Willem Dafoe

Birth Chart: Willem Dafoe (Cancer)

William J. "Willem" Dafoe (born July 22, 1955) is an American actor. A member of the experimental theatre company the Wooster Group, he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his roles as Elias in Oliver Stone's Platoon (1986) and Max Schreck in the comedy-horror film Shadow of the Vampire (2000). His other film appearances include The Last Temptation of Christ (1988), The English Patient (1996), American Psycho (2000) and the Spider-Man trilogy (2002–2007). He has also had voice roles in Finding Nemo (2003) and Finding Dory (2016), Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) and the forthcoming adaptation of Death Note (2017).

Hint: Ever asked yourself What Zodiac sign am I? Then take this quiz to check what is your Zodiac personality!

Astrological Natal Chart
Willem Dafoe

Born at Appleton, USA
Friday, July 22, 1955
19:30 (time zone = GMT -6 hours)
88w25, 44n16

Fact: Cancer dates are between June 21 and July 22. Check the Cancer dates to find out.


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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Those with their rising in the sign of Aquarius are typically quirky, unconventional, self-sufficient, social yet removed, uninhibited, intellectually inclined, and can be a bit of a rebel. Your purpose in life is to apply humanitarian efforts that benefit people as whole and remove your ego and any selfish desires you may have for the good of mankind. You offer a fresh perspective and are unique and innovative, a free-thinking alternative to the traditional crowd. There is a tendency towards undecided spontaneous whims. You are mentally sound and possess excellent intuition. Able to coordinate well with a good sense of reason, you are a competent individual. It is likely that you will feel with your head rather than your heart, at times making you a bit cool while you evaluate emotional situations in a detached manner. You will not abide by envious or possessive displays and must be allowed your independence. If Saturn is more strongly aspected in your chart you may demonstrate a more careful, cold, self-interested persona while if Uranus is more strongly aspected, you will show humanitarian, independent, easy going, and open-minded characteristics more readily. Having Uranus weigh more heavily in your chart will bring about a greater focus on spiritual matters rather than material possessions. One of your lessons may be to allow your heart to open up rather than relying so heavily on your head; warm up to others. Aquarius is ruled by both Uranus and Saturn, and therefore the placements and aspects regarding both of these planets in your chart will be significant.

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Shhh! Cancer regards sex as the finest way in which two persons devoted to one another can show their love. So, it’s almost a sacred thing. Read all about Cancer sexuality here.


If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Mars blending with Jupiter

(power = 11.07 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.77)

You are cheerful, happy-go-lucky, and hold to the view that if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything. When a challenge presents itself, you roll up your sleeves and confidently work away at it. In fact, the more someone insists that it is impossible, the more likely you are to try to prove them wrong. As successful as you may be, you are never content and continue to strive to conquer even greater feats. Progressive and pioneering, you tackle fresh ventures with enthusiasm. Security is not nearly as important to you as being involved in endeavours that will challenge you and allow you to improve yourself. Others may feel as though you are competing with them though it is more so that you are competing with yourself, as you continue to outshine yourself. As a leader, people are inspired by you and tend to be more confident, brave, and eager to try new things when you are around. You are vibrant and full of life, as well as generally healthy. The one issue you may need to watch for is your tendency to work yourself until you drop, resulting in your system needing to shut down for a while and recuperate. When something is no longer challenging for you, you may tend to become bored with it and move on. This is a tendency that particularly needs to be watched in your romantic life as you can hurt others as soon as they become fully available to you. It would be best for you to find someone who provides you with some sort of challenge on a regular basis. Travelling is something you probably engage in fairly often as it allows you to absorb new data and immerse yourself in different cultures.
You communicate in a clear, straight-forward manner and speak your mind readily without reservation. However, it might be best for you to develop diplomacy as you have a tendency to be rather blunt, which can come off as abrasive at times. Self-restraint may need to be applied because you can be careless with your money; you enjoy a gamble, perhaps too often. Others may feel that you are judgemental, coming to conclusions without knowing all of the relevant information. In addition, you must learn that you cannot always be correct and need to be open to hearing other viewpoints or opinions. Your arrogance can make it difficult for you to apologise to others, even when you are proven wrong or when you have done something to hurt someone. Keep in mind that often the ones that fail are the ones that wouldn’t believe they were doing anything incorrectly, and if you judge others too quickly, you will be treated in the same manner by people. However, despite the difficulties presented, this placement is a fortunate one to have and protects you spiritually.

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Sun blending with Uranus

(power = 9.62 and this aspect is neutral)

You are an inventive, progressive, mentally quick, artistic, untraditional, intuitive non-conformist who feels comfortable being an eccentric, rebellious activist for change. Highly self-sufficient, you resent others giving you orders in any form. You can be inflexible when it comes to taking other people’s desires into consideration. It is imperative that you are able to live your life in a way where you have complete freedom. Deep down you believe you are unlike the normal crowd, perhaps even as though you are of a different species or from the wrong time period. You will rebel when you feel as though someone is trying to control you, particularly in a romantic partnership. You tend to run on a high frequency and can suffer from anxiety and nervousness. Relaxation is essential, as is channelling your inner tension creatively, in order to remain centred. You easily pick up on things that others may miss—hints, vibrations, and the like; your intuition is excellent. You trust your gut instincts to guide you. You are talented in finding ways to progress outdated systems. The brilliant mastermind within can be best expressed through discipline, self-restraint, and persistence.

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Mercury harmonizing with Saturn

(power = 7.77 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.89)

You are able to focus yourself exceptionally well and are capable of great self-control. Your mind can attain amazing feats due to these talents and your organisational abilities also aid in providing structure for your plans. It may take you longer than it would take others to think through a situation but once you do, you understand it completely and deeply. You prefer to take a more sombre attitude in life, working hard instead of playing around light-heartedly with others. Mentally you are detail-oriented and do not mind completing tasks that are too dull and monotonous for others. You do not beat around the bush when it comes to business and are a clear, direct communicator that portrays themselves as reasonable and practical; you would make a fine administrator. Others know they can depend on you to come through on your promises as doing things the right way is important to you. You do best focusing on one area and specialising in it, versus trying to learn a little bit about many fields. Solitary learning is likely more effective for you than traditional methods, as you require time to fully absorb and think through the information. You may be good at critical thinking due to your excellent ability to find loop-holes in peoples reasoning. Careers that require a systematic way of thinking are right up your alley. Mentally you are disciplined, reasonable, dutiful, exacting, and precise. Physically you are healthy and heal quickly from any ailment you encounter.

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Mercury blending with Venus

(power = 7.32 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.83)

You enjoy beautiful things of high-quality as your senses are particularly attuned to shape and texture. Your sensitivity towards spatial dimensions and skill in creating beauty lends to an artistic talent that can be expressed in many forms. You may find yourself working in fields of design, decorating, writing, music, or various craftworks. This placement also bestows attractive vocal abilities that you can use to diffuse difficult circumstances. Both your way of thinking and your way of speaking lead to harmonious outcomes. Diplomatic solutions in tense situations come naturally to you. You may also find yourself doing well as a salesperson of arts or of aesthetically pleasing items. You instinctively know what colours would work well together and what sorts of musical chords are most pleasing together. In the case that you are not artistically gifted, you will have a fondness for the arts and creative ventures in general. Your charming personality, subtle humour, and polite mannerisms make it easy for others to get along with you and people generally enjoy your company. You make an excellent mediator when someone has been slighted or can be a calming presence during challenging debates. When your emotions are triggered, you will analyse them before acting and it is likely that you “think” your emotions or “feel” your thoughts as you are unable to separate your mind from your feelings.

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Neptune harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 6.94 and this aspect is harmonious = 6.94)

Those born in your generation have the ability to be of aid to humanity as a whole. Let your intuition guide you in assisting others.

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Moon harmonizing with Venus

(power = 6.43 and this aspect is harmonious = 8.03)

You naturally appreciate other people and accept them for all that they are, nurturing them, and nullifying any of their insecurities. People love you because you are kind and make an effort to show that you pay attention to the little things others may miss. Female company is particularly easy for you to bond with. You feel a deep sense of satisfaction from channelling your emotions into creative endeavours of any kind. You crave beautiful surroundings that are both luxurious and harmonious. Often, your living quarters reflect these values. You are very polite, courteous, and refined in your presentation and you feel uncomfortable around those that are rude, tactless, or rough in their mannerisms. There may be a tendency towards overindulging in rich cuisine that needs to be monitored. Escapism is also a possibility. You dislike hard work and will shun doing anything you deem as laborious. Others are drawn to you because they intuitively feel that you genuinely have their best interest at heart. You love being around people, and they love being around you. This may give to a career dealing with the population on a grand scale, perhaps in publicity. You enjoy having, and caring for, guests in your home and welcome people with open arms. Your charming manner and giving nature make you the perfect entertainer of visitors. Emotionally you are stable and secure, overcoming a previous craving to be possessive when you care deeply about a person.

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Moon harmonizing with Mercury

(power = 5.89 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.89)

Your memory is superb and you can quickly recall previous moments in time and all of the details involved, including other people. There may be talent in teaching or speaking to the public as you put forth a great deal of emotional energy towards communicating your thoughts. You value education and try your best to gather as much data as you can, attempting to always be in the know when it comes to progressive advances. You would also make for a good therapist because of your excellent listening skills and your non-judgemental attitude towards people’s troubles. People feel nurtured by you and you inspire them to believe in their abilities. You pick up on the subtleties and the unspoken words others have trouble communicating outright, allowing you to convey outwardly the things that will truly help people. Try to make it a habit of writing down your experiences and responses, as this can allow for some personal growth when you look back on them in the future. There may be a skill in linguistics. Mentally you are logical and your thinking is not muddled by your feelings as your mind and emotional state work together harmoniously. Often times, it may seem as though you are speaking other people’s thoughts as they are thinking them, or sometimes even before they are made aware of them, as you are highly attune to other people’s emotional energy. People take comfort in this ability because they can be sure that you really do comprehend their situation. You are able to use the written or spoken word to express your thoughts and the concepts you have created in your mind. All forms of communication appeal to you, as does travelling. You prefer your life to be full of changes and various new experiences so that your mind has something to contemplate and there is always something new to express or feel. You may wish to try your hand as a writer due to this placement bestowing clarity of mind.

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Moon harmonizing with Saturn

(power = 5.66 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.83)

You like to keep your feelings under a tight reign. This placement helps to balance your feelings even when circumstances are difficult. Others may be frantic during these times, yet you remain calm and collected. You are reasonable and unbiased during stressful situations which help you to solve the underlying issue amidst emotional chaos. This placement allows you to concentrate more effectively. You do not skirt your duties and people know they can rely on you to do what you have committed to doing. You are loyal to those in your circle and to the people you feel close to, supporting them behind the scenes. You dislike being idle and enjoy watching the fruit of your labour. Mentally you tend to stick to the conservative route, letting tradition guide you. Frivolous thoughts for the sake of fun are not really your cup of tea; you take a more sombre approach. However, you are not always able to show your feelings towards those you care for. It would be beneficial if you could develop a more open manner and convey these inner emotions outwardly to them somehow. You are independent and methodical, as well as having a good ability to organise, handle money and business, and behave diplomatically when interacting with people. You are very patient and willing to persevere until you have reached your goal. You are ethical, dutiful, faithful, and fair.

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Uranus discordant to Neptune

(power = 5.46 and this aspect is discordant = -5.46)

You are rather intuitive, possibly emotionally fragile, and may run into problems if you engage in the occult or mysticism in destructive ways. Because you are sensitive to your environment, you will need to be mindful towards a tendency to be easily affected by what others say, think, or do. It is also possibly that you may be able to pull out ideas from thin air and find a way to better yourself through them, whether this be an improvement on your will-power, your mentality, or your emotional well-being. Sometimes you are so set on being unlike the rest that you forget what the real truth is, try to stay aware of the actual situation. There is a tendency towards escaping through substance abuse, though this will not help you on your journey. Instead, you will discover who you are through aiding others. Use your intuition to guide you to where you are supposed to be. Creative endeavours will help you to unload any excess emotions.

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Sun discordant to Neptune

(power = 4.08 and this aspect is discordant = -4.08)

You often procrastinate with daydreams when you should be working. Many times you avoid challenging tasks entirely, expecting them to disappear somehow. You tend to imagine that your worries are greater than they are or spend countless hours obsessing over problems that never come to pass. Very creative, you feel pulled to channel your energy into artistic pursuits, though they never seem to get off the ground as you do not possess sufficient motivation and diligence. The mystical realm tends to fascinate you though you must be mindful not to become engrossed in negative spiritual endeavours such as calling on dark spirits, hypnosis, and the like, as they will bring you trouble.
Self-restraint is not your strong point and you have a difficult time saying no to temptations. You are likely to have issues with substance abuse at some point in your life, though you need to curb these cravings as they will only bring you grief. You can be a bit delusional and would do well to develop some practicality; you need to keep your feet on the ground if you are to accomplish anything. Your empathy is deep and you are always willing to come to the aid of others. However, your sensitive emotions can be easily abused by those who may play the victim just to take advantage of your kindness. These situations have the potential to drag you down drastically. Keep in mind that you are in control of your own destiny and these people cannot harm you without you allowing them to. Focus on learning how to turn people down when your intuition warns you that they may not be worth trusting.
Finding your direction in life may prove challenging for you as you have trouble concentrating on any one specific point. You are prone to romanticism, nostalgia, and reacting emotionally. Your spirituality can be blinded by material desires. You are strongly affected by your environment and must pay attention to what sorts of circumstances you engage in. Physically you are sensitive to medication in general and should be mindful of how much of it you take, even when given a prescription from the doctor.
A quiet, non-confrontational nature can make it difficult for you to get ahead in life. Your tendency to fantasise breeds delusion, either from yourself or by other people. One of your life lessons is to learn how to defend your values and beliefs, despite potential controversy. Your sensitive feelings are easily wounded by others and you often evade any sort of disagreement, preferring to sweep things under the rug. You are likely to view others with rose-coloured glasses, placing them on a pedestal and seeing only their fine points. When they eventually disappoint you, you are crushed. You must enjoy other people for who they actually are rather than what you want them to be, flaws and all. Past life karma may place hidden adversaries in your path to account for dishonourable acts from the past; be cautious of who you trust.

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Venus harmonizing with Saturn

(power = 2.09 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.57)

You are faithful and dedicated in your relationships. People’s emotions are treated with care, as you would never toy with their feelings. Loyalty is very important to you. You prefer to be secure and are usually confident in your abilities; insecure feelings do not seem to be an issue for you at all. However, you can hold back a bit when expressing your love for another because you wish to be certain that the person is trustworthy. You are modest, and while you enjoy beautiful and lavish surroundings, you do not require them for your happiness. Who someone is on the inside is more valuable to you than what they look like. You want a deep, meaningful relationship and shallow partnerships hold no interest for you. Innately, you comprehend that true love takes time to unfold and becomes stronger the longer you are involved with someone. Friendship is taken seriously as well and you are a loyal, steady friend. One of your best traits is that you are emotionally stable. You are naturally responsible with those you care for and can be very dutiful to them. Self-restraint is not a problem for you and no one would ever consider you a wild child by any means. However, people value the amazing abilities you bring to the table. Inside of you is a very strong individual capable of persevering through even the toughest of challenges.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Cancer

Cancers do not enjoy approaching situations in a straight line, but rather prefer moving indirectly (learn about compatibility with Cancer here). They feel more comfortable when they can come towards something from a hidden angle and may take their time expressing themselves. However, their emotionality is anything but slow and steady. They are prone to dramatically intense emotional reactions as their mood seems to blow with the wind. The people closest to them are likely to feel confused by the speed at which they change from cheerful to melancholic to angry.
Typically a Cancer is diligent, friendly, empathetic, determined, protecting, and frugal, as well as quarrelsome, emotionally delicate, moody, instinctive, possibly even psychic, with a tendency to sacrifice themselves for others.
A Cancer will tend to react emotionally rather than mentally. They need to be in harmonious environments as they will easily soak up the energies of those around them. Due to their sensitive emotional natures, it is likely that they consistently try to elicit responses of kindness, caring, and empathy from others; they crave regular emotional reassurance. They can be a bit of a homebody as the home, and those in it, are a sanctuary for them. Their ties to those closest to them are so important that they often become co-dependent on their loved ones, needing to spend as much time with them as possible and the loved ones may begin to feel suffocated, requiring their own space.
Cancers are naturally inconsistent in their emotions and therefore can easily alter their views, thoughts, decisions, and the like. However, they have less energy than the average person and will tend towards doing things a bit more slowly in general. Exercise is usually something they must force themselves to do as they do not usually enjoy it for its own merit. Unfortunately, this adds to a problem with weight gain as they age. A Cancer may increase their physical activity by utilising their strong emotional nature; channelling their intensity correctly can indeed create much needed get up and go for these personalities.
Cancers remember a great deal more than most and this tied with their emotional sentimentality causes them to often sit around daydreaming about the past and what once was. However, this also manifests as hording and clinging to their belongings, unable to throw anything out as if this would somehow mean they are throwing away a piece of their past.
Family is extremely important to a Cancer and they will work very hard to provide comfort and security for those they love. They may travel at times but will always return to their home base and those closest to them. Home is home, and they will not go too long without checking in.
Traditional and often conventional, though they find themselves over-thinking and focusing too much on possible difficulties in the future. Often they deal with these worries internally and may develop problems with the lining of their stomach from the stress. They instinctively feel that they are always one step away from danger and may be extra cautious because of it, paying attention to the situation around them in a suspicious manner. It would be most beneficial for them to develop a way to curb their emotional reactions.

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Moon in Virgo

Emotionally delicate, careful, and possibly reserved about opening up to others. You find it difficult to convey the way you feel to others, even those that you may have strong feelings for. On the outside, you prefer to show your cerebral side. You are more likely to show your affections by doing acts of kindness for the person, rather than directly stating them, and outward romanticism isn’t your style. Being the recipient of grand gestures of affection is also uncomfortable for you as you either feel unworthy or as if the person is not being genuine. Due to your discomfort with displays of warmth and affection, others will tend to view you as more cold and reserved than you may feel inside. It is also possible that your high standards push people away and it would be beneficial to you to develop tolerance and appreciation towards others even if they are not infallible; try to be lenient with your own mistakes as well. Your insistence that things be always perfect may be the cause of much unhappiness for you. You are often diligent, dependable, cautious, intuitive, realistic, and sensible; this is especially true in regards to your feelings. Practicality, precision, and intelligence are likely to play a large role in your life. You have a gift of being able to size up a situation and quickly determine the most effective way to get the job done. This ability allows you to do well in a caretaking or administrator role. Be mindful not to become too exacting and demanding over the little things. You enjoy aiding people, though you are often unable to comprehend their deeper emotional needs. It is important for you to learn to be more accepting as this will allow you to better assist others.

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Mercury in Cancer

Your mind is connected with your memories, feelings, and emotions from the past. You tend to hold on to the memories of things because they give you security. You are highly interested in inner, subjective, and personal issues, and your thinking is based more on feelings, intuition, personal experiences, and prejudices rather than reason or logic. Intellectual abilities and accomplishments without heart or soul mean little to you. You are a sensitive listener and deeply interested in a person’s feelings and inner life. In addition to psychology, you are probably drawn to education, art, poetry, music, or mythology. You are shy and somewhat reticent about speaking in public, but you will open yourself up and share your thoughts in small, intimate, little family-type circles of people you know and trust. You perhaps enjoy keeping a diary or chronicle of your thoughts and feelings regarding your day-to-day happenings. Your mind retains and absorbs knowledge easily. You are intuitive, psychic, and sympathetic, yet may become depressed over your own problems and the problems of the world. You may have difficulty in getting to the root of the problem because you so easily become involved emotionally with the people instead of the problem. You may have difficulty in making decisions or you may simply change your mind constantly. Mental focus and control must be developed.

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Venus in Cancer

You tend to be tender, nurturing, bashful, unobtrusive, romantic, and emotionally delicate. You tend to focus on the past and can be very sentimental about anyone whom you have ever been close to as well as homes or environments which you have spent time in previously. Personal traditions are significant to you and you will always make sure to remember those special days with those you care for; you expect the same care be bestowed upon you and would be quite hurt if a spouse or family member forgot a birthday or anniversary. You seek romantic partners that will nurture and take care of you, especially emotionally. You are typically moody and your feelings can change at a moment’s notice. Home is a retreat for you and it must be tranquil. It is likely that you will care so deeply about those closest to you that you may suffocate them by becoming possessive and co-dependent. You may also have trouble with weight gain as you will tend to use food as a means to mask feelings of inadequacy or insecurity from a lack of affection. Your views and self-confidence in regards to relationships was probably highly influenced by your mother, and may still be to this day. You often play the role as caregiver in a personal or group setting and others are drawn to your empathy, consideration, and charismatic personality.

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Mars in Leo

There is a well-developed sense of pride. You have a desire to achieve and be admired for these achievements, or for the person that you are. You like to be the winner, the one at the top. You dislike anyone telling you what you should be doing or to remain behind the scenes. You want to be seen and will often create drama in order to make sure that happens. You may arrogantly declare you are correct in every situation, as you dislike being wrong. You are driven, diligent, aggressive, dynamic, inventive, and full of energy; competition is highly appealing to you. Life may seem like one big game to be won. You seek praise and value honesty and acting in accordance to one’s moral standards; nothing less is acceptable. Though you are extremely self-assured, there is a chance that you may feel insecure and self-protective, possibly acting abrasive, if your confidence is challenged. You are spontaneous, eager, motivated, and energetic. Once you have decided on the object of your desire, you will stop at nothing to win them over; displaying great passion and enthusiasm. When you have something you wish to express, you do so, no holds barred. However, be careful not to act foolishly and carelessly where money is involved; gambling can become an issue for you. You can also become touchy, confrontational, and possessive. Keep an eye on your heart, as this area of your body is particularly sensitive. Be sure to get plenty of exercise as this will release some of the excess emotional energy before it manifest in an unhealthy way.

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Jupiter in Leo

You are giving, warm-hearted, sympathetic, and self-sacrificing. With your excellent administrative capabilities, and your desire to be held accountable, you make a better leader than you do a follower. You tend to be enthusiastic and strong-willed. Things that are a benefit to humanity are of interest to you. However, at times you are able to be cold, indulgent, arrogant, flashy, and may have gambling problems. It would be best for you to be respected through your king and giving nature.

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Saturn in Scorpio

You have immense self-control and restraint when needed. You are able to understand people and intricate situations with remarkable accuracy and have no trouble manoeuvring any circumstance you find yourself in. A managerial or administrative ability is also present. Your intuition is exceptionally strong and you may experience premonitions. Outwardly you may keep your thoughts to yourself as you can be very private about your life and others may find you tough to read. Difficult situations do not faze you as you are capable of conquering almost anything you encounter or have the ability to figure it out. You are diligent and dedicated in your undertakings and are able to wait as long as need be to achieve your most cherished goals. Saturn bestows excellent perception while Mars adds a strong drive, creating an unbeatable force to be reckoned with. However, you may need to be mindful of a tendency towards unyielding, inflexible, vengeful, bitter, callous, or even cruel behaviour. There is also a possibility of becoming power-hungry or preoccupied with money or success. This placement denotes a necessity to reform your inner yearnings and it will be imperative that you allow situations to develop as they may, rather than holding on to a desired outcome, person, or object; surrender and release. Your body is affected by this tendency as well and you may experience health issues that revolve around your bowels, colon, or elimination processes such as your kidneys or gall bladder.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 6th house

An industrious worker, dutiful and devoted, you are supportive to your fellow employees. Service seems to be an important theme for you, whether this be others being of service to you or you to them. You may acquire an obsession with your health and well-being, expecting others to constantly sympathise with you. It is not uncommon for you to be in a leadership position; however you are just as likely to be a subordinate. Be mindful for the tendency to lord over others when in positions of authority. You always expect that your work will be better than others, though sometimes falsely so. A busy work environment is the best placement for you as you detest wasting time and can easily become disinterested. A perfectionist attitude can create issues with your health as you are prone to tension and anxiety. Stress can be particularly destructive to you and you must find ways to unwind; taking extra care of your physical state is essential with this placement.

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Moon in 7th house

You are drawn to romantic partners that are nurturing or want to be nurtured by you, those who are often more delicate with their feelings. Relationships may come and go until you find a partner that will provide you with the deep sense of security you crave; however, you are unlikely to find this perfect mate as you need to develop a sense of security within yourself instead. You feel lonely when you are not in a relationship, therefore you will continue to jump in and out of partnerships.
The people closest to you have a great effect on your emotional state. It is important to you that you are well-liked by others. You will likely pursue those that inspire you to be more compassionate and who stimulate your feelings.
If you are male, you may search for a partner that will care for and shelter you as a mother might and you tend to inspire others to express these characteristics. You will entice a partner who is caring and enjoys creating a home environment.
Be mindful of a tendency towards inconsistent emotions and mood swings. You may entire into a marriage union for the sole purpose of building a home life with the partner, and it is probable that you will marry more than once.
You feel a strong emotional pull to obtain a partner and establish a marriage. However, your fickle moods will need to be tempered if you are to succeed in any union; your emotions are over-sensitive and over-exposed. Do not create change in a relationship only for the sake of change itself; if it isn’t broken, do not fix it. Let it be. Emotional stimulation needs to come from within, not from pressuring an outside source to provide this for you.
Public relations or partnerships are likely to be involved in your career preference; you are considered a good public figurehead. It is possible that your marriage union will allow you clarity of thought when dealing with workplace safety, and you tend to rely on others to satisfy your necessities in the work environment. Partnerships are crucial to your career.

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Mercury in 6th house

You are naturally inclined towards analysis of any kind. Detail-oriented and high-strung, you can find yourself switching careers or work environments frequently. It is likely that you are interested in working with technology or in the health field. You would be unhappy in a career that would force you to follow the same routine, day in and day out; you crave diversity. Be mindful not to worry yourself into an ill state, as you are prone to over-thinking and nervous energy.

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Venus in 6th house

You are blessed with good health though will need to be mindful of indulging in food that may not be good for you; there is a tendency towards consuming too many sweet or starchy foods. Others find you easy to be around and enjoy your desire to implement a more pleasant working environment. As a natural diplomat, you may find yourself acting as a negotiator with co-workers. It is important to you that your working conditions are peaceful and you work hard to obtain this.

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Mars in 7th house

Self-sufficient, you are often stubborn in your desire to have things done the way you want them done. It is important that you learn how to negotiate in a harmonious fashion, as you can seem abrasive to others. Try to better collaborate in your interactions.
Partnerships stimulate and invigorate your energy and drive. You prefer a lively partner that will join you on life’s great adventures. This person may be competitive, aggressive, or combative as you enjoy someone who will dare you to defy your limitations. The competitive vibe between your partner and yourself runs high; it would be best for you to direct this energy into positive outlets or the high voltage may destroy you or your partnership.
There is a tendency to poke and prod others as a way to test their reactions. You enjoy a friendly opposition or contest with another. The thrill of pursuing something often intrigues and stimulates you more than what you achieve in the end. What you desire most is to engage in combat with your partner, who wins the battle is of no consequence to you. The person you marry will need to be feisty, optimistic, energetic, adept, brave, and bold.
This placement suggests the native will enter into a passionate, romantic love early in life as a result of being suddenly “love struck” by another. The partner may be some sort of victor or defender of the people. If Mars is negatively aspected, you are likely to make a rash decision in regards to your marriage union, rushing in head first without reservations, only to regret your actions.
There may be difficulties and tension in the partnerships due to the partners’ intolerant, demanding temperament, often expressing elements of over-indulgence, recklessness, and violent behaviour.
To best succeed in your marriage partnership, it is essential that you practice using harmonious, diplomatic means when striving towards an objective, rather than using excessive force, aggressive tactics, and one-upmanship as you are prone to do.

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Jupiter in 7th house

Marriage or romantic partnerships are likely to bring you prosperity or help you in some way. You seek a partner who will open your mind to possibilities and inspire personal growth. They may be rather philosophical and broaden your knowledge in this subject, or possibly in religion or spiritual matters. It is likely that you have an inherent need to expand your mind or become a more moral, conscientious individual and you are drawn to a partner that will help you on your journey to do so.
The person you choose is likely to be successful professionally. If Jupiter is negatively aspected in your chart, this partner may not be morally sound and can be careless, selfish, unmotivated, narrow-minded, excessive, and deceitful.
You have a talent for inspiring others to be giving and helpful to you, though in order to succeed in your partnerships, you must curb any inclinations towards dishonestly prideful behaviour and over-indulgence.

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Saturn in 9th house

Your philosophical views tend to be rather conventional and you feel strongly about them. So much so, that you may criticise the beliefs of others. You find it easy to concentrate on in-depth topics and tend to question religion and the existence or role of a higher power. Travel adventures often do not go according to plan, with many interruptions and challenges along the way. Dealing with foreign cultures may also prove irritating to you, though try not to concentrate on these difficulties too much and learn to reserve your energy.

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Uranus in 6th house

Clever and independent, you do well working for yourself. You are often unable to let your co-workers connect with you and can find yourself lacking patience with them. A typical nine to five job is not for you as you require your career be a bit unusual or at the least, set in an unusual environment; diverse conditions are appealing to you. You are a dutiful and inventive worker, though you can at times work yourself too hard which can result in undue stress and anxiety for you. Your nerves may cause you great deal of tension and you must find a way to sooth yourself. There will be continuous fluctuations to your health.

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Neptune in 8th house

You may find your dreams reveal your future as your intuition is exceptionally strong; you are likely to experience premonitions. Very receptive to the energies of others, you may need to protect your heightened sensitivity. Dishonesty will cause your material assets to degrade as a way to demonstrate to you that happiness does not come from possessions. Be honest in all of your relations, especially with finances and their institutions. You have a particular interest in healing others through use of the hands, and also in death and what comes afterwards.

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Pluto in 7th house

A romantic partner may be chosen due to their uncompromising nature. There is a dominating, possessive quality inherent in your significant other. This sort of partner may create an aggressive, confrontational environment where there is no even ground; you will need to develop a way to collaborate.
What you look for is someone that can inspire or force you to dig deep into yourself and transcend your previous patterns of behaviour as well as provide you with new found strength and will-power. This person will help you grow as a person and heighten your emotions. There is a preoccupation with others who are powerful, drawing you to those that would dominate and control you. Subconsciously, you may believe you need to tolerate this commanding presence in order to fully tap into your own potential.
Emotions tend to run high in your partnership, on both sides. You require complete loyalty and faithfulness in your relationships. Problems are likely to manifest when your partner does not share this same outlook.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Cancer 30

Sabian Symbol: When the women’s society meets, a daughter of the American Revolution walks proudly to the podium.
Kozminsky Symbol: Across a vibrant green field flies a winged wheel.

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Moon in 
Virgo 17

Sabian Symbol: The earth is rumbling and lava is flowing from an eruption of a volcano.
Kozminsky Symbol: Resting his head on his left hand at his desk, an astrologer is researching a natal chart.

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Mercury in 
Cancer 15

Sabian Symbol: In a dining hall, the guests are all resting after overeating at a huge banquet.
Kozminsky Symbol: Lying on bank notes and gold coins, an auctioneer’s hammer sits.

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Venus in 
Cancer 19

Sabian Symbol: A pompous and egotistical priest marries a fragile girl of impeccable class to a boy of the new order.
Kozminsky Symbol: Sitting alone in the darkness an old man holds an ancient book emitting rays of bright light.

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Mars in 
Leo 8

Sabian Symbol: A revolutionary is spreading his ideas to the people.
Kozminsky Symbol: Walking in a forest are two lovers and they see before them a beautiful butterfly and two white doves.

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Jupiter in 
Leo 9

Sabian Symbol: Glass blowers blow beautiful and colored glass.
Kozminsky Symbol: Standing before a mirror is an elegantly dressed woman wearing many brilliant jewels.

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Saturn in 
Scorpio 15

Sabian Symbol: Children continue to play on five mounds of white sand.
Kozminsky Symbol: Waves crash over a ship that’s ashore on a ironstone coast.

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Uranus in 
Cancer 29

Sabian Symbol: In a Greek countryside, a woman births twins weighing in golden scales.
Kozminsky Symbol: While a man sits in a prison cell, golden light comes through the window and a bird stands there singing softly.

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Neptune in 
Libra 26

Sabian Symbol: A dove and an eagle change back and forth into each other.
Kozminsky Symbol: An elected official gives a speech to his people.

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Pluto in 
Leo 26

Sabian Symbol: A rainbow appears after a heavy storm to bring in the sun.
Kozminsky Symbol: Under a crown made of flowers, two hands hold each other.

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Ascendant in 
Aquarius 2

Sabian Symbol: It’s welcome relief when an unexpected thunderstorm breaks.
Kozminsky Symbol: Birds eat fruit from a large mulberry tree.

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Midheaven in 
Scorpio 27

Sabian Symbol: A military band is marching with colorful banners through the street.
Kozminsky Symbol: Speaking with his ministers, a king holds a spearhead with the sun’s disk emblazed on it.

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Can 29° 26' 47"
57' 18"
01" S
20° 16' 16" N
Vir 16° 50' 60"
13° 29' 35"
5° 08' 24" S
27' 21" N
Can 14° 44' 16"
1° 50' 47"
3' 06" N
22° 40' 52" N
Can 18° 25' 20"
1° 13' 36"
24' 36" N
22° 35' 01" N
Leo 07° 28' 07"
38' 20"
1° 08' 40" N
19° 30' 51" N
Leo 08° 23' 56"
13' 09"
33' 04" N
18° 42' 02" N
Sco 14° 30' 44"
2° 17' 29" N
14° 00' 22" S
Can 28° 04' 17"
3' 41"
30' 39" N
21° 03' 10" N
Lib 25° 31' 37"
1° 43' 11" N
8° 16' 13" S
Leo 25° 35' 15"
1' 46"
10° 09' 44" N
22° 31' 54" N
Aqu 02° 57' 15" R
- 3' 25"
7° 27' 46" N
12° 13' 54" S
Sag 14° 55' 58"
6' 39"
52' 22" S
23° 27' 38" S
True Node
Sag 25° 56' 08" R
- 4' 34"
00" N
23° 22' 56" S
P. of Fortune
Sag 13° 49' 07"
Vir 03° 00' 49"
Aqu 01° 13' 19"
Pis 21° 04' 22"
Ari 29° 59' 52"
Tau 26° 24' 53"
Gem 17° 08' 40"
Can 06° 58' 09"
Leo 01° 13' 19"
Vir 21° 04' 22"
Lib 29° 59' 52"
Sco 26° 24' 53"
Sag 17° 08' 40"
Cap 06° 58' 09"
P. of Fortune
True Node
True Node
True Node
P. of Fortune
True Node
True Node
True Node
P. of Fortune
P. of Fortune
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