Birth Chart: Annie Besant (Libra)
Traditional and Christian Theosophy contributors
Born at London, United Kingdom
Friday, October 01, 1847
17:29 (time zone = GMT -0 hours)
0w10, 51n30
At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. Its the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. Its the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.
Those with Aries on the rising are typically driven, ground-breaking, impulsive, quarrelsome, self-centred, short-tempered, dominant, wilful, self-sufficient, watchful, good with your hands, and boastful, with a large amount of physical energy that must be expelled somehow. Your impulsiveness may lead to seemingly careless behaviour even if you have good intentions. Strongly independent, you rebel against anyone telling you what you should do. It would be beneficial for you to develop a more diplomatic way of communicating in addition to a bit of caution, as you may jump before thinking ahead and get yourself into sticky situations. Try to release your energy in a more positive way. Unfortunately, often when you are presented with a problem, you use force to try to mould it into the desired result, thinking that will-power alone will fix things. You must learn that brute force will not gain you the results you are hoping for, instead you will limit yourself, making matters worse and bulldozing over peoples feelings. You enjoy competitions of all sorts and can be a bit aggressive at times. Doing the same thing day in and day out bores you to bits but you must find a way to persevere in these circumstances as they are a necessary part of life. There is a tendency to dive into one thing only to leave it unfinished and start something fresh; complete the things you have begun rather than letting novelty temp you away from the hard work you have already put in. Your lesson may be to develop a more patient outlook. Aries is ruled by Mars and therefore its placement in your chart will be significant.
If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.
Your thinking is lightning fast. Extremely original with strong intuition, you have an inventive mind that is always concocting fresh methods. You are a progressive, alternative, non-conformist who insists on having the utmost independence to express yourself. You are endlessly excited by new concepts, experiments, and technology. Patience will need to be developed as you can be short-tempered with those who do not have as quick of a mind as you happen to be blessed with. Abstract theories are easy for you to understand and you would do well working in the field of science or mechanics. You are gifted with cleverness and ingenuity, perception and intelligence. You may find yourself drawn to the metaphysical realm or to mechanics. Astrological topics may be of interest as well. Naturally your spirit is a bit on edge, and you should try to find methods to calm your nerves. You prefer to have a variety of different things happening to you all at once or else boredom will quickly set in. Your mind needs to have something fresh and interesting to ponder and dissect. Often you will find new concepts coming to you seemingly out of thin air, and this is your intuition at work. Travelling will provide much of the stimulation you crave and you excel in situations that require you to think on your feet, where you must adapt, and where the outcomes are uncertain. You are self-sufficient and fiercely independent.
However, despite the above, you can reject any concept or manner of thinking that does not adhere to the conclusions you have come to previously. Be careful not to spread yourself too thin mentally, and try to concentrate on something long enough to complete it. This tendency to try to do too much at one time can cause you to act on impulse, recklessly jumping around from situation to situation. You can be very sceptical of the concepts that other people express to you. You are happy to entertain fresh ideas, though only if you do not feel pressured, in which case you are likely to rebel against them. The way someone approaches you is important. Try to keep in mind that many times people are not meaning to pressure you and that you are just highly sensitive to any sort of perceived demand on your mental freedom. Allow yourself to openly entertain notions that may differ from your own views. In addition, it would be beneficial for you to develop enough self-control to stick to an idea or project until you have completed it. At times you can behave as though the world or the people in it owe you something. They do not. Remove your ego and detach yourself from this way of thinking.
You have a warm demeanour and other people tend to think fondly of you. You are charismatic, tender, caring, compassionate, pleasant, and always willing to lend a helping hand. You try to be mindful of other peoples emotions. There is a gift for creativity of some form and you tend to avoid conflict or confrontations, preferring to keep things agreeable. A lovely atmosphere is essential to you and you take pride in the way you look personally as well. Luck seems to follow you as good experiences tend to be drawn to you and whatever you require just seem to come to you. You strive for a pleasant, relaxing, and lavish environment as you feel it is essential to your happiness. The place you live must be beautiful. You are not one for manual labour. There is a strong interest in artistic pursuits. You rarely feel lonely as it is easy for you to attract others due to your out-going and friendly nature. You enjoy expressing your affections but only feel comfortable doing so if the other person is demonstrative as well. Your words are like honey and you know exactly what to say to get on someones good side; be mindful that you do not use this gift selfishly as manipulation comes far too easily to you.
You usually possess a positive attitude, though this can be expressed as an extreme. You commit to things that you are unable to see through to the end. Many of the tales you tell are amped up so as to create a larger impact. You are unlikely to believe in religion due to not being able to wrap your head around the matter. You prefer working on a grand scale and leaving the details to someone else. There is an almost obsessive habit of going back again and again to make sure you did something like close the window or put the phone on the charger. You have a tendency towards over-doing things in general as you instinctively feel that if something is good, adding more of it will only make it even greater. You can be close-minded about views that differ from your own. You often ignore the fine print in favour of the big picture and many times this can cause trouble for you in the future. It would do you well to try to keep your visions grounded, as you are likely to overemphasise and misjudge a promising new concept. You do not mean to cause any harm, you simply get over-excited and this can create problems for you. There are so many new concepts, visions, and dreams spinning around in your mind and you find it a challenge to pick one and go with it. In addition, you may find yourself completely engrossed in a foolish endeavour. Mentally you are strongly interested in topics related to abstract theories and spiritual or philosophical matters.
Despite some of the above, you are often successful in business as you seem to have a natural knack for it. Your abundance of fresh concepts and ability to take risk aids you in these ventures. Travelling is particularly appealing to you and you enjoy being introduced to fresh information and new forms of understanding. You may try your hand as an educator due to your appreciate for knowledge and your enthusiasm for conveying what you have learned to others. However, it is important that you develop enough self-restraint to sort through your troubles thoroughly before making a move as you have a habit of impatiently hurrying your work with less-than-perfect results as a consequence; this can even be seen in your often illegible writing style. At times your ideas are too far-fetched and unrealistic to be put into practice. Although, this attitude of yours does keep you from being judgemental of other people. Even with a mind as unique as your own, you have trouble with remembering things sometimes and can be a bit of a space-cadet. There is possibility of being gifted in the written or spoken word. You need to be particularly mindful of becoming so enthralled by a situation that you are unable to think clearly and accurately; make sure your assumptions are correct before you act on them. You are talented in pulling something from one area and successfully connecting it to another area that was seemingly unrelated. Be careful who you trust as there are those that would take your kindness for granted and use you for all that you are worth. In addition, taking some time to think before you speak will help you overcome a tendency towards rambling on and over-explaining when something could be said more simply and cohesively.
The routines you have adopted can frustrate other people. You may be rude, ill-mannered, or personally unhygienic and these traits often aggravate others. There is a tendency towards laziness and a dislike of hard work. You believe that this sort of labour is meant for someone else, and you will watch others work while you relax, with a clear conscience. You are able to tell what people desire and sweet-talk them into doing what you want; being truthful is no concern of yours. You feel like there are two different people at war within you and this wreaks havoc for you personally. Sometimes you will become so accommodating with those you love that you become someone else and wind up feeling miserable in the end. You are unsure what exactly it is that you want out of a romantic partnership, someone to take care of you or someone to be on an equal level with. When you feel emotionally unsatisfied, you can over-indulge in rich foods. You are prone to over-eating sweets and richer cuisine in general, as you can be rather insecure. You may question your self-worth or attractiveness, despite people expressing otherwise. Try to develop a backbone and fight for the things that matter to you, or for yourself when necessary. You crave genuine care and affection for emotional security, and if you believe that this may be removed from your life, you start to fall apart. Your warmth stands on its own, though you must curb your possessive habits. Love transcends many lifetimes and we never fully say goodbye. Instead, we are brought back together in the next life.
Keep an eye on your finances as they can run away from you more rapidly than you can acquire them. You have a habit of indulging yourself too much as well as expecting your surroundings to be luxurious. Rather than do the work necessary to fix something, you will often sweep problems under the rug. You may feel as though you are not good enough just as yourself and you are constantly monitoring how popular you are. It is important for you to learn how to be brave and express your concerns when you have them. Sometimes you care so much about what people will think of you that you steer clear of any confrontation. However, your road to happiness involves building integrity and fighting for the things you believe in, as this will allow you to be truly who you are deep down.
You are accepting and understanding, usually letting go of peoples foibles and letting them try once more, even if they have wronged you in the past. You believe that people should strive to be as good of a person as they can be and when people are around you, they tend to adopt this attitude for themselves. Your presence has a way of evoking joy and bringing people comfort. Your abundant social connections are largely due to an extremely giving nature, which people appreciate and gravitate towards. This placement is likely to bestow you with good luck in your finances. You enjoy making people laugh and will do so at your own expense, if necessary. Filled with positive thinking, you believe in humanity as a whole. You have a great deal of empathy for others and are gentle with, and receptive to, their emotions. It is natural for you to try to see things from another persons point of view and you truly listen when people are talking to you. You do not cast judgement upon others and people sense this about you and therefore take your to heart. However, sometimes you become so engrossed in having fun that you procrastinate in doing your duties. In addition you need to be mindful not to over exert yourself. If you cannot find equilibrium within yourself, you will tend to eat more than you should. Tasty snacks and rich meals make you feel emotionally secure when you cannot derive this another way; restrain from these cravings of they will only create larger challenges for you later on.
You enjoy beautiful things of high-quality as your senses are particularly attuned to shape and texture. Your sensitivity towards spatial dimensions and skill in creating beauty lends to an artistic talent that can be expressed in many forms. You may find yourself working in fields of design, decorating, writing, music, or various craftworks. This placement also bestows attractive vocal abilities that you can use to diffuse difficult circumstances. Both your way of thinking and your way of speaking lead to harmonious outcomes. Diplomatic solutions in tense situations come naturally to you. You may also find yourself doing well as a salesperson of arts or of aesthetically pleasing items. You instinctively know what colours would work well together and what sorts of musical chords are most pleasing together. In the case that you are not artistically gifted, you will have a fondness for the arts and creative ventures in general. Your charming personality, subtle humour, and polite mannerisms make it easy for others to get along with you and people generally enjoy your company. You make an excellent mediator when someone has been slighted or can be a calming presence during challenging debates. When your emotions are triggered, you will analyse them before acting and it is likely that you think your emotions or feel your thoughts as you are unable to separate your mind from your feelings.
Your emotions vary wildly and it is anyones guess as to when or why they will alter. Very self-sufficient, you abhor being restricted for any reason. You are drawn to everything that is unique, strange, or shocking, though you tend to jump from one thing to the next without allowing yourself to master any of it. You are unable to restrain yourself yet it is often the best thing for you. You seek out thrills, variety, exciting adventures, and feel like a zombie if forced to do the same thing day in and day out. Fresh concepts and ideas are like air to you and you are enthused to involve yourself in them. Sometimes you can rush in too quickly, and perhaps carelessly, particularly in regards to your romantic partnerships. You rebel when you perceive your freedom will be curtailed somehow. It is difficult for you to stand by your word as you never know if your emotions about the matter will change tomorrow, 5 years from now, or not at all. Everything is done spontaneously. There is a tendency towards acting selfishly and putting yourself first above all. The situation at home can be volatile and the bonds you form with females are as well. Try to think about your feelings before expressing them without warning. People are often confused about where they stand with you because one moment you are cold and the next sociable. Sometimes you will consciously keep yourself at a distance as you are worried that getting close to people may somehow limit your independence. Your spirit needs to be allowed room to roam as it may. For personal growth, you must find a way to subdue the emotional chaos that lives within and surfaces at random. If your feelings are negatively triggered, you can react irrationally or recklessly. This careless activity causes you to be prone to accidental injury. You feel tense when you are inactive as your nervousness needs an outlet. At times you will do something odd just for the shock-value. Your need to be unrestrained can make it challenging to settle down in one location or with a partner. As you are prone to angry bursts, it would be best if you developed a way to hone your patience.
You may express yourself in an eloquent and clever manner, but you tend to keep to shallow waters, never venturing into the deeper emotions that some may be fond of. You are also not likely to stick with anything for very long, have trouble remembering things, and do not have a stable pattern of thought. You are indecisive, anxious, and prone to overthinking. Your high-strung nature can rub people the wrong way at times. You enjoy talking about people when they are not around and can spin a story to better suit your needs at the moment. You are interested in where others have been, how they feel, what they think, and why. You listen to them and people naturally divulge their private thoughts to you when they may not be so open with someone else. Previous experiences are particularly fascinating to you. Historical events in both your life and the lives of others are important to you and you readily share and listen to these tales. Archaeological or genealogical topics draw you in, as well as anything pertaining to myths. You feel almost as though you are reliving these experiences yourself.
You must find equilibrium between your mental state and your emotional state as you tend to swing wildly from one to the other. Your thinking is sharp but unfortunately so is your tongue, and this creates hurt where there did not need to be any. Try to think before you speak and form your words in a more diplomatic fashion. Use both your logical thinking with your sensitive emotions. Your nervousness and inner tension can create frustration for you internally that you often take out on others. You crave genuine care and understanding.
There is a tendency towards enjoying variety to such a degree that you move from one endeavour to another, without spending enough time on anything to master it. You become easily interested and want to know a little bit about everything, but in order to truly be successful, you will need to discipline yourself. You may also need to watch out for becoming so engrossed and inflexible in your own views and beliefs that you demand others believe the same. Challenging situations will continue to surround you until you learn to be accepting and tolerant of others viewpoints. It is alright to hold a strong belief system, as long as you do not punish people for being of a different mind-set. Be careful that you do not become involved in extreme demonstrations to prove your beliefs are correct, and rather develop a respect for individuality.
You are self-reliant, inventive, and unrestrained with strong resolve and drive to get things done. These traits aid you greatly in your journey towards success. Be sure that you keep to realistic goals rather than taking risks on long-shots. Not everyone can be as mentally quick as you are; therefore you need to practice patience with others who think at a slower speed. You are able to provide a substantial amount of knowledge to benefit others, though you must yield to working at their pace. You have a strongly held belief that you are entitled to your own opinions and viewpoints; it is only logical that the same privilege be bestowed to others.
You have trouble being compassionate towards others as you are rather self-concerned, paying more attention to what is happening in your life than in the lives of others. You may feel at odds internally, as what you believe you want and need are not necessarily the same things you require deep down; you are torn in opposing ways. Your indecision is largely due to this inner battle. Constantly weighing this course versus another, you find yourself anxious and frustrated, never able to make a decision either way. You want to do what is right, though you are uncertain what that is. You are conflicted between your own individuality and forming close bonds with others. The confusing signals that you convey cause people to be unsure about how to react to you or what it is that you desire, creating instability in your partnerships. You must find your centre and equilibrium between your inner feelings and the way you act. Recognise that your moods are easily changeable and try to find ways to counter this. During times when you have a greater amount of energy, use this period to be productive. During points where you feel run down, work more steadily and relax a bit. One moment you are the voice of reason and the next you are nursing your delicate feelings. You may be blind to other peoples emotions and necessities and therefore can be unresponsive.
You like to keep your feelings under a tight reign. This placement helps to balance your feelings even when circumstances are difficult. Others may be frantic during these times, yet you remain calm and collected. You are reasonable and unbiased during stressful situations which help you to solve the underlying issue amidst emotional chaos. This placement allows you to concentrate more effectively. You do not skirt your duties and people know they can rely on you to do what you have committed to doing. You are loyal to those in your circle and to the people you feel close to, supporting them behind the scenes. You dislike being idle and enjoy watching the fruit of your labour. Mentally you tend to stick to the conservative route, letting tradition guide you. Frivolous thoughts for the sake of fun are not really your cup of tea; you take a more sombre approach. However, you are not always able to show your feelings towards those you care for. It would be beneficial if you could develop a more open manner and convey these inner emotions outwardly to them somehow. You are independent and methodical, as well as having a good ability to organise, handle money and business, and behave diplomatically when interacting with people. You are very patient and willing to persevere until you have reached your goal. You are ethical, dutiful, faithful, and fair.
You are enthusiastic, spur-of-the-moment, and reactive in both your emotions and your sexuality. You can lose control when your emotions are stimulated, especially in regards to love where you seek out exhilarating situations and can become enamoured rapidly, though just as swiftly fall out of love. Love partnerships start off in the heights of excitement only to conclude spontaneously, shortly after they began. Your likes and interests tend to be made up of the unusual, untraditional, and quirky, and you love to experiment with something new and different. You are particularly adventurous with your emotions. More likely to pay attention to what you are pursuing, you often discard what you have already obtained. Sticking things out long-term is not something you can usually do in your relationships and you are much happier in unconventional situations that do not tie you down, allowing you to roam free. You want to experience as much as possible, with as many people as possible, and a monogamous partnership might be too restrictive for you. This need for independence may cause you to either consciously or subconsciously seek out individuals who are not entirely available to you, as this keeps the situation from becoming too serious; a detached approach is more your style. Secret relationships are also a possibility here.
Your feelings are apt to be unpredictable and volatile. You are emotionally fickle and it is anyones guess what you will be feeling from one moment to the next. These erratic moods frustrate you as you cannot comprehend why they occur. The tension you feel forces you to take your negative emotions out on whatever unfortunate soul is nearby. Much of this tension can be tempered by channelling your energies creatively, as you are talented in the creative fields. If you are able to make use of these emotions to create, you will find them much easier to handle.
Naturally magnetic, others are drawn to your sexual allure and exhilarating personality. You find it difficult to stay in one place or situation for very long and would do well with a career that allows you opportunity to travel often, as this will appease your curious heart. Circumstances must be always moving somehow, never standing still. Usually you are unconcerned about the opinions of society and will do what you feel is best for yourself and your own life. However, try to develop self-restraint in regards to your sensuality as you can be prone to taking things a bit farther than you should. Discover ways to balance your unconventional interests with the needs of those around you, or you will find yourself more of an outcast than even you are comfortable with.
You full of get-up-and-go! This placement contributes to a healthy body and mind. You know how to assert yourself when needed and you confront your troubles head-on, in a clear manner. Rather than sulking about the difficulties you encounter, you concentrate on eradicating them. You are unsympathetic when you hear people complaining about their challenges without putting in the necessary effort to fix them. Through the obstacles in your life, you have discovered how to channel your emotional energy and cravings into productive endeavours instead of letting them tear you apart. You are rarely sick and when you do happen to catch something, you recover rapidly. People gravitate towards your enthusiastic nature and the vitality you exude. You are brave and capable, allowing you to feel confident participating in strategic risk-taking. You easily attract potential romantic partners because of your gregarious demeanour.
Those born in your generation have the ability to be of aid to humanity as a whole. Let your intuition guide you in assisting others.
You are confident, driven, and enthusiastic. You are of the mindset that if you try hard enough to achieve a goal, you will eventually do so. There is an awareness of when things should be done and an intuition regarding what methods would be effective, and which ones would not be. Competition can be fun for you and you remain cheerful throughout the challenge. However, this competition is mostly done on your own, as you like to push yourself farther than you have before. Revenge is not something that you usually engage in as you prefer to let go of whatever wrongs others have done you. What you find truly interesting are things that broaden your mind, such as higher learning, spiritual matters, philosophical concepts, or travel. Being active and out in nature appeals to your adventurous spirit. If you could develop self-discipline, you are likely to do well in sporty activities. You exude positivity and greet the world with enthusiasm. Money comes easily to you and therefore you are likely to waste it too readily. You give of yourself and your possessions freely. What happens in the future is not troubling to you as you trust in the universe to provide you with your necessities. Others see you as honourable and honest in your dealings. It is rare that you allow anger to dwell within you for very long; usually you are apt to let things go easily as you believe that staying upset would only be wasteful. When times are tough, you are still able to maintain your optimism and continue to be kind and considerate towards others.
The Planets in astrology symbolize what is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question how? How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.
Do not rush a Libra into a decision; it is important to them to have the proper time to look at every angle of a situation before they reach an outcome. At worst, they may be debating at such great length that they become stuck and are unable to decide one way or another. One moment they try one side, the next the other, assuming that if they try each one, a resolution will come to them. Libras are naturally just, fair, harmonious, amiable, pleasant, out-going, romantic, reliant on others, disingenuous, lazy, and pleasure-seeking (learn about compatibility with Libra here). They feel most complete when they are in a relationship or on a team of some sort. Their environment is important to them and they need this to be peaceful and comfortable.
Libras have a hard time keeping their own company, as they find interacting with others to be vital to their well-being. They prefer to have someone in their life they can truly share with. However, they must watch out for being in love with the idea of love, rather than the person themselves. They can be rather romantic and become caught up in the moment, running thoughtlessly into a commitment before truly knowing the other person.
Unfortunately, Libras are so sensitive to the vibes of those around them, that if there is disharmony, the Libra may allow others to get away with more than they should just to keep the peace. Libras are also so bent on keeping everyone happy that they may sacrifice their own well-being in the process.
Trouble with indecision can be a tough challenge for a Libra to rise above. It is likely that many beneficial chances may pass them up while they are considering their options. They find it difficult to decide on one option when they can see the merit in all of them. However, this allows them to be experts in counselling others because they can see the entire picture rather than being biased towards one side or the other. They must understand that they cannot be everything to everyone and learn when to stand their ground.
Another issue for Libras are their tendency to work as little as they are able to get away with. They are not likely to be seen as hard-working individuals. It is not that they are lazy per say, more so that they require inspiration.
It is imperative that a Libra develop a way to make decisions for themselves, otherwise they will be taken advantage of by more assertive characters, as it is easy for these people to influence a Libras thought process.
Librans are intellectuals with a creative mindset and outgoing personality. Often others will not be made aware of their mental activity due to their pleasing and sociable demeanour. This trait may instead come out in subdued methods of manipulation, which they are particularly gifted in.
You quickly pick up on the vibes and energy of those around you, absorbing either positive or negative emotions. This may be the reason your emotions fluctuate wildly and why you may be cheerful and happy one moment, and grumpy and brooding the next. It is imperative that you develop a way to either discipline these fluctuations or find a positive outlet for them. You feel a great desire to care for others. At times your emotions or thoughts may seem illogical to those around you due to your inability to articulate them rationally. Those closest to you must be understanding of your many moods and of your need to isolate yourself on occasion. You easily empathise with others and often know what they are feeling without them needing to say it outright. Any offense will be taken to heart and while you may let the person off the hook, you will always remember what has transpired. Feeling safe and secure is a necessity to you, particularly in your home environment and with those closest to you. It would be beneficial for you to trust your gut instincts as they are usually accurate; you may even have premonitions. When something is important to you, you are likely to hold tightly to it. Your maternal parental figure has probably had a significant impact on your life and this impact may continue through your entire life. You prefer keeping out of the limelight but will certainly stand up for the people you care for. The tendency towards sentimentality may be a problem as you dislike throwing anything away; each object has a memory attached to it that you do not wish to let go of. Try to remember that what has passed will always stay in your heart regardless of the possessions you keep. You have an excellent memory but may need to excuse other peoples mishaps and move past them.
You are most gifted in being able to comprehend every angle of a situation and come to a diplomatic resolution to the problem. You are rational, harmonious, just, perceptive, and socially adept. You work well in a team environment. You are able to stay cool and focused on the issue at hand and remain impartial; this makes you well-suited to a career in mediation, politics, or consulting. You strive to keep justice in a harmonious fashion, regardless the circumstances. Highly artistic, you are able to work in creative endeavours or projects that deal with people of different cultures. Your mind is logical and balanced, and you easily convince others of your viewpoints. You are adaptable and prefer to hear every aspect of a story. However, this trait can make you indecisive as you too easily comprehend each angle and it can be difficult for you to decipher which story holds the most weight. Comparing and contrasting, analysing continuously while finding interesting ways to explain your discoveries; this is what you are most skilled in.
You are delightful, appealing, pleasant, polite, well-mannered, thoughtful, composed, with an ability to keep things peaceful rather than clashing with others. However, this may lead you to having trouble standing up for yourself when you need to. Though Libras are usually harmonious, Venus in Libra can be quite merciless in romantic partnerships as they know exactly what to say to get what they want. You have a way of acquiring the things you need in your life almost out of thin air. Whatever is necessary to you, tends to find its way to you and people are particularly drawn towards you; make sure that you remember to value these things that gravitate to you. You feel a strong need for things to be peaceful in your life, so much so that you will sacrifice too much at times. Confrontation is difficult for you and you will often pretend nothing is the matter rather than continue with any sort of disharmony. As a marriage partner, some people enjoy a bit of tension but you prefer someone that will equate to you and easily mesh with your character. You like your partner to be gentle, sensitive, and refined. A rough and tumble sort just isnt your style, you need someone that knows how to act in polite company, someone diplomatic and polished. It is easy for you to relate to people and this creates a pull towards you. You are likely to be creative or artistic somehow, especially with your voice. Laziness is something you may have to keep an eye out for as you prefer to stay comfortable rather than putting in the hard work required at times. Indecision is also a typical issue for those with this placement. You often do not like to be alone for very long and seek out others to keep you company.
When you put your mind to something, you will persevere at all costs. You are unlikely to alter your course once you have decided on it and can be quite stubborn. If you have started on a journey, you will continue until you get to where you need to be. Incredibly faithful, you will not betray another unless they have done so first, in which case anything goes. You are even-tempered and easy-going, and it takes a lot to push you over the edge. However, if you do manage to get to that point, your blood is boiling, and you see red and charge! You are dependable, steady, and able to work harder than others. A consistent schedule with no guess work is likely to suit you well as you flourish in this sort of environment. Seeing the fruit of your labour is important to you. Practical applications are also appreciated. Abstract concepts are not for you, you need something down to earth and realistic. At times it may be difficult for you to motivate yourself to move as you enjoy lounging around in creature comforts. However, when you do manage to start, you are able to endure; difficult to light the candle but slow burning once it is lit. You are less likely to start a project than you are to continue it. Material possessions are important to everything you do and you keep an eye on being safe and protected. It is possible that you will miss many opportunities due to your inability to change course once you have started, however this makes you incredibly reliable and dependable. Try to be mindful of your tendency to treat your romantic partners as possessions and curb your jealous inclinations. You find peace of mind in material assets though it may be beneficial to you to acquire this from more significant avenues. Caution is prevalent in all of your dealings and you fear a situation altering. Developing some sort of health issue or having to endure physical discomfort also worries you. Sometimes you can be so stuck on your chosen path that nothing and no one can deter you. You may suffer from foot-in-mouth issues; try to be diplomatic when expressing yourself. Also, it would do you well to be more giving of your possessions.
You are caring, harmonious, out-going, empathetic, and care about your country and fellow man. There is a tendency towards idealism and you are fascinated by spiritual or supernatural concepts. Your observations and conclusions regarding finances are top notch and it is likely that you will acquire a large amount of wealth and assets after your middle years of life. You may also receive a great deal of aid from your family, particularly your parental figures. However, be mindful of a tendency to indulge in food and drink as this will cause weight gain as you age. Success will not come to you when you are young, but rather in your later years. It is also possible that you will become overly sentimental with your material assets, clinging to them and hording them away from others; try to curb your intense emotional reactions.
Challenges in setting limitations, restrictions, or plans may be present, in addition to difficulty with self-discipline. Your life can be disoriented at times, and you may find yourself adrift amidst the chaos of life; the correct path is not usually clear to you. You are compassionate, creative, altruistic, and intuitive, with delicate emotions. You hold to an idealistic view about life though at the same time have a habit of being too serious. Innately you sense that your current challenges are due to karma from your previous life; what has been given must be paid for. This may be the reason you experience an inner sadness that others cannot quite grasp. Your career may involve you investigating data or working in a supportive role, out of hindsight. When afflicted you can become emotionally unstable and are unable to make decisions on your own; your environment and those around you will affect you a great deal and you should be mindful to stay away from negativity. When you have failed in your attempts towards your goals or have been mistreated somehow, there is a tendency towards becoming stuck in a pessimistic, depressive state; only by fully releasing what has previously occurred, can you once more become positive about what is to come. It would help you to learn to detach a bit from other peoples worries, as this would allow you to better aid them. Conveying your previous experiences to others is a great path towards personal development.
The Planets in astrology symbolize what is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question where? Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.
When choosing a partner, you are likely to prefer someone who is highly respectable and high up on the social scale. You want your relationship to somehow boost your social status, as pride is important to you; you need to be able to admire your partner.
It is important to you that your partner inspires you to be yourself and helps bring forward your strong willpower and artistic capabilities. Feeling a strong need for security in your relationships, you are often drawn to someone assertive who works in a reputable position. This sort of person helps you to become more self-assured and allows you to increase your own sense of authority.
Equality is a key theme in your relationships, as any sort of imbalance of power will resort in conflict for you. Both parties must make sure to be fair when collaborating with one another. Feeling as though you belong together as a team and as family are important to you.
Marriage and relationships play a significant role in your life. You are likely to expect your partner be the assertive element in your partnership as you are more reactive than proactive. You may have a preoccupation with finding a substitute for the male parental figure in your life and at times insist your significant other fill these shoes.
The way your Sun is aspected will determine the sort of partners you will attract. With a well aspected Sun, you will attract those that are considerate, honest, confident, strong-willed, honourable, and motivated to succeed. However, if your Sun is negatively aspected, you will instead attract selfish, pretentious, and controlling partners.
The greatest obstacles you face in a successful relationship are your insistence that things are done your way, as well as being arrogantly prideful.
Family ties are important to you in this placement. You often search for and enjoy collecting possessions that tie to you to where you came from, a way of clinging to your past. Family relations and your home life instil a deep sense of personal security for you and there is likely a strong influence from the parental figures in your life. Your living location may change frequently as you search for an ideal location to put down roots. In your career, there will be an emphasis on things to do with the home; you may even work from home or create a home-like environment in your office as this will allow you to feel comfortable and secure.
When choosing a partner, you look for someone who is well-informed and displays a sharp intellect. Witty banter appeals to you as well and it is important to you to be able to communicate easily and readily with your partner. Your romantic interest needs to be quick, curious, and clever to hold your attention as you often engage them in debate.
Relationships in general, especially marriage, are always at the forefront of your thoughts. A partner to you, whether they are a romantic partner or a business associate, must provide you with a good deal of mental stimulation. If they can challenge you or help you enhance your communication skills, all the better. You desire someone who will bring forward an exchange of ideas and inspire you to share your thoughts; you want them to understand you on a mental level more than anything else.
It is likely that the person you choose will be very verbally expressive, analytical, and witty though may at times be critical, tense, anxious, and engage in arguments with you. They are probably interested in the written and spoken word in general, as well as languages or communication of all forms. Traveling may be important to them and they may work in an administrative or technological field.
It is advisable that you curb your critical analysis and tendency to argue with others, as this will help your chances to achieve a happy union.
Friendly, outgoing, and full of charm; you thrive in social situations. Others generally enjoy your company and relationships in general tend to be pleasant and easy for you. You may need to be mindful that you are not being taken advantage of, as you may not stand up for yourself due to an aversion to any sort of conflict. You are probably drawn to someone who is financially successful and physically attractive. You want to be able to spend time together enjoying all of the luxury life has to offer. Make sure to keep your expectations of others realistic.
You truly value partnerships, although acquiring affection may be a little too important to you. Imbalance is something that you need to look out for, as you may expect too much from your partner and relationship. Try not to make a mountain out of a molehill.
You strive to find a romantic partner that will provide you with all of the luxuries life has to offer. You are looking to indulge and are seeking someone who will supply you with the opportunity. Marriage often raises your social status. Be mindful not to become too engrossed in sensualities as they may lead you to trouble. You despise conflict much preferring your partner to be less aggressive and more accommodating. If Venus is negatively aspected, you may need to be careful that your partners moral values are as honourable as they seem.
You encompass a natural exuberance of physical energy. This vitality can sometimes become so intense that you engage in rash, reckless behaviour when you should be exercising caution. Having such a strong mars placement bestows you with confidence and an assertive attitude towards life. You are rather self-sufficient with a good aptitude for organizing, though you can have trouble with patience at times. Take care to watch for accidents, especially around the head region as you are particularly prone to facial wounds and high fevers.
Confident, charitable, and welcoming, with a strong sense of loyalty to your home land; you are likely to become quite fortunate later in life. You enjoy living in quarters that are roomy and relaxing. A large part of who you are was shaped by your parental figures, as they likely have always been very supportive of you. There is a good indication that you gain in financial resources through your parents as well. With this placement, staying close to where you were born may be beneficial to you rather than relocating. Take extra care not to become too bold and over-indulgent.
Though you are filled with doubts and insecurities, there is a strong inclination to develop a good deal of self-restraint and compassion. You may feel an urge to right the sins you may have indulged in during a past life. This karma may make you feel destined to isolate yourself from humanity, though a strong will-power enables you to amend these previous wrongs. It is likely that you will find yourself on a journey to serve others. A tendency to keep your fears bottled up may result in constant physical ailments unless you express them. You relish your alone time and may prefer to find a career that allows you take a back seat or where you would not need to socialise often with the community.
You possess an eccentric mind with an aptitude for thinking outside-the-box. This coupled with a strong intuition and will-power allows you to lead others into interesting, original endeavours. It is beneficial for you to listen to and develop your intuition as yours may be more accurate than most. You like to find fresh and often unusual ways of doing things. There is never a dull moment with you around and this stimulating personality attracts others to you. Unfortunately, your unique individuality may cause you to feel discontent and lonely at times; it is not often easy to be ahead of your time. Its a good thing that you enjoy your freedom and have an independent nature. However, at times you will find yourself a bit anxious and high-strung, with a high degree of mental activity that can cause you to neglect your physical state.
You are contemplative and your hunches are usually accurate. You may experience premonitions, though possibly in your sleep as these are rarely conscious. Feeling stuck in a partnership with another person can be an issue for you, and you probably feel as though you are alone in this world. It is likely that you feel a bond with a spiritual being of some kind and that you are part of a universal whole. You are probably interested in new age or metaphysical matters. There may be a theme in your life where you feel the need to either serve others or suffer the consequences of not doing so. Being of aid to those that are held captive in one way or another is also possible. Beware of hidden adversaries that can try to weaken your position. It is crucial that you convey mercy, tolerance, and affection to others.
Although your emotions may be rather sensitive, inside there is a powerhouse of strong will that allows you to fight for the things that are important to you. You can be overbearing at times and may try to use this energy to control others; you are capable of profound anger when the situation calls for it. Your internal strength comes from an intense emotionality and if harnessed correctly, you possess healing abilities that can both transform and regenerate. Others are pulled in by your magnetism, although you may be a bit of an enigma to them, causing you to spend a good deal of your time alone. Independent and courageous, you can sometimes find yourself brooding over trivial matters that may at times be imagined and would be best forgotten. Try to be more adaptable and forgive others their affronts.
The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.
Sabian Symbol: In the forest, there is an abandoned home which has a fire mysteriously blazing.
Kozminsky Symbol: Feeling dejected and abandoned, a group waits outside of a large bank.
Sabian Symbol: A hand is held out to show that it has a very large thumb.
Kozminsky Symbol: As several groups of peasants reside in their tiny homes, an active volcano is erupting and causing devastation throughout the land.
Sabian Symbol: A retired sea captain longs for the freedom of the docks, ships and sea.
Kozminsky Symbol: From a glistening of color-waves, an amazingly formed foot is rising.
Sabian Symbol: Miners are returning from the mines into the bright light of daytime.
Kozminsky Symbol: A broken bridge allows a man to fall into a pit of darkness.
Sabian Symbol: An old man fails to inspire a motley group with the mysteries of knowledge.
Kozminsky Symbol: There is a white dove standing on the right shoulder of a man, who drinks wine. The dove has a rose-colored ribbon on.
Sabian Symbol: A pompous and egotistical priest marries a fragile girl of impeccable class to a boy of the new order.
Kozminsky Symbol: Sitting alone in the darkness an old man holds an ancient book emitting rays of bright light.
Sabian Symbol: Playing a bugle, a girl is at a military camp.
Kozminsky Symbol: A merchant sells a beautiful slave woman.
Sabian Symbol: Two dignified and proper spinsters are sitting together in silence.
Kozminsky Symbol: With fruits and golden vessels around her, a richly dressed beautiful woman is laying on a couch. Next to her sits an ornate table of while marble, where their lies an open book.
Sabian Symbol: A tree has been felled in order to cut firewood for the winter.
Kozminsky Symbol: On top of a pyramid is a spire, at the base there stands a horse, a manuscript in his mouth.
Sabian Symbol: Through imagination, a panorama of blending events shows a lost opportunity regained.
Kozminsky Symbol: In a huge hour-glass, the sands are running low.
Sabian Symbol: Golden wings on a white triangle.
Kozminsky Symbol: Standing on his castle walls, a brave knight is in full armor waiting to battle the hordes of the angry, armed crowd. Suddenly, there is a curious note coming from a six-stringed harp played by a mysterious character in the back of the mob. The defier is now at the good graces of the defied as the colossal walls of the castle fall.
Sabian Symbol: In an old cathedral, three stained glass windows reside, the center one is broken from war.
Kozminsky Symbol: Surrounded by a rim of black is a disc of light with a red center.