Birth Chart: Agustín Muñoz Grandes (Aquarius)

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Astrological Natal Chart
Agustín Muñoz Grandes

Born at Madrid, Spain
Monday, January 27, 1896
22:00 (time zone = GMT -0.2 hours)
3w41, 40n24

Fact: Aquarius dates are between January 20 and February 19. Check the Aquarius dates to find out.


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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LIBRA rising

Those with a Libra rising are typically sophisticated, charismatic, courteous, polite, graceful, diplomatic, pleasing, friendly, creative, affable, prone to indecision, and conflict avoidant. Being alone is difficult for you and you look to others to approve of you. This need may cause you to deny your values in order to win people over. You are also likely to be selfish and egotistical. Refusing others is not easy for you. You will try to evade any sort of conflict and require that things are always in balance harmoniously. Decisions can be challenging for you to make as you prefer to weigh each part of the equation equally, comparing and contrasting, before coming to a conclusion. Debates are enjoyable to you though you keep them conflict-free and pleasant. Outer appearances matter to you. You are lucky in that whatever you require seems to finds its way to you without you needing to put in much work. Making decisions, particularly in your romantic partnerships, is a lesson you will need to learn in your life. Libra is ruled by Venus and it’s placement in your chart will therefore be significant.

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Shhh! When it comes to sex, Aquarius is not much for routine, nor for making things simple. Read all about Aquarius sexuality here.


If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Sun discordant to Jupiter

(power = 11.14 and this aspect is discordant = -5.57)

You have a positive outlook on life and a strong belief in yourself, though both of these will tend to be overly inflated. You over-indulge and are prone to excess. It may be difficult for you to fully commit yourself to anyone as you can be a bit self-involved. At times you are narrow-minded, particularly when religion is involved. Your reasoning can be a bit faulty and you tend to over-promise in all of your excitement and later be unable to follow through. You may come across as arrogant while inside you are insecure instead. You tend to talk yourself up, exaggerating your skills. You have trouble focusing on anything long enough to see it to completion. Big hopes and dreams fall short in reality as you are unable to motivate yourself or persevere enough to make them happen. However, you always remain hopeful regardless.
Frustrations are likely to rise as you are unhappy with the duties and restrictions you have been dealt. You may go through many trials and tribulations in order to test your convictions. There is also a possibility of trouble with the law and authority figures. It would be a good idea to look within and establish at which point self-assurance becomes narcissism. You like to feel as though you are someone worthy and valuable which can quickly turn into arrogant behaviour, causing you to showcase yourself to others in a flashy manner. You can be ungrateful, prone to wasting your assets and energy. You should be mindful that you have calculated your decisions with care as you may lose out harshly because of debts, hearsay, investing, or your fondness for a gamble. Your social status is valuable to you. Be mindful as your health may be susceptible to trouble with the circulatory system and you must pay attention to the health of your arteries. Your tendency to over-indulge may also create health concerns, particularly issues with weight; make sure you get plenty of exercise and activity.

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Moon discordant to Mars

(power = 9.70 and this aspect is discordant = -12.12)

Emotionally you are fully charged and this intensity may have a negative impact on your health physically. Try to pace yourself and start to do one thing at time. It is not always easy to share living quarters with you as you often lack patience, become easily agitated with others, and behave in a grouchy manner. It is almost as though you go LOOKING for arguments. A bit like a spoiled child, if you do not get your way, you show your displeasure with fits of rebellious resistance. It would be beneficial for you to keep physically active and disperse the enormous amount of restlessness within you. You are naturally assertive and spirited, easily fighting for the things that you believe in or for others that are being taken advantage of. However, you must develop self-restraint if you are to reach your full potential. Competition spurs you on and you are driven to beat out all others in the game of your choosing or even just in general. Sometimes attracting with honey is far more conducive to accomplishing your goals than using brute force; be more diplomatic when interacting with people. You work diligently, bravely, and energetically. Try to be more lenient on yourself and others when something goes array as no one is perfect, not even you. Sometimes you have built up such a name for yourself that you do a complete turn-around and laze about, expecting your previous work will tide you over. Your anger may be explosive at times, especially when you are wounded on an emotional level, and you must find a way to restrain yourself. Try to think through your feelings before they take over. Your general lack of patience and constant rushing about makes you susceptible to accidental injuries, particularly involving heat or sharp objects. You can be reckless because you do not plan your actions ahead. You have a negative reaction to any sort of perceived restriction on you and can be a bit of a rule-breaker. As a leader, it is imperative that you curb your dominance or you will be seen as a tyrannical dictator rather than a leader. Vengeful thoughts are not healthy for you and you need to release your anger towards others for their offenses. It is likely that you will be wasteful with your financial resources and can be prone to dishonesty.

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Mercury discordant to Uranus

(power = 8.87 and this aspect is discordant = -8.87)

Your thinking is lightning fast. Extremely original with strong intuition, you have an inventive mind that is always concocting fresh methods. You are a progressive, alternative, non-conformist who insists on having the utmost independence to express yourself. You are endlessly excited by new concepts, experiments, and technology. Patience will need to be developed as you can be short-tempered with those who do not have as quick of a mind as you happen to be blessed with. Abstract theories are easy for you to understand and you would do well working in the field of science or mechanics. You are gifted with cleverness and ingenuity, perception and intelligence. You may find yourself drawn to the metaphysical realm or to mechanics. Astrological topics may be of interest as well. Naturally your spirit is a bit on edge, and you should try to find methods to calm your nerves. You prefer to have a variety of different things happening to you all at once or else boredom will quickly set in. Your mind needs to have something fresh and interesting to ponder and dissect. Often you will find new concepts coming to you seemingly out of thin air, and this is your intuition at work. Travelling will provide much of the stimulation you crave and you excel in situations that require you to think on your feet, where you must adapt, and where the outcomes are uncertain. You are self-sufficient and fiercely independent.
However, despite the above, you can reject any concept or manner of thinking that does not adhere to the conclusions you have come to previously. Be careful not to spread yourself too thin mentally, and try to concentrate on something long enough to complete it. This tendency to try to do too much at one time can cause you to act on impulse, recklessly jumping around from situation to situation. You can be very sceptical of the concepts that other people express to you. You are happy to entertain fresh ideas, though only if you do not feel pressured, in which case you are likely to rebel against them. The way someone approaches you is important. Try to keep in mind that many times people are not meaning to pressure you and that you are just highly sensitive to any sort of perceived demand on your mental freedom. Allow yourself to openly entertain notions that may differ from your own views. In addition, it would be beneficial for you to develop enough self-control to stick to an idea or project until you have completed it. At times you can behave as though the world or the people in it owe you something. They do not. Remove your ego and detach yourself from this way of thinking.

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Sun harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 8.64 and this aspect is harmonious = 8.64)

You believe in yourself and in your skills to achieve the things you set out for, feeling that you are capable of withstanding any challenge you should encounter in your life. You are ready and able to overcome whatever you need to in order to survive, even if this means changing your own tendencies to do so. A strong will coupled with great discipline promise that you will rise to great heights. You have an excellent ability to persevere against all odds and can be quite resourceful as well. These skills are put to good use when you make the necessary alterations to the outdated systems in your path. You will fight for justice, whether for yourself or when you see others being treated unfairly. You are a leader with a superb capacity for managerial duties. Others turn to you when they need guidance and you put them on the correct path. Very dedicated, you go after your objectives with complete focus, intensely moving forward in an almost obsessive fashion. Those who skirt away from their troubles tend to rub you the wrong way as you are inclined to see them as weak and find it difficult to give much weight to their views, concerns, or to them as a person. You firmly believe that your fate is what you make it and hold others to the same standard. Very perceptive, your intuition quickly picks up on the truth of a situation. You are aware of the destruction that pessimism can cause and therefore passionately and diligently work to unravel these thoughts, applying the same conviction and purpose that you would with everything you do. Those around you intuit your strength and capabilities, treating you as though you have already reached the top.

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Mercury harmonizing with Venus

(power = 4.49 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.62)

You have a talent for creating beautiful forms and designs, as your spatial ability is superb in regards to what would be considered aesthetically pleasing to yourself and others. You excel in all different types of art and design and would do well choosing a career in these fields. Another option for you would be in creative writing; you are able to use words to paint a picture. Your vocals are likely to be quite appealing to others, almost as if you can hypnotise others simply by speaking or singing to them. Diplomacy comes naturally to you and you are able to articulate yourself in a peaceful manner even in the most trying of circumstances. If you are unable to create art, you may do well in selling it instead. You instinctively pick out what goes well together materialistically or creatively. People find your charming, polite, and often humorous demeanour easy to get along with and this likeability will greatly aid you in any endeavour you are involved with that requires you to work with others. There is a tendency towards thinking your feelings rather than feeling them, and this rationalisation makes it difficult for you to openly convey your emotions to others. Whether or not you work in the creative field, you will certainly value art and creativity in general. It is in your nature to resolve disagreements in a harmonious fashion and soothe any emotional upsets.

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Saturn blending with Uranus

(power = 4.27 and this aspect is discordant = -2.13)

This placement can either muddle things up or pull forth a magnetic quality, contingent upon the rest of your horoscope. There is a battle going on inside, the conformist versus the rebel, traditionalist versus the progressive, the realist versus the dreamer, conventional versus the alternative. Pressure builds up while you are fighting within, this then that then back again. There is an opportunity with this placement to combine these traits in a way that will be beneficial to humanity in some way. Much hard work will be required to achieve this goal, but it is definitely attainable. You are able to create progressive changes by dedicating yourself to an idea. You complete the things you start as you can instinctively feel which methods would be best used to realistically attain these feats. Allow yourself the time needed as you can become impatient and burst emotionally during stressful moments, only to feel regretful once your temper calms down. It is important that you develop a way to sooth yourself during these moments as they may cause you to act rashly. Much of your outrage is due to your tendency to keep your emotions bottled up until you cannot control them any further, and then you erupt. You need to learn how to express these feelings in more positive ways before they reach an intolerable level. Consider visualisation, breathing techniques, or meditative exercises to channel your tension.

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Sun harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 4.07 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.07)

You have an excellent imagination and your environment can have a large impact on you. In your world, beauty and magic are everywhere! You are drawn to the metaphysical realm and strive to comprehend the meaning of all that you come across. There is a strong bond between you and the world at large; you are at one with humans, animals, and the forces at work. You have a great amount of empathy and care deeply for others, always willing to come to the aid of those who need you. Expressing yourself creatively, whether this is through artistic, musical, or acting pursuits, is essential to your happiness in life. Although, your strong idealism and romanticism can do well with some practicality. You are full of hopes and dreams that you are able to attain if only you can apply yourself. Karmic endeavours in past lives have set you up to build on your psychic abilities and turn them into reality by aiding those you come across in this life. You are able to remove yourself from your earthly self and connect spiritually when in need of advice. You have a particular fondness for the arts, higher principles, and sophistication. Premonitions or guidance may come to you in odd forms. Delicate emotionally, you will avoid conflict if possible. You possess a magnetic quality and an almost magical allure.

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Moon discordant to Venus

(power = 3.82 and this aspect is discordant = -2.86)

The routines you have adopted can frustrate other people. You may be rude, ill-mannered, or personally unhygienic and these traits often aggravate others. There is a tendency towards laziness and a dislike of hard work. You believe that this sort of labour is meant for someone else, and you will watch others work while you relax, with a clear conscience. You are able to tell what people desire and sweet-talk them into doing what you want; being truthful is no concern of yours. You feel like there are two different people at war within you and this wreaks havoc for you personally. Sometimes you will become so accommodating with those you love that you become someone else and wind up feeling miserable in the end. You are unsure what exactly it is that you want out of a romantic partnership, someone to take care of you or someone to be on an equal level with. When you feel emotionally unsatisfied, you can over-indulge in rich foods. You are prone to over-eating sweets and richer cuisine in general, as you can be rather insecure. You may question your self-worth or attractiveness, despite people expressing otherwise. Try to develop a backbone and fight for the things that matter to you, or for yourself when necessary. You crave genuine care and affection for emotional security, and if you believe that this may be removed from your life, you start to fall apart. Your warmth stands on its own, though you must curb your possessive habits. Love transcends many lifetimes and we never fully say goodbye. Instead, we are brought back together in the next life.
Keep an eye on your finances as they can run away from you more rapidly than you can acquire them. You have a habit of indulging yourself too much as well as expecting your surroundings to be luxurious. Rather than do the work necessary to fix something, you will often sweep problems under the rug. You may feel as though you are not good enough just as yourself and you are constantly monitoring how popular you are. It is important for you to learn how to be brave and express your concerns when you have them. Sometimes you care so much about what people will think of you that you steer clear of any confrontation. However, your road to happiness involves building integrity and fighting for the things you believe in, as this will allow you to be truly who you are deep down.

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Neptune blending with Pluto

(power = 3.43 and this aspect is neutral)

Those born in your generation have the ability to be of aid to humanity as a whole. Let your intuition guide you in assisting others.

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Venus blending with Mars

(power = 2.12 and this aspect is neutral)

Ardent and passionate, your urges may get the best of you at times. Others are magnetically drawn to you whether you are good-looking or not, though you probably are. People delight in your enjoyable presence and therefore try to keep you around. If someone sparks an interest in you, you will try your absolute hardest to win them over. However, you may instead scare away the object of your affection by pursuing them a bit too intensely. You crave affection and appreciate beautiful surroundings. Engaging in creative pursuits is important to you as you need to focus your energies artistically to combat any internal tensions you may have.
This placement bestows a charming personality and the ability to attract others to you. Highly out-going, you need to spend time with others often; spending too much time on your own may prove difficult for you. You have a strong desire to express love and be shown love in return. However, be mindful of who you express this love to, as others may feel differently than you. You tend to take partnerships very seriously and can be completely crushed when something goes awry, making it particularly important that you are selective of whom you spend your efforts on. This placement can be challenging due to its tendency to create conflicts in your partnerships; you will both love and loathe each other. The emotions are both caring and antagonistic at the same time. Use these situations to inspire you creatively.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Aquarius

Aquarians are typically social, unique, sensitive, open-minded, unconventional, unusual, self-sufficient, logical, ready to lend a helping hand, and they require a great deal of personal freedom to explore (learn about compatibility with Aquarius here). However, they may also be cold, detached, difficult to pin down, blunt, defiant, stiff, alternative, extreme, weird, fickle, and random. An Aquarius will enjoy working on projects that will incorporate innovation and require applying unbiased methodology.
Aquarians enjoy informing others of the many things they have learned in order to benefit humanity. Being a part of a group and involved in team work is where Aquarius feels most at home. They enjoy aiding others in a way where those they help can develop self-sufficiency.
Aquarians can be a bit contradictory; they are out-going though removed, they are caring though aloof. This detached manner does not necessarily indicate that the Aquarius is unconcerned though. It is more so that an Aquarius is likely to be interested in humanity on a grand scale, rather than just one person. Aquarians do not require much in the way of ego boosting, they are happy to keep out of the limelight, though they are undaunted if they happen to find themselves the centre of attention; they tend to be disconnected from their egos.
Transforming old-fashioned, conventional ideas into something fresh and different is exhilarating to an Aquarius. They can be excellent at seeing advancements that others may be blind to, and though they are idealistic, can hold great wisdom within. Their fondness regarding their social circle can inspire them to try to positively influence or change the lives of those around them for the better. However, at times the very people they try to aid do not see their intentions and rebel against their efforts. Often Aquarians are progressive, however at times they can simply be nonconformists.
Aquarians can be diligent workers though they may not always have the get-up-and-go required to complete their endeavours to the end and may tend to forfeit before truly getting off the ground. Mentally they are logical, methodical thinkers, analysing the data before them and easily arriving at the truth of the matter. Aquarians can be viewed as absent-minded professors, working with large sets of data to invent something profound, yet sometimes forgetting the essentials.
They are typically well-liked and popular and do not involve themselves with shallow chatter or become upset over trivial matters. Aquarians may prefer to keep the atmosphere harmonious, not likely to engage in disputes unless they are needed to support an important viewpoint or idea. They will also be the first to stick up for the weak, minority, or the underdog. Aquarians are often so open to new concepts that they will become frustrated with people who refuse to at least listen.
There is a built in desire to stand out from the usual crowd somehow, and this causes Aquarians to often say or do outrageous things just to get a rise out of others. Though Aquarians prefer to keep an open schedule, they can adhere to a routine if they feel it is truly necessary. However, time management is not a natural talent of theirs and they may not always show up at the designated time.
Aquarians do not enjoy being treated as objects to possess; because they typically give others a large amount of freedom, they would like theirs to be respected as well. Due to Aquarians being disinterested in how others see them, they are unlikely to judge others.
In romantic relationships, Aquarians tend to prefer a partner that will engage them in intelligent conversation and provide mental stimulation. Marriage is not something that a typical Aquarius takes lightly as they prefer to have their freedom and often shun commitments. However, once an Aquarius does commit, they will likely stick to their decision. Though they may be reserved in expressing their affection with the loved one, especially if not in a private place, they can be very devoted and trustworthy partners.

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Moon in Cancer

You quickly pick up on the vibes and energy of those around you, absorbing either positive or negative emotions. This may be the reason your emotions fluctuate wildly and why you may be cheerful and happy one moment, and grumpy and brooding the next. It is imperative that you develop a way to either discipline these fluctuations or find a positive outlet for them. You feel a great desire to care for others. At times your emotions or thoughts may seem illogical to those around you due to your inability to articulate them rationally. Those closest to you must be understanding of your many moods and of your need to isolate yourself on occasion. You easily empathise with others and often know what they are feeling without them needing to say it outright. Any offense will be taken to heart and while you may let the person off the hook, you will always remember what has transpired. Feeling safe and secure is a necessity to you, particularly in your home environment and with those closest to you. It would be beneficial for you to trust your gut instincts as they are usually accurate; you may even have premonitions. When something is important to you, you are likely to hold tightly to it. Your maternal parental figure has probably had a significant impact on your life and this impact may continue through your entire life. You prefer keeping out of the limelight but will certainly stand up for the people you care for. The tendency towards sentimentality may be a problem as you dislike throwing anything away; each object has a memory attached to it that you do not wish to let go of. Try to remember that what has passed will always stay in your heart regardless of the possessions you keep. You have an excellent memory but may need to excuse other people’s mishaps and move past them.

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Mercury in Aquarius

Mentally, you are original, unconventional, quick, advanced, quirky, unpredictable, methodical, and perhaps a bit odd. You are not fond of tradition and prefer to be consistently engaged in finding new and different inventions in technology and science. Your view is that the human race would best settle their troubles if they trusted science and used their intellect. Inventing new theories and thinking outside of the box are so vital to you that you feel frustrated with people when they prefer the tried and true methods. You are usually one of the first to obtain the newest gadget or gizmo and are likely to be drawn to stories dealing with science and technology; these can be inspiring for you. You possess a strong drive to benefit humanity in some way, as well as a talent for keeping things in order, and you are an enthusiastic team player. You work best when you are truly fascinated with the subject at hand; for you, this means being involved with matters that are modern and inventive. Your mind is flexible, adaptable, controlled, resourceful, reasonable, and unique. It is easy for you to read others quickly and accurately, using your strong intuition you can see through their defences. You are a clear communicator and tend to think for yourself despite any challenges from others. However, at times you may come across as a tenacious, bizarre extremist.

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Venus in Sagittarius

In a romantic partner, you are most interested by someone who can increase your personal development in some way, especially your perception or awareness. You prefer your love interest to be out-going, adventurous, full-of-life, and open-minded as you would like to experience all that life has to offer with them, especially if these adventures involve travel. You enjoy immersing yourself in new cultural experiences that can broaden your horizons. It is imperative that you are able to relate to your significant other on a mental or spiritual level and you like to convey your goals, wishes, and values to them. However, romanticism is not your style and your partner may find you a bit too laid-back or informal, which can instil doubt of your intentions towards them. Nevertheless, you are still apt to be idealistic about romantic feelings. There is a tendency towards feeling that the grass is always greener somewhere else and this may keep you from staying with a partner for the long haul; it will be helpful for your partner to keep up the excitement that is felt in the early stages of a relationship or to be able to help you expand your mind, as these will hold your interest. You are compassionate, caring, giving, and a positive thinker with an inclination towards religion which you choose to convey through humanitarian or philanthropic efforts, together with your loved one.

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Mars in Capricorn

You have an intense drive for respect, power, and success. Often taking the role of leader as you find it difficult to be controlled by others. Mars in Capricorn can create an individual who throws around their power, mercilessly trampling others to get ahead. You are effective, diligent, coordinated, determined, reasonable, persistent, and willing to do whatever it takes to reach your goals. You direct your efforts towards tangible achievements. You work hard and have a great deal of patience; you are able to sacrifice present luxuries for future success. Dutiful and meticulous in your projects, you may need to be mindful of your tendency to over-work yourself. However, you are more likely to stick to traditional tactics, working slow and steady, rather than taking a risk; you will only invest yourself in a sure thing so that all of your hard work will not go to waste. You do not count on karma to get to where you need to be, you like to make it on your own merit. Naturally astute with a good head on your shoulders, you have an excellent business sense. You are driven, self-sufficient, reliable, accountable, and persevering. It may take you a bit longer to acquire knowledge, but when you do grasp something, you comprehend it thoroughly. You utilise your energy in an efficient manner and accomplishing your goals is of extreme importance to you. However, there is an inner tension that may contribute to a frustration and bitterness towards perceived slights. It would be beneficial for you to develop a way to relieve these tensions in constructive ways and let go of the past.

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Jupiter in Leo

You are giving, warm-hearted, sympathetic, and self-sacrificing. With your excellent administrative capabilities, and your desire to be held accountable, you make a better leader than you do a follower. You tend to be enthusiastic and strong-willed. Things that are a benefit to humanity are of interest to you. However, at times you are able to be cold, indulgent, arrogant, flashy, and may have gambling problems. It would be best for you to be respected through your king and giving nature.

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Saturn in Scorpio

You have immense self-control and restraint when needed. You are able to understand people and intricate situations with remarkable accuracy and have no trouble manoeuvring any circumstance you find yourself in. A managerial or administrative ability is also present. Your intuition is exceptionally strong and you may experience premonitions. Outwardly you may keep your thoughts to yourself as you can be very private about your life and others may find you tough to read. Difficult situations do not faze you as you are capable of conquering almost anything you encounter or have the ability to figure it out. You are diligent and dedicated in your undertakings and are able to wait as long as need be to achieve your most cherished goals. Saturn bestows excellent perception while Mars adds a strong drive, creating an unbeatable force to be reckoned with. However, you may need to be mindful of a tendency towards unyielding, inflexible, vengeful, bitter, callous, or even cruel behaviour. There is also a possibility of becoming power-hungry or preoccupied with money or success. This placement denotes a necessity to reform your inner yearnings and it will be imperative that you allow situations to develop as they may, rather than holding on to a desired outcome, person, or object; surrender and release. Your body is affected by this tendency as well and you may experience health issues that revolve around your bowels, colon, or elimination processes such as your kidneys or gall bladder.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 4th house

You take pride in your home life as this is where you feel most like yourself. In the comfort of your own living quarters, you are rather creative; be careful though as there is a tendency to lord over others in the home. Building strong connections with others is likely to be important to you though you will find that you remove yourself from social situations when under stress. For better or worse, your parental figures have had a strong impact on you.

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Moon in 9th house

You find security in your philosophies and beliefs. You tend to daydream about a life different from your own; the grass is always greener. Often thinking on the deeper meaning in life, you strive to find new ventures which propel you to go on prolonged adventures, whether these travels are mental or physical. Interested in a variety of topics and subjects, you would make an excellent educator as you can muster up heart-felt enthusiasm for the matter being discussed. It is possible that you have prophetic dreams. You are likely to be interested in a career that involves higher education, religious or philosophical studies, travelling, foreign affairs, moral values, or law. You may need to relocate to an area far from your birth place in order to succeed in your endeavours.

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Mercury in 5th house

You enjoy using your intellect to create, though you often find that you feel a need to prove yourself. Learning is important to you and you feel happiest when engaged in an exchange of information with others. You may even find pleasure in teaching, perhaps children, and inspiring the younger generation to climb to new heights. It is likely that you are skilled in writing, speech, or acting as you have rather vivid, intense mannerisms that others find quite moving. Your romantic interests must be able to express themselves intelligently and be able to engage you on an intellectual level. You may relate to more of a sapiosexual nature.

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Venus in 3rd house

You are well able to articulate your creativity in both the written and spoken word. You tend to keep your immediate environment rather copacetic as you have distaste for conflict. Preferring to keep your surroundings harmonious, you can be evasive when confrontations are expected. Because of your amicable, pleasant nature, most will find it easy to be in your company. Being comfortable and tension-free is important to your well-being.

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Mars in 3rd house

High-strung yet eager to expand on your ideas, you have a cerebral determination that most cannot attain. With a store of intense energy, you often find yourself feeling on edge and in need of a mental release. This tends to spontaneously bring forward rash ways of thinking that can get you into trouble with your family or community. Try instead to analyse the situation at hand rather than jumping straight into a decision. Much of your mental energy will be discharged through interacting with your immediate community.

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Jupiter in 10th house

Your naturally amiable and giving nature attract success and respect into your professional or public life. Others are drawn to you and intuitively feel they may depend on you. You feel a strong sense of duty to your career and to improving yourself which will bring many advantageous opportunities to your personal life as well as to humanity in general. You have a talent for gaining people’s trust and inspire their faith in your hopes and ideas for future endeavours.

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Saturn in 2nd house

Having Saturn in this placement can make material possessions difficult for you to acquire. Knowing this instinctively, you are naturally more responsible, cautious, and frugal with your spending. At times you find yourself saving so much that you forget the purpose of it; we work to live and not the other way around. Give yourself a chance to live a little bit on occasion and try to share with others, as worrying over monetary matters only leads to feelings of unhappiness for you. There is a possibility of material scarcity with this placement as too great of an importance may have been placed on material concerns in a previous life. Likely, you will need to re-examine your beliefs in material matters. You can become tight-fisted with others at times and often harbour feelings that you are not valued, lovable, or required. You must find significance in your own self before others can see it.

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Uranus in 2nd house

You may have a unique career or way of acquiring an income. What matters most to you in this area is the ability to pursue your creative and innovative ideas at will. Often your material possessions, including finances, are unstable. There is an erratic and unpredictable energy regarding resources, which fluctuates continuously; you can never be sure what sort of situation you will find yourself in financially. Fortunately, you are usually able to escape being dragged down by these obstacles.

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Neptune in 9th house

Your philosophies in life tend to be rather idealistic and you entertain the idea that everything is connected, even in death. You may experience premonitions through your dreams, as your dreams are often intense. Some of your beliefs may be viewed as radical and understanding or explaining them is often difficult for you to do in a clear, logical manner; you may embellish a bit. There may be many misunderstandings between you and your partner’s parental figures, try to be more empathetic to their situation. Be mindful of those that seem genuine and helpful but are actually the opposite. Your travels are usually done in spontaneity rather than having every step planned out as you like to be free to adventure at random, though there is a tendency for unusual occurrences during long trips.

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Pluto in 9th house

Your intuition is very strong, often psychic. You may even feel as though you visit other realms while you are sleeping. Having a strong interest in how and why things work the way they do, you are likely to be drawn to religious studies and philosophical topics. Very independent in your own beliefs, you may need to be careful not to brush off the beliefs of others as this would be unfavourable to you in the long run. Do not become obsessed with your own ideas but rather try to accept other points of view. You have an intense drive to get to the truth, desiring a deep understanding of everything you come across. You may go through a type of rebirth or regeneration through your dreams, spiritual or philosophical experiences, or travels. You may study too hard and cause yourself mental stress; try to pace yourself. In addition, be open-minded to listening to others rather than insisting that you are correct.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Aquarius 8

Sabian Symbol: In window displays are mannequins with the latest fashion on display.
Kozminsky Symbol: From a prison cell, a soldier attempts to escape.

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Moon in 
Cancer 5

Sabian Symbol: At a railroad crossing, a man in a car has been racing with the fast train; he is killed trying to cross the tracks.
Kozminsky Symbol: Seated on a rock, a gold digger looks gloomily at a newspaper reporting rich gold finds in his area.

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Mercury in 
Aquarius 26

Sabian Symbol: An auto mechanic tests a car battery with his hydrometer.
Kozminsky Symbol: As a cross sword floats in the air, three fires are blazing.

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Venus in 
Sagittarius 28

Sabian Symbol: An ancient bridge still provides passage over the stream.
Kozminsky Symbol: Dark clouds appear before sunrise as a woman breaks a sword over her leg.

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Mars in 
Capricorn 4

Sabian Symbol: Starting on a canoe journey is a group of people.
Kozminsky Symbol: Butterflies are flying around the head of Persephone who rises to the upper world.

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Jupiter in 
Leo 4

Sabian Symbol: Dressed in formal attire, an elderly man stands next to a mounted moose head that he has obviously killed on a hunting expedition.
Kozminsky Symbol: A prince who is obviously happy stands with his chancellor as an ambassador leaves his presence.

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Saturn in 
Scorpio 19

Sabian Symbol: A preening parrot repeats what he just overheard.
Kozminsky Symbol: A flashy woman with multiple jewels adorning herself, window shops and wanting more.

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Uranus in 
Scorpio 25

Sabian Symbol: A life is saved by viewing what an X ray machine has shown.
Kozminsky Symbol: Standing in front of a safe, a banker counts his profits.

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Neptune in 
Gemini 16

Sabian Symbol: Standing upon the stage, a woman activist makes an emotional speech to the surrounding group of men.
Kozminsky Symbol: Lying shattered before a cross of stone, lies a sword.

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Pluto in 
Gemini 11

Sabian Symbol: A newly opened real-estate subdivision with a few built houses and ornamental lights.
Kozminsky Symbol: Men are holding up papers, shouting and jostling each other in the interior of the stock exchange.

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Ascendant in 
Libra 5

Sabian Symbol: An occult teacher reveals the inner knowledge to his students.
Kozminsky Symbol: Blood flows from an arm and hand, a sword above.

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Midheaven in 
Cancer 6

Sabian Symbol: Wild birds are building nests of feathers in the heart of spring.
Kozminsky Symbol: As a man continues to spend lavishly in order to entertain his friends, behind a curtain hides a clowning who continues to laugh at him.

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Aqu 07° 32' 17"
1° 00' 56"
01" N
18° 23' 52" S
Can 04° 53' 21"
13° 55' 00"
4° 29' 14" N
27° 50' 55" N
Aqu 25° 12' 11"
30' 52"
55' 37" N
12° 15' 20" S
Sag 27° 42' 31"
1° 11' 58"
1° 40' 19" N
21° 45' 48" S
Cap 03° 35' 09"
44' 01"
29' 36" S
23° 53' 58" S
Leo 03° 40' 55" R
- 7' 59"
40' 49" N
20° 00' 13" N
Sco 18° 20' 29"
3' 01"
2° 18' 33" N
15° 04' 48" S
Sco 24° 04' 19"
1' 39"
17' 24" N
18° 31' 17" S
Gem 15° 27' 51" R
- 54"
1° 27' 52" S
21° 12' 21" N
Gem 10° 53' 43" R
- 34"
10° 38' 39" S
11° 32' 53" N
Lib 26° 52' 34"
1' 32"
1° 05' 27" S
11° 22' 59" S
Pis 24° 33' 10"
6' 39"
1° 43' 04" N
35' 18" S
True Node
Pis 03° 52' 05" R
- 4' 11"
00" N
10° 05' 48" S
P. of Fortune
Tau 07° 25' 59"
Ari 13° 15' 04"
Lib 04° 47' 03"
Sco 01° 15' 28"
Sag 01° 54' 26"
Cap 05° 31' 01"
Aqu 08° 56' 18"
Pis 09° 05' 33"
Ari 04° 47' 03"
Tau 01° 15' 28"
Gem 01° 54' 26"
Can 05° 31' 01"
Leo 08° 56' 18"
Vir 09° 05' 33"
P. of Fortune
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
True Node
True Node
P. of Fortune
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