Thomas Jefferson

Birth Chart: Thomas Jefferson (Aries)

Thomas Jefferson (April 13 [O.S. April 2] 1743 – July 4, 1826) was an American Founding Father who was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence and later served as the third President of the United States from 1801 to 1809. Prior thereto, he was elected the second Vice President of the United States, serving under John Adams from 1797 to 1801. A proponent of democracy, republicanism, and individual rights motivating American colonists to break from Great Britain and form a new nation, he produced formative documents and decisions at both the state and national level.

Hint: Ever asked yourself What Zodiac sign am I? Then take this quiz to check what is your Zodiac personality!

Astrological Natal Chart
Thomas Jefferson

Born at Shadwell, USA
Tuesday, April 02, 1743
12:00 (time zone = GMT -4.9 hours)
78w24, 38n01


If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Sun discordant to Neptune

(power = 8.81 and this aspect is discordant = -8.81)

You often procrastinate with daydreams when you should be working. Many times you avoid challenging tasks entirely, expecting them to disappear somehow. You tend to imagine that your worries are greater than they are or spend countless hours obsessing over problems that never come to pass. Very creative, you feel pulled to channel your energy into artistic pursuits, though they never seem to get off the ground as you do not possess sufficient motivation and diligence. The mystical realm tends to fascinate you though you must be mindful not to become engrossed in negative spiritual endeavours such as calling on dark spirits, hypnosis, and the like, as they will bring you trouble.
Self-restraint is not your strong point and you have a difficult time saying no to temptations. You are likely to have issues with substance abuse at some point in your life, though you need to curb these cravings as they will only bring you grief. You can be a bit delusional and would do well to develop some practicality; you need to keep your feet on the ground if you are to accomplish anything. Your empathy is deep and you are always willing to come to the aid of others. However, your sensitive emotions can be easily abused by those who may play the victim just to take advantage of your kindness. These situations have the potential to drag you down drastically. Keep in mind that you are in control of your own destiny and these people cannot harm you without you allowing them to. Focus on learning how to turn people down when your intuition warns you that they may not be worth trusting.
Finding your direction in life may prove challenging for you as you have trouble concentrating on any one specific point. You are prone to romanticism, nostalgia, and reacting emotionally. Your spirituality can be blinded by material desires. You are strongly affected by your environment and must pay attention to what sorts of circumstances you engage in. Physically you are sensitive to medication in general and should be mindful of how much of it you take, even when given a prescription from the doctor.
A quiet, non-confrontational nature can make it difficult for you to get ahead in life. Your tendency to fantasise breeds delusion, either from yourself or by other people. One of your life lessons is to learn how to defend your values and beliefs, despite potential controversy. Your sensitive feelings are easily wounded by others and you often evade any sort of disagreement, preferring to sweep things under the rug. You are likely to view others with rose-coloured glasses, placing them on a pedestal and seeing only their fine points. When they eventually disappoint you, you are crushed. You must enjoy other people for who they actually are rather than what you want them to be, flaws and all. Past life karma may place hidden adversaries in your path to account for dishonourable acts from the past; be cautious of who you trust.

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Sun harmonizing with Mars

(power = 6.99 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.24)

You are brave, self-confident, full of energy, driven, and optimistic. Competing with others is enjoyable for you and you tend to win using your confidence and intuition. Your strong will has allowed you to learn self-discipline, creating a force that permits you to rise to truly powerful positions. Your physical health is amazing as you heal easily and have endless amounts of energy. However, it is important that you are able to keep active physically or this immense energy of yours will turn destructive. Every effort is made on your part to achieve success in an honourable fashion. You are likely to be a good leader and have a talent for administrating. Hard-working, courageous, and assertive, you gain the admiration of others and will champion for them if they are being unjustly treated.

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Mercury harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 6.91 and this aspect is harmonious = 6.91)

Mentally you are capable of delving into the most hidden of depths. Whether or not they are pleasant, you will uncover whatever secrets are buried beneath. You would make an excellent investigator as you are naturally gifted in the field. Psychological evaluation is another area that you are talented in and there is a strong interest in topics related to the afterlife and mystical studies. You are the sort that will learn one thing thoroughly rather than dabbling briefly all over the map. Despite your expectation that others be transparent with you, you are unwilling to provide the same disclosure to them. You feel most comfortable in situations where the attention is not focused on you and you can do as you please with little interference from others. You are capable of using your hands to heal others if you can properly channel your energies and may do well to try your efforts in massage therapy or chiropractic care. You find a kind of comfort in disassembling and reassembling things, as you have good technical skills and like to see how everything works together. You are drawn to situations, people, or subjects that project a mysterious quality and you are always up for the challenge of figuring them out. When you do come to a conclusion, you are able to clearly express what you have learned. You use your logical, analytical mind and intuitive ability to assess everything that you come across. Mentally you strive to transform and transcend whatever you find. Other people easily recognise your confident dedication to the things you do. If you are interested in a topic, you are able to focus yourself completely in order to absorb any and all information pertaining to it. Highly observant, nothing gets passed you and you are amazingly accurate in your evaluations of the circumstances you find yourself in and the people you come across.

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Venus harmonizing with Saturn

(power = 6.69 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.02)

You are faithful and dedicated in your relationships. People’s emotions are treated with care, as you would never toy with their feelings. Loyalty is very important to you. You prefer to be secure and are usually confident in your abilities; insecure feelings do not seem to be an issue for you at all. However, you can hold back a bit when expressing your love for another because you wish to be certain that the person is trustworthy. You are modest, and while you enjoy beautiful and lavish surroundings, you do not require them for your happiness. Who someone is on the inside is more valuable to you than what they look like. You want a deep, meaningful relationship and shallow partnerships hold no interest for you. Innately, you comprehend that true love takes time to unfold and becomes stronger the longer you are involved with someone. Friendship is taken seriously as well and you are a loyal, steady friend. One of your best traits is that you are emotionally stable. You are naturally responsible with those you care for and can be very dutiful to them. Self-restraint is not a problem for you and no one would ever consider you a wild child by any means. However, people value the amazing abilities you bring to the table. Inside of you is a very strong individual capable of persevering through even the toughest of challenges.

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Mars discordant to Pluto

(power = 6.54 and this aspect is discordant = -8.17)

You possess a strong will-power and an influential character. Others may believe you are a threat to them somehow and will attempt to harm you before you can do the same. Those in positions of power will come to you and show you how a true leader should behave. Your wants are particularly intense and once you set your sights on a goal, not much can keep you from achieving it. When this happens you can end up with an obsessive sort of tunnel vision until you are finished, often become highly subjective in regards to the matter at hand. Be careful not to become a fanatic. You can be quite demanding of others and attempt to dictate their path for them, though you yourself will not abide by others telling you what to do and should keep this in mind when leading others.
You insist on knowing others intentions and secrets, though will keep your own well-hidden unless you believe it will somehow further your advances. You prefer to be in the most informed position at all times. You crave to experience powerful emotions and are unconcerned whether these emotions are from something beneficial or something detrimental, as long as you can experience these strong feelings. Your romantic partnerships often suffer from inequality as you can be rather dominating and you need to learn to share power, rather than keeping it all for yourself.
You are extremely driven, dedicated, and preserving, though you must keep in mind that not everyone can conjure up these same traits. Try to be patient with others as they are not likely to be able to sustain the stressful working conditions that you are able to. Take the immense energy that you have and release it into something beneficial rather than dominating others, or you will be branded a tyrant.
Despite the above, it is important to emphasise that you are able to accomplish amazing feats if only you channel your energy correctly. The forces you project into the world will be powerful and it is up to you whether you want to generate something beneficial for all or mass destruction.
Strive for a more harmonious atmosphere when dealing with other people; diplomacy will go a long way farther than opposition. Do not burn the bridges you cross on your way up, as you never know who you will encounter in the future. Karma will limit you if you try to use unwholesome techniques when achieving your goals. It would also help you to pay attention to concepts suggested by others; you just might discover a perspective you have never considered. Allow others a chance to release their inner musings instead of answering for them. And finally, keep in mind that being consistently inflexible in your attitude, behaviour, and opinions can create adversaries for you, when you could have had partners.

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Venus discordant to Uranus

(power = 5.92 and this aspect is discordant = -4.44)

You are enthusiastic, spur-of-the-moment, and reactive in both your emotions and your sexuality. You can lose control when your emotions are stimulated, especially in regards to love where you seek out exhilarating situations and can become enamoured rapidly, though just as swiftly fall out of love. Love partnerships start off in the heights of excitement only to conclude spontaneously, shortly after they began. Your likes and interests tend to be made up of the unusual, untraditional, and quirky, and you love to experiment with something new and different. You are particularly adventurous with your emotions. More likely to pay attention to what you are pursuing, you often discard what you have already obtained. Sticking things out long-term is not something you can usually do in your relationships and you are much happier in unconventional situations that do not tie you down, allowing you to roam free. You want to experience as much as possible, with as many people as possible, and a monogamous partnership might be too restrictive for you. This need for independence may cause you to either consciously or subconsciously seek out individuals who are not entirely available to you, as this keeps the situation from becoming too serious; a detached approach is more your style. Secret relationships are also a possibility here.
Your feelings are apt to be unpredictable and volatile. You are emotionally fickle and it is anyone’s guess what you will be feeling from one moment to the next. These erratic moods frustrate you as you cannot comprehend why they occur. The tension you feel forces you to take your negative emotions out on whatever unfortunate soul is nearby. Much of this tension can be tempered by channelling your energies creatively, as you are talented in the creative fields. If you are able to make use of these emotions to create, you will find them much easier to handle.
Naturally magnetic, others are drawn to your sexual allure and exhilarating personality. You find it difficult to stay in one place or situation for very long and would do well with a career that allows you opportunity to travel often, as this will appease your curious heart. Circumstances must be always moving somehow, never standing still. Usually you are unconcerned about the opinions of society and will do what you feel is best for yourself and your own life. However, try to develop self-restraint in regards to your sensuality as you can be prone to taking things a bit farther than you should. Discover ways to balance your unconventional interests with the needs of those around you, or you will find yourself more of an outcast than even you are comfortable with.

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Mercury harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 4.34 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.34)

You are highly imaginative and can easily visualise whatever you can think up. You are able to make your fantasies come true by applying your excellent reasoning abilities. Topics that are related to metaphysics, the supernatural, or alternative medicine tend to appeal to you and you enthusiastically explore them. It is also possible that you are able to heal others by using your hands. You have an amazing awareness of what is going on in your mind on a subliminal level and ability to project it outwards. There is a large amount of artistic talent in this placement and when you feel properly motivated you can create truly inspirational pieces. Science, and its systematic approach, feels foreign to you and you do best in the creative realm, learning by being exposed rather than by traditional methods. Make an effort to visit areas where you can spend time near lakes, the ocean, or other bodies of water as they are a calming effect on your spirit. Extremely sensitive, you have accurate intuition and are easily inspired. It is possible for you to communicate with the spiritual world through your subconscious while asleep.

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Jupiter blending with Saturn

(power = 4.01 and this aspect is neutral)

You are highly moral with a good bit of integrity, principled and honest, and you are often found taking on the role of a leader. You enjoy being responsible for others and due to your strong managerial capabilities, you are usually the best one for the position. Your spiritual views are often reasonable and traditional. Strongly just, you appreciate higher learning and the judicial system. A step-by –step, tried and true approach to situation is just your style as you are well-structured and methodical; you lead your life by the same values. Being able to see the big picture, you can easily put an effective strategy in place for the long-term, and carry this out in a controlled, systematic manner. You tend to evade confrontation as it can make you tense and ill-tempered. Try instead to assert yourself more diplomatically rather than becoming abrasive during challenging interactions.

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Venus harmonizing with Jupiter

(power = 3.32 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.81)

You are giving, caring, charitable, and would readily share whatever assets you might have. For the people you care for, you would quickly extend both yourself and the material items in your possession, however you will usually only do so if it isn’t too much trouble for you. A luxurious, stylish, relaxing environment is essential to you and you refuse to do any manual labour. Your charismatic, pleasant, polite demeanour is perfect for hosting company. Good karma from a past life assures you luck with your finances and acquiring assets. There is an inclination towards indulging yourself extravagantly and behaving in a lazy manner; try to curb these habits. At times, life fulfils your needs and desires with so little effort on your part that you may not value what you are given. With regards to your health, you are susceptible to putting on weight due to your liking of tasty food and drink. You are a tender-hearted, out-going, friendly type who avoids conflict and enjoys exploring beautiful, distance lands. It would be most beneficial for you to learn to appreciate what you have and to stick things out even when they are difficult sometimes.

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Jupiter harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 3.15 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.73)

You are capable of aiding others by using your artistic imagination. Emotionally, you may express yourself by creating in some form, whether this be writing, dancing, art, or music. You are drawn to theoretical concepts and new age topics, as well as subjects having to do with the spiritual realm. Religious choirs tend to sooth you and inspire you and you try to help others to achieve the same experience. You possess a highly spiritual consciousness and should trust your gut instincts. People generally have faith in you to be a moral person and seek your counsel, as you are sympathetic and emotionally in tune. You may have accurate premonitions or visions that aid you in realising your dreams. Look for the true meaning in all of your endeavours.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Aries

Aries are assertive, brave, excitable, self-sufficient, inspiring, innovative, strong-willed, spontaneous, hasty, egotistical, overly focused on themselves, and often lacking in patience (learn about compatibility with Aries here). Arians are usually attentive to their own self development and what is most desirable to them, rather than worrying too much about other people’s wishes.
Arian’s prefer being in positions where they can utilise their ability to take charge of a situation. They have a talent in managing others and establishing, coordinating, and controlling endeavours. However, though they will be the first to start on a project, they are often the first to leave it as well. Arians must be mindful not to rush ahead before thinking things through thoroughly. They can achieve incredible feats if only they can learn to channel their energies constructively.
An Aries will be innately energetic and excited to engage in action and contest, which can be motivating to others. They are brave and never lacking in interesting new concepts to establish. Vitality is one of their greatest strengths.
There is a tendency to overlook other people’s ideas and capabilities due to Aries being too focused on their own skills. They need to allow others an opportunity to shine as well, rather than insisting that they themselves do it all. Learning to collaborate can create many opportunities for Aries, as this may counter their difficulty in seeing their assignments through to the end. Developing patience during moments where their interest in a project wavers can be crucial to their success.
Arians have a direct, no-nonsense approach. They will clearly state exactly what they are thinking and feeling, leaving nothing to be assumed or misconstrued. Arians may have a quick temper, but once they have expressed the inner rage, they will tend to forgive and forget. They prefer to say things straight out than to keep them inside, though at times the initial blast of their emotions is violently intense. Let them blow up and brace yourself during the explosion, it will not last long.
An Aries will always pursue what they desire, though at times they will lose interest in the object they were pursuing once they have acquired it. Regardless, Arians will be taking the lead in their romantic endeavours. They are prone to head pain due to internal pressure and friction.
Arians must mind their temper, build their tolerance, cultivate a way to save their strength, and learn to finish what they start; waiting is a natural part of project development, and they will be unsuccessful without it accepting this fact.

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Mercury in Pisces

The way you process, receive, and convey information tends to incorporate creativity, compassion, sensitivity, diplomacy, and idealism, while displaying prophetic tendencies. However, when afflicted you may become an overly-emotional, day-dreaming procrastinator who sluggishly goes about life half-sound. Motivating yourself to do something perceived as difficult can be met with formidable subconscious resistance and you may find yourself somehow distracted, skirting your responsibilities, and unable to organise yourself. Artistic ventures are more apt to ignite your passions than technical endeavours. You may turn your nose up at traditional methods of education yet find yourself almost absorbing information from thin air when you are truly fascinated by a topic. The energies that you encounter in your environment have an immense influence on you and therefore you must be mindful of the situations you surround yourself with. Occasional seclusion from the world is necessary for you to replenish your inner balance and serenity. However, do not cut yourself off to such a degree that you become obsessed about your own short comings, as you can tend to wallow in despair if left alone for too long. You may find that you heal better through alternative methods such as visual aids or massage therapy. Creative or artistic subjects will usually hold your attention, especially those involving the written word, acting, or music as you can be quite imaginative. It may be easier for you to convey your thoughts in creative ways rather than articulating yourself verbally; you are a bit scatter-brained and your speech may jump around, making you seem less intelligent than you really are. You are more likely to be guided by your intuition than being forced to accommodate concrete conclusions based on hard data. Often you understand how others are feeling prior to them understanding it themselves. You may at times become so lost in your own internal world that you are blind to the physical state of things going on around you. For you, nothing is impossible and you have a fantastic way of keeping your mind open to possibilities. Non-physical realms exist to you the same way that the physical realm does and your initial inklings about others are unusually spot-on. This gut intuition of yours does not seem to require hard data to be accurate; you just get a sense of things and people. Your thoughts may go down many unexpected roads which affect you a great deal; therefore it would be most beneficial for you to focus on staying positive mentally.

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Venus in Taurus

Romantic relationships bring out your trustworthy, faithful side and you flourish with a partner that is particularly warm and expressive with their feelings. Your senses are highly attuned and this causes you to indulge a bit more than you should, resulting in possible weight gain. Aesthetically pleasing items and environments strongly appeal to you and you find it important that your partner is visually striking. You must be mindful not to place too much significance in material possessions and curb your sensual appetites. You value luxury and prefer not to do any sort of manual labour. It may be that you assume others will do this sort of work for you, even when it is your responsibility. You are creative, loving, charismatic, and empathetic though you will need to learn how to restrain yourself at times. In your romantic partnerships you can easily fall into being envious and trying to own your partner, as well as being unwilling to do the extra work required in a relationship when things get rough. However, you enjoy putting in effort to show your appreciation in useful, concrete means.

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Mars in Leo

There is a well-developed sense of pride. You have a desire to achieve and be admired for these achievements, or for the person that you are. You like to be the winner, the one at the top. You dislike anyone telling you what you should be doing or to remain behind the scenes. You want to be seen and will often create drama in order to make sure that happens. You may arrogantly declare you are correct in every situation, as you dislike being wrong. You are driven, diligent, aggressive, dynamic, inventive, and full of energy; competition is highly appealing to you. Life may seem like one big game to be won. You seek praise and value honesty and acting in accordance to one’s moral standards; nothing less is acceptable. Though you are extremely self-assured, there is a chance that you may feel insecure and self-protective, possibly acting abrasive, if your confidence is challenged. You are spontaneous, eager, motivated, and energetic. Once you have decided on the object of your desire, you will stop at nothing to win them over; displaying great passion and enthusiasm. When you have something you wish to express, you do so, no holds barred. However, be careful not to act foolishly and carelessly where money is involved; gambling can become an issue for you. You can also become touchy, confrontational, and possessive. Keep an eye on your heart, as this area of your body is particularly sensitive. Be sure to get plenty of exercise as this will release some of the excess emotional energy before it manifest in an unhealthy way.

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Jupiter in Virgo

You are quickly able to decipher what is necessary and what is not. You have a careful, investigative, cerebral, and realistic nature with good decision-making abilities that attribute to high achievements in your career life. You possess a strong technical aptitude and a thirst for acquiring new information. However, you can be exacting, demanding, pessimistic, and suspicious of people. Also, try to be mindful not to lose the forest when you are focusing on the trees. Physical exertion may not be something you enjoy, but it is important for your health nonetheless.

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Saturn in Leo

A strong leader, with excellent administrative and managerial capabilities; you know when to be tactful. You are independent, traditional, well-organised, and proficient. You tend to be more reserved emotionally, seeming to others as aloof and uncaring. Affection is important to you, though you do not know how to go about acquiring or expressing it, instead you remove yourself from others. You feel a sense of obligation essential when love is present, and you find yourself preferring to “do” something for someone or present them with gifts, rather than giving them what they’d really like, yourself. However, there are times when you can be harsh, temperamental, and envious; you must be mindful not to use dishonest tactics when realising your goals. You prefer to be respected for being effective and proficient. In health matters, you are susceptible to diseases of the heart.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Aries 13

Sabian Symbol: An unexploded bomb is safely hidden from being discovered.
Kozminsky Symbol: There is a cross-sword of bright steel and a handle of copper. Above it is a heart of gold and golden light is streaming from it.

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Mercury in 
Pisces 15

Sabian Symbol: An officer of the military instructing his troops before a battle.
Kozminsky Symbol: Two men on a mountain lookout, one scanning nervously at the horizon, the other is fallen on the ground in the penetrating sun.

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Venus in 
Taurus 1

Sabian Symbol: A mountain stream of clear water is flowing through a rocky outcropping.
Kozminsky Symbol: A red rose bush with a gray vapor has a brilliant colored butterfly.

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Mars in 
Leo 18

Sabian Symbol: A professor of chemistry teaches how to conduct an experiment to his class.
Kozminsky Symbol: Within the quartz rock, two gold miners have discovered a strange metal.

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Jupiter in 
Virgo 6

Sabian Symbol: A merry-go-round is spinning around as parents smile and children laugh.
Kozminsky Symbol: In the ballroom is seen many men and women dancing with one another.

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Saturn in 
Leo 30

Sabian Symbol: An unsealed letter carries vital and confidential information.
Kozminsky Symbol: White lilies are carried by a ship’s steward.

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Uranus in 
Capricorn 27

Sabian Symbol: Climbing the steps to a pilgrimage are groups of pilgrims on a mountaintop view.
Kozminsky Symbol: Contemplating her pretty garden, a woman sits in a chair.

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Neptune in 
Cancer 10

Sabian Symbol: A lapidary holds an uncut diamond in his hand as he begins the process of cutting it.
Kozminsky Symbol: During sunset, a painter stands before his easel painting the beautiful light of the forest.

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Pluto in 
Scorpio 17

Sabian Symbol: A pregnant woman impregnated by her own spirit.
Kozminsky Symbol: A jeweled dagger is thrust into a document.

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Ascendant in 
Aries 1

Sabian Symbol: A woman rises out of the water and a seal appears. The seal is enveloping her.
Kozminsky Symbol: A fireball exploding over a rainbow.

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Midheaven in 
Capricorn 1

Sabian Symbol: Standing before the council, an Indian chief claims his power.
Kozminsky Symbol: Rising out of the earth is an armed man.

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Ari 12° 30' 52"
Can 24° 50' 36"
Pis 14° 58' 46"
Tau 00° 47' 46"
Leo 17° 31' 37"
Vir 05° 28' 31" R
Leo 29° 29' 11" R
Cap 26° 43' 07"
Can 09° 19' 16"
Sco 16° 03' 54" R
Can 09° 11' 49"
Sag 16° 14' 18"
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Tau 19° 27' 26" R
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