 08' 57" N
Ari 27° 06' 34"
1° 11' 23"
1° 51' 43" S
8° 42' 52" N
Gem 18° 28' 16"
40' 24"
46' 09" N
23° 43' 30" N
Gem 25° 49' 10"
13' 02"
9' 42" S
23° 13' 54" N
Leo 07° 10' 14"
4' 28"
50' 30" N
19° 18' 33" N
Gem 03° 20' 58"
3' 31"
7' 31" S
20° 43' 11" N
Pis 26° 45' 00"
1' 14"
1° 14' 16" S
2° 25' 44" S
Tau 07° 35' 23"
1' 17"
15° 59' 29" S
1° 06' 16" S
Aqu 22° 44' 46"
6° 38' 26" N
7° 39' 35" S
Aqu 01° 55' 23"
6' 39"
1° 59' 38" S
21° 41' 28" S
True Node
Aqu 23° 57' 02" R
- 2' 47"
00" N
13° 32' 56" S
P. of Fortune
Aqu 19° 54' 11"
Sco 03° 20' 31"
Gem 19° 47' 16"
Can 05° 45' 33"
Can 20° 20' 40"
Leo 07° 25' 08"
Vir 02° 29' 60"
Lib 18° 30' 43"
Sag 19° 47' 16"
Cap 05° 45' 33"
Cap 20° 20' 40"
Aqu 07° 25' 08"
Pis 02° 29' 60"
Ari 18° 30' 43"
P. of Fortune
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
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