Birth Chart: Anthony Goldwire (Virgo)
Anthony Goldwire (born September 6, 1971) is an American former professional basketball player who played in the NBA and other leagues. Born in West Palm Beach, Florida, he played for the University of Houston and was drafted by the Phoenix Suns in the 2nd round (52nd overall) in 1994.
Born at West Palm Beach FL, USA
Monday, September 06, 1971
12:00 (time zone = GMT -4 hours)
80w03, 26n42
If the planets symbolize the forces and energies that happen in different situations, then the aspects between the planets symbolize how these energies work together and integrate with each other. There are challenging and easy aspects between the planets and it is up to the individual to choose how they are going to utilize the aspect energies for a positive outcome. The aspects between planets are said to speak to each other. Depending on which planets are aspecting each other and the rest of the natal chart, will determine which planet is dominate and which is not in the aspect between them. But ultimately it is up to the individual to decide how they are going to use the aspects of planets in their chart with their free will, in a meaningful and productive way.
You are spontaneous, responsive, and innovative with an active vitality and ability to make confident decisions with ease. The mundane daily schedule of life is unappealing to you and if forced to endure this monotonous ordeal day in and day out, you are likely to feel trapped. You need something to be happening, something new and different, especially if it is a type of activity where you can express your agility and well-timed pace; relaxation may be a challenge for you as you require being constantly active. Much of your energy may come from the high-strung nerves you possess and the internal restlessness you feel regularly. You strive to be a part of projects that require reforming a system or changing tradition somehow. Highly self-sufficient, you dislike having to answer to anyone and need a great deal of space to get into whatever tickles your fancy at the moment. You are often the leader in whatever endeavours you start on, providing inspirational guidance to those working with you. However, you are not one to listen when others try to advise you; you feel you must go through the situation yourself to comprehend it fully and then come to your own conclusions and observations, even if this can be destructive at times. Previous life karma is good and you have been able to keep your temper and impulses relatively balanced. Continue on the path you have started in your past; your intuitive nature serves you well. You can be rebellious when given instruction, however you also sense when it is important for you follow without causing issue. Though you work to create change, you are keen to observe when the price of change may be too high. You have a magnetic personality that draws others to you and when you lead, you do not do so because you are power-hungry but rather because you have great insight into what is likely to happen and how best to maneuver the situation to succeed. Often your life is full of unexpected and rather strange circumstances, though you do not mind having to handle them as you are always up for enhancing your abilities.
You have many aspirations that spill into an array of different subjects. You are hopeful, idealistic, and imaginative. The notions that come into your mind are often on a grand scale. At times you may find yourself unable to follow through on the promises you have made, due to being overly positive about your capabilities or the circumstances at hand. You are talented in sales and advertising. Aiding others is something you strive for, though people may abuse your good-will as your emotions can run high and you may too easily empathise with someone who is down on their luck. You feel that humanity is connected as a whole and what affects one person, affects the entirety. Benefits come to you from unknown places though they may also be lost by deception, rumours, or indulgence. Staying positive regardless of the circumstances is natural to you, though be sure to keep grounded. You have a strong belief that upcoming situations will be for the best, but you must be mindful to stay practical and not falsely believe the circumstances are more glorious than they really are. You are giving, compassionate, and caring, and are likely to feel a pull towards the spiritual realm.
You have a warm demeanour and other people tend to think fondly of you. You are charismatic, tender, caring, compassionate, pleasant, and always willing to lend a helping hand. You try to be mindful of other peoples emotions. There is a gift for creativity of some form and you tend to avoid conflict or confrontations, preferring to keep things agreeable. A lovely atmosphere is essential to you and you take pride in the way you look personally as well. Luck seems to follow you as good experiences tend to be drawn to you and whatever you require just seem to come to you. You strive for a pleasant, relaxing, and lavish environment as you feel it is essential to your happiness. The place you live must be beautiful. You are not one for manual labour. There is a strong interest in artistic pursuits. You rarely feel lonely as it is easy for you to attract others due to your out-going and friendly nature. You enjoy expressing your affections but only feel comfortable doing so if the other person is demonstrative as well. Your words are like honey and you know exactly what to say to get on someones good side; be mindful that you do not use this gift selfishly as manipulation comes far too easily to you.
You usually possess a positive attitude, though this can be expressed as an extreme. You commit to things that you are unable to see through to the end. Many of the tales you tell are amped up so as to create a larger impact. You are unlikely to believe in religion due to not being able to wrap your head around the matter. You prefer working on a grand scale and leaving the details to someone else. There is an almost obsessive habit of going back again and again to make sure you did something like close the window or put the phone on the charger. You have a tendency towards over-doing things in general as you instinctively feel that if something is good, adding more of it will only make it even greater. You can be close-minded about views that differ from your own. You often ignore the fine print in favour of the big picture and many times this can cause trouble for you in the future. It would do you well to try to keep your visions grounded, as you are likely to overemphasise and misjudge a promising new concept. You do not mean to cause any harm, you simply get over-excited and this can create problems for you. There are so many new concepts, visions, and dreams spinning around in your mind and you find it a challenge to pick one and go with it. In addition, you may find yourself completely engrossed in a foolish endeavour. Mentally you are strongly interested in topics related to abstract theories and spiritual or philosophical matters.
Despite some of the above, you are often successful in business as you seem to have a natural knack for it. Your abundance of fresh concepts and ability to take risk aids you in these ventures. Travelling is particularly appealing to you and you enjoy being introduced to fresh information and new forms of understanding. You may try your hand as an educator due to your appreciate for knowledge and your enthusiasm for conveying what you have learned to others. However, it is important that you develop enough self-restraint to sort through your troubles thoroughly before making a move as you have a habit of impatiently hurrying your work with less-than-perfect results as a consequence; this can even be seen in your often illegible writing style. At times your ideas are too far-fetched and unrealistic to be put into practice. Although, this attitude of yours does keep you from being judgemental of other people. Even with a mind as unique as your own, you have trouble with remembering things sometimes and can be a bit of a space-cadet. There is possibility of being gifted in the written or spoken word. You need to be particularly mindful of becoming so enthralled by a situation that you are unable to think clearly and accurately; make sure your assumptions are correct before you act on them. You are talented in pulling something from one area and successfully connecting it to another area that was seemingly unrelated. Be careful who you trust as there are those that would take your kindness for granted and use you for all that you are worth. In addition, taking some time to think before you speak will help you overcome a tendency towards rambling on and over-explaining when something could be said more simply and cohesively.
You have a vivid imagination and can easily dream up interesting concepts, though transferring these concepts into something concrete can prove difficult for you. Others may view you as scatter-brained and stuck in the clouds. Visionary potential can be very powerful, but potential is meaningless if you cannot get the concepts off of the ground. Learn to control your mind in a way that allows you to move forward with implementation of the fantastical world youve created.
If reality seems too harsh, you will change the current situation in your head to resemble what you wish to be real and then replay this scenario mentally until you believe it as true. There is a tendency towards escapism that needs to be watched for, particularly in regards to substance abuse, as this will make your troubles worse instead of better. It is important for you to look your demons in the eye, as they will only grow stronger until you do.
You have trouble remembering things sometimes and can come across as a space-cadet. It is not your intelligence that is in question, only that you are often in your own world and it would do you well to visit us on this planet every so often. Clarity of thought is not easy for you to come by and communicating your thoughts or feelings proves even more difficult. Often when you try to explain yourself, you do so in a fashion that only confuses others further. Using art as a form of communication may actually help you convey what you cannot say verbally. If you focus yourself enough, you will find a way to express your message. It is also within your character to purposefully try to fool people. Focusing on anything beyond your own world up in the clouds can be challenging for you and will require discipline.
You tend to go from one extreme to another and are either completely gullible or refuse to give weight to anything that hasnt been extensively proven to you. Unfortunately, your perception is often muddled and therefore your deductions are inaccurate at best. You have a very vivid, action imagination and are often talented in various forms of art. Instinctively you are able to comprehend what others often miss and you have an uncanny sense of who people really are with very little to go on. The same is true of circumstances that you are involved with. Subjects that are mysterious hold your fascination though you need to be mindful of getting involved with destructive mystical situations, for instance calling forth on dark spirits or hypnosis. Scientific material is also likely to be of interest. It can be difficult for you to decipher what is real from what is not, though you must do your best in this regard as you can be easily tricked by what you think you see. If you are unable to do this, others may perceive you as dishonest when the truth is that you believe your own lies. Try to channel your active imagination into creative ventures and leave the fantasies to live in your projects instead of the real world. Traditional methods of education are unlikely to work for you as you need to gather your information through unconventional means, usually learning through soaking in what is around you. Having direct experience or coming into contact with someone who has direct experience in a subject is more likely to make an impact on you than trying to make sense of the words you see in books. You may have a gift in creative writing, particularly having to do with visualisations and telling stories. Your environment affects you deeply and therefore it would be best if you were careful in where you go and who you surround yourself with; you absorb whatever energy you come into contact with.
You possess a talent for leadership in aiding others to improve their situation, whether this be their living situation or their spiritual one. You are highly moral by nature and this draws people to you. Coordinating others comes easily to you as does strategy. It is likely that you will transform any group that you lead. Your past life bestowed you with acceptance towards others beliefs and values, you are humble in your approach. You quickly decipher what is morally correct and what is not, lending to an ability to thoroughly comprehend when a transformation is in order. You find pleasure assisting in the task of attaining important aspirations, yours or someone elses. Insightful and giving, you have a gift for seeing to the truth of the matter and read people and circumstances accurately and swiftly. You are also particularly empathetic towards others and the troubles they encounter.
Resilience, dedication, perseverance, and working hard allow you to achieve challenging feats. You are able to sync idealistic characteristics with realism. The challenges you encounter allow you to demonstrate your endurance when circumstances get particularly difficult; a great deal of spiritual development is likely to arise due to these difficulties. Different, unconventional, uncommon, and maybe even odd matters will attract your motivations. Rather unique individuals are thrust into your world in order to allow you opportunities to learn and expand your consciousness. You are capable of finding equilibrium between your need for independence and your obligations, enabling you to achieve incredible acts. You are detail-oriented and have a knack for organising which contribute to your success and allow you to aid others. There is an abundance of internal tension that may need to be minded as this can have a negative effect on your physical health; find a way to unwind and reduce your stress levels.
Those born in your generation have the ability to be of aid to humanity as a whole. Let your intuition guide you in assisting others.
You are controlled and patient, able to persevere through difficult times and put forth a great deal of effort to attain your goals. You endure where others would falter. Innately, you understand that nothing worth having is given without some sort of sacrifice and you are willing to invest your time and energy fully when you have committed to an endeavour. The things you strive for are firmly held in reality and you will usually approach them in a systematic, organised fashion. Highly ambitious, you would make an excellent leader and administrator. However, you are most comfortable working out of the lime-light and produce the best results when on your own. You have a good head on your shoulders though you may sometimes work at a slower pace than others. This slower work pace is likely due to you not wanting to miss any details in your work. Anything you start on, you intend to go the distance. Be careful not to become resentful from holding in your frustrations; find a way to express these upsets to those that have caused them and then let them go. You are a good mix of daring yet cautious. In your past life, you were able to find equilibrium between what you wanted in the moment and your duties. Socialising is difficult for you as you are usually a bit distant with others. Despite your ambitions, you are not power-hungry but rather just wish to do a good job.
It is likely that you attempt to evade your duties and all that you are afraid of. This inclination may lead you towards escapism via substance abuse or other means that can provide an outlet. You may be afraid of what you do now know, an end to your existence, or of a higher power. It is imperative that you face the things you are afraid of directly, as this is the only way to surpass them. Do not disregard the issues in your life, expecting that they will somehow disappearthey wont. The more you suffer the more you will learn to submit to the course fate has put before you, the more you give in to this the more likely you will be to reach enlightenment and redemption.
There is a good chance that you place too much value on acquiring material or monetary assets which can blind you to the things that truly matter. Ponder the tale of the one who gained the world yet lost his soul and re-evaluate what you feel is significant. Money does not buy true happiness, though this lesson may not come easily to you.
You doubt other peoples intentions, unable to trust most. This innate distrust may have been due to previous life karma involving matters in which you were betrayed somehow, losing your material assets and social status due to having cared too deeply for others or believing in them too faithfully. These sorts of difficulties occur to show us how insignificant monetary assets are and that we should instead focus our attention on doing the right thing regardless of what we gain out of it. It would be beneficial for you to appreciate the things you have but be able to lose them when necessary. Let go!
This position may also prompt ambiguity, misconception, false pride intellectually, and deceitful scams. Your motivation may be lost without you knowing the cause. Your escapist tendencies may also influence you in this way. It is possible that in a previous life you had used power as a leader in a way that was cruel and selfish. If you act selflessly, karma will see to it that you are treated well.
You have a tendency towards being self-centred, emotionally reserved, unconcerned with the feelings of others, afraid, worrying, and self-doubting. You are ambitious, willing to do anything to achieve your aims. Exhibiting caution, you carefully, dutifully wade through life, never skirting your responsibilities. Life is a serious business to you and you work yourself harder than you should at times; attempt a less sombre approach and it might surprise you. Rather than trying something new, you enjoy engaging in what you are accustomed to. You often feel as though you are inadequate, causing you to be lonely and insecure. Anything you attempt to succeed at must be bought with due diligence; you will spend a long while working towards your goals before they are achieved. Interruptions may postpone your plans often, unfortunately. You may also have trouble with the paternal parental figure in your life or people who are in charge. This placement can create considerable challenges for you, however it does bestow you with perseverance and the ability to wait as long as is needed to achieve your goals. It would be beneficial for you to learn how to be giving to others without looking for something in return. Past life karma insists that you act in kindness and generosity in this lifetime, as you had been too self-interested and uncaring in the past. Fate is forcing you to develop ways to work with others in a caring manner.
In addition to the above, you must find a way to conquer your critical nature. You expect nothing less than perfect from yourself and other people, causing you to criticise yourself sternly when you fall short in any way. Try to be a little more realistic in your expectations as they are often not possible to achieve. Your high expectations create a lot of tension and irritability for you. Sometimes you believe that other people are trying to limit you, when the truth is that you are subconsciously drawing in these negative situations to teach you that you must practice tolerance and ease up on yourself and other people. The intent of your tribulations is to show you that you do not need to take life so seriously.
The Planets in astrology symbolize what is being addressed. They behave as actors in a production. What is happening on stage? The signs in astrology are the way that the actors behave on stage. They ask the question how? How is the planet motivated? How are they living their life, in their highest good or in their shadow? The signs describe in detail how the actor might react, behave or conduct themselves.
Virgos have a strong need to keep their lives orderly, pure, and flawless. They tend to be quiet, efficient, diligent, dutiful, trustworthy, selective, prompt, exacting, thoughtful, and shy with a great talent for analysing all they come across (learn about compatibility with Virgo here). Virgos are reasonable and grounded, superb workers with high attention to detail. However they can also be difficult, cold, overly particular, negative, self-focused, and cynical, with a darker sense of humour and may be prone to melancholic mood swings. Virgos are often at their best when they are involving themselves in work that allows them to use their analytical abilities in the field of technology, caretaking, or any work with detailed tasks. They do not mind others taking the leading roles, as they are more concerned with providing quality service to people.
Virgos have an active mind, always questioning and searching for answers to their many curiosities. They enjoy problem solving, studying peoples behaviour, and examining their environment carefully. Virgos are adept at remembering even the things others may find insignificant. They prefer to keep active either physically or mentally, as they require new stimulation; lack of interesting new data and experiences can cause tension for a Virgo and they are known for being rather anxious.
When a Virgo makes a commitment, they keep it; their word is their bond. They are excellent administrative coordinators and proficient in maintaining an orderly environment. Virgoans have an innate fondness for organisation and tranquillity. They are hard on themselves to keep things just right and this tendency extends to others as well. If they are unable to find this perfection, a Virgo will become irritable and pick people apart for lacking whatever quality they believe the person should possess.
Virgos may be fretful as they are often looking for the ideal and trying to improve things. Even when something has been completed, they will think back on how it could have been made better. Unfortunately, this sort of worrying can impact their physical state, sometimes affecting their digestive track; keeping themselves optimistic will have a positive effect on their health. They can be prone to creating problems where there are none, especially with their health. However, most of the time their health is just fine as they tend to be on the lookout for ways to improve it. It is important for a Virgo to have time during the day to reflect and relax from all of their mental activity, regardless their age, and they do tend to age well.
A Virgo may find it challenging to convey their innermost feelings to another. Though they can be independent creatures, they enjoy having someone to care for and someone to show small, thoughtful acts of kindness to.
Your views are strongly held and you convey them with enthusiasm and flare. The things you believe in are important to your self-identity. You enjoy telling stories and communicate in a caring, engaging, charming, and capable manner; you are a great entertainer. Much of your showmanship is laced with dramaticism and you have signature flair when conveying your talents. You are decisive and artistically innovative; teaching may be an option for you. Confident in your cognitive abilities, others may find you arrogant at times. Try to be mindful of presenting yourself as more than you are, as well as being too fixed in your own exaggerated opinion of yourself; not every act of amusement needs to be praised. It would be best for you to try to be respected for your mental capabilities, rather than your purely entertaining, though perhaps shallow, endeavours. You would do well in politics, leading a team, public representative, or instructing others in some way.
You are patiently loyal to those you love, giving and helpful whenever you are needed. You tend to express your affection through acts of kindness rather than through words or some sort of extravagant romantic gesture. Something about being too emotionally open makes you uncomfortable and youd prefer to be more reserved in your expressions. There may be insecurity that you are unattractive or unlovable somehow. Your own doubt causes you to become fault-finding in your significant other and difficult to please. Beware that you do not wait so long for the elusive perfect partner that you waste your chances at happiness with someone real. You expect your environment to be neat and organised. Developing a way to aid others can help you to counter your tendency to complain and criticise. Despite these tendencies, you are gentle, compassionate, and kind which allows you to do well in professions where you are caring for others.
Your drive is conveyed in unusual and innovative ways. The way in which you conduct matters can be purely brilliant. You are ingenious, methodical, alternative, and at times defiant. Being part of a team can appeal to you while you are working. Socialising in general is important to you and you prefer larger gatherings with people who share your views and influences. You are egalitarian, interested in advancing, and do not mind sharing power with others. Fresh ideas and uncommon approaches to getting things done while at work are likely to attract you. You are full of energy, though this energy can be sporadic and you may need to work on projects when you feel a surge rather than consistently, one step at a time. This irregularity can cause you to become tense and intolerant when trying to attain your goals. You tend to be careful, self-sufficient, inventive, uninhibited, with an eye for intelligent pursuits. A sense of urgency and ability to keep calm under pressure, allows you to do well during crisis situations. Science and technology are likely to interest you as well, especially in movies and stories. You often feel the need to act out against any rules or regulations, as well as authority figures; it would be beneficial for you to learn to minimise this tendency. At times you may also come across as argumentative, antagonistic, quarrelsome, and contradictory.
You are a diligent, effective worker and possess good executive abilities. You are capable and will pull out all of the necessary stops to accomplish the goals you have set for yourself. Brave with immense internal fortitude, though you tend to keep your secrets to yourself. People are irresistibly pulled towards you. Assertive, passionate, and independent would describe your character. Mentally, you can be very energised and productive. However, there is a tendency towards over-indulging in sensual pleasures, including extravagant cuisine, and this may create many problems and health challenges for you. You are likely fascinated by the mystical realm. A skill in healing others may develop. Channel your drive towards enlightenment and benefiting mankind as a whole, possibly through philosophical means.
Mentally you are rather serious and intentional, with great ability to focus. You are an excellent coordinator and easily decipher complex situations while finding realistic resolutions to whatever difficultly is presented to you. Acquiring knowledge is something you thoroughly enjoy spending your time on. However, you must be mindful of a tendency towards pessimistic, overly sceptical, and gloomy thinking. Anxiety may become an issue for you and there seems to always be sensitivity with your lungs or trouble with oxygen in the system. Take care to keep the air circulating in your bedchamber. The influences of Saturn in this placement will stabilise the typical fickle behaviours of Gemini and allow you to be more mentally balanced. Saturn in Gemini can be very beneficial though you must try to stay positive about what may come to pass. To achieve success, it is necessary for you to cultivate a more systematic way of thinking and behaving.
The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic declarations that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the astrological zodiac chart wheel, starting at Aries degree number 1 and finishing with Pisces degree number 30. They were created by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, circa 1925 in San Diego, California. In modern times, they are commonly used by astrologers in order to deeply understand the significance of planets that are occupying a particular degree of the zodiac.
Sabian Symbol: On a sheet of parchment paper is drawn a family tree.
Kozminsky Symbol: There is a large black seal on an old and torn document thats crinkled up.
Sabian Symbol: Endless rows a small birds chirp to one another while sitting on branches of one large tree.
Kozminsky Symbol: Stormy waters receive streams of oil falling from mid-air.
Sabian Symbol: The earth is rumbling and lava is flowing from an eruption of a volcano.
Kozminsky Symbol: Resting his head on his left hand at his desk, an astrologer is researching a natal chart.
Sabian Symbol: An allegorical painting portrays different staircases that graduate upward.
Kozminsky Symbol: A table with letters, a book and a manuscript near a woman who nurses an injured dove.
Sabian Symbol: At Halloween, the children have an excuse for continued pranks.
Kozminsky Symbol: Out of the heavens appears a hand holding scales, while Venus sparkles below.
Sabian Symbol: A well from ancient times still produces the purest and coldest water and stands near the shade of majestic trees.
Kozminsky Symbol:
Sabian Symbol: Children blow soap bubbles at a birthday party.
Kozminsky Symbol: A handsome man attempts to charm a woman in a dark blue outfit as she enters a convent, she does not allow this.
Sabian Symbol: Retired military men relive old memories.
Kozminsky Symbol: With an anchor above her, a nun struggles to walk through a storm.
Sabian Symbol: A seeker of knowledge reads an ancient scroll in order to gain enlightenment.
Kozminsky Symbol: In the starry sky, a crescent moon shines bright.
Sabian Symbol: A woman rises out of the water and a seal appears. The seal is enveloping her.
Kozminsky Symbol: A fireball exploding over a rainbow.
Sabian Symbol: Standing before the council, an Indian chief claims his power.
Kozminsky Symbol: Rising out of the earth is an armed man.