Friedrich Nietzsche

Birth Chart: Friedrich Nietzsche (Libra)

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (/?ni?t??/; German: [?f?i?d??ç ?v?lh?lm ?ni?t??]; 15 October 1844 – 25 August 1900) was a German philosopher, cultural critic, poet, philologist, and Latin and Greek scholar whose work has exerted a profound influence on Western philosophy and modern intellectual history. He began his career as a classical philologist before turning to philosophy. He became the youngest ever to hold the Chair of Classical Philology at the University of Basel in 1869, at the age of 24. Nietzsche resigned in 1879 due to health problems that plagued him most of his life, and he completed much of his core writing in the following decade. In 1889, at age 44, he suffered a collapse and a complete loss of his mental faculties. He lived his remaining years in the care of his mother (until her death in 1897), and then with his sister Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche, and died in 1900.

Hint: Ever asked yourself What Zodiac sign am I? Then take this quiz to check what is your Zodiac personality!

Astrological Natal Chart
Friedrich Nietzsche

Born at Rõcken, Germany
Tuesday, October 15, 1844
10:00 (time zone = GMT 0.9 hours)
12e07, 51n14


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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SCORPIO rising

Those with Scorpio rising are typically reserved on the outside while intense on the inside, they are private and full of mystery, have a strong will, can be quiet, though they are brave and dedicated, unyielding, creative, independent, disciplined (though not always with their desires), and may be difficult to read. The soul of the individual with the Scorpio rising is fighting a battle between their lowly physical desires and enlightenment. In the end, the lower self must yield and be reborn, rising up from the ashes to a higher understanding. You will be involved on all levels, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Outside you seem cool and unfazed, though inside there are intense emotions ever-present; you are a very deep person. You insist to be made aware of other people’s secrets though you will not disclose your own, preferring to remain quiet as to your intentions. You have a sharp mind and enjoy investigative endeavours. You insist on penetrating every hidden cavern, understanding the ins and outs, why and how. You are very determined when you apply yourself, strong-willed, and can conquer any obstacle, even if the obstacle is you. You must move past any possessive, resentful, or envious tendencies. You are drawn to subjects that incorporate mystical topics, sexuality, the healing arts, or death. When you are good, you are very very good, but when you are bad, you can be a complete scoundrel. You must develop a way to forgive others as this is an important life lesson for you. Scorpio is ruled by both Pluto and Mars and therefore their placement in your chart will be significant.

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If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Mercury discordant to Uranus

(power = 14.40 and this aspect is discordant = -14.40)

Your thinking is lightning fast. Extremely original with strong intuition, you have an inventive mind that is always concocting fresh methods. You are a progressive, alternative, non-conformist who insists on having the utmost independence to express yourself. You are endlessly excited by new concepts, experiments, and technology. Patience will need to be developed as you can be short-tempered with those who do not have as quick of a mind as you happen to be blessed with. Abstract theories are easy for you to understand and you would do well working in the field of science or mechanics. You are gifted with cleverness and ingenuity, perception and intelligence. You may find yourself drawn to the metaphysical realm or to mechanics. Astrological topics may be of interest as well. Naturally your spirit is a bit on edge, and you should try to find methods to calm your nerves. You prefer to have a variety of different things happening to you all at once or else boredom will quickly set in. Your mind needs to have something fresh and interesting to ponder and dissect. Often you will find new concepts coming to you seemingly out of thin air, and this is your intuition at work. Travelling will provide much of the stimulation you crave and you excel in situations that require you to think on your feet, where you must adapt, and where the outcomes are uncertain. You are self-sufficient and fiercely independent.
However, despite the above, you can reject any concept or manner of thinking that does not adhere to the conclusions you have come to previously. Be careful not to spread yourself too thin mentally, and try to concentrate on something long enough to complete it. This tendency to try to do too much at one time can cause you to act on impulse, recklessly jumping around from situation to situation. You can be very sceptical of the concepts that other people express to you. You are happy to entertain fresh ideas, though only if you do not feel pressured, in which case you are likely to rebel against them. The way someone approaches you is important. Try to keep in mind that many times people are not meaning to pressure you and that you are just highly sensitive to any sort of perceived demand on your mental freedom. Allow yourself to openly entertain notions that may differ from your own views. In addition, it would be beneficial for you to develop enough self-control to stick to an idea or project until you have completed it. At times you can behave as though the world or the people in it owe you something. They do not. Remove your ego and detach yourself from this way of thinking.

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Sun discordant to Pluto

(power = 12.16 and this aspect is discordant = -12.16)

Inwardly intense, you possess a strong will and a passionate spirit. You insist on knowing the secrets of others though you will tend to keep your deepest emotions, wants, and intentions to yourself. Working out of the limelight suits you as you prefer to work alone, without anyone meddling in your business. You have a tendency towards envious, possessive behaviour that can become obsessive and you may treat others as objects to be controlled; you like things to go YOUR way. You crave to be acknowledged for your skills and wish to be respected as an expert in your field. You admire powerful leaders who exude a charismatic and magnetic presence and you try to emanate their persona. It is important for you to learn to allow others to guide you as you can be stubborn, insisting that you do everything your way, however this only stifles your development. Fate tries to force you to learn these lessons by putting people in your life that will reflect your damaging behaviours towards you. The more you insist on sticking to your old ways, the more intense these lessons will become.
You are extremely confident, believing that you are never wrong. Others feel intimidated by you and may attack you before you can do them any damage. You have an obsession with death and the unknown. You enjoy creating though are never happy with the things you create, always reconstructing them or throwing them out entirely. Manipulation comes easily to you and you are quite skilled at asserting your control over others in a way where they are none the wiser. You truly believe in yourself and your talents, feeling certain that you can handle whatever challenges you encounter in life. You know you have the ability to overcome whatever trouble lies ahead and will even conquer your own inner demons if need be. Inside, you are a force to be reckoned with and are exceptionally strong, persevering, and resourceful. Those who skirt their responsibilities, do not stand up for themselves, or evade their troubles will never gain your respect and you think very little of them. Highly intuitive, you are perceptive in discovering the truth about the situation at hand.
Try to be lenient with others, as not everyone can be as strong-willed as you. Allow people to do as they may, rather than trying to control their lives. Transform your own negative qualities before trying to change others. Do not abuse the power that you have or karma will see you pay for it in the end. Keep in mind that you get back what you put in.

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Mars discordant to Jupiter

(power = 10.10 and this aspect is discordant = -7.58)

There is a tendency towards selfish behaviour where you act in accordance to your own wishes without much thought to what other people may need. You can be arrogant in your wants and often will not assist people if it will be in any way inconvenient or costly to you. However, if you could learn to curb your selfish behaviour, you are able to use your dedication and drive to benefit anyone who may request your aid. If you are able to do this, you can go the opposite route and remove your own desire completely, passionately devoting yourself to a cause or another person. You must choose which journey is the right one for you.
You are driven, innovative, resourceful, and confident. Being successful is important to you though others may view you as demanding and overly assertive when you are working towards your ambitions. Opportunistic and unafraid, you regularly search for ways to learn and improve. Travelling can be a great opportunity for you to acquire what you search for. You are able to engage in risky ventures if you believe they will be profitable enough. This tendency may not do you well, as you can misjudge your abilities or the benefits of these endeavours; try to curb a desire to gamble as it can be your undoing.
Prone to exaggeration, you may express an ability to achieve more than is possible in actuality, causing you to fall short on the promises you have made. This happens due to your own misjudgement of what you can bring to fruition. As much as you are able to achieve, you will never be content with what you have done and strive to out-do yourself, convinced that you need to supplement your aim further. Instead, try looking inwardly for what is missing.
Rather than rushing around, take the time to create a plan and it will help you avoid accidents. Thinking ahead will also allow you time to pay attention to the way other people are feeling or the efforts they have made, as you can be blind to this and unintentionally hurt them. You are very competitive though you also likely to lose interest in whatever you have won once you have it in hand; you must understand that everything cannot always be a contest. If you are able to conduct your dealings in a more harmonious manner, you will find people much more responsive to you.
You possess a great deal of energy and have the skill required to succeed in athletics if only you can discipline yourself enough to make use of these talents. Your outlook is positive in general and this helps you succeed. Be careful not to spread yourself too thin due to indulging in extravagances; you must learn self-restraint. You may encounter problems legally if you are not cautious. When conducting business with people, find equilibrium between excitement and aggressive behaviour. Do not rush your projects; rather take time to make sure your work is done well instead of quickly. Your tendency to rush your work is often due to the restless tension you feel internally that insists you never stay in any situation for long.

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Moon discordant to Venus

(power = 9.37 and this aspect is discordant = -7.03)

The routines you have adopted can frustrate other people. You may be rude, ill-mannered, or personally unhygienic and these traits often aggravate others. There is a tendency towards laziness and a dislike of hard work. You believe that this sort of labour is meant for someone else, and you will watch others work while you relax, with a clear conscience. You are able to tell what people desire and sweet-talk them into doing what you want; being truthful is no concern of yours. You feel like there are two different people at war within you and this wreaks havoc for you personally. Sometimes you will become so accommodating with those you love that you become someone else and wind up feeling miserable in the end. You are unsure what exactly it is that you want out of a romantic partnership, someone to take care of you or someone to be on an equal level with. When you feel emotionally unsatisfied, you can over-indulge in rich foods. You are prone to over-eating sweets and richer cuisine in general, as you can be rather insecure. You may question your self-worth or attractiveness, despite people expressing otherwise. Try to develop a backbone and fight for the things that matter to you, or for yourself when necessary. You crave genuine care and affection for emotional security, and if you believe that this may be removed from your life, you start to fall apart. Your warmth stands on its own, though you must curb your possessive habits. Love transcends many lifetimes and we never fully say goodbye. Instead, we are brought back together in the next life.
Keep an eye on your finances as they can run away from you more rapidly than you can acquire them. You have a habit of indulging yourself too much as well as expecting your surroundings to be luxurious. Rather than do the work necessary to fix something, you will often sweep problems under the rug. You may feel as though you are not good enough just as yourself and you are constantly monitoring how popular you are. It is important for you to learn how to be brave and express your concerns when you have them. Sometimes you care so much about what people will think of you that you steer clear of any confrontation. However, your road to happiness involves building integrity and fighting for the things you believe in, as this will allow you to be truly who you are deep down.

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Sun harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 8.90 and this aspect is harmonious = 8.90)

You have an excellent imagination and your environment can have a large impact on you. In your world, beauty and magic are everywhere! You are drawn to the metaphysical realm and strive to comprehend the meaning of all that you come across. There is a strong bond between you and the world at large; you are at one with humans, animals, and the forces at work. You have a great amount of empathy and care deeply for others, always willing to come to the aid of those who need you. Expressing yourself creatively, whether this is through artistic, musical, or acting pursuits, is essential to your happiness in life. Although, your strong idealism and romanticism can do well with some practicality. You are full of hopes and dreams that you are able to attain if only you can apply yourself. Karmic endeavours in past lives have set you up to build on your psychic abilities and turn them into reality by aiding those you come across in this life. You are able to remove yourself from your earthly self and connect spiritually when in need of advice. You have a particular fondness for the arts, higher principles, and sophistication. Premonitions or guidance may come to you in odd forms. Delicate emotionally, you will avoid conflict if possible. You possess a magnetic quality and an almost magical allure.

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Mercury harmonizing with Saturn

(power = 8.62 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.31)

You are able to focus yourself exceptionally well and are capable of great self-control. Your mind can attain amazing feats due to these talents and your organisational abilities also aid in providing structure for your plans. It may take you longer than it would take others to think through a situation but once you do, you understand it completely and deeply. You prefer to take a more sombre attitude in life, working hard instead of playing around light-heartedly with others. Mentally you are detail-oriented and do not mind completing tasks that are too dull and monotonous for others. You do not beat around the bush when it comes to business and are a clear, direct communicator that portrays themselves as reasonable and practical; you would make a fine administrator. Others know they can depend on you to come through on your promises as doing things the right way is important to you. You do best focusing on one area and specialising in it, versus trying to learn a little bit about many fields. Solitary learning is likely more effective for you than traditional methods, as you require time to fully absorb and think through the information. You may be good at critical thinking due to your excellent ability to find loop-holes in peoples reasoning. Careers that require a systematic way of thinking are right up your alley. Mentally you are disciplined, reasonable, dutiful, exacting, and precise. Physically you are healthy and heal quickly from any ailment you encounter.

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Mars harmonizing with Saturn

(power = 7.15 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.79)

You are controlled and patient, able to persevere through difficult times and put forth a great deal of effort to attain your goals. You endure where others would falter. Innately, you understand that nothing worth having is given without some sort of sacrifice and you are willing to invest your time and energy fully when you have committed to an endeavour. The things you strive for are firmly held in reality and you will usually approach them in a systematic, organised fashion. Highly ambitious, you would make an excellent leader and administrator. However, you are most comfortable working out of the lime-light and produce the best results when on your own. You have a good head on your shoulders though you may sometimes work at a slower pace than others. This slower work pace is likely due to you not wanting to miss any details in your work. Anything you start on, you intend to go the distance. Be careful not to become resentful from holding in your frustrations; find a way to express these upsets to those that have caused them and then let them go. You are a good mix of daring yet cautious. In your past life, you were able to find equilibrium between what you wanted in the moment and your duties. Socialising is difficult for you as you are usually a bit distant with others. Despite your ambitions, you are not power-hungry but rather just wish to do a good job.

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Moon harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 6.56 and this aspect is harmonious = 6.56)

Mentally you are responsive, unique, perceptive, imaginative, and think on your feet. You can do well to channel your energies into inventing something progressive or unusual and you are drawn to mystical subjects. Astrology or technological topics fascinate you. Your sense of humour is a bit eccentric at times and you may behave in a surprising manner or poke fun at yourself just to get others to react. You feel a strong pull towards intensely emotive circumstances or anything thrilling and different. You demand your independence and hate to be tied down to anything that will limit it. However, you are often forced to adapt quickly to a variety of different circumstances that can pop up at random for you. Your notions are usually fresh and innovative, and usually can be applied in a way that would strongly benefit humanity. You are also able to view every aspect of a situation fairly. Although, you are often impatient, get bored easily, and do not finish what you have started. Others find you amusing and unique, and you are usually very lucky. Whatever is a deviation from the norm will tend to draw you in, for you seek the exhilaration of trying something you have not experienced before. You are able to see the benefit in monitoring your temper and feelings.

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Mars discordant to Uranus

(power = 6.37 and this aspect is discordant = -7.96)

You are vibrant, innovative, unique, quick-witted, observant, anxious, self-sufficient, wild, hasty, and possess good mechanical skills. Others may need to watch out when you become angry as this can happen rather suddenly and the process can destroy everything around you. Inwardly you have a craving towards reforming old traditions whether or not these changes will be beneficial; you have a rebellious nature. There is a restlessness within you that causes you to be always on the move, looking for new adventures. Dangerous situations and risky ventures do not deter you and you may find these even more exciting for being so. Often you are impatient and insist that you have your way the moment you decide on something. Many times you will follow your own course without thought to how it may affect anyone or anything else. Others may view you as selfish and arrogant. You have a tough time sticking to any course long-term as you are unsure what it is that you are actually trying to accomplish.
Working as a team is difficult for you though it would be highly beneficial for you to develop a way to compromise with others. You communicate your wishes directly and perhaps at times bluntly; others are usually aware where they stand with you and what you are looking for. You require a great deal of independence to be able to do things as you see fit and if things do not go the way you envisioned, you can burst forth with anger; working for yourself or in solitude is probably best for you. This placement insists that you develop a way to be patient with others and if you refuse to, fate will throw you into circumstances that will force your hand. Volatile situations, and people, are drawn to you so as to show you how to manoeuvre in them. Trust in your intuition as it is particularly strong and usually accurate. You are prone to accidental injuries and mistakes due to your inability to pace yourself, always rushing ahead without thinking; try to come with a tentative plan in the least. This is the lesson you are required to learn with this placement, in addition to developing discipline and self-restraint.

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Saturn harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 4.22 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.11)

Resilience, dedication, perseverance, and working hard allow you to achieve challenging feats. You are able to sync idealistic characteristics with realism. The challenges you encounter allow you to demonstrate your endurance when circumstances get particularly difficult; a great deal of spiritual development is likely to arise due to these difficulties. Different, unconventional, uncommon, and maybe even odd matters will attract your motivations. Rather unique individuals are thrust into your world in order to allow you opportunities to learn and expand your consciousness. You are capable of finding equilibrium between your need for independence and your obligations, enabling you to achieve incredible acts. You are detail-oriented and have a knack for organising which contribute to your success and allow you to aid others. There is an abundance of internal tension that may need to be minded as this can have a negative effect on your physical health; find a way to unwind and reduce your stress levels.

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Neptune harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 4.06 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.06)

Those born in your generation have the ability to be of aid to humanity as a whole. Let your intuition guide you in assisting others.

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Moon harmonizing with Mercury

(power = 3.16 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.16)

Your memory is superb and you can quickly recall previous moments in time and all of the details involved, including other people. There may be talent in teaching or speaking to the public as you put forth a great deal of emotional energy towards communicating your thoughts. You value education and try your best to gather as much data as you can, attempting to always be in the know when it comes to progressive advances. You would also make for a good therapist because of your excellent listening skills and your non-judgemental attitude towards people’s troubles. People feel nurtured by you and you inspire them to believe in their abilities. You pick up on the subtleties and the unspoken words others have trouble communicating outright, allowing you to convey outwardly the things that will truly help people. Try to make it a habit of writing down your experiences and responses, as this can allow for some personal growth when you look back on them in the future. There may be a skill in linguistics. Mentally you are logical and your thinking is not muddled by your feelings as your mind and emotional state work together harmoniously. Often times, it may seem as though you are speaking other people’s thoughts as they are thinking them, or sometimes even before they are made aware of them, as you are highly attune to other people’s emotional energy. People take comfort in this ability because they can be sure that you really do comprehend their situation. You are able to use the written or spoken word to express your thoughts and the concepts you have created in your mind. All forms of communication appeal to you, as does travelling. You prefer your life to be full of changes and various new experiences so that your mind has something to contemplate and there is always something new to express or feel. You may wish to try your hand as a writer due to this placement bestowing clarity of mind.

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Jupiter harmonizing with Saturn

(power = 2.26 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.26)

You achieve your aspirations by being dedicated, diligent, forward-thinking, persevering, structured, and on occasion through coincidental good fortune; you tend to get lucky in attaining your goals. People feel they can trust you to be counted on as you are a dependable sort. What you promise, you make sure to deliver. This constancy draws others to you. Whatever you require to accomplish your endeavours seems to come to you somehow, even if it is in the last moments. You are able to achieve equilibrium between what is possible and what is actual. You are able to work well on a team; however you usually feel more at ease when working on your own. You are patient in your work efforts and persist regardless the duration, as you know the effort will be rewarded in the end.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Libra

Do not rush a Libra into a decision; it is important to them to have the proper time to look at every angle of a situation before they reach an outcome. At worst, they may be debating at such great length that they become stuck and are unable to decide one way or another. One moment they try one side, the next the other, assuming that if they try each one, a resolution will come to them. Libras are naturally just, fair, harmonious, amiable, pleasant, out-going, romantic, reliant on others, disingenuous, lazy, and pleasure-seeking (learn about compatibility with Libra here). They feel most complete when they are in a relationship or on a team of some sort. Their environment is important to them and they need this to be peaceful and comfortable.
Libras have a hard time keeping their own company, as they find interacting with others to be vital to their well-being. They prefer to have someone in their life they can truly share with. However, they must watch out for being in love with the idea of love, rather than the person themselves. They can be rather romantic and become caught up in the moment, running thoughtlessly into a commitment before truly knowing the other person.
Unfortunately, Libras are so sensitive to the vibes of those around them, that if there is disharmony, the Libra may allow others to get away with more than they should just to keep the peace. Libras are also so bent on keeping everyone happy that they may sacrifice their own well-being in the process.
Trouble with indecision can be a tough challenge for a Libra to rise above. It is likely that many beneficial chances may pass them up while they are considering their options. They find it difficult to decide on one option when they can see the merit in all of them. However, this allows them to be experts in counselling others because they can see the entire picture rather than being biased towards one side or the other. They must understand that they cannot be everything to everyone and learn when to stand their ground.
Another issue for Libras are their tendency to work as little as they are able to get away with. They are not likely to be seen as hard-working individuals. It is not that they are lazy per say, more so that they require inspiration.
It is imperative that a Libra develop a way to make decisions for themselves, otherwise they will be taken advantage of by more assertive characters, as it is easy for these people to influence a Libra’s thought process.
Librans are intellectuals with a creative mindset and outgoing personality. Often others will not be made aware of their mental activity due to their pleasing and sociable demeanour. This trait may instead come out in subdued methods of manipulation, which they are particularly gifted in.

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Moon in Sagittarius

You are self-sufficient, opinionated, giving, eager, open-minded, positive, and enthused with an idealism that draws social contacts to you. You can be rather out-going, enjoying comradeship and traveling to distant lands inspires you. Independent and spontaneous with a child-like enthusiasm for adventure, you are always prepared to dive right in to something fun. Regardless of past trials and tribulations, you never stay down very long and will quickly move passed whatever challenges you face, keeping your optimistic attitude that everything will turn out alright. Truth be told, other people’s dilemmas and hurt feelings make you feel uneasy and are difficult for you to handle. Your attempts at trying to make others feel better often make them feel as though you have made light of their concerns or dismissed them altogether due to your extreme optimism. Your platonic relationships may be more important to you than your romantic ones; for you cannot be content in a relationship that does not incorporate a strong friendship. Your mate must be able to help you grow as a person and support your quest towards achieving your goals and desires. It is imperative that you are given a large amount of emotional space. Unfortunately, when you are afflicted you can be self-righteous, narrow-minded, bigoted, biased, self-important, and smug in addition to taking too many unnecessary risks.

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Mercury in Libra

You are most gifted in being able to comprehend every angle of a situation and come to a diplomatic resolution to the problem. You are rational, harmonious, just, perceptive, and socially adept. You work well in a team environment. You are able to stay cool and focused on the issue at hand and remain impartial; this makes you well-suited to a career in mediation, politics, or consulting. You strive to keep justice in a harmonious fashion, regardless the circumstances. Highly artistic, you are able to work in creative endeavours or projects that deal with people of different cultures. Your mind is logical and balanced, and you easily convince others of your viewpoints. You are adaptable and prefer to hear every aspect of a story. However, this trait can make you indecisive as you too easily comprehend each angle and it can be difficult for you to decipher which story holds the most weight. Comparing and contrasting, analysing continuously while finding interesting ways to explain your discoveries; this is what you are most skilled in.

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Venus in Virgo

You are patiently loyal to those you love, giving and helpful whenever you are needed. You tend to express your affection through acts of kindness rather than through words or some sort of extravagant romantic gesture. Something about being too emotionally open makes you uncomfortable and you’d prefer to be more reserved in your expressions. There may be insecurity that you are unattractive or unlovable somehow. Your own doubt causes you to become fault-finding in your significant other and difficult to please. Beware that you do not wait so long for the elusive “perfect partner” that you waste your chances at happiness with someone real. You expect your environment to be neat and organised. Developing a way to aid others can help you to counter your tendency to complain and criticise. Despite these tendencies, you are gentle, compassionate, and kind which allows you to do well in professions where you are caring for others.

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Mars in Virgo

You take great care in all that you do, making sure each detail is just right. You do not trust others to do as good of a job as you will, and often prefer to just do the job yourself than having to correct each imperfection. You do not mind putting in the extra efforts needed to be certain that you did the best job possible, whereas others usually would not exert themselves in this fashion. Having a task be done in a way that falls short of perfection, is not something you can abide by. You work hard to achieve the correct, effective, specific method for obtaining the best results. However, you may at times restrict yourself from even starting a task that you are unsure you can complete to your high standards. You are excellent at predicting the types of endeavours you can reasonably undertake, though at times you will undervalue your own skills. Talented with time management, you make sure to pace yourself rather than squander your energies. You may find that you are so careful to avoid any possible issue, that you will miss advantageous chances by deeming them too risky. Do not limit yourself because of your self-criticism, reach for the heights and you may surprise yourself with what you can accomplish. Relax and do not let anxiety over the little things cause you too much stress.

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Jupiter in Pisces

The best way for you to grow is through benefiting humanity or enlightening others. You believe that everyone is connected and that what harms one of us, harms the rest. You are compassionate, giving, amiable, modest, unobtrusive, and prophetic with a quiet humour and excellent intuition. Spiritual matters are of particular significance to you though you must carve your own road to truth. Occasional seclusion from the world is healthy for you as you may need to sooth the tensions you feel internally. You feel a strong urge to aid those that are less fortunate than yourself and may be involved in humanitarian efforts; your presence allows others to have faith that somehow things will work out for the best. You can become effective in the healing arts, if interested. Being out in nature is a favourite pastime, and you have an affinity for animals, especially those of a larger breed. When afflicted, you can be too emotionally sensitive, embellish facts or stories, over-indulge, prone to excess in general, and become wrapped up with the long-gone joyful moments of the past.

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Saturn in Aquarius

You are disciplined, rational, and possess strong internal resilience and drive. You are able to understand the human race on a grand scale but have a difficult time with understanding the individual. It would be beneficial for you to develop patience for others and learn to let go of the past. You have an interesting way of combining uncommon methods while still keeping things in good order. Long-term planning can also be a strong suit of yours as you tend to intuitively see far into the future. You are able to easily view things outside the box, with a fresh new perspective. Often you can be cool, reserved, objective, and practical. However, you may also come across as unfeeling, spiteful, and overly-expressive of your views, possibly even aggressive, when your ideas are resisted.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 11th house

It is likely that your aspirations are quite high, though you either prefer for these aims to somehow be of use in a group setting or you swing to the other end and are unconcerned with what a group would desire, instead looking out for only your own wishes. It is easy for you to acquire friends in high stations. You tend to be dutiful, open-minded, and a bit of a philanthropist, preferring to achieve social acceptance than power. You have an affinity for working with groups and often take the position as leader for group events as you are an excellent coordinator.

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Moon in 1st house

Sensitive and rather fickle with your moods, you may find yourself feeling a bit insecure and uncertain. Because of this uncertainty, you are often plagued with indecision. At times you may become impatient and act on impulse. A tendency to worrying about others opinions and attitudes towards you can create a desire to please when it would be best to focus on what works for you. You are inclined to focus on your appearance, making you sensitive to any perceived slight, when it would be better for you to develop self-confidence and embrace your individuality. Your immediate environment has a large impact on you, therefore be mindful of the situations you put yourself in and how they may affect you. The maternal figure in your childhood had a heavy influence on many of your traits and behaviours and more than likely continues to do so, for better or worse. When choosing a career, be mindful to acquire something that allows you to connect with the work emotionally as otherwise you will be deeply dissatisfied as a whole. It is important for you to be able to be authentic and express your individuality within your chosen vocation.

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Mercury in 10th house

Written or spoken communication may be part of your career path as you have an excellent talent for articulating your thoughts, and others are likely to take notice of it. You are very mentally active and physically agile, often being thrown into situations where you must make use of these skills. There is a tendency to be a Jack-of-all-trades and it would be difficult for you to choose only one type of career. Traveling or teaching may be part of your career path.

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Venus in 9th house

Highly interested in foreign cultures, you are likely to move away from where you were raised. Travelling in all forms is very appealing to you and you are likely to experience a gain from these situations. You are able to be a diplomatic presence between different cultures. There is a strong interest and enjoyment in religious ceremonies, philosophical studies, education, or law and you enjoy creative material brought to you from other cultures such as music, art, or items that are aesthetically pleasing. You are just and reasonable in legal transactions.

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Mars in 10th house

You are assertive and highly motivated to achieve in your career. You aspire to reaching the top and it is likely that you will, as you have great administrative and managerial capabilities. You prefer to be the reason for your own success, leading yourself rather than following others. Self-sufficient and goal oriented, you may encounter some tension with those in higher positions at work, your parents, or other authority figures. You are best suited for working in an environment where the challenges vary, rather than being stuck doing the same thing day in and day out.

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Jupiter in 4th house

Confident, charitable, and welcoming, with a strong sense of loyalty to your home land; you are likely to become quite fortunate later in life. You enjoy living in quarters that are roomy and relaxing. A large part of who you are was shaped by your parental figures, as they likely have always been very supportive of you. There is a good indication that you gain in financial resources through your parents as well. With this placement, staying close to where you were born may be beneficial to you rather than relocating. Take extra care not to become too bold and over-indulgent.

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Saturn in 2nd house

Having Saturn in this placement can make material possessions difficult for you to acquire. Knowing this instinctively, you are naturally more responsible, cautious, and frugal with your spending. At times you find yourself saving so much that you forget the purpose of it; we work to live and not the other way around. Give yourself a chance to live a little bit on occasion and try to share with others, as worrying over monetary matters only leads to feelings of unhappiness for you. There is a possibility of material scarcity with this placement as too great of an importance may have been placed on material concerns in a previous life. Likely, you will need to re-examine your beliefs in material matters. You can become tight-fisted with others at times and often harbour feelings that you are not valued, lovable, or required. You must find significance in your own self before others can see it.

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Uranus in 4th house

The situation in your home life tends to be unstable and unpredictable, often with random periods of tension. You may come from an alternative background or there may be buried secrets in your family’s past. You are likely to change residences often due to an inner tension of staying in the same place for too long; frequent changes in your life in general are also common. There is also a tendency for there to be an unusual way of relating to your parental figures that can have a large effect on your emotional well-being, for better or worse. You do not think much about the opinions of others and may feel happiest without having an obligation to either one residence or community. As you age, you may become interested in new age topics such as the metaphysical realm or astrology.

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Neptune in 3rd house

Your mind intuitively absorbs information instead of accessing it in a conscious, step-by-step method. You have an artistic way of thinking that you filter through your strong idealistic views. Your thoughts come to you in vivid flashes and are enhanced by your rich imagination. You may find you are intuitively aware of things before they happen and can often accurately predict the future. It is easy for you to sense what is happening in others minds before they do. Because most of your knowledge is acquired in an intuitive way that deviates from conventional methods, you can find yourself feeling insecure and anxious as you are unable to explain where it come from. Your mind can put you into a dream-like state that you indulge in to the point of avoiding your duties; you can be quite a procrastinator. Try to be more reliable and especially avoid further escapism through substance abuse. There may be unresolved issues with family and other relations from a past-life that will need to be addressed.

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Pluto in 5th house

Your interests tend to be uncommon. You are capable of expressing yourself originally and imaginatively. The ability to create is important to you and you would do well to find a creative endeavour to satisfy this craving rather than conveying it sexually, as you are apt to do. Your romantic life seems to denote a preoccupation with sex and there may be underlying tensions to do struggles for power. You may find it a challenge to understand your children, and vice versa.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Libra 23

Sabian Symbol: A Chanticleer’s voice is heard during sunrise.
Kozminsky Symbol: Spread out is the map of the world and two compasses rest there.

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Moon in 
Sagittarius 9

Sabian Symbol: Leading her children, a mother helps them step one by one up a flight of steps.
Kozminsky Symbol: Men pour water into a burning oil well.

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Mercury in 
Libra 5

Sabian Symbol: An occult teacher reveals the inner knowledge to his students.
Kozminsky Symbol: Blood flows from an arm and hand, a sword above.

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Venus in 
Virgo 7

Sabian Symbol: In an Oriental palace, we see the eyes of the local harem.
Kozminsky Symbol: Holding the Crus Ansata in the air, a man stands in his ceremonial fashion.

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Mars in 
Virgo 28

Sabian Symbol: In uniform, a bald-headed man has seized power.
Kozminsky Symbol: A group of dockworkers load a ship full of supplies.

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Jupiter in 
Pisces 27

Sabian Symbol: The translucent light of sunset, the harvest moon of autumn rising.
Kozminsky Symbol: Fire comes out of the horse’s nostrils as he freely runs.

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Saturn in 
Aquarius 1

Sabian Symbol: An ancient adobe mission sits near the California hills.
Kozminsky Symbol: In rose-tinted clouds, a human head sits.

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Uranus in 
Aries 4

Sabian Symbol: Strolling through a secluded park are two lovers together.
Kozminsky Symbol: A dagger with a bent point is held by a mailed hand.

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Neptune in 
Aquarius 22

Sabian Symbol: Nursery children play on a rug placed before them.
Kozminsky Symbol: A library is on fire and men attempt to save the books.

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Pluto in 
Aries 23

Sabian Symbol: A pregnant woman is wearing a delicately decorated light summer dress.
Kozminsky Symbol: Absorbed in the flatteries of a courtier, a King stands. His mistress is robbing important documents from a drawer.

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Ascendant in 
Scorpio 29

Sabian Symbol: An Incan mother pleads to the chief for the lives of her children.
Kozminsky Symbol: A professor at a university is lecturing in front of his class.

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Midheaven in 
Virgo 22

Sabian Symbol: A royal coat of arms has jewels on it.
Kozminsky Symbol: In the forest, Bacchanalian orgies are engaging nymphs and fauns.

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Lib 22° 07' 11"
59' 35"
00" N
8° 37' 15" S
Sag 08° 59' 17"
14° 38' 04"
18' 34" N
21° 30' 34" S
Lib 04° 08' 59"
1° 08' 19"
1° 52' 02" N
3' 47" N
Vir 06° 21' 42"
1° 03' 46"
3' 31" S
9° 07' 49" N
Vir 27° 55' 24"
38' 13"
1° 06' 13" N
1° 50' 20" N
Pis 26° 01' 37" R
- 6' 23"
1° 35' 39" S
3° 02' 36" S
Aqu 00° 46' 15"
1' 03"
37' 10" S
20° 36' 22" S
Ari 03° 33' 11" R
- 2' 15"
45' 22" S
43' 12" N
Aqu 21° 01' 12" R
- 35"
23' 46" S
14° 52' 39" S
Ari 22° 57' 52" R
- 1' 09"
17° 26' 40" S
7° 17' 11" S
Vir 12° 46' 51"
7' 20"
4° 56' 28" S
2° 12' 01" N
Gem 07° 51' 00"
6' 39"
4' 33" S
21° 33' 40" N
True Node
Sag 05° 34' 11"
00" N
21° 15' 01" S
P. of Fortune
Cap 15° 04' 36"
Can 11° 26' 52"
Sco 28° 12' 29"
Cap 00° 41' 15"
Aqu 12° 36' 26"
Pis 21° 53' 27"
Ari 20° 44' 02"
Tau 11° 40' 13"
Tau 28° 12' 29"
Can 00° 41' 15"
Leo 12° 36' 26"
Vir 21° 53' 27"
Lib 20° 44' 02"
Sco 11° 40' 13"
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
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