Adèle Exarchopoulos

Birth Chart: Adèle Exarchopoulos (Scorpio)

Adèle Exarchopoulos (French pronunciation: [ad?l ?gza?k?pul?s]; born 22 November 1993) is a French actress. She is known for her leading performance as Adèle in Blue Is the Warmest Colour, a role which gave her worldwide attention and critical acclaim and for which she became the youngest artist ever to be awarded the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival. She also won the Trophée Chopard Award for Female Revelation of the Year at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival and received a total of 37 other award nominations for her performance in Blue Is the Warmest Colour, including several wins.

Hint: Ever asked yourself What Zodiac sign am I? Then take this quiz to check what is your Zodiac personality!

Astrological Natal Chart
Adèle Exarchopoulos

Born at Paris Arrondissement 14, France
Monday, November 22, 1993
01:40 (time zone = GMT 1 hours)
2e59, 48n59

Fact: Scorpio dates are between October 23 and November 21. Check the Scorpio dates to find out.


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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VIRGO rising

Those with their rising in the sign of Virgo are typically realistic, critical, systematic, detail-oriented, selective, analytical, timid, fussy, thoughtful, and particular. You have a clever, resourceful mind and acquiring new information and using it in a practical way are significant to you. At times you can be a bit of a perfectionist, making it difficult for others to live up to your high expectations. However, you are excellent at discovering the flaw in every circumstance and this can be a useful skill if you know how to utilise it correctly. Be mindful that you do not become fault-finding in your personal relationships, as this can turn a pleasant pairing ugly fast. These high standards are not only directed at outer situations but you can be rather critical of yourself as well; keep an eye on the negativity you produce. Over-analysing can lead to excessive worrying over minute details that are insignificant. This sort of tension can lead to physical illness if not tempered. It would be beneficial to you to find a way to absorb what happens while not becoming bitter or spiteful, regretting your past decisions or resenting others for their actions. There may be deeper issues at work in regards to feeling as though you are somehow not good enough which leads to negative thinking. You are likely to age very well. Anxiety and a nervous tension can cause you to stay slim. Decisive action and certainty may elude you at times. You must learn to aid and serve others as this is your life lesson. Virgo is ruled by Mercury and therefore it’s placement in your chart will be significant.

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Shhh! Scorpio is fascinated by the emotional dimension of sex and any sensual activities. Well, to Scorpio just about everything has a sensual ingredient. Read all about Scorpio sexuality here.


If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Uranus blending with Neptune

(power = 11.64 and this aspect is neutral)

You have strong intuition and are aware of things that many are blind to. It is likely that you find yourself linked to the mystical realm and experience psychic visions. Science may interest you, as you can be talented in this subject. You are drawn to uncommon, unfamiliar things as well as secrets and mysteries, metaphysics, and things regarding the universe as a whole.

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Moon harmonizing with Mercury

(power = 9.93 and this aspect is harmonious = 9.93)

Your memory is superb and you can quickly recall previous moments in time and all of the details involved, including other people. There may be talent in teaching or speaking to the public as you put forth a great deal of emotional energy towards communicating your thoughts. You value education and try your best to gather as much data as you can, attempting to always be in the know when it comes to progressive advances. You would also make for a good therapist because of your excellent listening skills and your non-judgemental attitude towards people’s troubles. People feel nurtured by you and you inspire them to believe in their abilities. You pick up on the subtleties and the unspoken words others have trouble communicating outright, allowing you to convey outwardly the things that will truly help people. Try to make it a habit of writing down your experiences and responses, as this can allow for some personal growth when you look back on them in the future. There may be a skill in linguistics. Mentally you are logical and your thinking is not muddled by your feelings as your mind and emotional state work together harmoniously. Often times, it may seem as though you are speaking other people’s thoughts as they are thinking them, or sometimes even before they are made aware of them, as you are highly attune to other people’s emotional energy. People take comfort in this ability because they can be sure that you really do comprehend their situation. You are able to use the written or spoken word to express your thoughts and the concepts you have created in your mind. All forms of communication appeal to you, as does travelling. You prefer your life to be full of changes and various new experiences so that your mind has something to contemplate and there is always something new to express or feel. You may wish to try your hand as a writer due to this placement bestowing clarity of mind.

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Moon discordant to Mars

(power = 7.05 and this aspect is discordant = -8.81)

Emotionally you are fully charged and this intensity may have a negative impact on your health physically. Try to pace yourself and start to do one thing at time. It is not always easy to share living quarters with you as you often lack patience, become easily agitated with others, and behave in a grouchy manner. It is almost as though you go LOOKING for arguments. A bit like a spoiled child, if you do not get your way, you show your displeasure with fits of rebellious resistance. It would be beneficial for you to keep physically active and disperse the enormous amount of restlessness within you. You are naturally assertive and spirited, easily fighting for the things that you believe in or for others that are being taken advantage of. However, you must develop self-restraint if you are to reach your full potential. Competition spurs you on and you are driven to beat out all others in the game of your choosing or even just in general. Sometimes attracting with honey is far more conducive to accomplishing your goals than using brute force; be more diplomatic when interacting with people. You work diligently, bravely, and energetically. Try to be more lenient on yourself and others when something goes array as no one is perfect, not even you. Sometimes you have built up such a name for yourself that you do a complete turn-around and laze about, expecting your previous work will tide you over. Your anger may be explosive at times, especially when you are wounded on an emotional level, and you must find a way to restrain yourself. Try to think through your feelings before they take over. Your general lack of patience and constant rushing about makes you susceptible to accidental injuries, particularly involving heat or sharp objects. You can be reckless because you do not plan your actions ahead. You have a negative reaction to any sort of perceived restriction on you and can be a bit of a rule-breaker. As a leader, it is imperative that you curb your dominance or you will be seen as a tyrannical dictator rather than a leader. Vengeful thoughts are not healthy for you and you need to release your anger towards others for their offenses. It is likely that you will be wasteful with your financial resources and can be prone to dishonesty.

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Sun blending with Pluto

(power = 6.87 and this aspect is neutral)

You have a strong will and can be rather passionate. Nothing is impossible for you if you truly desire it. In your mind, you are undefeatable and are not ruffled in the slightest by statistics or challenging circumstances. Inwardly you may be a bit obsessive but you are able to mask your wishes and purpose, as well as the strength of your emotions. Something in your core compels you towards what you consider to be your fate and you strive for acknowledgement of your skills and efforts. You may thirst for control and respect, leading you full steam ahead regardless of the consequences. It is important to you that you are a master in at least one thing. You invoke strong reactions in others as they either adore you or despise you, though either way they will feel something powerful drawing them towards you like a magnet, almost as if hypnotised. It is possible that you may create many adversaries on your rise to success. Be mindful that karma will always come back to you so make sure to put in what you would like to receive. You have immense energy inside and can use this for either beneficial aims or destructive ones, regardless the impact will be great. There is a desire to change things somehow, to reform them perhaps into something that is more in line with your person. You have a powerful personality and may demand that things be the way you want them, though it would be best if you would develop a way to listen to and be fair to other people’s wants as well. You tend to excel in leading roles and assume them almost without trying.

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Saturn discordant to Pluto

(power = 4.57 and this aspect is discordant = -6.85)

The pathway towards achieving your goals may be obstructed and there is also issue with asserting power. It seems that something always stands in the way of what you are trying to accomplish. It would be wise to evaluate the reasoning behind your actions. Are these actions done for selfish reasons alone, or do they have a benefit for humanity as a whole? Competing with others allows you to learn how to better collaborate with people. Much wisdom can be attained with this placement, however it is imperative that you act selflessly.
Karma from a past life insists that you listen to the opposing views of others openly in this life, as you had acted in a controlling, commanding manner previously. If you insist on holding to your own opinions rigidly, your conditions will only worsen. Great power comes with great responsibility—this responsibility is to ensure others well-being, not only your own. Those who need to learn this are often placed in powerful roles so that they may do so. Be humble, keep striving, and develop your patience.
You can be very innovative though you must develop a way to adapt. You prefer things to stay the same, with the same routine, and this desire prompts you to attempt controlling others in some way. This placement may create a great deal of tension for you emotionally, though you can use these challenges to better understand the meaning of life.

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Venus harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 4.10 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.12)

You are rather receptive of your environment with a creative talent that you use to produce aesthetically pleasing objects or surroundings. Musical pieces will stimulate a fantastical world inside of your mind that you will happily enjoy for hours on end, peacefully tuning the world out. You are idealistic in your romances and hold to the belief that there is only one true mate for you with whom you can live happily ever after. Luckily, you are able to entertain these dreams while at the same time staying realistic in your day-to-day life without being swept up by it all. You have a strong sympathy to those who are suffering and reach out to aid them when you are able. Naturally you are a generous person and helping others is satisfying to you on a deep level. You insist on doing what is right for mankind, keeping your personal ego at bay. It may be difficult for you to lead others or start a course of action due to your dislike of creating conflict. You will do a lot for the people you love and do not require repayment of your kindness. You feel that there is another world out there that we simply cannot see and enjoy being around other creative or sensitive people with whom you can delve further into the mystics. Gospel harmonies tend to affect you intensely when you listen to them, and you know that you have touched a piece of another life. You are likely to have musical talent, possibly vocally. Usually you will stand up for those that are considered “lesser” by societal standards, though you may need to be careful not to be swayed too much by a sad tale. Those who will aid you in the spiritual wisdom and evolution that you had begun in a past life are likely to be drawn to you in this one.

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Venus harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 3.73 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.67)

You are artistically inventive, unique, open-minded, emotionally expressive, and tend to speak your thoughts without reserve. Others are drawn to your charming personality and sexual magnetism. Doing the same thing day in and day out is not for you, instead you are always ready for the next exciting adventure to begin and are enthused when someone is able to surprise you! Self-sufficient, you require much room to breathe in any partnership. Your views on relationships are anything but conventional, and you are open to alternative arrangements. For friendship, you usually seek out those that are different in some way; eccentricity only adds to the appeal. People walk in and out of your life spontaneously and are usually presented to you as a way to test your belief system and willingness to adapt. These people, as well as your friends, come around to satisfy inner necessities and will leave when they are of no more use. You have a fantastic way of looking outside the box and arriving at genius ways to solve challenges. Most of the time, whatever happens in your life is seemingly random and unexpected. You are unable to plan for these things, the only thing you can do is allow them to happen and act upon the present situation. This is especially the case in regards to your romantic endeavours. There will always seem to be something exhilarating, uncommon, and random occurring in your life that will aid you in gaining wisdom and growing spiritually.

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Sun discordant to Saturn

(power = 2.43 and this aspect is discordant = -3.65)

You have a tendency towards being self-centred, emotionally reserved, unconcerned with the feelings of others, afraid, worrying, and self-doubting. You are ambitious, willing to do anything to achieve your aims. Exhibiting caution, you carefully, dutifully wade through life, never skirting your responsibilities. Life is a serious business to you and you work yourself harder than you should at times; attempt a less sombre approach and it might surprise you. Rather than trying something new, you enjoy engaging in what you are accustomed to. You often feel as though you are inadequate, causing you to be lonely and insecure. Anything you attempt to succeed at must be bought with due diligence; you will spend a long while working towards your goals before they are achieved. Interruptions may postpone your plans often, unfortunately. You may also have trouble with the paternal parental figure in your life or people who are in charge. This placement can create considerable challenges for you, however it does bestow you with perseverance and the ability to wait as long as is needed to achieve your goals. It would be beneficial for you to learn how to be giving to others without looking for something in return. Past life karma insists that you act in kindness and generosity in this lifetime, as you had been too self-interested and uncaring in the past. Fate is forcing you to develop ways to work with others in a caring manner.
In addition to the above, you must find a way to conquer your critical nature. You expect nothing less than perfect from yourself and other people, causing you to criticise yourself sternly when you fall short in any way. Try to be a little more realistic in your expectations as they are often not possible to achieve. Your high expectations create a lot of tension and irritability for you. Sometimes you believe that other people are trying to limit you, when the truth is that you are subconsciously drawing in these negative situations to teach you that you must practice tolerance and ease up on yourself and other people. The intent of your tribulations is to show you that you do not need to take life so seriously.

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Moon harmonizing with Venus

(power = 1.98 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.48)

You naturally appreciate other people and accept them for all that they are, nurturing them, and nullifying any of their insecurities. People love you because you are kind and make an effort to show that you pay attention to the little things others may miss. Female company is particularly easy for you to bond with. You feel a deep sense of satisfaction from channelling your emotions into creative endeavours of any kind. You crave beautiful surroundings that are both luxurious and harmonious. Often, your living quarters reflect these values. You are very polite, courteous, and refined in your presentation and you feel uncomfortable around those that are rude, tactless, or rough in their mannerisms. There may be a tendency towards overindulging in rich cuisine that needs to be monitored. Escapism is also a possibility. You dislike hard work and will shun doing anything you deem as laborious. Others are drawn to you because they intuitively feel that you genuinely have their best interest at heart. You love being around people, and they love being around you. This may give to a career dealing with the population on a grand scale, perhaps in publicity. You enjoy having, and caring for, guests in your home and welcome people with open arms. Your charming manner and giving nature make you the perfect entertainer of visitors. Emotionally you are stable and secure, overcoming a previous craving to be possessive when you care deeply about a person.

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Moon harmonizing with Jupiter

(power = 0.24 and this aspect is harmonious = 0.36)

You are generally happy, accepting, positive, laid-back, and generous. You want to spread some of the joy you feel to others, though at times you may give too much of yourself. In your mind, whatever you set out to accomplish will work out somehow and this can cause you to put in very little effort or concern. If something is difficult, you may exert only sluggish attempts of solving the issue. This is particularly true in regards to your emotions. You are also likely to indulge in tasty cuisine more than you should which causes you trouble in maintaining your figure and can lead to larger problems in the future. This placement bestows you with a pleasing personality, an idealistic viewpoint, an ethical nature, open-mindedness, good fortune, and monetary aid from friends and familial ties. You highly dislike dishonest behaviour and prefer to act honourably at all times; you have a very strong moral compass. You enjoy thinking about philosophy and can be rather devoted to your beliefs even if you do not belong to any specific religion. You are self-assured and do not suffer with the insecurities that many are plagued with; you know who you are and what you are capable of. When you do encounter trouble, it does not keep you down for long but rather you are likely to find your problems quite humorous. In fact, you try to insert a good deal of laughter and joy into your life in general. You hope to see others improving themselves and their situations and you are happy to aid them in doing so if it fosters their advancement. The main concern with this placement is to be mindful of your tendency towards laziness and over-indulgence. You are well-loved by others due to your upstanding nature.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Scorpio

The sign of Scorpio is symbolised by both the scorpion, and the eagle. The scorpion signifies giving in to a lower, more animalistic nature where the focus is on satisfying inner desires without thinking of the penalties of doing so. They have yet to achieve enlightenment and are forced to live their lives via instinct. Scorpions are clever and patient, waiting for the perfect moment to strike their opponent. Eagles, on the other hand, are able to soar above lowly enticements as they have conquered their cravings through regeneration.
Scorpios are driven, effective, brave, capable, and instinctive (learn about compatibility with Scorpio here). In contrast, they are able to be envious, cynical, inflexible, vengeful, bitter, and possessive. Scorpios are always up for a challenge and can put forth immense focus and dedication when needed. They would do well in all fields requiring investigation, as they have an affinity for uncovering secrets.
A Scorpio can usually achieve any goal they decide to undertake as they have incredible will-power and perseverance. Mentally they are reasonable, intuitive, aware, motivated, observant, strategic, investigative, and magnetic. They tend to have strong views and can be very stubborn about changing them.
Scorpios tend to form social connections with ease and are exceptionally loyal to them. In their friendships, they will want to be aware of the person’s intentions and future expectations, without revealing their own; they prefer to keep their aims a secret. However, they will make immense sacrifices for the people they care for. They are exceptionally protective of those they love, treating any perceived threats as if they were directed at the Scorpio themselves. Due to this extreme empathy and protectiveness, they may lash out at others through either words or physical actions.
A Scorpio is instinctive on a gut level and may not always be able to control their reactions; this makes them seem illogical when criticised. If they feel they are being threatened, they can use dark humour or become eerily quiet and uncommunicative, using either as a weapon. Their communication can become malicious, though they may insist they are only teasing. Just like the Scorpion, they can be very patient when waiting for the opportunity to get even with someone. It would be best for them to learn how to let go of past hurts instead.
Not much gets passed a Scorpio’s radar and it is unlikely they will be easily fooled; they are remarkably perceptive in regards to other people’s intentions. Due to the fact that they read others so easily, they will usually decide quickly what they think of someone, often to an extreme, and their opinions can be difficult to alter.
It is important for a Scorpio to develop adaptability as when they decide on a path to take, they find it tough to modify. Scorpios will not enjoy shallow subjects in general and prefer to delve into the depths of whatever situation they find themselves in. They crave intensity. Every action they take must mean something to them and they will want to be lost in their endeavours; they never do anything halfway.
A Scorpio will not engage in an action that they cannot fully throw themselves into, they either put in everything they have, or nothing at all. Every interest is investigated thoroughly, this extends to romantic interests. They need to understand every nook and cranny while revealing little about themselves. Though it may not be apparent, Scorpios are continuously dealing with extremely intense emotions and cravings internally. The immense emotional energy is the very reason they are able to persevere in trying circumstances. However, they may at times crush others while fighting their wars. Most will either see them as heroes or scoundrels.
Scorpios believe they must be self-accountable and can be quite hard on themselves; administering their own justice which can be quite harsh. They are independent though may be insecure and they will not enjoy being the centre the attention nor will they search for praise. Their health is good in general, though they must be mindful not to overindulge in sensual pleasures, including rich cuisine.
Romantically, Scorpios are faithful, loving, and express their affections readily. However, they may also be possessive and try to dominate their partner. They crave an all-encompassing love where they can be completely bonded to just one person.

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Moon in Pisces

You convey your feelings in a considerate and supportive way. You are caring, compassionate, sympathetic, tender, creative, and unobtrusive, with a fascinating way of perceiving how others are feeling or may respond to circumstances. You have a large amount of empathy, feeling the pain others are experiencing. Those who are suffering instinctively seek you out as they are aware on some level that you will not judge them for their woes. Often times, people are unable to imagine that you are suffering just as greatly as they are themselves; regardless of your personal feelings you will always do your best to aid those in need. Deep down you believe that the suffering you have experienced happened for a reason, even if the sole motive was to teach you a lesson. Your kind-heart may be misused by others which forces you to retreat from the world to replenish your inner balance. Your spirit craves music and there is a pull towards it. Music becomes a major part of your life or expression, as you discover that only through music are you able to find a home for the often indefinable emotional chaos present within you. You have an idealistic view of love; be mindful that the romantic in you falls in love with the person you are seeing rather an idea you have constructed in your mind. Your daydreams and emotions can be quite real to you and you can become completely engrossed in them, perhaps too much. Your moods may fluctuate wildly, leaving those close to you baffled, unknowing what to do. Challenging projects do not deter you and you are likely to enjoy working for people who are not as affluent as yourself. You absorb the energy around you whether you want to or not and this drains you; you do best when you can work on your own, away from the stressful energies of others. There is likely to be some sort of creative or artistic talent, though you may need to discipline your mind before your fantasies run away with you.

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Mercury in Scorpio

You possess an extraordinary ability to focus and may find yourself completely engrossed in your projects. With natural investigative skills, you enjoy having to decipher complex problems. The topic of sex or death may be a mental theme for you, as you are often preoccupied with carnal desires or physical fascinations of any sort. You are strongly intuitive and observant, and may need to acquire knowledge through your own practice rather than relying on traditional educational methods. You may thrive working in the field of manual labour as you can do well with mechanics. Healing others is another avenue in which you may find success, especially with something involving your hands. You are capable, witty, insightful, clever, astute, and will often speak your mind bluntly and forcefully. Sarcasm and dark humour are right up your alley. You employ a double standard with others where you will keep your own thoughts reserved while leaving no stone unturned on your quest to discover other people’s secrets. You are exceptionally perceptive in comprehending the complexities of human nature and of any challenge presented to you, especially when you must plunge into hidden depths. However, you are not without your faults and can be argumentative, contrary, inflexible, doubtful, sarcastic, suspicious, and wilful. Mystical subjects may appeal to you.

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Venus in Scorpio

Deeply passionate, possessive love is one of your greatest yearnings. The connections you acquire tend to be full of intensity and emotional highs. However, there may be a tendency towards envy and trying to control the loved the one. The more involved you are, the more possessive you will become; be mindful that you do not destroy the very thing you so wish to keep. Love for you is an all-encompassing state and you will hold onto whoever elicits this response in you, come hell or high water. You expect your partners to live up to your high expectations of them. You may find yourself wary of the friendships your partner cultivates, believing that outsiders are not to be trusted. With you it is either all or nothing and if your partner ever deceives you, you can become ice cold, loathing them with matching intensity of the love that once was. When crossed, you do not give second chances. You are drawn to those who are a bit mysterious as you enjoy finding hidden caverns of depth. Others are magnetically attracted to your subtle allure and although there is much going on emotionally for you beneath the surface, you are not always comfortable expressing your feelings outright. You may prefer to channel some of your emotional intensity into spiritual pursuits. Developing self-discipline will go a long way for you. There is a past-life karma that insists you conquer matters regarding sex and transformation or rebirth. Venus in Scorpio heightens your artistic abilities and brings focus to hidden affairs, lustful fascinations, obsessions, and unwholesome pacts and treaties.

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Mars in Sagittarius

You are ambitious in your efforts to attain an idealistic dream where you are able to go on random new adventures while broadening your mind. Striving for the top, you would be quite dissatisfied living a life that is the same day in and day out. You need to feel that you are always reaching your potential, gambling with opportunities if need be. Optimism is inherent in your character and you have a strong belief in your abilities to achieve whatever you set out to do. Adaptable and confident, nothing can keep you down for long as you will swiftly recover and move on to the newest fascination with eager enthusiasm. Your positive attitude is infectious and draws in the very people who can help you succeed in your endeavours. It is important that you stay realistic to what you can actually accomplish as your belief in yourself to do it all, can at times be impractical. There is also a tendency towards piling too much on your plate and not being focused enough to finish your projects; your attention may wander easily at times. Follow through can be a challenge for you though it is important for you develop this trait to achieve your aims; you will likely need to go through many disappointments before learning to hone your patience and persevere. You do not take well to boredom. Friendly rivalry is fun for you and you are likely to spend a good deal of your time playing sports; your energy is high and you must find a physical release for this. You are out-going, spontaneous, motivated, self-sufficient, optimistic, and enjoy being involved in a lively debate as well as traveling abroad. You are prone to exaggerating details and may be blunt, aggressive, argumentative, smug, loquacious, bigoted, and deceitful. Religious and philanthropic endeavours highly interest you and you may pursue humanitarian efforts.

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Jupiter in Scorpio

You are a diligent, effective worker and possess good executive abilities. You are capable and will pull out all of the necessary stops to accomplish the goals you have set for yourself. Brave with immense internal fortitude, though you tend to keep your secrets to yourself. People are irresistibly pulled towards you. Assertive, passionate, and independent would describe your character. Mentally, you can be very energised and productive. However, there is a tendency towards over-indulging in sensual pleasures, including extravagant cuisine, and this may create many problems and health challenges for you. You are likely fascinated by the mystical realm. A skill in healing others may develop. Channel your drive towards enlightenment and benefiting mankind as a whole, possibly through philosophical means.

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Saturn in Aquarius

You are disciplined, rational, and possess strong internal resilience and drive. You are able to understand the human race on a grand scale but have a difficult time with understanding the individual. It would be beneficial for you to develop patience for others and learn to let go of the past. You have an interesting way of combining uncommon methods while still keeping things in good order. Long-term planning can also be a strong suit of yours as you tend to intuitively see far into the future. You are able to easily view things outside the box, with a fresh new perspective. Often you can be cool, reserved, objective, and practical. However, you may also come across as unfeeling, spiteful, and overly-expressive of your views, possibly even aggressive, when your ideas are resisted.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 3rd house

Learning and acquiring information is important to you, though you may insist that each new piece of data be proven scientifically before accepting it as valid. Also, you will find yourself readily sharing the new information you have acquired with others. Your mental make-up includes a methodical approach to creating, something that you much enjoy doing. There may be a tendency to be impatient and domineering intellectually, as pride is something you need to keep an eye on. Your insistence on always being right may create conflict for you with your family or community and you will often embark on many short-lived intellectual adventures to obtain the constant stream of data you crave. You may also possess ability for the written and spoken word.

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Moon in 6th house

You are often rather nurturing to your co-workers, always mindful of their needs. It is easy for you to become fully immersed in your career and you may over-work yourself at times. There is a desire to be of service to others, especially working with women or the general public. You are very sensitive and moody; frequent career changes are likely. Your health is fickle and linked to your emotional state; when you are unhappy or stressed you will tend to eat in an unhealthy fashion. Try to relax and maintain a proper diet, worrying will only make things worse for you.

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Mercury in 2nd house

You enjoy conversing about finances as they are often on your mind. Communication may play a large role in your choice of career due to your ability to articulate your ideas through both the written and spoken word. Intelligence, wit, and adaptability are your greatest strengths in this arena. Although you may possess a talent for making money, your finances seem to fluctuate to a large extent.

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Venus in 3rd house

You are well able to articulate your creativity in both the written and spoken word. You tend to keep your immediate environment rather copacetic as you have distaste for conflict. Preferring to keep your surroundings harmonious, you can be evasive when confrontations are expected. Because of your amicable, pleasant nature, most will find it easy to be in your company. Being comfortable and tension-free is important to your well-being.

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Mars in 3rd house

High-strung yet eager to expand on your ideas, you have a cerebral determination that most cannot attain. With a store of intense energy, you often find yourself feeling on edge and in need of a mental release. This tends to spontaneously bring forward rash ways of thinking that can get you into trouble with your family or community. Try instead to analyse the situation at hand rather than jumping straight into a decision. Much of your mental energy will be discharged through interacting with your immediate community.

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Jupiter in 2nd house

Optimistic and self-assured, you are unusually prosperous financially. Material gains seem to just fall into your lap with little effort and most would consider you “lucky” in this area. It is unlikely that you have ever had to suffer from lack of having your material needs met. It would be wise for you to use your superb financial instincts to invest, as you easily inspire faith and confidence in others. It is likely that those in advantageous positions will reach out to assist you monetarily at one point or another to help you actualise your dreams. In addition, try to be mindful of a tendency towards over-indulgence with lavish cuisine, as you are prone to extravagance in this area.

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Saturn in 6th house

Work situations tend to be difficult and you may find yourself struggling to put your best foot forward. There is tension with co-workers due to your perfectionistic views about their performance; not everyone is gifted with the ability to comprehend detailed situations as quickly as you do. You must learn to work as a team somehow, otherwise work-mates can cause a great deal of friction for you. Deadlines are a challenge for you though you are generally hard-working, diligent, and reliable. Your health in general tends to be rather fragile and you may have issues absorbing necessary nutrients; a multivitamin may help in this regard. Be mindful to pace yourself with your work as you are more likely to become a workaholic than most. Prone to anxiety and depression, maybe even obsessive about your health at times, it would be valuable for you to incorporate an exercise routine as this will help to temper your worries.

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Uranus in 4th house

The situation in your home life tends to be unstable and unpredictable, often with random periods of tension. You may come from an alternative background or there may be buried secrets in your family’s past. You are likely to change residences often due to an inner tension of staying in the same place for too long; frequent changes in your life in general are also common. There is also a tendency for there to be an unusual way of relating to your parental figures that can have a large effect on your emotional well-being, for better or worse. You do not think much about the opinions of others and may feel happiest without having an obligation to either one residence or community. As you age, you may become interested in new age topics such as the metaphysical realm or astrology.

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Neptune in 4th house

Easily confused, you may find yourself plagued with anxiety and self-doubt which can at times make you feel removed from others and the outside world as a whole. Being at home may seem ideal to you, but this is often only a delusion. You feel a strong mystical connection with either your mother or father, possibly with both of them. Neptune in this placement creates subconscious forces that spur forward much uncertainty and misconception in regards to your home life and where you came from; things are not always what they seem. In addition, you are likely drawn to living near large bodies of water.

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Pluto in 3rd house

Always searching for answers and you usually find them as you have the flexible, penetrating mind of a detective. You quickly comprehend the nuances in any given situation and accurately detect people’s hidden intentions. You particularly enjoy solving problems and may do research or puzzles on your free time as a hobby. You are often probing for deeper meaning and it is important to you to decipher truth. On occasion, you will find yourself feeling rather frustrated or anxious when solutions do not come to you as quickly as they usually do. Writing down your thoughts may help you come to an understanding and release some mental anxiety; you can find this regenerating to your entire system. You may use this method to cleanse your mind as you can put the past behind you and start anew.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Scorpio 30

Sabian Symbol: At Halloween, the children have an excuse for continued pranks.
Kozminsky Symbol: Out of the heavens appears a hand holding scales, while Venus sparkles below.

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Moon in 
Pisces 11

Sabian Symbol: Men are seeking illumination as they travel.
Kozminsky Symbol: On the beach, a dog runs amongst children playing.

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Mercury in 
Scorpio 11

Sabian Symbol: There is a man drowning but he is rescued and brought to land.
Kozminsky Symbol: A wall covered with ancient moss grows little flowers.

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Venus in 
Scorpio 17

Sabian Symbol: A pregnant woman impregnated by her own spirit.
Kozminsky Symbol: A jeweled dagger is thrust into a document.

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Mars in 
Sagittarius 10

Sabian Symbol: In a theater performance a girl plays the part of a goddess.
Kozminsky Symbol: Reflecting many colors is a very large metallic ball.

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Jupiter in 
Scorpio 3

Sabian Symbol: In pioneer days, a community is inspired to build a house for one of its neighbors.
Kozminsky Symbol: When a blacksmith pounds his anvil, sparks of bright light appear.

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Saturn in 
Aquarius 25

Sabian Symbol: Emerging from its chrysalis, a butterfly’s right wing is more developed than its left wing.
Kozminsky Symbol: Even though the man is the victor of a duel, he is in agony and breaks his sword over his leg.

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Uranus in 
Capricorn 20

Sabian Symbol: A choir is in rehearsal in a church.
Kozminsky Symbol: In the pitch black of night, a girl carries a water bowl and light reflects in it of the sun.

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Neptune in 
Capricorn 20

Sabian Symbol: A choir is in rehearsal in a church.
Kozminsky Symbol: In the pitch black of night, a girl carries a water bowl and light reflects in it of the sun.

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Pluto in 
Scorpio 26

Sabian Symbol: American Indians have moved camp and miraculously their homes are erected effortlessly.
Kozminsky Symbol: A small bird sings on the back of a lion.

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Ascendant in 
Virgo 19

Sabian Symbol: On a balmy summer day, a swim race is almost complete.
Kozminsky Symbol: Men work on the slopes of a fire mountain, smoke is rising.

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Midheaven in 
Gemini 16

Sabian Symbol: Standing upon the stage, a woman activist makes an emotional speech to the surrounding group of men.
Kozminsky Symbol: Lying shattered before a cross of stone, lies a sword.

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Sco 29° 43' 43"
1° 00' 37"
01" N
20° 05' 31" S
Pis 10° 12' 11"
12° 02' 03"
5° 15' 07" N
2° 52' 34" S
Sco 10° 08' 03"
57' 04"
2° 23' 49" N
12° 34' 47" S
Sco 16° 13' 23"
1° 15' 19"
1° 07' 35" N
15° 36' 42" S
Sag 09° 15' 06"
43' 43"
29' 34" S
22° 19' 28" S
Sco 02° 26' 32"
12' 18"
1° 04' 35" N
11° 18' 34" S
Aqu 24° 09' 49"
2' 32"
1° 28' 01" S
14° 51' 01" S
Cap 19° 29' 22"
2' 35"
27' 28" S
22° 28' 34" S
Cap 19° 07' 38"
1' 38"
37' 34" N
21° 27' 16" S
Sco 25° 35' 54"
2' 24"
13° 41' 16" N
5° 50' 28" S
Vir 08° 22' 03"
3' 28"
5° 46' 23" S
3° 04' 23" N
Ari 14° 52' 42"
6' 41"
3° 50' 54" N
9° 24' 33" N
True Node
Sag 03° 03' 19" R
- 09"
00" N
20° 46' 06" S
P. of Fortune
Gem 07° 53' 52"
Pis 02° 47' 19"
Vir 18° 22' 20"
Lib 11° 26' 38"
Sco 10° 27' 26"
Sag 15° 15' 47"
Cap 21° 22' 18"
Aqu 22° 42' 43"
Pis 18° 22' 20"
Ari 11° 26' 38"
Tau 10° 27' 26"
Gem 15° 15' 47"
Can 21° 22' 18"
Leo 22° 42' 43"
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
True Node
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
True Node
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