Birth Chart: Tyrese Gibson (Capricorn)
Tyrese Darnell Gibson (born December 30, 1978), also known mononymously as Tyrese, is an American Grammy-nominated singer, songwriter, actor, author, television producer, former fashion model and MTV VJ. He is best known for his roles as Joseph "Jody" Summers in Baby Boy and as Roman Pearce in the Fast and the Furious series. After releasing several albums, he transitioned into films, with lead roles in several major Hollywood releases.
Born at Los Angeles, USA
Saturday, December 30, 1978
02:25 (time zone = GMT -8 hours)
118w15, 34n03
At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. Its the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. Its the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.
Those with Scorpio rising are typically reserved on the outside while intense on the inside, they are private and full of mystery, have a strong will, can be quiet, though they are brave and dedicated, unyielding, creative, independent, disciplined (though not always with their desires), and may be difficult to read. The soul of the individual with the Scorpio rising is fighting a battle between their lowly physical desires and enlightenment. In the end, the lower self must yield and be reborn, rising up from the ashes to a higher understanding. You will be involved on all levels, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Outside you seem cool and unfazed, though inside there are intense emotions ever-present; you are a very deep person. You insist to be made aware of other peoples secrets though you will not disclose your own, preferring to remain quiet as to your intentions. You have a sharp mind and enjoy investigative endeavours. You insist on penetrating every hidden cavern, understanding the ins and outs, why and how. You are very determined when you apply yourself, strong-willed, and can conquer any obstacle, even if the obstacle is you. You must move past any possessive, resentful, or envious tendencies. You are drawn to subjects that incorporate mystical topics, sexuality, the healing arts, or death. When you are good, you are very very good, but when you are bad, you can be a complete scoundrel. You must develop a way to forgive others as this is an important life lesson for you. Scorpio is ruled by both Pluto and Mars and therefore their placement in your chart will be significant.
If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.
You are highly imaginative and spend a good deal of time with the fantasies swimming around in your mind. Precognitive visions are likely to show themselves in this placement and you will be prone to idealism. You may find it difficult to assert yourself and instead prefer to just go with the current rather than making your own waves. Artistic pursuits appeal to you since you are a natural artist, though there is particular interest in musical ventures or poetic writing, as you are gifted in these fields. You are drawn to the sounds of the guitar, violin, bass, cello and anything else featuring strings. Due to your sensitive nature, you are sometimes taken down the wrong path purely by subconscious influence from the environment you are in or the people you surround yourself with. Your mind is often muddled and it might be a challenge for you to alter your inner self in a beneficial manner as you as lack the clarity needed to do so. Escapism via substance abuse needs to be watched for and can ruin you if you are not careful; saying no can prove to be difficult for you in general. Stability does not come naturally. Do not dabble in unwholesome mystical practices such as the calling forth of spirits; you never know what trouble you may find yourself in spiritually for doing so. Mentally, you follow an abstract way of reasoning rather than the step-by-step pattern that others are prone to, and therefore you may find it difficult to communicate your own thoughts out loud. It is probably easier for you to convey your feelings in artistic pursuits or through the written word instead. Traditional education is probably not the best way for you to learn and you would do well having a teacher that can instruct you by example instead. You quickly pick up on hints and vibrations, although it can be tough for you to decipher what the actual meaning is behind them due to your inclination to let your imagination run away with you. There is likely to be trouble with focusing on daily life responsibilities or with figuring out the difference between fact and fantasy. You are prone to ponder the existence of other realms. Taking photographs may be an enjoyable hobby. Due to your high sensitivity, there is a nervousness and tension inside of you that make it necessary for you to retreat into seclusion for short periods on a daily basis to reset. Many authors, artists, and performers share this placement.
You are controlled and patient, able to persevere through difficult times and put forth a great deal of effort to attain your goals. You endure where others would falter. Innately, you understand that nothing worth having is given without some sort of sacrifice and you are willing to invest your time and energy fully when you have committed to an endeavour. The things you strive for are firmly held in reality and you will usually approach them in a systematic, organised fashion. Highly ambitious, you would make an excellent leader and administrator. However, you are most comfortable working out of the lime-light and produce the best results when on your own. You have a good head on your shoulders though you may sometimes work at a slower pace than others. This slower work pace is likely due to you not wanting to miss any details in your work. Anything you start on, you intend to go the distance. Be careful not to become resentful from holding in your frustrations; find a way to express these upsets to those that have caused them and then let them go. You are a good mix of daring yet cautious. In your past life, you were able to find equilibrium between what you wanted in the moment and your duties. Socialising is difficult for you as you are usually a bit distant with others. Despite your ambitions, you are not power-hungry but rather just wish to do a good job.
You are impulsive and reactive in both your emotions and your sexuality. Romantically, your feelings often arise suddenly and can just as easily vanish. However, not much can hold you back when youve been stimulated. Unusual, quirky, and untraditional; you enjoy trying new things. Never one to lead a dull life, you crave for something fresh and different to spark your enthusiasm; this is particularly true emotionally. You are more likely to be attentive while hunting for something than you are once you have acquired it; you are not one to stick things out long-term. Partnerships need to give you room to breathe as you are very independent and dislike being restricted in any sense. This sort of attitude leads you into relationships that are unconventional. Traditional commitment may not be for you as you dislike being tied to one person. Your preferences may cause you to subconsciously seek those who would be unable to be bound to you, perhaps due to long distance or a marriage. Intimate involvements that require any sort of promise from you will scare you off quickly and you prefer to keep yourself unattached physically or emotionally.
You are extremely moody, feeling one way this moment, the exact opposite the next and not you nor anyone else can predict what can alter these states. However, because you are never sure exactly what causes these changes, you may try to place the fault of your emotional state onto whoever is near to you. Inside you may feel quite a bit of chaos and it would be most beneficial for you to channel this energy into creative pursuits of some kind. Creating can truly soothe your inner tensions and steady your volatile moods.
You have a magnetic personality and others tend to find you sexually attractive. People are drawn to your allure, enthusiasm, and originality. Eternally curious, travelling is likely to appeal to you as it can help please your ever adventurous and high-strung nature. You do not do well with things staying the same for very long, in all aspects of your life; you require variety or you start to feel uneasy. Other peoples opinion of who you are and what you do does not hold much weight to you and you insist on carving your own path. However, be mindful not to overindulge in your sensuality.
You are driven, lively, and energetic. You have an incredible will-power and rarely ever give up once youve decided on a course of action. You are brave and have no problem asserting yourself. You dislike being idle, instead preferring to passionately throw yourself into things. This immense energy of yours may manifest itself sexually or artistically. Challenges do not deter you and you enjoy competing with others; you can fight until your last breath if something moves you. People are pulled towards your charismatic character. Be mindful of the tendency to put more on your plate than you are realistically able to handle as you take on more and more until you eventually crash. A steady approach with allotted time to breathe a little will get you much further in the end. There is a strong urge to craft or produce something and this may come out either personally or professionally. You have the soul of a champion, striving to conquer at any cost, with your vitality, swiftness, passion, and spontaneity. However, if you do not regulate this energy it can become destructive. It would be most beneficial for you to find ways to direct this intensity in positive ways. At times you may be touchy and quarrelsome. It is important for you to remain physically active as your energy and inner tension needs to be released. This placement is especially good for circumstances requiring a powerful will or physical prowess. This aspect also adds to a tendency towards self-centredness, where you will think of only your own necessities and desires. Make sure to pay attention to what others need as well. Pride and an over-inflated self-esteem need to be controlled here.
You never seem to tire out emotionally and it is important that you are able to divert some of this intensity into other avenues so as to stay steady and sane. You find it difficult to be inactive and will usually behave in an intolerant, grouchy manner when you are forced to do things at a slower pace than you would like. You can be very moody and your anger tends to erupt with little warning. Compromising is not easy for you as you prefer to strongly pursue what you desire, despite this causing disharmony with your spouse or family. You have a strong urge to compete with others on even small matters, though this may not be apparent to you. You are self-sufficient and require the utmost freedom to do as you wish. God help anyone who tries to insist you do something or in which way you are to go about it. You are susceptible to accidental injuries due to trying to do much too quickly; be patient with yourself and others. Usually your demeanour is caring and kind, though at times you can be a harsh critic and are too outspoken about other peoples flaws or mistakes. Mentally you process things speedily and therefore you are likely to react with impatience and irritation when others are unable to comprehend things as fast as you. This placement bestows you with better than average health and recovery time.
You like to keep your feelings under a tight reign. This placement helps to balance your feelings even when circumstances are difficult. Others may be frantic during these times, yet you remain calm and collected. You are reasonable and unbiased during stressful situations which help you to solve the underlying issue amidst emotional chaos. This placement allows you to concentrate more effectively. You do not skirt your duties and people know they can rely on you to do what you have committed to doing. You are loyal to those in your circle and to the people you feel close to, supporting them behind the scenes. You dislike being idle and enjoy watching the fruit of your labour. Mentally you tend to stick to the conservative route, letting tradition guide you. Frivolous thoughts for the sake of fun are not really your cup of tea; you take a more sombre approach. However, you are not always able to show your feelings towards those you care for. It would be beneficial if you could develop a more open manner and convey these inner emotions outwardly to them somehow. You are independent and methodical, as well as having a good ability to organise, handle money and business, and behave diplomatically when interacting with people. You are very patient and willing to persevere until you have reached your goal. You are ethical, dutiful, faithful, and fair.
Mentally you are systematic, methodical, focused, resourceful, and able to dive into the deepest of waters. You may not come to your conclusions quickly, but they are fully thought out once you do finally get to them. You prefer to study on your own where you can fully concentrate and go at your own pace. You definitely have your viewpoints, though you are unlikely to share them with others until you have turned every stone and thought through every angle of a situation. Naturally sceptical and careful, you are also prone to negative thinking and can become depressed more easily than others. Generally, you try to conserve your efforts as best you can. You are not usually open to new ideas unless they have been proven through methodical means and therefore tend to disbelieve most of the concepts you come across. You would do well in careers that require sorting through and gathering data in a systematic manner, as you possess excellent organisational skills. In social situations you tend to keep to yourself and are quiet, observant, and stern faced, preferring to stay out of the meaningless chit-chat that most would engage in. For you, if it does not produce something you can use or hold on to, it is not worth investing yourself in. Your communication style is confident and respectable. You are naturally organised and would do well in managerial positions. You keep your feet on the ground and know what you want, however showing your emotions does not come easily to you. Make sure you keep an eye on your teeth as they are susceptible to enamel issues.
There is a chance that you may develop cruel behaviour patterns. You will often worry about things that are unlikely to come to pass or things in which you have no control over. Rather than worrying over these things, you should concentrate on making plans. You do not trust whatever you are unfamiliar with or havent had a chance to fully think through in a slow, reasonable manner. Try to be more open-minded to what others are saying so as to counter your naturally pessimistic attitude. Conveying your thoughts is challenging for you and people are often confused by what you are expressing, though you are just as perplexed by their communication. Your approach to things tends to be very traditional and you prefer sticking to the tried-and-true instead of venturing out into something different and unexplored. However, it would be beneficial for you to give fresh ideas a chance every once in a while. At times you can convince yourself that your less-than-wholesome methods are correct because you believe so strongly in something that you are blind to the process and only see the end result. You can be a bit of an extremist when engrossed in your projects; every detail must be perfect. Cut yourself, and others, some slack sometimes as not every tiny fragment of each endeavour needs to be fussed over. You are susceptible to problems with your nerves due to your tendency to work yourself too hard. Do your best to limit stressors and take time to relax.
There is intensity in every aspect of your life from your emotions and wants, to your romantic partnerships, with many of them being full of passion, instability, and heartbreak. You have a great personal magnetism that pulls others in. There is a tendency towards obsessing over people and partnerships. In your relationships, you may take turns trying to possess one another, each person controlling as much of the situation as they can until the other has had enough and tries to turn the tables. You can be jealous and also try to manipulate others, whether you do this behind the scenes or in a more overt manner. There is not much you will not do in order to maintain your power over people and the situation at hand. Your intense emotions can create such a strong pull within you that you find yourself acting in ways that are irrational. Evetually your emotions reach a peak and you need to remove yourself completely from the people in your life and the situations that you are in, and start anew. You are not the most open-minded person and can be very stubborn in your viewpoints, throwing them at others aggressively, often disregarding new concepts that others are trying to convey to you, and always insisting that your opinions are correct. You remember every slight, perceived or otherwise, that someone has done towards you. Work on your perception and you might find that people are different than you originally thought. Your feelings are so overwhelming sometimes that you are unable to reign them in. Finances can be an obsession for you as you need to feel secure. The biggest lesson for you in this placement is to temper the emotional chaos within. You have a deeply rooted sense of rejection and feeling as though you are somehow unworthy, and this makes it hard for you to believe that the people you care for are to be trusted. This aspect will test your romantic partnerships to help you grow as a person and show you how to truly have faith in the people you are bonded to.
Those born in your generation have the ability to be of aid to humanity as a whole. Let your intuition guide you in assisting others.
It is likely that you attempt to evade your duties and all that you are afraid of. This inclination may lead you towards escapism via substance abuse or other means that can provide an outlet. You may be afraid of what you do now know, an end to your existence, or of a higher power. It is imperative that you face the things you are afraid of directly, as this is the only way to surpass them. Do not disregard the issues in your life, expecting that they will somehow disappearthey wont. The more you suffer the more you will learn to submit to the course fate has put before you, the more you give in to this the more likely you will be to reach enlightenment and redemption.
There is a good chance that you place too much value on acquiring material or monetary assets which can blind you to the things that truly matter. Ponder the tale of the one who gained the world yet lost his soul and re-evaluate what you feel is significant. Money does not buy true happiness, though this lesson may not come easily to you.
You doubt other peoples intentions, unable to trust most. This innate distrust may have been due to previous life karma involving matters in which you were betrayed somehow, losing your material assets and social status due to having cared too deeply for others or believing in them too faithfully. These sorts of difficulties occur to show us how insignificant monetary assets are and that we should instead focus our attention on doing the right thing regardless of what we gain out of it. It would be beneficial for you to appreciate the things you have but be able to lose them when necessary. Let go!
This position may also prompt ambiguity, misconception, false pride intellectually, and deceitful scams. Your motivation may be lost without you knowing the cause. Your escapist tendencies may also influence you in this way. It is possible that in a previous life you had used power as a leader in a way that was cruel and selfish. If you act selflessly, karma will see to it that you are treated well.
Mentally you are capable of delving into the most hidden of depths. Whether or not they are pleasant, you will uncover whatever secrets are buried beneath. You would make an excellent investigator as you are naturally gifted in the field. Psychological evaluation is another area that you are talented in and there is a strong interest in topics related to the afterlife and mystical studies. You are the sort that will learn one thing thoroughly rather than dabbling briefly all over the map. Despite your expectation that others be transparent with you, you are unwilling to provide the same disclosure to them. You feel most comfortable in situations where the attention is not focused on you and you can do as you please with little interference from others. You are capable of using your hands to heal others if you can properly channel your energies and may do well to try your efforts in massage therapy or chiropractic care. You find a kind of comfort in disassembling and reassembling things, as you have good technical skills and like to see how everything works together. You are drawn to situations, people, or subjects that project a mysterious quality and you are always up for the challenge of figuring them out. When you do come to a conclusion, you are able to clearly express what you have learned. You use your logical, analytical mind and intuitive ability to assess everything that you come across. Mentally you strive to transform and transcend whatever you find. Other people easily recognise your confident dedication to the things you do. If you are interested in a topic, you are able to focus yourself completely in order to absorb any and all information pertaining to it. Highly observant, nothing gets passed you and you are amazingly accurate in your evaluations of the circumstances you find yourself in and the people you come across.
You have a good head on your shoulders and keep your feet firmly planted on the ground, taking life seriously and applying self-control, patience, and hard effort to achieve your goals. You are aware that anything worth having may require some sacrifice and time. Effective, detail-oriented, and organised, your word is your bond as you have a realistic view on what can and cannot be achieved. Your ability to focus allows you to work diligently until you have completed your task and when you do something, you make sure to do it right. Highly capable, you succeed at whatever you decide to fully take on. You are dutiful and never skirt your responsibilities. However, many times you take certain actions only because you feel as though you are obligated to. You have a timid or quiet sort of demeanour, though this does not make others feel uneasy when in your presence. Being the centre of attention is not something you seek, as you are not interested in displaying yourself for others. At either home or your work environment, you prefer to have things be neat and orderly. There is a likelihood that you may prosper by those more advanced in their age. People in respectable positions tend to want to see you succeed as they are intuitively aware of your dedication to all that you undertake. Leadership comes naturally to you and you understand just what needs to be done to further your goals. Mentally you are realistic, thoughtful, and demanding. You do not take well to others telling you how to do something as you prefer to think through it yourself thoroughly, analyse it, and come to your own conclusions as to what needs doing and how.
Mentally you are responsive, unique, perceptive, imaginative, and think on your feet. You can do well to channel your energies into inventing something progressive or unusual and you are drawn to mystical subjects. Astrology or technological topics fascinate you. Your sense of humour is a bit eccentric at times and you may behave in a surprising manner or poke fun at yourself just to get others to react. You feel a strong pull towards intensely emotive circumstances or anything thrilling and different. You demand your independence and hate to be tied down to anything that will limit it. However, you are often forced to adapt quickly to a variety of different circumstances that can pop up at random for you. Your notions are usually fresh and innovative, and usually can be applied in a way that would strongly benefit humanity. You are also able to view every aspect of a situation fairly. Although, you are often impatient, get bored easily, and do not finish what you have started. Others find you amusing and unique, and you are usually very lucky. Whatever is a deviation from the norm will tend to draw you in, for you seek the exhilaration of trying something you have not experienced before. You are able to see the benefit in monitoring your temper and feelings.
Resilience, dedication, perseverance, and working hard allow you to achieve challenging feats. You are able to sync idealistic characteristics with realism. The challenges you encounter allow you to demonstrate your endurance when circumstances get particularly difficult; a great deal of spiritual development is likely to arise due to these difficulties. Different, unconventional, uncommon, and maybe even odd matters will attract your motivations. Rather unique individuals are thrust into your world in order to allow you opportunities to learn and expand your consciousness. You are capable of finding equilibrium between your need for independence and your obligations, enabling you to achieve incredible acts. You are detail-oriented and have a knack for organising which contribute to your success and allow you to aid others. There is an abundance of internal tension that may need to be minded as this can have a negative effect on your physical health; find a way to unwind and reduce your stress levels.
You naturally appreciate other people and accept them for all that they are, nurturing them, and nullifying any of their insecurities. People love you because you are kind and make an effort to show that you pay attention to the little things others may miss. Female company is particularly easy for you to bond with. You feel a deep sense of satisfaction from channelling your emotions into creative endeavours of any kind. You crave beautiful surroundings that are both luxurious and harmonious. Often, your living quarters reflect these values. You are very polite, courteous, and refined in your presentation and you feel uncomfortable around those that are rude, tactless, or rough in their mannerisms. There may be a tendency towards overindulging in rich cuisine that needs to be monitored. Escapism is also a possibility. You dislike hard work and will shun doing anything you deem as laborious. Others are drawn to you because they intuitively feel that you genuinely have their best interest at heart. You love being around people, and they love being around you. This may give to a career dealing with the population on a grand scale, perhaps in publicity. You enjoy having, and caring for, guests in your home and welcome people with open arms. Your charming manner and giving nature make you the perfect entertainer of visitors. Emotionally you are stable and secure, overcoming a previous craving to be possessive when you care deeply about a person.
You possess a strong will-power and an influential character. Others may believe you are a threat to them somehow and will attempt to harm you before you can do the same. Those in positions of power will come to you and show you how a true leader should behave. Your wants are particularly intense and once you set your sights on a goal, not much can keep you from achieving it. When this happens you can end up with an obsessive sort of tunnel vision until you are finished, often become highly subjective in regards to the matter at hand. Be careful not to become a fanatic. You can be quite demanding of others and attempt to dictate their path for them, though you yourself will not abide by others telling you what to do and should keep this in mind when leading others.
You insist on knowing others intentions and secrets, though will keep your own well-hidden unless you believe it will somehow further your advances. You prefer to be in the most informed position at all times. You crave to experience powerful emotions and are unconcerned whether these emotions are from something beneficial or something detrimental, as long as you can experience these strong feelings. Your romantic partnerships often suffer from inequality as you can be rather dominating and you need to learn to share power, rather than keeping it all for yourself.
You are extremely driven, dedicated, and preserving, though you must keep in mind that not everyone can conjure up these same traits. Try to be patient with others as they are not likely to be able to sustain the stressful working conditions that you are able to. Take the immense energy that you have and release it into something beneficial rather than dominating others, or you will be branded a tyrant.
Despite the above, it is important to emphasise that you are able to accomplish amazing feats if only you channel your energy correctly. The forces you project into the world will be powerful and it is up to you whether you want to generate something beneficial for all or mass destruction.
Strive for a more harmonious atmosphere when dealing with other people; diplomacy will go a long way farther than opposition. Do not burn the bridges you cross on your way up, as you never know who you will encounter in the future. Karma will limit you if you try to use unwholesome techniques when achieving your goals. It would also help you to pay attention to concepts suggested by others; you just might discover a perspective you have never considered. Allow others a chance to release their inner musings instead of answering for them. And finally, keep in mind that being consistently inflexible in your attitude, behaviour, and opinions can create adversaries for you, when you could have had partners.
The Planets in astrology symbolize what is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question how? How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.
In nature, a goat will strive to climb to the top of the hill and a Capricorn, being half goat, is no different. They will try to achieve great heights on their own merit. Capricorns are conventional, coordinated, systematic, dutiful, trustworthy, sincere, effective, reasonable, controlled, commanding, driven, serious, and willing to wait as long as is necessary to attain their goals. However, they can also be anxious, negative, penalising, doubtful, inflexible, and close-minded (learn about compatibility with Capricorn here). They do well in positions where they must utilise their excellent coordinating talents alongside their diligent nature and honourable work ethic. Coming up short on their responsibilities worries them.
Due to their reserved demeanour, they may seem the lone-wolf type. Capricorns can put up impenetrable walls in order to maintain their safety from harsh realities. You cannot keep them from pursuing their dreams. They will cling to their obligations and take work very seriously. Capricorns feel inadequate somehow and this compels them to work harder to achieve. They desire the respect of others and wish to be looked up to.
Capricorns enjoy strategising; they will make sure to analyse a situation thoroughly before deciding on a course of action. You can depend on them to come through during an emergency situation. They are also sound counsel, when needed. Capricorns are not usually hostile, though they can be intimidating if they feel threatened somehow.
Often times a Capricorn will feel lonely and misunderstood, highly attuned to any slights directed their way. If Capricorns are in a bad place mentally or emotionally, they may become punishing or vengeful towards those who have wronged them. Capricorns need a great deal of warmth and affection, though may keep others at arms length, believing they may be wounded otherwise. However, they are exceptionally faithful to those they are closest to. Being esteemed, admired, and appreciated are vital to them.
They feel most secure with a steady cash flow, as they are anxious to lose their material assets. Capricorns are unlikely to take risks in order to gain fortune, they would prefer to take the slow and steady course, investing in a sure bet. Not much will deter a Capricorn from their goal and they can muster enormous fortitude when they have decided on a course of action. Instant gratification is not their style; they are aware that what is truly worth having will require many sacrifices. Working diligently and steadily can revitalise them. Capricorns are also likely to be frugal and enjoy forming collections of items precious or interesting to them. Wastefulness is not something they can abide by. Wasting of their time is part of this; they prefer to spend time in conversation only when they have something they wish to convey.
Capricorns will need to curb their insecurities in order to tap into their artistic potential; self-doubt will limit them. It is imperative that they develop confidence in their abilities and combat negative thinking patterns. Capricorns can accomplish anything if they only put their minds to it; where there is a will, there is a way and Capricorns definitely have a strong will!
Capricorns are able to endure a great many challenges and delays in order to attain their objectives, which is important, as their road will be laden with them unfortunately. Going through these challenges causes them to learn discipline, fostering growth in enlightenment by releasing their focus on material aims. Working may prove to be relaxing to a Capricorn; often they will use this as a form of escape from daily life. However, they can become workaholics if they are not careful. They do not really know how to unwind and are usually at their best when their lives are full of activities for them to do.
Capricorns are considerate and independent. They may not possess the grand charisma that some of the other signs do but they are kind, diplomatic, and caring individuals. They are easily able to empathise with others due to their own difficult emotions. Romantically, Capricorns can be just as enamoured and affected as the rest of them, though they are usually unable to express those feelings outwardly. They will take the time to get to know someone thoroughly before committing to them, preferring to take into consideration long-term goals and values. However, once they are committed they tend to remain so, as they feel they can work through any difficulty if they give it their all.
You are a dutiful and sombre individual, preferring to work first and play later. You are rather reserved with your feelings as overt emotional displays make you uncomfortable and accepting aid from others is difficult for you; you like to project an image of being emotionally strong. You may feel deep down that you are not lovable, not wanted, or not good enough somehow and this creates a strong desire to succeed at all costs. Achieving your goals allows you to feel as though you are significant and necessary. It is important that you learn how to feel secure within yourself, as you can become easily hurt through actions that may not have necessarily been done with negative intent. At times you may feel weighed down, like you alone carry the heavy burdens.
Co-dependency is not something you feel comfortable with and you will insist that both you and others toughen up. You may need to develop an understanding of human nature in regards to emotional needs as no one can or should do everything on their own, and sometimes it is okay to give in to emotions; do not be so hard on yourself. Generally you are likely to be viewed as strong and uncompromising, treating emotions with the same attitude you would a business transaction. Your emotions may indeed be strong and profound, though you will not usually express these feelings outwardly. It would do you well to let go a bit at times, to have fun and unwind. You can be conventional, dependable, and driven, with a talent for bringing your ambitious to fruition. However, this strong ambition may create a thirst for power that may cause you to become calculating and only looking out for your own best interests with little regard to others. You crave respect. Your feelings are usually stable, though may be icy at times.
You are able to see possibilities in a fantastic way; grand schemes for the future, fuelled by enthusiasm for idealistic endeavours. Always looking forward, you are more concerned with possibilities than the tried and true; abstract ideas are your forte. You seek knowledge and are particularly fascinated with spirituality and political or religious topics. It may be challenging for you to complete your projects as you can be impractical and dislike attending to the mundane matters that are a necessary part of all developments; your focus tends to dwindle once you lose interest. Mentally you require a lot of independence to go your own way, though you often think along conventional paths. You are likely to take risks and gamble at opportunities. People do not need to guess what you are thinking or where they stand with you, as you are apt to tell them exactly whats on your mind in no uncertain terms. Youre a straight shooter; for you, the fastest way to get from point A to point B is a straight line. Be mindful of speaking too quickly without thinking things through first, as this can cause you, and those you care for, undue stress. Developing a more diplomatic way of expressing yourself can be very beneficial to you as you can be tactless at times. You are likely to excel in business or any field where you are promoting due to your natural ability to influence others. You are sharp, spontaneous, and adaptable. It is likely that you will be involved in more than one assignment, job, or school course at one time. Standing still is not for you as you would much rather travel the world and experience as much as you can, learning and improving yourself continuously.
Deeply passionate, possessive love is one of your greatest yearnings. The connections you acquire tend to be full of intensity and emotional highs. However, there may be a tendency towards envy and trying to control the loved the one. The more involved you are, the more possessive you will become; be mindful that you do not destroy the very thing you so wish to keep. Love for you is an all-encompassing state and you will hold onto whoever elicits this response in you, come hell or high water. You expect your partners to live up to your high expectations of them. You may find yourself wary of the friendships your partner cultivates, believing that outsiders are not to be trusted. With you it is either all or nothing and if your partner ever deceives you, you can become ice cold, loathing them with matching intensity of the love that once was. When crossed, you do not give second chances. You are drawn to those who are a bit mysterious as you enjoy finding hidden caverns of depth. Others are magnetically attracted to your subtle allure and although there is much going on emotionally for you beneath the surface, you are not always comfortable expressing your feelings outright. You may prefer to channel some of your emotional intensity into spiritual pursuits. Developing self-discipline will go a long way for you. There is a past-life karma that insists you conquer matters regarding sex and transformation or rebirth. Venus in Scorpio heightens your artistic abilities and brings focus to hidden affairs, lustful fascinations, obsessions, and unwholesome pacts and treaties.
You have an intense drive for respect, power, and success. Often taking the role of leader as you find it difficult to be controlled by others. Mars in Capricorn can create an individual who throws around their power, mercilessly trampling others to get ahead. You are effective, diligent, coordinated, determined, reasonable, persistent, and willing to do whatever it takes to reach your goals. You direct your efforts towards tangible achievements. You work hard and have a great deal of patience; you are able to sacrifice present luxuries for future success. Dutiful and meticulous in your projects, you may need to be mindful of your tendency to over-work yourself. However, you are more likely to stick to traditional tactics, working slow and steady, rather than taking a risk; you will only invest yourself in a sure thing so that all of your hard work will not go to waste. You do not count on karma to get to where you need to be, you like to make it on your own merit. Naturally astute with a good head on your shoulders, you have an excellent business sense. You are driven, self-sufficient, reliable, accountable, and persevering. It may take you a bit longer to acquire knowledge, but when you do grasp something, you comprehend it thoroughly. You utilise your energy in an efficient manner and accomplishing your goals is of extreme importance to you. However, there is an inner tension that may contribute to a frustration and bitterness towards perceived slights. It would be beneficial for you to develop a way to relieve these tensions in constructive ways and let go of the past.
You are giving, warm-hearted, sympathetic, and self-sacrificing. With your excellent administrative capabilities, and your desire to be held accountable, you make a better leader than you do a follower. You tend to be enthusiastic and strong-willed. Things that are a benefit to humanity are of interest to you. However, at times you are able to be cold, indulgent, arrogant, flashy, and may have gambling problems. It would be best for you to be respected through your king and giving nature.
Your nature is best described as diligent, hard-working, precise, effective, methodical, orderly, timid, frugal, prompt, and academically inclined. Your reasonable mind and administrative talents allow you to become a leader, however you are often too exacting and demanding of others. You are able to do routine, monotonous projects without complaint as you enjoy details and have no trouble focusing on your tasks. You enjoy investigating and probing for answers as to why things work the way they do; you may also be suited to mathematics. You have a tendency to worry about your health to an extreme and may easily fall into gloominess and despair. Cleanliness and organisation are paramount to you and this extends to your work environment. You may find that you isolate yourself from others as you often prefer to be on your own. Mentally alert, you require a good deal of mental stimulation so as to keep you from becoming disinterested in life; boredom may cause anxiety for you. Try to be more accepting of others rather than expecting that they display your perfectionistic standards.
The Planets in astrology symbolize what is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question where? Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.
You aspire to obtain power through material gains and your natural talents, as it is important for you to be highly regarded and worthy of respect. Motivated and giving, yet you can be prone to excessive spending and in turn may find yourself being domineering or controlling with your possessions, and sometimes with others as well. You may also harbour feelings of being unloved or unworthy, if an aspect is afflicted with the Sun.
Curious and adaptable, you crave variety and a life following a strict routine does not appeal to you. Always learning, your mind bores easily; therefore you often use your amazing versatility to adapt to whatever comes your way. You may find auditory learning is more easily absorbed than visual learning. However, traveling may be engaged in often as it provides you with a good deal of the mental stimulation you seek. You have a strong desire to communicate, especially with women or the general public. Although you are highly emotional, you frequently intellectualize your feelings. Your humour is finely tuned and you can be very playful in your communication. When you choose a career, it would be best for you to involve yourself in a vocation where there is a variety of information being exchanged and the communication is free flowing. Particularly good at gathering and responding to information, you may find yourself standing in as a mediator or somehow broadcasting information to others.
You enjoy conversing about finances as they are often on your mind. Communication may play a large role in your choice of career due to your ability to articulate your ideas through both the written and spoken word. Intelligence, wit, and adaptability are your greatest strengths in this arena. Although you may possess a talent for making money, your finances seem to fluctuate to a large extent.
This placement is a rather fortunate one for interpersonal relationships of all sorts. People are irresistibly drawn to your pleasant and charismatic personality. You possess a natural talent in knowing exactly how to get what you most want in life, and from others. Youre gifted with an intuitive sense of just what needs to be said and done, and you will instinctively apply it even if this means stretching the truth a bit. At times you can be spoiled and self-serving and therefore need to be careful not to use your talents to manipulate others to your benefit, as you have an unfair advantage in this area. Venus in the 1st house also allows you to have a strong appreciation for all things beautiful and you tend to seek out lavish comforts.
High-strung yet eager to expand on your ideas, you have a cerebral determination that most cannot attain. With a store of intense energy, you often find yourself feeling on edge and in need of a mental release. This tends to spontaneously bring forward rash ways of thinking that can get you into trouble with your family or community. Try instead to analyse the situation at hand rather than jumping straight into a decision. Much of your mental energy will be discharged through interacting with your immediate community.
Happy-go-lucky, generous to others and possessing an open mind, you can be inspirational to others. Others often follow you as you easily predict how circumstances will turn out due to your strong intuition and accurate judgement; people want to support your new concepts and endeavours. Philosophy and religion are of particular interest to you, and you are likely to profit from travelling and foreign situations. You may also be drawn to law, justice, or political concerns. You are more apt to find success later in life, rather than in your youth. In addition, your beliefs may be rather fixed or you may find that you lack something to believe in.
You have a good head for business, are largely self-sufficient, and diligent in creating structure. It is likely that you will find yourself rising steadily to the top rather than a quick jump to success; be patient as your persistence and determination will pay off. Do not try to shrug off your duties as this will lead to disappointments. For you, what you put in is what you what you gain. Your tendency to take advantage of others on your quest for power will ruin your achievements; try to somewhat curb your strong desire to stand at the top of the mountain. Do not discard others, as you may need to rely on them in the future. Your childhood may have been repressed or challenging due to having strict, controlling parents; the tension with one or both of your parental guardians may continue into your adult life.
You possess an eccentric mind with an aptitude for thinking outside-the-box. This coupled with a strong intuition and will-power allows you to lead others into interesting, original endeavours. It is beneficial for you to listen to and develop your intuition as yours may be more accurate than most. You like to find fresh and often unusual ways of doing things. There is never a dull moment with you around and this stimulating personality attracts others to you. Unfortunately, your unique individuality may cause you to feel discontent and lonely at times; it is not often easy to be ahead of your time. Its a good thing that you enjoy your freedom and have an independent nature. However, at times you will find yourself a bit anxious and high-strung, with a high degree of mental activity that can cause you to neglect your physical state.
Very imaginative with sensitive cognitive abilities that are almost mystical; your intuition is highly accurate and helps you to explore what you are naturally gifted at doing. You appreciate beauty more than most and tend to dream with intensity. Money is not much of a concern for you and you may find the topic of funds to be puzzling. You tend towards certain extremes, either you show a great deal of generosity, or you find yourself behaving in a deceitful manner. Be mindful not to participate in risky financial endeavours. Karma seems to play a role for you, as you may find that if you do not have genuinely good intentions, you will experience material losses through deceptive actions from others. However, if you are honest in your dealings, your finances will steady. Try to always be upfront when handling these matters.
Knowledge and quest for truth are important to you as you are trying to comprehend lifes purpose. There is a possibility that you feel trapped in your life and want to find a way to transcend your present reality. You may experience sudden disruptions and challenges in order to reset you and guide you back to the route you were supposed to be travelling. Seclusion from humanity to re-examine thyself is also likely. You may find yourself as defender of the underdog. Working alone, out of observation from the general public, and aiding others may appeal to you.
The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.
Sabian Symbol: In heaven, an angel carries a harp.
Kozminsky Symbol: With upraised hand, a veiled figure stands behind a half stepping man.
Sabian Symbol: The flag of Union Jack flies on an English ship.
Kozminsky Symbol: An approaching storm is coming and there is a silver piece of clothing lying in the mud.
Sabian Symbol: Playing on the beach are children in their sunbonnets.
Kozminsky Symbol: A horse crushes a butterfly with its winged hoof.
Sabian Symbol: A sermon delivered and completed, the crowd that gathered is on their way home.
Kozminsky Symbol: A tired traveler receives drinking water from a girl.
Sabian Symbol: Carved in the granite in Mayan ruins is a bas-relief.
Kozminsky Symbol: In a curtain store, nothing is pleasing to a woman.
Sabian Symbol: A revolutionary is spreading his ideas to the people.
Kozminsky Symbol: Walking in a forest are two lovers and they see before them a beautiful butterfly and two white doves.
Sabian Symbol: On a sheet of parchment paper is drawn a family tree.
Kozminsky Symbol: There is a large black seal on an old and torn document thats crinkled up.
Sabian Symbol: A white clad woman draws open the curtains of a entranceway.
Kozminsky Symbol: A boy climbs a ladder to heaven.
Sabian Symbol: Pelicans who feel threatened by man, move away to safer places.
Kozminsky Symbol: A star divides a wand.
Sabian Symbol: A Jewish rabbi performs his duties surrounded by manuscripts and books.
Kozminsky Symbol: A young girl weaves flower garlands as she sits in the sunlight.
Sabian Symbol: A dentist works to prepare his patients teeth.
Kozminsky Symbol: Lying on the shore sits an ancient warship.
Sabian Symbol: A Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans moves along the street with spectacular floats and pageantry.
Kozminsky Symbol: A large spectacular diamond sits on a massive black rock.