Bernard Arnault

Birth Chart: Bernard Arnault (Pisces)

Bernard Jean Étienne Arnault (French: [b??na?? a?no]; born 5 March 1949) is a French business magnate, an investor, and an art collector.

Hint: Ever asked yourself What Zodiac sign am I? Then take this quiz to check what is your Zodiac personality!

Astrological Natal Chart
Bernard Arnault

Born at Roubaix, France
Saturday, March 05, 1949
17:00 (time zone = GMT 1 hours)
3e10, 50n42

Fact: Pisces dates are between February 19 and March 20. Check the Pisces dates to find out.


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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LEO rising

Those with a Leo rising are typically giving, prideful, emotionally reactive, outgoing, loud, narcissistic, brave, confident, dramatic, romantic, and they are excellent showmen. They tend to go about like royalty, taking care of their “subjects” and expecting complete devotion from them. You have vitality and can be a bit of a risk taker, sometimes too much so. Extremely prideful, the biggest insult someone can throw at you would be to your ego. Appreciation is also something you require in order to feel satisfied. You can come off as loud and tough, but inside you are a big softie. When you care, you are easily wounded. In regards to a romantic partner, you would prefer that they are someone who will make you proud, and you in turn would like to foster this sort of reaction from them. You are very loyal to those you care for and would protect them fiercely if ever need be. Your anger can flare up suddenly but luckily this tends to resolve quickly and you are back to being your merry self again. Dramatic displays tickle your fancy and you can be somewhat of a drama queen or king yourself. Being in the limelight, all eyes focused on you is not only comfortable for you but you seek this attention out. At times you can be inflexible and unyielding, but you do this in a jovial way. It is unlikely that you will ever forget a slight, particularly if your ego is damaged, though you will usually forgive. You are rather sporty and enjoy being out in nature. You have an excellent drive and cheerful disposition, however if something goes wrong in your love relationship, it can zap the life out of you. Having warmth and love in your life is crucial to you. When discouraged, you may lose your willpower to live. A lesson you will need to learn during your lifetime is to be more humble. Leo is ruled by the Sun and therefore it’s placement in your chart will be significant.

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Shhh! Pisces is very sensitive to the needs of the partner, to the point of forgetting about personal needs. In spite of this sensitivity, Pisces is often unsure about pleasing the partner, as if fearing to be inadequate. Read all about Pisces sexuality here.


If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Sun blending with Mars

(power = 12.48 and this aspect is discordant = -3.12)

You are driven, lively, and energetic. You have an incredible will-power and rarely ever give up once you’ve decided on a course of action. You are brave and have no problem asserting yourself. You dislike being idle, instead preferring to passionately throw yourself into things. This immense energy of yours may manifest itself sexually or artistically. Challenges do not deter you and you enjoy competing with others; you can fight until your last breath if something moves you. People are pulled towards your charismatic character. Be mindful of the tendency to put more on your plate than you are realistically able to handle as you take on more and more until you eventually crash. A steady approach with allotted time to breathe a little will get you much further in the end. There is a strong urge to craft or produce something and this may come out either personally or professionally. You have the soul of a champion, striving to conquer at any cost, with your vitality, swiftness, passion, and spontaneity. However, if you do not regulate this energy it can become destructive. It would be most beneficial for you to find ways to direct this intensity in positive ways. At times you may be touchy and quarrelsome. It is important for you to remain physically active as your energy and inner tension needs to be released. This placement is especially good for circumstances requiring a powerful will or physical prowess. This aspect also adds to a tendency towards self-centredness, where you will think of only your own necessities and desires. Make sure to pay attention to what others need as well. Pride and an over-inflated self-esteem need to be controlled here.

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Venus discordant to Saturn

(power = 9.77 and this aspect is discordant = -12.22)

You are likely to be emotionally underdeveloped. Opening up to others is not easy for you due to your being unable to move past previous hurts, always fearful that the same will happen once more. You keep both your money and your feelings to yourself. Innately, you know that nothing comes for free and you would rather not pay the price unless it is truly worth having. Rather than expressing your emotions to another, you will tend to purchase tokens of affection, as it seems to be easier for you to handle them rejecting your present than for them to reject you emotionally. You deeply desire to be loved but you are unable to be intimately close to another. Inside, you are insecure and do not believe you are worthy of being loved. It is only when you transform this way of thinking that your life will turn around for the better. You deserve as much love as anyone does, though this needs to come to you on your own. Try to let go of what happened in the past and move forward with your life.
Your demeanour is usually stern and sombre and others may think you generally do not care about much. These observations are untrue as it is more so that you are being careful about who you reveal yourself to. You desire warmth and affection though it is very challenging for you. In order for you to receive affection, you will need to show it first. You cannot purchase other people’s feelings. Letting loose and having a good time without reservation is hard for you. Working diligently towards a practical result is something you can more readily comprehend, but emotions? They confuse you. It is uncommon that you engage in fun just for the sake of fun. Work tends to be fun for you which is baffling to others. Oddly enough, there is the occasional moment where you will distract yourself with something and leave the work to build up. You must find equilibrium between the serious side of life and enjoying yourself.
You may seek out romantic partners that do not treat you the way they should. If you find a way to appreciate the person you are, others will also. Safety and stability are valuable to you though you are unsure how to acquire them. You often worry about losing monetary assets or the people you care for. These feelings may become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Allow yourself to open up to others and forget past hurt. Look your problems right in the eye and deal with them; it is the one path to conquering them.
When faced with much difficulty you can become very pessimistic and down on your luck. Acting responsibly is important though life has put these challenges in place for you to grow in strength and wisdom. You are more likely than others to comprehend that there is more to life than being happy. However, this does not require that you must live in misery. Your loneliness stems from your unwillingness to accept that people do truly care for you. Again, it is likely your own insecurities colouring reality for you. If you want to draw love towards you, then you must first act in a caring fashion.
You are guarded about sharing your interests with others because you are fearful that they will reject you. In your relationships you may be mildly envious or try to possess your partner, as you tend to be so afraid of losing what is yours that you cling to it. However, this tendency only works to distance your partner from you as they feel trapped, creating the exact thing that you were worried about. No amount of force can keep someone that does not wish to be kept. Feelings of love should be allowed to be expressed freely, without control being placed on them. Try to keep in mind that the challenges you are facing in life are only there to aid in your growth.

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Mercury discordant to Pluto

(power = 7.35 and this aspect is discordant = -7.35)

Instinctively you are distrustful of the world around you and highly fascinated with mysteries that you attempt to solve. In your quest to uncover these secrets, you will delve down to the deepest and darkest caverns if need be. Subjects involving sexuality, life and death, spiritual rebirth, the healing arts, or mysticism are particularly interesting in your opinion. You strive to know everyone else’s intentions though you are uncomfortable with people being aware of your own. Psychological evaluation comes naturally to your way of thinking and you would do well in any field where you are required to understand or reveal hidden information. Mentally sharp, you have no trouble focusing when needed. You have a knack for reading people and circumstances and your observational skills are top notch; very little escapes your attention. You intuitively sense the truth behind who people truly are and the situations you find yourself in. The metaphysical realm is of interest to you as it gives you much to ponder. You enjoy tales that deal with mysteries or scientific matters, especially fictional films with these themes; you like to give your mind something to figure out. There is a hidden part of you that strongly relates to and understands the darker things in life and you wish to understand as much as you are able to about matters which are seemingly uninteresting to most. Your viewpoints are strongly held and you are easily able to sway others to your way of thinking when you choose to. In fact, you are likely to become obsessed with some of your most tightly-held views, stubbornly clinging to them against all odds. The same sort of tunnel-vision occurs when you find something that you are truly fascinated with. Be mindful that you give heed to other people’s opinions as you can gain significant knowledge from doing so. Inwardly you can be high-strung and tense, making patience difficult for you to come by and creating irritable moods. Try to give your brain some time to relax every day.
You often feel as though others are out to cause you harm somehow and you succumb easily to paranoia because of this. Your intensity regarding your views and opinions can be more than many people can handle and it would do you well to consciously tone things down a bit. Develop more tolerance for those who see things differently than you do, instead of going into a smug rant at the first sign of disagreement. You cannot be right at all times and it would beneficial for you to accept that others may indeed be correct some of the time. Try not to criticise a concept before fully thinking it through. This placement may make you sceptical of anything you encounter until strong proof has been shown to you of its merit. Use your good intuition and connection to the spiritual realm to discover the evidence yourself instead.

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Moon discordant to Mercury

(power = 7.35 and this aspect is discordant = -7.35)

You may express yourself in an eloquent and clever manner, but you tend to keep to shallow waters, never venturing into the deeper emotions that some may be fond of. You are also not likely to stick with anything for very long, have trouble remembering things, and do not have a stable pattern of thought. You are indecisive, anxious, and prone to overthinking. Your high-strung nature can rub people the wrong way at times. You enjoy talking about people when they are not around and can spin a story to better suit your needs at the moment. You are interested in where others have been, how they feel, what they think, and why. You listen to them and people naturally divulge their private thoughts to you when they may not be so open with someone else. Previous experiences are particularly fascinating to you. Historical events in both your life and the lives of others are important to you and you readily share and listen to these tales. Archaeological or genealogical topics draw you in, as well as anything pertaining to myths. You feel almost as though you are reliving these experiences yourself.
You must find equilibrium between your mental state and your emotional state as you tend to swing wildly from one to the other. Your thinking is sharp but unfortunately so is your tongue, and this creates hurt where there did not need to be any. Try to think before you speak and form your words in a more diplomatic fashion. Use both your logical thinking with your sensitive emotions. Your nervousness and inner tension can create frustration for you internally that you often take out on others. You crave genuine care and understanding.

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Moon harmonizing with Mars

(power = 6.57 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.93)

You full of get-up-and-go! This placement contributes to a healthy body and mind. You know how to assert yourself when needed and you confront your troubles head-on, in a clear manner. Rather than sulking about the difficulties you encounter, you concentrate on eradicating them. You are unsympathetic when you hear people complaining about their challenges without putting in the necessary effort to fix them. Through the obstacles in your life, you have discovered how to channel your emotional energy and cravings into productive endeavours instead of letting them tear you apart. You are rarely sick and when you do happen to catch something, you recover rapidly. People gravitate towards your enthusiastic nature and the vitality you exude. You are brave and capable, allowing you to feel confident participating in strategic risk-taking. You easily attract potential romantic partners because of your gregarious demeanour.

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Neptune harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 5.85 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.85)

Those born in your generation have the ability to be of aid to humanity as a whole. Let your intuition guide you in assisting others.

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Sun harmonizing with Moon

(power = 5.05 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.05)

Creativity comes easily to you and you are most successful at reaching your aims when those you care for are there to encourage you. You are able to find a perfect balance between independence and connecting with others. You are self-sufficient, doing just fine alone whenever needed. Previous lives were used to master your emotional reactions and they are now harmonious. Good karma draws good fortune to you in all aspects: status, home-life, friendship, respect, healthiness, and monetary assets. Naturally capable and talented, you soar to the top either by gaining the respect and admiration of those in high places who will aid you on your journey, or you yourself find an area of expertise where you create your own success. Both the external and internal forces at work for you are blended harmoniously, making your life a bit easier than it could otherwise be. All of your challenges are aided by this aspect and despite the obstacles, you will find tranquillity.

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Moon discordant to Pluto

(power = 5.00 and this aspect is discordant = -5.00)

There is intensity in every aspect of your life from your emotions and wants, to your romantic partnerships, with many of them being full of passion, instability, and heartbreak. You have a great personal magnetism that pulls others in. There is a tendency towards obsessing over people and partnerships. In your relationships, you may take turns trying to possess one another, each person controlling as much of the situation as they can until the other has had enough and tries to turn the tables. You can be jealous and also try to manipulate others, whether you do this behind the scenes or in a more overt manner. There is not much you will not do in order to maintain your power over people and the situation at hand. Your intense emotions can create such a strong pull within you that you find yourself acting in ways that are irrational. Evetually your emotions reach a peak and you need to remove yourself completely from the people in your life and the situations that you are in, and start anew. You are not the most open-minded person and can be very stubborn in your viewpoints, throwing them at others aggressively, often disregarding new concepts that others are trying to convey to you, and always insisting that your opinions are correct. You remember every slight, perceived or otherwise, that someone has done towards you. Work on your perception and you might find that people are different than you originally thought. Your feelings are so overwhelming sometimes that you are unable to reign them in. Finances can be an obsession for you as you need to feel secure. The biggest lesson for you in this placement is to temper the emotional chaos within. You have a deeply rooted sense of rejection and feeling as though you are somehow unworthy, and this makes it hard for you to believe that the people you care for are to be trusted. This aspect will test your romantic partnerships to help you grow as a person and show you how to truly have faith in the people you are bonded to.

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Mercury harmonizing with Neptune

(power = 4.20 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.20)

You are highly imaginative and can easily visualise whatever you can think up. You are able to make your fantasies come true by applying your excellent reasoning abilities. Topics that are related to metaphysics, the supernatural, or alternative medicine tend to appeal to you and you enthusiastically explore them. It is also possible that you are able to heal others by using your hands. You have an amazing awareness of what is going on in your mind on a subliminal level and ability to project it outwards. There is a large amount of artistic talent in this placement and when you feel properly motivated you can create truly inspirational pieces. Science, and its systematic approach, feels foreign to you and you do best in the creative realm, learning by being exposed rather than by traditional methods. Make an effort to visit areas where you can spend time near lakes, the ocean, or other bodies of water as they are a calming effect on your spirit. Extremely sensitive, you have accurate intuition and are easily inspired. It is possible for you to communicate with the spiritual world through your subconscious while asleep.

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Saturn harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 1.66 and this aspect is harmonious = 0.83)

Resilience, dedication, perseverance, and working hard allow you to achieve challenging feats. You are able to sync idealistic characteristics with realism. The challenges you encounter allow you to demonstrate your endurance when circumstances get particularly difficult; a great deal of spiritual development is likely to arise due to these difficulties. Different, unconventional, uncommon, and maybe even odd matters will attract your motivations. Rather unique individuals are thrust into your world in order to allow you opportunities to learn and expand your consciousness. You are capable of finding equilibrium between your need for independence and your obligations, enabling you to achieve incredible acts. You are detail-oriented and have a knack for organising which contribute to your success and allow you to aid others. There is an abundance of internal tension that may need to be minded as this can have a negative effect on your physical health; find a way to unwind and reduce your stress levels.

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Moon harmonizing with Jupiter

(power = 1.51 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.26)

You are generally happy, accepting, positive, laid-back, and generous. You want to spread some of the joy you feel to others, though at times you may give too much of yourself. In your mind, whatever you set out to accomplish will work out somehow and this can cause you to put in very little effort or concern. If something is difficult, you may exert only sluggish attempts of solving the issue. This is particularly true in regards to your emotions. You are also likely to indulge in tasty cuisine more than you should which causes you trouble in maintaining your figure and can lead to larger problems in the future. This placement bestows you with a pleasing personality, an idealistic viewpoint, an ethical nature, open-mindedness, good fortune, and monetary aid from friends and familial ties. You highly dislike dishonest behaviour and prefer to act honourably at all times; you have a very strong moral compass. You enjoy thinking about philosophy and can be rather devoted to your beliefs even if you do not belong to any specific religion. You are self-assured and do not suffer with the insecurities that many are plagued with; you know who you are and what you are capable of. When you do encounter trouble, it does not keep you down for long but rather you are likely to find your problems quite humorous. In fact, you try to insert a good deal of laughter and joy into your life in general. You hope to see others improving themselves and their situations and you are happy to aid them in doing so if it fosters their advancement. The main concern with this placement is to be mindful of your tendency towards laziness and over-indulgence. You are well-loved by others due to your upstanding nature.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Pisces

Pisceans are sensitive, kind, caring, unobtrusive, amiable, flexible, prophetic, private, mysterious, and altruistic with excellent intuition and a bend towards idealism (learn about compatibility with Pisces here). However, when afflicted they are capable of being overly-emotional, fickle, gullible weaklings who wallow in their own despair and cannot make a decision. Aiding others helps them achieve balance within.
In regards to love, Pisceans care about the little things and can be rather romantic. They may place their partner on a pedestal, requiring their significant other to exhibit the traits that the Piscean has attributed to them and are often left wounded when their partner inevitably fails them. Disenchantment sets in when the Piscean learns that the partner was not necessarily who they originally thought they were.
Similar to the image used to represent Pisces, the Piscean soul is pulled in opposing ways. This constant struggle can wreak havoc for a Piscean internally as they are never quite sure which path is the correct one to take, forcing them to listen solely to their gut instincts. However, dealing with the internal chaos can cause so much tension for them that they turn to escapism via over-eating, substance abuse, or other indulgences. One part of the Piscean spirit drags them into the depths of despair while the other one is always striving to purify the soul, lifting the Piscean through the dirt by self-discipline, and allowing them to obtain a great deal of wisdom from their suffering.
Pisceans must be mindful of the environment in which they surround themselves as they absorb energy without meaning to. A negative environment will have a devastating impact on them and should be avoided as much as possible. If they are able to keep the vibes around them positive, they can focus their inner talent for creativity in beneficial ways. A Piscean may be so highly attuned to what is going on around them that they will pick up on sensations and observations that most are blind to.
Pisceans may at times seem to be set on a goal, but by nature they are not very sure of themselves and their determination may quickly falter if pressed. A strong drive to achieve is not usually part of their makeup and they require a good deal of support and encouragement. Deciphering the array of complex emotions they possess is important to them. They can be very insecure, doubting their decisions at every turn; it is imperative that they develop confidence in their own capabilities.
Pisceans can be very giving of themselves and aiding others in some way helps them to stay positive. They are highly emotional people and when they are able to channel this energy to benefit others, they feel rejuvenated.
Peaceful and sensitive, Piscean tend to avoid confrontations even when they are necessary. This unfortunately leads them to be part of sticky situations that they have a difficult time escaping from. No is not a word that is easy for a Pisces to say, instead they remain in negative situations believing that if they reform somehow, all will work itself out again. They are apt to play the victim or the hero, depending on the circumstances, in order to remedy a hardship. Pisceans will usually give more weight to their heart than they would their brain when making decisions, and this can be easily manipulated by those who may not have their best interests in mind; they may empathise too readily when being told a sad tale. Their intentions are honourable, though it would be best for them to develop their rational sensibilities and learn to keep a more level head in these matters.
Pisceans can be rather private, though they are able to make social connections easily and remain faithful to them. Though they are not aggressive types, they will come to the defence of those they care about when necessary, in their own way.
A Piscean can have trouble igniting that driving force that others may have more readily available to them. This does not mean that Pisces are all lazy folk; however they do often spend more time procrastinating than actually doing what they are supposed to. Having a bit of time to themselves each day to regroup can actually motivate them to achieve more.
Creative endeavours can help to curb a Piscean’s instinct to evade the physical realm. Art in general will draw them in, whether this be through music, acting, drawing, writing…the possibilities are endless! Pisceans intuitively sense what they can and cannot do. Regrettably, this innate understanding may keep them from trying something they feel they will unable to accomplish. The Fish can easily sink into despair over a negative comment from another, even if this comment was spoken with good intentions. At times the sensitive emotions of the Piscean will project slights where there were none.
Pisceans often attempt to explain their behaviours as they are seeking true understanding from others. Unfortunately, due to their inability to handle confrontations, they will seem as though they are not being truthful while they twist words around trying to elicit an understanding of their true intentions. When they do something wrong, they would rather find a way to express their good intentions then to admit fault, even if this means being somewhat dishonest.

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Moon in Taurus

You can be a great comfort to others due to your stable emotional nature. Not many things will get under your skin; you are easy going and like to preserve harmony. It is unlikely that you will have many emotional outbursts. However, once you have become accustomed to something emotionally, it is difficult for you to alter your feelings. You desire to feel secure and this will usually stem from obtaining material assets. It is possible that you will hold on to situations from the past or be sentimental with your possessions. You crave warmth and affection, as this will help counter your insecure emotions. However, at times you may become clingy and suffocate those you are closest to. Trust and faithfulness is imperative to you in your relationships and you portray these to your loved ones. This placements denotes a tendency towards overindulgence in creature comforts and delicious foods, as this somehow sooths you deep down. Weight issues may become troublesome for you. You may use these sensual indulgences to mask a dissatisfaction or lack of affection. You are diligent, unwavering, and capable. You have a gift in nurturing and things seem to flourish around you. Practical work, possibly where you can be outdoors in nature involved in manual labour, is likely to suit you. You do not mind following others, as long as they lead with a soft hand. Disease and physical discomfort are worrisome for you, as both are things you actively detest. Do not become so comfortable that you refuse to alter a situation that needs to be altered; try to remain flexible.

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Mercury in Aquarius

Mentally, you are original, unconventional, quick, advanced, quirky, unpredictable, methodical, and perhaps a bit odd. You are not fond of tradition and prefer to be consistently engaged in finding new and different inventions in technology and science. Your view is that the human race would best settle their troubles if they trusted science and used their intellect. Inventing new theories and thinking outside of the box are so vital to you that you feel frustrated with people when they prefer the tried and true methods. You are usually one of the first to obtain the newest gadget or gizmo and are likely to be drawn to stories dealing with science and technology; these can be inspiring for you. You possess a strong drive to benefit humanity in some way, as well as a talent for keeping things in order, and you are an enthusiastic team player. You work best when you are truly fascinated with the subject at hand; for you, this means being involved with matters that are modern and inventive. Your mind is flexible, adaptable, controlled, resourceful, reasonable, and unique. It is easy for you to read others quickly and accurately, using your strong intuition you can see through their defences. You are a clear communicator and tend to think for yourself despite any challenges from others. However, at times you may come across as a tenacious, bizarre extremist.

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Venus in Pisces

You convey your affection with empathy, kindness, warmth, and consideration while adding a bit of old-fashioned romance. You are very giving by nature and wholeheartedly come to the aid of those who need it. However, be mindful not to trust others too easily as you can be easily moved by a sad tale and taken advantage of, enabling others to rely on you as their sole support. This tendency to come to another’s aid can manifest in your romantic relationships as taking on an extreme role such as the victim or the rescuer. Your romantic relationships may begin by you finding someone who is having a rough time and believing only your love can somehow save them. Those who exhibit a creative and emotionally sensitive nature are drawn to you, and you to them. You crave to be bonded with someone with whom you can have a truly meaningful union with. Shallow relationships do not appeal to you; you need something deeper, something you can put your soul into. Your views towards relationships are very idealistic and you prefer to see things through rose-tinted lenses. The beauty in a love relationship does not elude you though you must be mindful not to be in love with a vision rather than what is really there. You are a delicate soul, sensitive and at times emotionally intense, as well as creative and sympathetic. Your high sensitivity and receptivity may bring about premonitions. You avoid confrontation and therefore may agree to things you’d be better off avoiding; learn to stand up for yourself so that others do not walk all over your good intentions. You may somehow feel deep down that true love is not real unless it hurts, and so you readily sacrifice yourself.

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Mars in Pisces

You express your energy in a passive, cooperative fashion. You are likely to avoid confrontations in general, preferring to deal with issues indirectly. Being in the lime-light would only make you uncomfortable and therefore you prefer to work out of sight. Unfortunately, you will often rather lose something rather than compete for it. You are not particularly concerned with ambitious pursuits and will not engage in competition to get ahead and this can come across to others as cowardly. Being at the top is not something you would strive for and you are better suited to an assisting position, or aiding or benefiting others somehow. Realistic strategy is difficult for you and it may be a good idea to elicit help when planning ahead. Never certain what exactly it is that you want to do with your life, you wander about aimlessly in search of spiritual fulfilment. You can be quite a daydreamer with an idealistic view, possibly devoting yourself towards religion or spiritual matters. There are artistic inclinations here that can be fruitful if you are able to devote yourself to developing them. You may seem calm on the exterior, though there is a lot happening on the inside. You are also tactful and subtle with a great sense of humour and a strong intuition. However, indecision wreaks havoc in your life and you may be prone to escapism by substance abuse to avoid your duties. It is imperative that you develop self-discipline. Make an effort to create the changes you want to see in your life, do not expect life to hand them to you on a silver platter.

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Jupiter in Capricorn

You are genuine, loyal, trustworthy, capable, and resourceful with an aptitude for technical or practical tasks. You may find that you encounter reservation, restraint, and a need to venture carefully when putting forth efforts to grow and better yourself. There is an innate need to acquire material assets, though in the end this will not attribute to your joy or contentment. You may be prone to depression or isolating yourself from life and from other people. Independent and disciplined, you prefer being in positions of authority. Wastefulness is not something you can abide by easily. Achieving success will be possible only if you are able to remain honourable during your dealings; karma has a way of punishing you for any dishonourable behaviour.

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Saturn in Virgo

Your nature is best described as diligent, hard-working, precise, effective, methodical, orderly, timid, frugal, prompt, and academically inclined. Your reasonable mind and administrative talents allow you to become a leader, however you are often too exacting and demanding of others. You are able to do routine, monotonous projects without complaint as you enjoy details and have no trouble focusing on your tasks. You enjoy investigating and probing for answers as to why things work the way they do; you may also be suited to mathematics. You have a tendency to worry about your health to an extreme and may easily fall into gloominess and despair. Cleanliness and organisation are paramount to you and this extends to your work environment. You may find that you isolate yourself from others as you often prefer to be on your own. Mentally alert, you require a good deal of mental stimulation so as to keep you from becoming disinterested in life; boredom may cause anxiety for you. Try to be more accepting of others rather than expecting that they display your perfectionistic standards.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 7th house

When choosing a partner, you are likely to prefer someone who is highly respectable and high up on the social scale. You want your relationship to somehow boost your social status, as pride is important to you; you need to be able to admire your partner.
It is important to you that your partner inspires you to be yourself and helps bring forward your strong willpower and artistic capabilities. Feeling a strong need for security in your relationships, you are often drawn to someone assertive who works in a reputable position. This sort of person helps you to become more self-assured and allows you to increase your own sense of authority.
Equality is a key theme in your relationships, as any sort of imbalance of power will resort in conflict for you. Both parties must make sure to be fair when collaborating with one another. Feeling as though you belong together as a team and as family are important to you.
Marriage and relationships play a significant role in your life. You are likely to expect your partner be the assertive element in your partnership as you are more reactive than proactive. You may have a preoccupation with finding a substitute for the male parental figure in your life and at times insist your significant other fill these shoes.
The way your Sun is aspected will determine the sort of partners you will attract. With a well aspected Sun, you will attract those that are considerate, honest, confident, strong-willed, honourable, and motivated to succeed. However, if your Sun is negatively aspected, you will instead attract selfish, pretentious, and controlling partners.
The greatest obstacles you face in a successful relationship are your insistence that things are done your way, as well as being arrogantly prideful.

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Moon in 9th house

You find security in your philosophies and beliefs. You tend to daydream about a life different from your own; the grass is always greener. Often thinking on the deeper meaning in life, you strive to find new ventures which propel you to go on prolonged adventures, whether these travels are mental or physical. Interested in a variety of topics and subjects, you would make an excellent educator as you can muster up heart-felt enthusiasm for the matter being discussed. It is possible that you have prophetic dreams. You are likely to be interested in a career that involves higher education, religious or philosophical studies, travelling, foreign affairs, moral values, or law. You may need to relocate to an area far from your birth place in order to succeed in your endeavours.

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Mercury in 6th house

You are naturally inclined towards analysis of any kind. Detail-oriented and high-strung, you can find yourself switching careers or work environments frequently. It is likely that you are interested in working with technology or in the health field. You would be unhappy in a career that would force you to follow the same routine, day in and day out; you crave diversity. Be mindful not to worry yourself into an ill state, as you are prone to over-thinking and nervous energy.

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Venus in 7th house

Friendly, outgoing, and full of charm; you thrive in social situations. Others generally enjoy your company and relationships in general tend to be pleasant and easy for you. You may need to be mindful that you are not being taken advantage of, as you may not stand up for yourself due to an aversion to any sort of conflict. You are probably drawn to someone who is financially successful and physically attractive. You want to be able to spend time together enjoying all of the luxury life has to offer. Make sure to keep your expectations of others realistic.
You truly value partnerships, although acquiring affection may be a little too important to you. Imbalance is something that you need to look out for, as you may expect too much from your partner and relationship. Try not to make a mountain out of a molehill.
You strive to find a romantic partner that will provide you with all of the luxuries life has to offer. You are looking to indulge and are seeking someone who will supply you with the opportunity. Marriage often raises your social status. Be mindful not to become too engrossed in sensualities as they may lead you to trouble. You despise conflict much preferring your partner to be less aggressive and more accommodating. If Venus is negatively aspected, you may need to be careful that your partner’s moral values are as honourable as they seem.

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Mars in 7th house

Self-sufficient, you are often stubborn in your desire to have things done the way you want them done. It is important that you learn how to negotiate in a harmonious fashion, as you can seem abrasive to others. Try to better collaborate in your interactions.
Partnerships stimulate and invigorate your energy and drive. You prefer a lively partner that will join you on life’s great adventures. This person may be competitive, aggressive, or combative as you enjoy someone who will dare you to defy your limitations. The competitive vibe between your partner and yourself runs high; it would be best for you to direct this energy into positive outlets or the high voltage may destroy you or your partnership.
There is a tendency to poke and prod others as a way to test their reactions. You enjoy a friendly opposition or contest with another. The thrill of pursuing something often intrigues and stimulates you more than what you achieve in the end. What you desire most is to engage in combat with your partner, who wins the battle is of no consequence to you. The person you marry will need to be feisty, optimistic, energetic, adept, brave, and bold.
This placement suggests the native will enter into a passionate, romantic love early in life as a result of being suddenly “love struck” by another. The partner may be some sort of victor or defender of the people. If Mars is negatively aspected, you are likely to make a rash decision in regards to your marriage union, rushing in head first without reservations, only to regret your actions.
There may be difficulties and tension in the partnerships due to the partners’ intolerant, demanding temperament, often expressing elements of over-indulgence, recklessness, and violent behaviour.
To best succeed in your marriage partnership, it is essential that you practice using harmonious, diplomatic means when striving towards an objective, rather than using excessive force, aggressive tactics, and one-upmanship as you are prone to do.

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Jupiter in 5th house

This placement bestows a great deal of luck in romantic involvements and life situations where children are involved. Cheerful and enthusiastic, you derive pleasure from educating those around you. Your creativity will play a large part in your joy and prosperity, as you are strongly inclined to contribute substantially with your artistic abilities. There is a good indication that you will be fortunate in regards to children though you may need to be careful with an indulgent nature leading to gambling problems that may spur forth many rumours about your reputation.

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Saturn in 1st house

Others see you as controlled with a good deal of discipline. You have a more serious nature and tend to be a bit reserved with others, preferring a cool demeanour. This may be due to a harsh or difficult childhood, possibly even an illness that held you back. You are plagued with insecurity and feelings of inadequacy, often believing you were never truly loved. Frequently things seem like a struggle to you and this gives way to a pessimistic view leading you to sometimes struggle with depression. Fortunately, you are very dutiful and a hard worker which allows you to power through whatever obstacle that comes your way. There is a tendency to greater luck in the later stages of life versus the earlier ones, therefore keep moving forward as your hard work will eventually pay off.

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Uranus in 10th house

You are likely to work freelance or be your own boss, as you are largely self-sufficient and dislike a traditional work environment. It is easy for you to cope with the instability involved with working for yourself; predictable, dull, monotonous work is not for you. You crave variety or doing something unusual. There may be some difficulty with authority figures in the work place as well, due to your tendency to rebel against any commands. Your inventive nature drives you to work in technology, mechanics, or theoretical concepts; whatever you choose will express your creativity and strong intuitive abilities. This placement indicates unexpected shifts in career success.

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Neptune in 2nd house

Very imaginative with sensitive cognitive abilities that are almost mystical; your intuition is highly accurate and helps you to explore what you are naturally gifted at doing. You appreciate beauty more than most and tend to dream with intensity. Money is not much of a concern for you and you may find the topic of funds to be puzzling. You tend towards certain extremes, either you show a great deal of generosity, or you find yourself behaving in a deceitful manner. Be mindful not to participate in risky financial endeavours. Karma seems to play a role for you, as you may find that if you do not have genuinely good intentions, you will experience material losses through deceptive actions from others. However, if you are honest in your dealings, your finances will steady. Try to always be upfront when handling these matters.

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Pluto in 12th house

Knowledge and quest for truth are important to you as you are trying to comprehend life’s purpose. There is a possibility that you feel trapped in your life and want to find a way to transcend your present reality. You may experience sudden disruptions and challenges in order to reset you and guide you back to the route you were supposed to be travelling. Seclusion from humanity to re-examine thyself is also likely. You may find yourself as defender of the underdog. Working alone, out of observation from the general public, and aiding others may appeal to you.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Pisces 15

Sabian Symbol: An officer of the military instructing his troops before a battle.
Kozminsky Symbol: Two men on a mountain lookout, one scanning nervously at the horizon, the other is fallen on the ground in the penetrating sun.

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Moon in 
Taurus 18

Sabian Symbol: A woman is airing a linen bag out her window to give it sunshine and fresh air.
Kozminsky Symbol: Two knights rush toward each other, one on a white horse, the other on a black horse while a gaudy herald blows a trumpet.

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Mercury in 
Aquarius 19

Sabian Symbol: A forest fire is smoky but not dangerous any longer.
Kozminsky Symbol: A sunset is shining on a waterfall, iluminating it to golden water.

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Venus in 
Pisces 5

Sabian Symbol: A church bazaar has begun.
Kozminsky Symbol: A Roman military commander’s tent is filled with an abundance of food and drink.

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Mars in 
Pisces 18

Sabian Symbol: The crowd watches as a revivalist gives a performance.
Kozminsky Symbol: Caught in a spider web, a fly is seized by the inhabitant.

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Jupiter in 
Capricorn 25

Sabian Symbol: Little boys allowed to play in an Oriental rug store.
Kozminsky Symbol: A dagger lies in the center of documents that a man opens up.

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Saturn in 
Virgo 2

Sabian Symbol: A large white cross sits isolated on top of a mountain with significant presence.
Kozminsky Symbol: An approaching storm shows up in the clouds covering half of the moon.

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Uranus in 
Gemini 27

Sabian Symbol: A young gypsy emerges out of the woods and appreciates the spreading vista before him.
Kozminsky Symbol: Seated at a table, the man looks at his broken violin strings with sadness.

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Neptune in 
Libra 15

Sabian Symbol: Machine parts are layed out in a circle.
Kozminsky Symbol: A man leaves a dinner table trying to remember something.

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Pluto in 
Leo 15

Sabian Symbol: A Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans moves along the street with spectacular floats and pageantry.
Kozminsky Symbol: A large spectacular diamond sits on a massive black rock.

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Ascendant in 
Leo 29

Sabian Symbol: A mermaid rises out of the sea in order to take her place into humanity.
Kozminsky Symbol: Climbing a ladder with many others, a man leads the way to a figure holding out for him a wreath of stars.

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Midheaven in 
Taurus 19

Sabian Symbol: A new continent of fresh and green forests is rising out of the ocean.
Kozminsky Symbol: Dressed in red, an archer fires arrows at the Moon.

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Pis 14° 45' 51"
1° 00' 05"
00" N
6° 00' 08" S
Tau 17° 42' 44"
12° 07' 21"
1° 53' 57" N
18° 56' 32" N
Aqu 18° 21' 60"
1° 12' 30"
1° 01' 29" S
16° 18' 14" S
Pis 04° 04' 21"
1° 14' 49"
1° 18' 49" S
11° 14' 35" S
Pis 17° 17' 13"
47' 09"
56' 05" S
5° 53' 04" S
Cap 24° 12' 21"
11' 12"
7' 04" S
21° 23' 48" S
Vir 01° 50' 41" R
- 4' 39"
1° 47' 13" N
12° 29' 27" N
Gem 26° 30' 26"
12' 40" N
23° 36' 48" N
Lib 14° 34' 13" R
- 1' 22"
1° 37' 08" N
4° 15' 07" S
Leo 14° 42' 57" R
- 1' 12"
7° 51' 05" N
23° 55' 07" N
Sag 08° 53' 23"
1' 37"
3° 58' 27" N
17° 51' 47" S
Pis 25° 22' 39"
6' 40"
2° 47' 04" S
4° 23' 35" S
True Node
Ari 26° 17' 29"
1' 38"
00" N
10° 09' 06" N
P. of Fortune
Sco 01° 53' 30"
Cap 25° 57' 44"
Leo 28° 56' 36"
Vir 18° 55' 17"
Lib 14° 59' 56"
Sco 18° 41' 29"
Sag 27° 08' 18"
Aqu 01° 26' 16"
Aqu 28° 56' 36"
Pis 18° 55' 17"
Ari 14° 59' 56"
Tau 18° 41' 29"
Gem 27° 08' 18"
Leo 01° 26' 16"
True Node
P. of Fortune
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
P. of Fortune
True Node
True Node
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