Birth Chart: Mariana Faye Krueger (Cancer)

Hint: Ever asked yourself What Zodiac sign am I? Then take this quiz to check what is your Zodiac personality!

Astrological Natal Chart
Mariana Faye Krueger

Born at San Antonio TX, USA
Thursday, July 07, 1988
09:15 (time zone = GMT -5 hours)
98w30, 29n25

Fact: Cancer dates are between June 21 and July 22. Check the Cancer dates to find out.


At the exact minute of your birth, the astrological sign that is rising on the eastern horizon is designated the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant is how you dawn on the world, how you present yourself to others. If someone were to guess your astrological sun sign, they would guess it based on what you show the world, which is your rising sign. It’s the characteristics and personality traits that you put forth for all to see. It’s the stained glass window that you project outward for the rest of your chart to flow through.

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LEO rising

Those with a Leo rising are typically giving, prideful, emotionally reactive, outgoing, loud, narcissistic, brave, confident, dramatic, romantic, and they are excellent showmen. They tend to go about like royalty, taking care of their “subjects” and expecting complete devotion from them. You have vitality and can be a bit of a risk taker, sometimes too much so. Extremely prideful, the biggest insult someone can throw at you would be to your ego. Appreciation is also something you require in order to feel satisfied. You can come off as loud and tough, but inside you are a big softie. When you care, you are easily wounded. In regards to a romantic partner, you would prefer that they are someone who will make you proud, and you in turn would like to foster this sort of reaction from them. You are very loyal to those you care for and would protect them fiercely if ever need be. Your anger can flare up suddenly but luckily this tends to resolve quickly and you are back to being your merry self again. Dramatic displays tickle your fancy and you can be somewhat of a drama queen or king yourself. Being in the limelight, all eyes focused on you is not only comfortable for you but you seek this attention out. At times you can be inflexible and unyielding, but you do this in a jovial way. It is unlikely that you will ever forget a slight, particularly if your ego is damaged, though you will usually forgive. You are rather sporty and enjoy being out in nature. You have an excellent drive and cheerful disposition, however if something goes wrong in your love relationship, it can zap the life out of you. Having warmth and love in your life is crucial to you. When discouraged, you may lose your willpower to live. A lesson you will need to learn during your lifetime is to be more humble. Leo is ruled by the Sun and therefore it’s placement in your chart will be significant.

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Shhh! Cancer regards sex as the finest way in which two persons devoted to one another can show their love. So, it’s almost a sacred thing. Read all about Cancer sexuality here.


If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.

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Saturn blending with Uranus

(power = 9.66 and this aspect is discordant = -4.83)

This placement can either muddle things up or pull forth a magnetic quality, contingent upon the rest of your horoscope. There is a battle going on inside, the conformist versus the rebel, traditionalist versus the progressive, the realist versus the dreamer, conventional versus the alternative. Pressure builds up while you are fighting within, this then that then back again. There is an opportunity with this placement to combine these traits in a way that will be beneficial to humanity in some way. Much hard work will be required to achieve this goal, but it is definitely attainable. You are able to create progressive changes by dedicating yourself to an idea. You complete the things you start as you can instinctively feel which methods would be best used to realistically attain these feats. Allow yourself the time needed as you can become impatient and burst emotionally during stressful moments, only to feel regretful once your temper calms down. It is important that you develop a way to sooth yourself during these moments as they may cause you to act rashly. Much of your outrage is due to your tendency to keep your emotions bottled up until you cannot control them any further, and then you erupt. You need to learn how to express these feelings in more positive ways before they reach an intolerable level. Consider visualisation, breathing techniques, or meditative exercises to channel your tension.

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Mercury discordant to Saturn

(power = 9.51 and this aspect is discordant = -14.26)

Mentally you are systematic, methodical, focused, resourceful, and able to dive into the deepest of waters. You may not come to your conclusions quickly, but they are fully thought out once you do finally get to them. You prefer to study on your own where you can fully concentrate and go at your own pace. You definitely have your viewpoints, though you are unlikely to share them with others until you have turned every stone and thought through every angle of a situation. Naturally sceptical and careful, you are also prone to negative thinking and can become depressed more easily than others. Generally, you try to conserve your efforts as best you can. You are not usually open to new ideas unless they have been proven through methodical means and therefore tend to disbelieve most of the concepts you come across. You would do well in careers that require sorting through and gathering data in a systematic manner, as you possess excellent organisational skills. In social situations you tend to keep to yourself and are quiet, observant, and stern faced, preferring to stay out of the meaningless chit-chat that most would engage in. For you, if it does not produce something you can use or hold on to, it is not worth investing yourself in. Your communication style is confident and respectable. You are naturally organised and would do well in managerial positions. You keep your feet on the ground and know what you want, however showing your emotions does not come easily to you. Make sure you keep an eye on your teeth as they are susceptible to enamel issues.
There is a chance that you may develop cruel behaviour patterns. You will often worry about things that are unlikely to come to pass or things in which you have no control over. Rather than worrying over these things, you should concentrate on making plans. You do not trust whatever you are unfamiliar with or haven’t had a chance to fully think through in a slow, reasonable manner. Try to be more open-minded to what others are saying so as to counter your naturally pessimistic attitude. Conveying your thoughts is challenging for you and people are often confused by what you are expressing, though you are just as perplexed by their communication. Your approach to things tends to be very traditional and you prefer sticking to the tried-and-true instead of venturing out into something different and unexplored. However, it would be beneficial for you to give fresh ideas a chance every once in a while. At times you can convince yourself that your less-than-wholesome methods are correct because you believe so strongly in something that you are blind to the process and only see the end result. You can be a bit of an extremist when engrossed in your projects; every detail must be perfect. Cut yourself, and others, some slack sometimes as not every tiny fragment of each endeavour needs to be fussed over. You are susceptible to problems with your nerves due to your tendency to work yourself too hard. Do your best to limit stressors and take time to relax.

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Mercury discordant to Uranus

(power = 9.16 and this aspect is discordant = -9.16)

Your thinking is lightning fast. Extremely original with strong intuition, you have an inventive mind that is always concocting fresh methods. You are a progressive, alternative, non-conformist who insists on having the utmost independence to express yourself. You are endlessly excited by new concepts, experiments, and technology. Patience will need to be developed as you can be short-tempered with those who do not have as quick of a mind as you happen to be blessed with. Abstract theories are easy for you to understand and you would do well working in the field of science or mechanics. You are gifted with cleverness and ingenuity, perception and intelligence. You may find yourself drawn to the metaphysical realm or to mechanics. Astrological topics may be of interest as well. Naturally your spirit is a bit on edge, and you should try to find methods to calm your nerves. You prefer to have a variety of different things happening to you all at once or else boredom will quickly set in. Your mind needs to have something fresh and interesting to ponder and dissect. Often you will find new concepts coming to you seemingly out of thin air, and this is your intuition at work. Travelling will provide much of the stimulation you crave and you excel in situations that require you to think on your feet, where you must adapt, and where the outcomes are uncertain. You are self-sufficient and fiercely independent.
However, despite the above, you can reject any concept or manner of thinking that does not adhere to the conclusions you have come to previously. Be careful not to spread yourself too thin mentally, and try to concentrate on something long enough to complete it. This tendency to try to do too much at one time can cause you to act on impulse, recklessly jumping around from situation to situation. You can be very sceptical of the concepts that other people express to you. You are happy to entertain fresh ideas, though only if you do not feel pressured, in which case you are likely to rebel against them. The way someone approaches you is important. Try to keep in mind that many times people are not meaning to pressure you and that you are just highly sensitive to any sort of perceived demand on your mental freedom. Allow yourself to openly entertain notions that may differ from your own views. In addition, it would be beneficial for you to develop enough self-control to stick to an idea or project until you have completed it. At times you can behave as though the world or the people in it owe you something. They do not. Remove your ego and detach yourself from this way of thinking.

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Mercury discordant to Mars

(power = 7.52 and this aspect is discordant = -9.40)

You combine cleverness and craftiness in order to get the most you can out of others so as to benefit yourself. You are mentally attentive, sharp, and enjoy a good verbal sparring match. At times you can speak too quickly or bluntly, and would do well to slow down a bit. You also tend to take out revenge on others by verbally cutting them down. When you become angry these attacks can become particularly explosive, involving insults and intense rants. Your assertive communication insists that others come around to share your viewpoints, though you are unlikely to be open theirs. It is important for you to develop self-control and a way to express your desires in a reasonable fashion, rather than letting them run away with you. If you are able to redirect the tension you feel inside into creative endeavours, you will save yourself lots of trouble with other people as you are prone to starting fights when tension builds up within you. You often criticise those closest to you when you are in a bad mood and this habit may burn many bridges. Most conversations quickly turn into arguments with you and it would be a good idea to go into a career where this personality trait is an asset rather than a hindrance, for instance as a human/animal rights activist, upholding the law, or possibly where a no-holds-barred critique is required. Reading appeals to you and it is likely that you are skilled in written communication or creative writing.
It is difficult for you to contain your high energy long enough for you to calmly stay in one place and you will instead fidget around until you are actively engaged in something. This lends to you preferring to work on a variety of different endeavours at once as you lose interest quickly otherwise, though you rarely see any of these projects through to completion. However, it is important that you allow yourself a chance to relax and unwind or you will wear yourself out mentally. When pressure within you reaches a pique you will explode outwardly, often without reason. Logic is difficult for you to find when you are angry, your thoughts tend to be muddled during this time, and you are not able to rationally convey why you are feeling such rage. Your nervousness can make you susceptible to physical ailments that are usually associated with stress; make a conscious effort to relax every day and try not to take on more work than you can realistically handle. Your volatile temper can also create trouble with your heart. Often you go about each day in a busy manner, speeding about though getting very little done. Learn to pace yourself.

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Mars discordant to Saturn

(power = 6.99 and this aspect is discordant = -12.23)

Yours is a contradictory balancing act between a strong force towards action and cautious reserve. If this placement is expressed negatively, you can be merciless and act without heart. Inside yourself you store every slight that has ever been afflicted upon you. Feeling resentful and angry, you remember each hurt and refuse to bestow forgiveness. You are vengeful, plotting ways to repay those who have hurt you, though you may not actually act upon these musings. This placement will also bestow you with great ambitious and dedication. Challenges will not deter you as you can work very diligently, persevering beyond what most others would be capable of. However, the most common impact of this placement will make you emotionally fickle, going from warm to cool rather suddenly, or it will provide you constant trials so as to assess your character. The general feel of this placement is not necessarily pleasing, though it may bring to you advantageous abilities that allow you to survive extremely difficult situations, and that is worth quite a lot. If you are able to get through the tension that this placement provides, you will find yourself a very strong person indeed.
When you focus diligently towards one aspiration you are able to achieve a great deal. The path can be quite hard on you however, and you will feel as though you are left with the burden of the entire task on your own. You are able to call upon an impressive amount of self-restraint and discipline when needed although you may criticise yourself harshly, feeling that you are never quite good enough and heaven forbid it if you were to make a mistake. At times, the doubt you feel within can damage opportunities for success. If you are involved with a long term endeavour you may find yourself feeling defeated when the project does not advance quickly enough for your liking. When you attempt to assert yourself, you are often met with opposition. This can lead to you feeling as though you are inferior in comparison to others. You must develop a way to channel the inner feelings of aggravation you possess or they will lead to you feeling as though you may burst at any moment. Often when this burst does occur, it is directed at the people you feel most bonded to. Be careful not to generate resentment in your loved ones; they are not a doormat for you to wipe your dirty feet on. It might be best for you to labour alone. This placement is likely to produce many interruptions, postponements, and challenges regarding your plans; be patient.
You must find equilibrium between your wants or wishes, and the responsibilities that you are obliged to. Pursuing your longings is likely to cause others to view you as self-centred, foolish, and undependable. However, if you restrain yourself completely from pursuing your inner wants, you might not be able to keep yourself from ripping at the seams; both areas need to be catered to. Unfortunately, due to this tension, you feel angry and irritated because you believe that your decisions are somehow made for you and you are unable to engage in what is most pleasing for you. These resentments keep building and cause you to emote negatively, often in spite and mockery. It may help you to write down the things that you are obligated to do first and make sure you get them done. Next write down what you would most like to do for pleasure and start on those. This way you have a clearly defined path towards accomplishing both types of endeavours and are not fighting with yourself, causing delay due to frustration by indecision. Highly detail-oriented and organised, you make sure that the work you take on is done right.
In addition to the above, one of the lessons given in the placement is for you to be aware of and appreciate just how beautiful life can really be. Many times you are unable to see the positive things going on around you because you are so bogged down by the difficulties that you face on a regular basis. Life can be cold and harsh at times but, as with everything, there must be balance. Every yin has its yang and the harshness must be tempered by love and beauty, both of which can be found all around you if you only LOOK. You require warmth and care though these things may not be abundant in your life. If you want more love in your life you must be able to express your own feelings to other people, something that can be particularly difficult for you to do. Previous hurts are not easily forgotten by you and you may carry with you a deep emotional wound, creating a detached, reserved demeanour that others may find impenetrable. This sombre attitude can baffle others as they are unable to read you.
As mentioned previously, you have a tendency towards keeping any negative feelings secured within until they reach a boiling point and burst forth. Holding in your anger will only cause you harm, whether this be mentally, emotionally, or physically; you are susceptible to disorders affecting the organs that are responsible for cleaning your system and must be mindful of your kidneys and gallbladder. Furthermore, it would be beneficial for you to monitor your wants as they can become destructive and uncontrollable if left to their own devices. It is also possible that you will find it difficult to complete tasks that you have started as your determination wavers as time carries on. Another influence with this placement is an inclination towards adopting an unsympathetic, cold-hearted, self-centred approach where you will only help others if you are able to benefit from doing so.

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Mars discordant to Uranus

(power = 6.64 and this aspect is discordant = -8.30)

You are vibrant, innovative, unique, quick-witted, observant, anxious, self-sufficient, wild, hasty, and possess good mechanical skills. Others may need to watch out when you become angry as this can happen rather suddenly and the process can destroy everything around you. Inwardly you have a craving towards reforming old traditions whether or not these changes will be beneficial; you have a rebellious nature. There is a restlessness within you that causes you to be always on the move, looking for new adventures. Dangerous situations and risky ventures do not deter you and you may find these even more exciting for being so. Often you are impatient and insist that you have your way the moment you decide on something. Many times you will follow your own course without thought to how it may affect anyone or anything else. Others may view you as selfish and arrogant. You have a tough time sticking to any course long-term as you are unsure what it is that you are actually trying to accomplish.
Working as a team is difficult for you though it would be highly beneficial for you to develop a way to compromise with others. You communicate your wishes directly and perhaps at times bluntly; others are usually aware where they stand with you and what you are looking for. You require a great deal of independence to be able to do things as you see fit and if things do not go the way you envisioned, you can burst forth with anger; working for yourself or in solitude is probably best for you. This placement insists that you develop a way to be patient with others and if you refuse to, fate will throw you into circumstances that will force your hand. Volatile situations, and people, are drawn to you so as to show you how to manoeuvre in them. Trust in your intuition as it is particularly strong and usually accurate. You are prone to accidental injuries and mistakes due to your inability to pace yourself, always rushing ahead without thinking; try to come with a tentative plan in the least. This is the lesson you are required to learn with this placement, in addition to developing discipline and self-restraint.

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Mars harmonizing with Jupiter

(power = 6.64 and this aspect is harmonious = 8.30)

You are confident, driven, and enthusiastic. You are of the mindset that if you try hard enough to achieve a goal, you will eventually do so. There is an awareness of when things should be done and an intuition regarding what methods would be effective, and which ones would not be. Competition can be fun for you and you remain cheerful throughout the challenge. However, this competition is mostly done on your own, as you like to push yourself farther than you have before. Revenge is not something that you usually engage in as you prefer to let go of whatever wrongs others have done you. What you find truly interesting are things that broaden your mind, such as higher learning, spiritual matters, philosophical concepts, or travel. Being active and out in nature appeals to your adventurous spirit. If you could develop self-discipline, you are likely to do well in sporty activities. You exude positivity and greet the world with enthusiasm. Money comes easily to you and therefore you are likely to waste it too readily. You give of yourself and your possessions freely. What happens in the future is not troubling to you as you trust in the universe to provide you with your necessities. Others see you as honourable and honest in your dealings. It is rare that you allow anger to dwell within you for very long; usually you are apt to let things go easily as you believe that staying upset would only be wasteful. When times are tough, you are still able to maintain your optimism and continue to be kind and considerate towards others.

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Moon harmonizing with Uranus

(power = 6.47 and this aspect is harmonious = 6.47)

Mentally you are responsive, unique, perceptive, imaginative, and think on your feet. You can do well to channel your energies into inventing something progressive or unusual and you are drawn to mystical subjects. Astrology or technological topics fascinate you. Your sense of humour is a bit eccentric at times and you may behave in a surprising manner or poke fun at yourself just to get others to react. You feel a strong pull towards intensely emotive circumstances or anything thrilling and different. You demand your independence and hate to be tied down to anything that will limit it. However, you are often forced to adapt quickly to a variety of different circumstances that can pop up at random for you. Your notions are usually fresh and innovative, and usually can be applied in a way that would strongly benefit humanity. You are also able to view every aspect of a situation fairly. Although, you are often impatient, get bored easily, and do not finish what you have started. Others find you amusing and unique, and you are usually very lucky. Whatever is a deviation from the norm will tend to draw you in, for you seek the exhilaration of trying something you have not experienced before. You are able to see the benefit in monitoring your temper and feelings.

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Moon harmonizing with Saturn

(power = 6.13 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.06)

You like to keep your feelings under a tight reign. This placement helps to balance your feelings even when circumstances are difficult. Others may be frantic during these times, yet you remain calm and collected. You are reasonable and unbiased during stressful situations which help you to solve the underlying issue amidst emotional chaos. This placement allows you to concentrate more effectively. You do not skirt your duties and people know they can rely on you to do what you have committed to doing. You are loyal to those in your circle and to the people you feel close to, supporting them behind the scenes. You dislike being idle and enjoy watching the fruit of your labour. Mentally you tend to stick to the conservative route, letting tradition guide you. Frivolous thoughts for the sake of fun are not really your cup of tea; you take a more sombre approach. However, you are not always able to show your feelings towards those you care for. It would be beneficial if you could develop a more open manner and convey these inner emotions outwardly to them somehow. You are independent and methodical, as well as having a good ability to organise, handle money and business, and behave diplomatically when interacting with people. You are very patient and willing to persevere until you have reached your goal. You are ethical, dutiful, faithful, and fair.

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Sun discordant to Neptune

(power = 5.96 and this aspect is discordant = -5.96)

You often procrastinate with daydreams when you should be working. Many times you avoid challenging tasks entirely, expecting them to disappear somehow. You tend to imagine that your worries are greater than they are or spend countless hours obsessing over problems that never come to pass. Very creative, you feel pulled to channel your energy into artistic pursuits, though they never seem to get off the ground as you do not possess sufficient motivation and diligence. The mystical realm tends to fascinate you though you must be mindful not to become engrossed in negative spiritual endeavours such as calling on dark spirits, hypnosis, and the like, as they will bring you trouble.
Self-restraint is not your strong point and you have a difficult time saying no to temptations. You are likely to have issues with substance abuse at some point in your life, though you need to curb these cravings as they will only bring you grief. You can be a bit delusional and would do well to develop some practicality; you need to keep your feet on the ground if you are to accomplish anything. Your empathy is deep and you are always willing to come to the aid of others. However, your sensitive emotions can be easily abused by those who may play the victim just to take advantage of your kindness. These situations have the potential to drag you down drastically. Keep in mind that you are in control of your own destiny and these people cannot harm you without you allowing them to. Focus on learning how to turn people down when your intuition warns you that they may not be worth trusting.
Finding your direction in life may prove challenging for you as you have trouble concentrating on any one specific point. You are prone to romanticism, nostalgia, and reacting emotionally. Your spirituality can be blinded by material desires. You are strongly affected by your environment and must pay attention to what sorts of circumstances you engage in. Physically you are sensitive to medication in general and should be mindful of how much of it you take, even when given a prescription from the doctor.
A quiet, non-confrontational nature can make it difficult for you to get ahead in life. Your tendency to fantasise breeds delusion, either from yourself or by other people. One of your life lessons is to learn how to defend your values and beliefs, despite potential controversy. Your sensitive feelings are easily wounded by others and you often evade any sort of disagreement, preferring to sweep things under the rug. You are likely to view others with rose-coloured glasses, placing them on a pedestal and seeing only their fine points. When they eventually disappoint you, you are crushed. You must enjoy other people for who they actually are rather than what you want them to be, flaws and all. Past life karma may place hidden adversaries in your path to account for dishonourable acts from the past; be cautious of who you trust.

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Neptune harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 4.82 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.82)

Those born in your generation have the ability to be of aid to humanity as a whole. Let your intuition guide you in assisting others.

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Sun harmonizing with Pluto

(power = 4.14 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.14)

You believe in yourself and in your skills to achieve the things you set out for, feeling that you are capable of withstanding any challenge you should encounter in your life. You are ready and able to overcome whatever you need to in order to survive, even if this means changing your own tendencies to do so. A strong will coupled with great discipline promise that you will rise to great heights. You have an excellent ability to persevere against all odds and can be quite resourceful as well. These skills are put to good use when you make the necessary alterations to the outdated systems in your path. You will fight for justice, whether for yourself or when you see others being treated unfairly. You are a leader with a superb capacity for managerial duties. Others turn to you when they need guidance and you put them on the correct path. Very dedicated, you go after your objectives with complete focus, intensely moving forward in an almost obsessive fashion. Those who skirt away from their troubles tend to rub you the wrong way as you are inclined to see them as weak and find it difficult to give much weight to their views, concerns, or to them as a person. You firmly believe that your fate is what you make it and hold others to the same standard. Very perceptive, your intuition quickly picks up on the truth of a situation. You are aware of the destruction that pessimism can cause and therefore passionately and diligently work to unravel these thoughts, applying the same conviction and purpose that you would with everything you do. Those around you intuit your strength and capabilities, treating you as though you have already reached the top.

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Moon harmonizing with Mercury

(power = 1.63 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.63)

Your memory is superb and you can quickly recall previous moments in time and all of the details involved, including other people. There may be talent in teaching or speaking to the public as you put forth a great deal of emotional energy towards communicating your thoughts. You value education and try your best to gather as much data as you can, attempting to always be in the know when it comes to progressive advances. You would also make for a good therapist because of your excellent listening skills and your non-judgemental attitude towards people’s troubles. People feel nurtured by you and you inspire them to believe in their abilities. You pick up on the subtleties and the unspoken words others have trouble communicating outright, allowing you to convey outwardly the things that will truly help people. Try to make it a habit of writing down your experiences and responses, as this can allow for some personal growth when you look back on them in the future. There may be a skill in linguistics. Mentally you are logical and your thinking is not muddled by your feelings as your mind and emotional state work together harmoniously. Often times, it may seem as though you are speaking other people’s thoughts as they are thinking them, or sometimes even before they are made aware of them, as you are highly attune to other people’s emotional energy. People take comfort in this ability because they can be sure that you really do comprehend their situation. You are able to use the written or spoken word to express your thoughts and the concepts you have created in your mind. All forms of communication appeal to you, as does travelling. You prefer your life to be full of changes and various new experiences so that your mind has something to contemplate and there is always something new to express or feel. You may wish to try your hand as a writer due to this placement bestowing clarity of mind.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question ‘how?’ How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.

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Sun in Cancer

Cancers do not enjoy approaching situations in a straight line, but rather prefer moving indirectly (learn about compatibility with Cancer here). They feel more comfortable when they can come towards something from a hidden angle and may take their time expressing themselves. However, their emotionality is anything but slow and steady. They are prone to dramatically intense emotional reactions as their mood seems to blow with the wind. The people closest to them are likely to feel confused by the speed at which they change from cheerful to melancholic to angry.
Typically a Cancer is diligent, friendly, empathetic, determined, protecting, and frugal, as well as quarrelsome, emotionally delicate, moody, instinctive, possibly even psychic, with a tendency to sacrifice themselves for others.
A Cancer will tend to react emotionally rather than mentally. They need to be in harmonious environments as they will easily soak up the energies of those around them. Due to their sensitive emotional natures, it is likely that they consistently try to elicit responses of kindness, caring, and empathy from others; they crave regular emotional reassurance. They can be a bit of a homebody as the home, and those in it, are a sanctuary for them. Their ties to those closest to them are so important that they often become co-dependent on their loved ones, needing to spend as much time with them as possible and the loved ones may begin to feel suffocated, requiring their own space.
Cancers are naturally inconsistent in their emotions and therefore can easily alter their views, thoughts, decisions, and the like. However, they have less energy than the average person and will tend towards doing things a bit more slowly in general. Exercise is usually something they must force themselves to do as they do not usually enjoy it for its own merit. Unfortunately, this adds to a problem with weight gain as they age. A Cancer may increase their physical activity by utilising their strong emotional nature; channelling their intensity correctly can indeed create much needed get up and go for these personalities.
Cancers remember a great deal more than most and this tied with their emotional sentimentality causes them to often sit around daydreaming about the past and what once was. However, this also manifests as hording and clinging to their belongings, unable to throw anything out as if this would somehow mean they are throwing away a piece of their past.
Family is extremely important to a Cancer and they will work very hard to provide comfort and security for those they love. They may travel at times but will always return to their home base and those closest to them. Home is home, and they will not go too long without checking in.
Traditional and often conventional, though they find themselves over-thinking and focusing too much on possible difficulties in the future. Often they deal with these worries internally and may develop problems with the lining of their stomach from the stress. They instinctively feel that they are always one step away from danger and may be extra cautious because of it, paying attention to the situation around them in a suspicious manner. It would be most beneficial for them to develop a way to curb their emotional reactions.

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Moon in Aries

Flexibility and a tendency towards being fickle during your assertions are prevalent in this placement. You are quick to anger and may come across recurrent disturbances due to your moods. There is a predisposition towards doing things in great haste and if, heaven forbid, they take longer than you would prefer, you can find yourself in an instant rage. You are strong-willed, impulsive, hasty, unrestrained, and have an unpredictable temper. It is unlikely that you will keep things in, as you prefer to speak your mind, letting everyone know just what you are thinking and where they stand. However, be mindful not to become controlling over others when your moods flare up. You will likely strive to be the centre of attention or at the least, in control of the situation. You dislike having to receive aid or pity from others in any way, as you feel this comes across as a weakness. There is a probability that you will begin endeavours with zest, only to leave them incomplete when your excitement cools. You are self-sufficient, brave, and always up for an adventure. You dislike hearing others whine and grumble as you are prepared to engage whatever you encounter. It is important for you to get enough physical exercise as this allows you a positive outlet when your emotions are running high. You are often the first one to forge ahead into new undertakings. You may use your successes to hide deep rooted feelings that you are somehow not good enough.

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Mercury in Gemini

Your mind is very flexible, lively, dynamic, alert, inquisitive, and multi-talented. You absorb information from anything you come across, especially by way of written or spoken communication or through experiencing new cultures, exploring distant lands, or meeting new people. Unfortunately, you are likely to suffer from great internal tension and anxiousness that must be expended; establishing an exercise routine will help you to counter this energy. You are quick-witted and effortlessly respond with clever retort or humorous jest. You prefer doing more than one thing at a time and may try to swallow more than you can chew. Boredom can be a problem for you as you are able to comprehend even complex matters at lightning speed; once you have understood something, it is difficult to hold your attention further. A jack-of-all-trades, you possess titbits of information on a variety of different subjects, yet cannot hold your focus long enough to master any of them. You enjoy working with your hands and may not have a dominant hand preference; perhaps try playing the drums, you may find it comes easily to you. Engaging in verbal competitions of all sorts interests you. You need to watch out for a tendency towards being trivial, shallow, and insincere with others. In order to achieve success, you must learn to steady your mind and discipline your actions. Make sure to stick through with the endeavours you begin. Careers that deal with communication, articulation, persuasion, or the written or spoken word would be well suited for you, as would working in a field where you are able to change your scenery on a regular basis, perhaps traveling. Without constant variety, you are likely to quickly grow bored of the situation and therefore have a tendency to switching careers or living quarters regularly. Try to develop tolerance for those that are unable to comprehend intricate matters as easily as you do.

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Venus in Gemini

When choosing a romantic partner, you are more moved by intelligence than mere looks. You prefer someone who is an intellectual, inquisitive, clever, witty, and communicates well. Because you can lose interest quickly, you require a partner that will stimulate your mind and possibly even provide some sort of obstacle for you to untangle. You enjoy always having something exciting going on in your relationships; the more you can learn and experience, the better. Communicating, exchanging ideas, going on random adventures, and socialising with your companion are essential to your happiness in a partnership. However, you have a charming personality and are naturally flirtatious with others which can create problems if you are with a partner that tends to be more possessive and envious; these sorts of behaviours usually do not bode well with you. It is best if you are allowed freedom to interact with new people in your naturally out-going, charismatic, lively fashion. Be mindful not to break too many hearts on your way to finding the right partner, as you can tend to easily change your mind about a person quite suddenly or date multiple people at once. Commitment is difficult for you to invest in and you often enjoy the thrilling excitement of the early stages of romance more than the later stages. You are gifted in articulating yourself in all forms; writing, speaking, singing, and the like. You tend to remove yourself from your emotions and objectively analyse your feelings. If Venus is negatively aspected, you may have trouble with your lungs or the oxygen in your system.

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Mars in Pisces

You express your energy in a passive, cooperative fashion. You are likely to avoid confrontations in general, preferring to deal with issues indirectly. Being in the lime-light would only make you uncomfortable and therefore you prefer to work out of sight. Unfortunately, you will often rather lose something rather than compete for it. You are not particularly concerned with ambitious pursuits and will not engage in competition to get ahead and this can come across to others as cowardly. Being at the top is not something you would strive for and you are better suited to an assisting position, or aiding or benefiting others somehow. Realistic strategy is difficult for you and it may be a good idea to elicit help when planning ahead. Never certain what exactly it is that you want to do with your life, you wander about aimlessly in search of spiritual fulfilment. You can be quite a daydreamer with an idealistic view, possibly devoting yourself towards religion or spiritual matters. There are artistic inclinations here that can be fruitful if you are able to devote yourself to developing them. You may seem calm on the exterior, though there is a lot happening on the inside. You are also tactful and subtle with a great sense of humour and a strong intuition. However, indecision wreaks havoc in your life and you may be prone to escapism by substance abuse to avoid your duties. It is imperative that you develop self-discipline. Make an effort to create the changes you want to see in your life, do not expect life to hand them to you on a silver platter.

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Jupiter in Taurus

You strive to benefit humanity using hands-on, concrete methods and materials. As an appreciation for your efforts, you prefer to be compensated with possessions; just saying the words is not enough for you, you want something tangible. You can be quite giving if you believe sharing will bring about the circumstances you desire. With a tendency towards over-indulgence, you may need to take extra care to curb your cravings. The views you hold are not easily changed and you will usually need large amounts of hard facts before you will be convinced of anything. Disease and physical discomfort are likely to be worries for you. Material assets find their way to you, though you must be cautious about how you use them or they will prove to be troublesome for you. Weight gain may also be a challenge for you due to your appetite for tasty treats. It will be beneficial for you to learn to restrict your indulgence in sensual pleasures.

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Saturn in Sagittarius

This placement bestows a generous disposition with humanitarian efforts guided by dedicated, methodical actions, counsel, justice, and spirituality. All endeavours will be marked with honour and integrity. You are determined and self-sufficient, with great intuition and an inclination towards theoretical subjects, especially philosophy. Your achievements will mature as you do. You are a giving and dutiful person with talent in organisation as well as technical and systematic aptitude. Growth can be accomplished through self-reflection and meditative practices. Unfortunately, you may also have a tendency towards disbelieving, sarcastic, doubtful, selfish, narrow-minded, and disingenuous behaviour. Be mindful of your circulatory system, particularly in the lower half of your body; keep yourself active and make sure there is good air circulation in your bedchamber.

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The Planets in astrology symbolize ‘what’ is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The Houses in astrology are the stage. They ask the question “where?’ Where is the action? In the home, in health, in the career or in the marriage, to name a few. The Houses tell the story of where the action is happening, what type of people are involved and what sort of environment it is.

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Sun in 11th house

It is likely that your aspirations are quite high, though you either prefer for these aims to somehow be of use in a group setting or you swing to the other end and are unconcerned with what a group would desire, instead looking out for only your own wishes. It is easy for you to acquire friends in high stations. You tend to be dutiful, open-minded, and a bit of a philanthropist, preferring to achieve social acceptance than power. You have an affinity for working with groups and often take the position as leader for group events as you are an excellent coordinator.

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Moon in 9th house

You find security in your philosophies and beliefs. You tend to daydream about a life different from your own; the grass is always greener. Often thinking on the deeper meaning in life, you strive to find new ventures which propel you to go on prolonged adventures, whether these travels are mental or physical. Interested in a variety of topics and subjects, you would make an excellent educator as you can muster up heart-felt enthusiasm for the matter being discussed. It is possible that you have prophetic dreams. You are likely to be interested in a career that involves higher education, religious or philosophical studies, travelling, foreign affairs, moral values, or law. You may need to relocate to an area far from your birth place in order to succeed in your endeavours.

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Mercury in 11th house

Your mind is very versatile, flexible, and innovative, with an excellent ability to understand anything that comes your way. You tend towards intellectual pursuits and your aspirations are often achieved through your mental prowess. The social contacts that you enjoy most are those that appeal to you on a cerebral level, providing much mental stimulation. You are also likely to socialise with those more youthful than yourself, as you find these interactions exciting. Contrasting opinions are seen as a pleasant challenge rather than a threat and you enjoy these exchanges. It is probable that you will be the frontman or representative to a group or society that you are fond of.

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Venus in 10th house

Good-natured and easy going, you find popularity bestowed upon you in both your professional life as well as your personal life; people are generally attracted to your pleasant personality. You have a welcoming and affectionate way of interacting with the world, tending to promote positive energy. You inspire others to want to help you, though you must be mindful not to take advantage of this and become idle when you should be putting in your fair share of the work. You are likely talented with your voice somehow, and may use this talent for singing, speaking in public, or perhaps being involved in a career where the quality of your voice is important. This placement suggests a favourable financial situation for you.

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Mars in 8th house

You are likely to devote much energy and enthusiasm to analysing situations and discovering the truth of the matter; you want to uncover all mysteries and would make a wonderful detective. In order to balance the importance finances seem to have to you, monetary challenges are often put in place somehow. However, you may also gain in financial resources through a marriage or family legacy. There is a need to curb your wants or that which you long for, and be generous with your assets in a partnership. You may be drawn towards the subject of operation or in health restoration of some sort.

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Jupiter in 10th house

Your naturally amiable and giving nature attract success and respect into your professional or public life. Others are drawn to you and intuitively feel they may depend on you. You feel a strong sense of duty to your career and to improving yourself which will bring many advantageous opportunities to your personal life as well as to humanity in general. You have a talent for gaining people’s trust and inspire their faith in your hopes and ideas for future endeavours.

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Saturn in 5th house

This is a difficult placement in regards to your love relationships as they tend to be emotionally distant and repressive. You may find that you harbour feelings of not being appreciated enough or truly loved. You would like to be viewed more favourable by your peers but often your demeanour can stifle these social interactions; you may come across as detached and uncaring. It is important to you that others have a respect for you and you often feel tension because of this. You find that often you are only interested in pursuing things that are useful somehow; this extends to how you spend your free time. You find it very difficult to express affection and praise to your children and they may view you as oppressive. Children can feel like a heavy weight to you until you learn how to open up to them in ways other than gift giving; do not worry so much about how you are coming across and try to let convey the inner warmth you have inside.

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Uranus in 5th house

Your personal interests tend to be unconventional and divert from the norm. You are an original personality with a good ability to be inventive and imaginative. Due to a strongly independent nature, your romantic involvements tend to be difficult; you can be a bit of an unorthodox rebel when it comes to your romantic pursuits. Relationships with children may also be tense and you may find communication with them challenging; your children are often unusual in some way. You are more interested in your own pursuits than in what society may try to influence. Be careful of what others in your community may say about you as this can prove troublesome for you. This placement indicates spontaneous losses and gains. Try to be mindful about believing no wrong can come to you.

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Neptune in 5th house

You are a natural performer and have a charming stage presence as you have a great artistic ability. Idealistic and imaginative, you may sometimes be impractical. You are often seeking romantic situations that are unrealistic and your attachments tend to end suddenly with little known cause. Wearing rose-coloured glasses in regards to love relationships, you can be quite the romantic. This placement indicates that you will encounter many challenges with your offspring and your love life, sacrificing much for both, yet with little reward. Your children may necessitate special attention.

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Pluto in 3rd house

Always searching for answers and you usually find them as you have the flexible, penetrating mind of a detective. You quickly comprehend the nuances in any given situation and accurately detect people’s hidden intentions. You particularly enjoy solving problems and may do research or puzzles on your free time as a hobby. You are often probing for deeper meaning and it is important to you to decipher truth. On occasion, you will find yourself feeling rather frustrated or anxious when solutions do not come to you as quickly as they usually do. Writing down your thoughts may help you come to an understanding and release some mental anxiety; you can find this regenerating to your entire system. You may use this method to cleanse your mind as you can put the past behind you and start anew.

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The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.

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Sun in 
Cancer 16

Sabian Symbol: Square symbolism using a table and an ancient book is used by a man who studies a Mandela.
Kozminsky Symbol: High on the mountaintop, a young man receives a sword given from the heavens as he looks out over the country.

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Moon in 
Aries 30

Sabian Symbol: In a duck pond, there is seen a duck with ducklings swimming.
Kozminsky Symbol: A man is attempting to put out a raging forest fire with only one pail of water.

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Mercury in 
Gemini 25

Sabian Symbol: A gardener trims a row of magnificent tropical palm trees.
Kozminsky Symbol: From the heavens, a shining pentagram is held by a hand holding a great scroll.

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Venus in 
Gemini 15

Sabian Symbol: Two immaculately dressed native Dutch children are talking and exchanging knowledge and studying lessons together.
Kozminsky Symbol: Removing an arrow pierced in his arm, a wounded soldier completes the job. Howling nearby can be heard by a dog.

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Mars in 
Pisces 28

Sabian Symbol: Fertile fields seem alive in the shadows, even in the nightfall
Kozminsky Symbol: On an ancient book sits a black cat.

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Jupiter in 
Taurus 28

Sabian Symbol: A middle aged woman past her prime suddenly realizes that she is experiencing new love.
Kozminsky Symbol: A woman feels confused after she looks into a crystal ball and sees the reflections.

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Saturn in 
Sagittarius 29

Sabian Symbol: A fat boy decides to loose weight after it becomes difficult to mow his grass.
Kozminsky Symbol: On the road is a chariot that needs repair.

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Uranus in 
Sagittarius 29

Sabian Symbol: A fat boy decides to loose weight after it becomes difficult to mow his grass.
Kozminsky Symbol: On the road is a chariot that needs repair.

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Neptune in 
Capricorn 9

Sabian Symbol: In heaven, an angel carries a harp.
Kozminsky Symbol: With upraised hand, a veiled figure stands behind a half stepping man.

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Pluto in 
Scorpio 10

Sabian Symbol: A reunion dinner is enjoyed by a group of men.
Kozminsky Symbol: A colorful revolving star.

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Ascendant in 
Leo 18

Sabian Symbol: A professor of chemistry teaches how to conduct an experiment to his class.
Kozminsky Symbol: Within the quartz rock, two gold miners have discovered a strange metal.

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Midheaven in 
Taurus 14

Sabian Symbol: On the beach, children are playing at low tide while shellfish attempt to find shelter.
Kozminsky Symbol: A white clothed virgin surrounded by a bright star above her head, joins hands with two men about to argue.

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Can 15° 39' 49"
57' 12"
00" N
22° 31' 25" N
Ari 29° 53' 19"
13° 38' 01"
3° 31' 42" N
14° 44' 03" N
Gem 24° 31' 14"
59' 53"
2° 48' 38" S
20° 31' 18" N
Gem 14° 05' 53"
6' 49"
4° 40' 25" S
17° 51' 14" N
Pis 27° 00' 06"
29' 55"
3° 46' 19" S
4° 39' 10" S
Tau 27° 21' 39"
11' 39"
54' 43" S
18° 41' 07" N
Sag 28° 00' 55" R
- 4' 07"
1° 06' 41" N
22° 19' 01" S
Sag 28° 21' 34" R
- 2' 18"
12' 52" S
23° 38' 50" S
Cap 08° 37' 10" R
- 1' 36"
59' 35" N
22° 10' 19" S
Sco 09° 48' 12" R
- 25"
16° 14' 43" N
41' 46" N
Can 01° 30' 05"
5' 30"
5° 37' 41" S
17° 48' 25" N
Vir 06° 04' 15"
6' 39"
59' 39" N
10° 12' 37" N
True Node
Pis 16° 07' 06" R
- 1' 48"
00" N
5° 28' 38" S
P. of Fortune
Gem 01° 49' 36"
Sag 22° 11' 22"
Leo 17° 36' 06"
Vir 12° 15' 45"
Lib 11° 04' 55"
Sco 13° 28' 09"
Sag 16° 43' 33"
Cap 18° 20' 58"
Aqu 17° 36' 06"
Pis 12° 15' 45"
Ari 11° 04' 55"
Tau 13° 28' 09"
Gem 16° 43' 33"
Can 18° 20' 58"
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
True Node
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